Chapter: Nervous System

Contraction of skeletal muscle is initiated by Ca++ binding to:

A. tropomyosin
B. myosin
C. actin
D. troponin C
E. troponin I
Answer» D. troponin C

The stretch reflex in skeletal muscle:

A. is a feedback reflex aimed at maintaining muscle length
B. is a polysynaptic reflex
C. maintains muscle strength at various levels of muscle strength
D. is not elicited in the knee jerk which occurs after tapping
E. none of the above are true
Answer» A. is a feedback reflex aimed at maintaining muscle length

Excitary amino acids in the brain are:

A. glutamate and GABA
B. GABA and glycine
C. glutamate and glycine
D. glycine and aspartate
E. glutamate and aspartate
Answer» E. glutamate and aspartate

The opioid δ receptor is involved in:

A. analgesia
B. respiratory depression
C. miosis
D. dependence
E. all of the above
Answer» A. analgesia

With regard to contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. contraction involves the release of K+ from the terminal cisterns
B. relaxation involves the release of Ca2+ from troponin
C. prior to contraction, increase Na+ and K+ conduction occurs in the end-plate membrane
D. relaxation involves cessation of the interaction between actin and myosin
E. contraction involves inward spread of depolarisation along T tubules
Answer» A. contraction involves the release of K+ from the terminal cisterns

Regarding nerve fibres:

A. type C myelinated fibres in the dorsal root conduct impulses concerning pain and temperature
B. type A α unmyelinated fibres conduct impulses concerning proprioception
C. type A β unmyelinated fibres conduct impulses concerning light touch
D. type A γ unmyelinated fibres conduct impulses to muscle spindles
E. type B myelinated fibres are located in preganglionic autonomic region
Answer» E. type B myelinated fibres are located in preganglionic autonomic region

With regard to chemoreceptors, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. the medullary chemoreceptors respond to a change in blood pCO2
B. the medullary chemoreceptors respond to blood (H+)
C. the predominant peripheral chemoreceptors are located in the carotid and aortic bodies
D. the peripheral chemoreceptors respond to pO2
E. the peripheral chemoreceptors respond to blood (H+)
Answer» B. the medullary chemoreceptors respond to blood (H+)

In the autonomic nerve system, β antagonism results in:

A. constriction of the renal vasculature
B. decreased velocity of conduction in the atrioventricular node
C. decreased velocity of conduction in the HIS/Purkinje system
D. decreased ventricular contractility
E. increased insulin and glucagon secretion
Answer» E. increased insulin and glucagon secretion

The reticular activating system:

A. has depressed conduction during anaesthesia
B. is located in the pons
C. is a simple collection of parallel nerve fibres
D. has no input from the cranial nerves
E. is electrically isolated from the cerebral cortex
Answer» A. has depressed conduction during anaesthesia
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