
190+ Regulatory Framework for Companies Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


A company is called an artificial person because

A. it does not have the shape of a normal man.
B. it cannot be sued in the court of law.
C. it is invisible and intangible.
D. it exists only in contemplation of law.
Answer» D. it exists only in contemplation of law.

The ‘common seal’ of the company should have

A. the company’s name.
B. the words ‘corporate seal’.
C. the place of the company.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Power to use official seal of the company outside India is to be authorized by.

A. article of association.
B. memorandum of association
C. both memorandum and article of association.
D. central government.
Answer» A. article of association.

A company comes into legal existence as a person on.

A. approval by company law tribunal to commence business.
B. approval by central government as being a bonafide company.
C. acceptance of legal documents by the registrar for its incorporation.
D. issue of certificate of incorporation by the registrar of companies.
Answer» D. issue of certificate of incorporation by the registrar of companies.

The word ‘Limited’ can be dropped from a company’s name only when.

A. the company is formed for promotion of commerce, art, science, religion, charity or any other useful object.
B. the company prohibits the payment of dividends.
C. both (a) and (b).
D. the central government deems it fit.
Answer» C. both (a) and (b).

A public company can be called as a body corporate after it.

A. receives certificate of commencement of business.
B. issues prospectus.
C. receives certificate of incorporation.
D. receives approval from the registrar for the proposed name of the
Answer» C. receives certificate of incorporation.

A registered company is the company which is incorporated.

A. under the companies act, 1956.
B. by a special notification of the central government.
C. under the indian registration act.
D. by a special act of parliament or state.
Answer» A. under the companies act, 1956.

The minimum number of members required to form a ‘public Company’ is.

A. 2.
B. 7
C. 10
D. 50
Answer» B. 7

The minimum and maximum number of members in a private company are.

A. 7 and 50.
B. 2 and 50.
C. 3 and 100.
D. 2 and unlimited.
Answer» B. 2 and 50.

Converting a public company into a private company requires a special resolution.

A. passed by the members and with sanction of the central government.
B. passed by the members and approved by the registrar of companies.
C. passed by the members and approved by the company law tribunal.
D. passed by the members and approved by the auditors.
Answer» A. passed by the members and with sanction of the central government.

In which of the following conditions, a company will be reckoned a foreign company?

A. if the company is established outside india and has a place- of business in india.
B. a company incorporated outside india having shareholders who are all indian citizens and having its business outside india.
C. a company incorporated in india but having all foreign shareholders.
D. both (a) and (b).
Answer» A. if the company is established outside india and has a place- of business in india.

Legal position of a promoter of a company is.

A. that of an agent.
B. that of a trustee.
C. that of a solicitor.
D. in a fiduciary capacity.
Answer» D. in a fiduciary capacity.

A company is said to have been registered when?

A. it files memorandum of association and articles of association.
B. it gets incorporation certificate with the registrar of companies.
C. it gets certificate for commencement of business.
D. it actually starts its business.
Answer» B. it gets incorporation certificate with the registrar of companies.

A private Limited company commences business.

A. at any time.
B. after obtaining the certificate of incorporation.
C. after obtaining the certificate to commence business.
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. after obtaining the certificate of incorporation.

Certificate of commencement of business is not required by.

A. a public company.
B. a private company.
C. both public and private companies.
D. private company subsidiary to a public company.
Answer» B. a private company.

The companies (Amendment) Act , 2000 provides new section 292 A for constitution of audit committees by every public company having a paid- up capital of.

A. rs.10 lakh or more.
B. rs. 50 lakh or more.
C. rs.1 crore or more.
D. rs.50 million or more.
Answer» D. rs.50 million or more.

An Audit Committee may include.

A. auditors.
B. company secretary.
C. non- executive directors.
D. all.
Answer» D. all.

Which of the following reports included clause 49 in the listing agreement.

A. sabhanayagam report.
B. kumaramangalam birla report.
C. narasimham report.
D. l.c. gupta report.
Answer» B. kumaramangalam birla report.

Audit committee shall act in accordance with the terms of reference to be specified by.

A. statutory auditors.
B. sebi.
C. board of directors.
D. central government.
Answer» C. board of directors.

The Statutory Auditors of the company are appointed by.

A. share holders in annual general meeting.
B. board of directors.
C. company law boa
Answer» A. share holders in annual general meeting.

Remuneration Committee is made up of.

A. independent directors.
B. executive directors.
C. auditors.
D. investors.
Answer» A. independent directors.

Executive Directors are those directors who.

A. are men from outside the board.
B. occupy management position.
C. are independent directors.
D. elect the board committee.
Answer» B. occupy management position.

The company agrees that the remuneration of non- executive directors shall be decided by.

A. board of directors.
B. company.
C. share holders.
D. central government.
Answer» A. board of directors.

An Article constitutes a contract between.

A. the company and its members.
B. the members and outsiders.
C. the company and the outsider.
D. all the above.
Answer» A. the company and its members.

Name of a company can be changed by.

A. an ordinary resolution.
B. a special resolution.
C. an approval of the central government.
D. a special resolution and with approval of the central government.
Answer» D. a special resolution and with approval of the central government.

Change of registered office of a company from one place to another in the same city requires.

A. board resolution.
B. special resolution.
C. ordinary resolution.
D. special resolution with central government approval.
Answer» A. board resolution.

Article of Association can be altered by.

A. a resolution of board of directors.
B. an ordinary resolution in annual general meeting by the shareholders.
C. a special resolution.
D. obtaining permission of the company law tribunal.
Answer» C. a special resolution.

A change in the registered office of the company from one state to another can be effected by.

A. a resolution of the board of directors.
B. a resolution passed in the general meeting of the company.
C. a special resolution of the company and approval of the central government.
D. a special resolution and confirmation of the company law tribunal.
Answer» D. a special resolution and confirmation of the company law tribunal.

The charter of a company is its.

A. prospectus.
B. memorandum of association.
C. certificate of incorporation.
D. articles of association.
Answer» B. memorandum of association.

A document which lays down the fundamental conditions upon which the company is allowed to form is called.

A. memorandum of association.
B. article of association.
C. prospects.
D. certificate of incorporation.
Answer» A. memorandum of association.

The alteration of the Memorandum has to be certified by the Registrar.

A. within 45 days.
B. within 15 days.
C. at his own time provided the company satisfies his queries in this respect.
D. within 30 days.
Answer» D. within 30 days.

Memorandum of Association does not include.

A. subscription clause.
B. capital clause.
C. liability clause.
D. assets clause.
Answer» D. assets clause.

‘Shelf prospectus’ means a prospectus issued by.

A. any trading company.
B. any industrial company.
C. any financial institution or banks.
D. any existing company whose shares are listed on a recognized stock exchange.
Answer» C. any financial institution or banks.

The ‘Golden Rule’ for framing of a prospectus was laid down in the case of.

A. royal british bank.
B. rex vs kylsant.
C. new brunswick & canada rly. & land co. vs muggeridge.
D. derry vs peek.
Answer» C. new brunswick & canada rly. & land co. vs muggeridge.

The document which invites the public for subscribing capital in the form of shares and debenture is called.

A. memorandum of association.
B. article of association.
C. prospectus.
D. legal announcement.
Answer» C. prospectus.

Which of the documents is not filed to the registrar at the time of incorporation?

A. memorandum.
B. article of association.
C. consent of the director.
D. prospectus.
Answer» D. prospectus.

A prospectus may contain a statement purporting to be made by an expert. The term “expert” includes.

A. an engineer.
B. a valuer.
C. an accountant and any other person whose profession gives authority to a statement made by him.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

The most important clause in the Memorandum of Association of a company is.

A. name clause.
B. registered office clause.
C. objects clause.
D. liability clause.
Answer» C. objects clause.

Who has certain remedies for misstatement in the prospectus against the company and the persons issuing the Prospectus?

A. a person who has applied for shares in the company and who has been allotted shares.
B. a buyer of shares in the open market.
C. a subscriber to the memorandum.
D. all the above.
Answer» A. a person who has applied for shares in the company and who has been allotted shares.

The prospectus must be issued within ………………… after the date on which a copy thereof has been delivered for registration.

A. 30 days.
B. 60 days.
C. 90 days.
D. 120 days
Answer» C. 90 days.

Every prospectus

A. has to be dated.
B. need not be dated as per the provisions of law.
C. can be dated depending upon the requirements of the boa
Answer» A. has to be dated.

The exception to the doctrine of constructive notice is provided in

A. lifting the corporate veil.
B. doctrine of ultra vires.
C. doctrine of indoor management.
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. doctrine of indoor management.

Any document filed with the registrar will be deemed to have been read and understood by all those who deal with the company. It is as per the doctrine of.

A. constructive notice.
B. indoor management.
C. public notice.
D. ultra vires.
Answer» A. constructive notice.

The Doctrine of indoor management provides protection to.

A. the board of directors.
B. the shareholders.
C. the managing directors.
D. outsiders.
Answer» D. outsiders.

The doctrine of constructive notice protects the interest of.

A. the company.
B. the shareholders.
C. the creditors.
D. the debtors.
Answer» A. the company.

When an act is performed or a transaction is carried out, which though legal in itself, is not authorized by the objects clause in the Memorandum or by Statute, it is said to be.

A. ultra vires the powers of the company.
B. intra vires the powers of the company.
C. ultra vires the powers of the company.
D. ultra vires the implied authority.
Answer» A. ultra vires the powers of the company.

An act of a director which is intra vires the Memorandum and ultra vires the Articles of Association.

A. cannot be ratified by the company.
B. must necessarily be ratified by the company.
C. may be ratified by the company.
D. is void ab inito.
Answer» C. may be ratified by the company.

Doctrine of constructive notice is related to.

A. memorandum of association.
B. articles of association.
C. memorandum of association and articles of association both.
D. neither memorandum of association nor articles of association.
Answer» C. memorandum of association and articles of association both.

A person is disqualified from being appointed as a director of a company if.

A. he has applied to be adjudged insolvent.
B. he is of unsound mind.
C. he is an undischarged insolvent.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

A person cannot be a director of more than …………… as per the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000.

A. 5 companies.
B. 10 companies.
C. 15 companies.
D. 20 companies.
Answer» C. 15 companies.

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