490+ Surveying Solved MCQs


The reduced level of a point on the ground is called

A. spot level
B. spot height
C. either (a) or (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. either (a) or (b)

If a chain is used at a temperature

A. equal to
B. lower than
C. higher than
Answer» C. higher than

The curve of varying radius is known as

A. simple curve
B. compound curve
C. reverse curve
D. transition cruve
Answer» D. transition cruve

Two theodolite method of setting out a curve involves

A. linear measurements only
B. angular measurements only
C. both linear and angular measurements
D. none of these
Answer» B. angular measurements only

A fixed point of reference of known elevation is called

A. change point
B. station point
C. bench mark
D. datum
Answer» C. bench mark

The correction to the measured length will be negative when the chain is held on the ground sloping upwards.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

When the object lies on the left hand side of the chain line, then while taking offset with an optical square, it is held in

A. left hand upside down
B. right hand upside down
C. left hand upright
D. right hand upright
Answer» D. right hand upright

A method of differential levelling is used in order to find the difference in elevation between two points when

A. they are too far apart
B. there are obstacles between them
C. the difference in elevation between them is too great
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A metallic tape is made of an alloy of nickel and steel.

A. True
B. False
Answer» B. False

When a staff is sighted through the telescope, a certain length of staff is intercepted by the stadia lines. The staff intercept varies with the distance at which the staff is held.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

With a simple vernier, readings can be taken in one direction only.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

In railway and highway works, the method of measuring the

A. direct angles
B. deflection angles
Answer» B. deflection angles

The contour interval of any survey is inversely proportional to the scale of the map.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The angle of field of the telescope

A. is independent of the size of the object galss
B. increases as the size of the eye piece increases
C. decreases as the distance between eye piece and object increases
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

For accurate work, the lengths of back sight and fore sight are kept unequal.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The plane table surveying is

A. most suitable for preparing small-scale maps
B. particularly advantageous in magnetic areas
C. less costly than a theodolite survey
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The line in which the plane passing through the given point and the north and south poles intersects the surface of the earth, is called

A. arbitrary meridian
B. magnetic meridian
C. true meridian
D. none of these
Answer» C. true meridian

A scale used for measuring fractional parts of the smallest division of the main scale is known as vernier scale.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

To the sum of the first and last ordinates, add twice the sum of the remaining odd ordinates and four times the sum of all the even ordinates. The total sum thus obtained is multiplied by one-third of the common distance between the ordinates and the result gives the required area. This rule of finding the area is called.

A. mid-ordinate rule
B. trapezoidal rule
C. average ordinate rule
D. Simpson's rule
Answer» D. Simpson's rule

A surface which is normal to the direction of gravity at all points, as indicated by a plumb line, is known as

A. datum surface
B. leverl surface
C. horizontal surface
D. vertical surface
Answer» B. leverl surface

The error in measured length due to sag of chain or tape is known as

A. positive error
B. negative error
C. compensating error
D. instrumental error
Answer» A. positive error

When the latitudes and departures are so adjusted that the algebraic sum of the latitudes and departures are equal to zero, the operation is called

A. balancing the latitude
B. balancing the departure
C. balancing the traverse
D. none of these
Answer» C. balancing the traverse

In plane tabling, the instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical distances directly, is known as

A. plane alidade
B. telescopic alidade
C. tacheometer
D. clinometer
Answer» B. telescopic alidade

When the whole circle bearing of a traverse line is between 90? and 180?, then

A. the latitude is positive and departure is negative
B. the departure is positive and latitude is negative
C. both the latitude and departure are positive
D. both the latitude and departure are negative
Answer» B. the departure is positive and latitude is negative

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A series of closed contour lines on the map indicates a depression if the higher values are inside
B. A series of closed contour lines on a plane indicates a hill if the higher values are outside.
C. The uniformly spaced contour lines indicates a plane surface.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Chain surveying consists of the arrangement of framework of triangles because a triangle is the only simple plane figure which can be plotted uniquely if

A. three sides
B. three angles
C. one side and two angles
D. one angle and two sides
Answer» A. three sides

The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is

A. 50 to 100 km2
B. 100 to 200 km2
C. 200 to 250 km2
D. more than 250 km2
Answer» D. more than 250 km2

The horizontal distance between any two consecutive contours is called

A. vertical equivalent
B. horizontal equivalent
C. contour interval
D. contour gradient
Answer» B. horizontal equivalent

When the effect of refraction is taken into account in levelling, the true staff reading is obtained by subtracting the correction for refraction from the observed staff reading.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

A vertical line at any point is a line normal to the level surface at the point.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

A stadia telescope, in a tacheometer, is fitted with

A. two additional vretical hairs
B. two additional horizontal hairs
C. all of these
Answer» B. two additional horizontal hairs

In route surveys, the most suitable method of contouring is

A. by squares
B. by radial lines
C. by cross-sections
D. by tacheometer
Answer» C. by cross-sections

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The magnetic meridian coincides with the true meridian at all the places
B. The magnetic meridian does not vary from place to place on the earth's surface.
C. The magnetic declination at a place is constant.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The direct angles may have any value between

A. 0? and 90?
B. 0? and 120?
C. 0? and 180?
D. 0? and 360?
Answer» D. 0? and 360?

When the length of a chord is less than the peg interval, it is known as

A. small chord
B. short chord
C. sub-chord
D. normal chord
Answer» C. sub-chord

The fundamental requirement of the spiral curve is that its radius of curvature at any point shall vary inversely as the distance from the beginning of the curve.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The deflection angle may be directly obtained by setting the instrument to read

A. 0?
B. 90?
C. 180?
D. 270?
Answer» A. 0?

If x is the smallest division on the main scale and n are the number of divisions on the vernier, then the least count of the vernier is

A. x + n
B. x - n
C. x x n
D. x ? n
Answer» D. x ? n

A line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines, is called a

A. check line
B. tie line
C. base line
D. none of these
Answer» B. tie line

The degree of the curve is the angle subtended by a chord of

A. 15 m
B. 20 m
C. 25 m
D. 30 m
Answer» D. 30 m

The length of peg interval for flat curves is

A. 15 m
B. 20 m
C. 25 m
D. 30 m
Answer» D. 30 m

A staff reading taken on a point whose elevation is to be determined as on a change point is called.

A. fore sight reading
B. back sight reading
C. intermediate sight
D. none of these
Answer» A. fore sight reading

When the position of a point is to be located accurately by a perpendicular offset, the direction of perpendicular is set out by means of

A. theodolite
B. optical square
C. dumpy level
D. planimeter
Answer» B. optical square

The height of instrument is equal to

A. reduced level of bench mark + back sight
B. reduced level of bench mark + fore sight
C. reduced level of bench mark + intermediate sight
D. back sight + fore sight
Answer» A. reduced level of bench mark + back sight

The tachemometric method of contouring is particularly suitable

A. when a contoured map of hill is required
B. when the area is not very extensive
C. in surveys of roads or railways
D. all of these
Answer» A. when a contoured map of hill is required

The method of surveying in which field work and plotting work are done simultaneously, is called

A. compass surveying
B. levelling
C. plane tabling
D. chain surveying
Answer» C. plane tabling

The operation of turning the table so that all the lines on the paper are parallel to the corresponding lines on the ground, is called

A. levelling
B. centering
C. setting
D. orientation
Answer» D. orientation

A line joining the apex of a triangle to some fixed point on the opposite side is called a

A. check line
B. tie line
C. base line
D. none of these
Answer» A. check line

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The error in measured length due to bad ranging is compensating error.
B. If the chain used in measuring a distance is too short, the error is positive error.
C. The error in measured length due to careless holding of chain is cumulative error.
D. When the pull applied while measuring with a tape, is more than the standard pull for that tape, the error in measured length is positive.
Answer» B. If the chain used in measuring a distance is too short, the error is positive error.

The contour lines can cross one another on map only in the case of

A. a vertical cliff
B. a valley
C. a ridge
D. an overhanging cliff
Answer» D. an overhanging cliff

In order to measure a horizontal angle more accurately than a vernier, a

A. method of repitition is used
B. method of reiteration is used
C. method of deflection angles is used
D. method of double observations is used
Answer» A. method of repitition is used

An axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a horizontal plane, is called

A. horizontal axis
B. vertical axis
C. axis of the level tube
D. line of collimation
Answer» B. vertical axis

A simple circular cruve is designated by the

A. radius of the curve
B. cruvature of the curve
C. angle subtended at the centre by a chord of any length
D. angle subtended at the centre by a chord of particular length
Answer» D. angle subtended at the centre by a chord of particular length

A check line in a chain surveying

A. checks the accuracy of the framework
B. enables the surveyor to locate the interior details which are far away from the main chain lines
C. fixes up the directions of all other lines
D. all of the above
Answer» A. checks the accuracy of the framework

In a duadrantal system, the bearing of a line is measured

A. always clockwise from the south point of the reference meridian towards the line right round the circle
B. clockwise or anticlockwise from the east or west whichever is nearer the line towards north or south
C. clockwise or anticlockwise from the north or wouth whichever is nearer the line towards east or west
D. none of the above
Answer» C. clockwise or anticlockwise from the north or wouth whichever is nearer the line towards east or west

An arbitrary surface with reference to which the elevation of points are measured and compared, is called

A. datum surface
B. level surface
C. horizontl surface
D. vertical surface
Answer» A. datum surface

The error in measured length due to incorrect holding of chain is

A. compensating error
B. cumulative error
C. instrumental error
D. negative error
Answer» A. compensating error

At the equator, the amount of dip is

A. 0?
B. 45?
C. 60?
D. 90?
Answer» A. 0?

A transition curve when inserted between the tangent and the circular curve

A. should meet the original straight tangentially
B. should meet the circular curve tangentially
C. the rate of increase of curvature along the transition curve should be same as that of increase of super-elevation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

An imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the level at the centre of the tube is called

A. horizontal axis
B. vertical axis
C. axis of the level tube
D. line of collimation
Answer» C. axis of the level tube

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The distance measured parallel to the north-south line is called latitude of the line.
B. The distance measured parallel to the east-west line is called departure of the line.
C. The latitude is positive when measured downward or southward.
D. The departure is negative when measured to the left or westward.
Answer» C. The latitude is positive when measured downward or southward.

The traversing by the method of deflection angles is chiefly used in

A. canals
B. highways
C. railways
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The magnification of a telescope is the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the virtual image of the object to that subtended by the object.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

If any closed traverse, if the survey work is correct, then

A. the algebraic sum of latitudes should be equal to zero
B. the algebraic sum of departures should be equal to zero
C. the sum of northings should be equal to the sum of southings
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The image produced by the telescope will be dull, if it has

A. dull
B. bright
Answer» B. bright

The magnetic bearing of a line is 55? 30v and the magnetic declination is 4? 30' west. The true bearing of a line will be

A. 30?
B. 34? 30
C. 49?
D. 51?
Answer» D. 51?

The line of collimation should be

A. vertical
B. horizontal
Answer» B. horizontal

In indirect method of contouring, the best method of interpolation of contours is

A. by graphical method
B. by estimation
C. by arithmetical calculation
D. all of these
Answer» C. by arithmetical calculation

When (h) is the difference in heights between the extremities of a chain length (l), then the correction for slope required is

A. h / l
B. h2 / l
C. h2 / 2l
D. h / el
Answer» C. h2 / 2l

The instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle in order to measure the distance travelled, is called

A. passometer
B. pedometer
C. odometer
D. speedometer
Answer» C. odometer

An average length of a pace is

A. 60 cm
B. 80 cm
C. 100 cm
D. 120 cm
Answer» B. 80 cm

When the curve is to be set out over a rough ground, the method used is

A. Rankine's method
B. two theodolite method
C. tacheometric method
D. either (b) or (c)
Answer» D. either (b) or (c)

The capability of showing small angular movements of the level rube vertically, is called its sensitivity.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

The difference between the sum of the angles of a apherical triangle on the earth's surface and the angles of the corresponding plane triangle for every 195.5 km2 of area is only

A. 1 second
B. 5 second
C. 10 second
D. 15 second
Answer» A. 1 second

Rise and fall method is used in.

A. profile levelling
B. differential levelling
C. check levelling
D. none of these
Answer» C. check levelling

The plotting of small areas which can be commanded from a single station, is usually done on the plane table by the method of

A. radiation
B. intersection
C. traversing
D. resection
Answer» A. radiation

In the surveying telescopes, cross hairs are fitted in

A. centre of the telescope
B. optical centre of the eye piece
C. front of the eye piece
D. front of the objective
Answer» C. front of the eye piece

A line normal to the plumb line at all points is known as

A. horizontal line
B. vertical line
C. level line
D. line of collimation
Answer» C. level line

A back sight indicates the

A. shifting
B. setting up
C. height
Answer» B. setting up

in measuring horizontal angles, the theodolite should be turned

A. clockwise from the forward station to the back station
B. clockwise from the back station to the forward station
C. anticlockwise from the forward station to the back station
D. anticlockwise from the back station to the forward station
Answer» B. clockwise from the back station to the forward station

According to Lehman's rule of plane tabling

A. the distance to the point sought from each of the three rays is proportional to the distance of the three known points from the instrument station
B. when the instrument station is outside the great circle, the point sought is always on the same side of the ray drawn to the most distant point as the intersection of the other two rays
C. when looking in the direction of the reference points, the point sought is on the same side of each of the three rays
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The brightness of the image

A. is directly proportional to
B. is inversely proportional to
C. varies directly as the square of
D. varies inversely as the square of
Answer» D. varies inversely as the square of

An angle between the inclined line of sight and the horizontal is called

A. direct angle
B. vertical angle
C. horizontal angle
D. deflection angle
Answer» B. vertical angle

The longest of the chain lines used in making a survey is generally regarded as a base line.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The line of collimation must be parallel to the horizontal axis.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» B. No

The horizon glass in an optical square is

A. wholly silvered
B. wholly unsilvered
C. one-fourth silvered and three-fourth unsilvered
D. half silvered and half unsilvered
Answer» D. half silvered and half unsilvered

In a prismatic compass, the zero of the graduated ring is located at

A. north end
B. south end
C. east end
D. west end
Answer» B. south end

In tachcometric method of setting out a curve, no chain or tape is used.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

The axis of bubble tube must be perpendicular to the vertical axis.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

When the length of offset is 20 m, it is called

A. short
B. long
Answer» B. long

When the centres of the arcs lie on the opposite sides of the common tangent at the junction of the two curves, it is known as a

A. simple curve
B. vertical curve
C. compound curve
D. reverse curve
Answer» D. reverse curve

The contour interval

A. should be constant
B. need not be constant
Answer» A. should be constant

When several contours coincide, it indicates

A. a vertical cliff
B. a valley
C. a ridge
Answer» A. a vertical cliff

The instrument, belonging to a class of reflecting instrument, is

A. line ranger
B. box sextent
C. prismatic compass
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The positive error makes the measured distance

A. less than
B. more than
Answer» B. more than

The object of introducing a transition curve at each end of the circular curve is

A. to obtain a gradual increase of curvature from zero at the tangent point to the specified quantity at the junction of the transition curve with the circular curve
B. to provide a satisfactory means of obtaining a gradual increase of super-elevation from zero on the tangent point to the specified amount on the main circular curve
C. to accomplish gradually the transition from the tangent to the circular curve and from the circular curve to the tangent
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above
Question and answers in Surveying, Surveying multiple choice questions and answers, Surveying Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Surveying, Surveying MCQs with answers PDF download