90+ Tourism Principles and Practices Solved MCQs


________________ is the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services.

A. ayurveda
B. tourism
C. bungee jumping
D. entertainment
Answer» B. tourism

The famous traveler who wrote air travel experience in ancient time

A. alexander
B. marco polo
C. benjamin
D. ibnu batuta
Answer» D. ibnu batuta

Travelling for the purpose of learning about cultures or aspects of cultures is

A. ethnic tourism
B. vfr
C. mass tourism
D. cultural tourism
Answer» D. cultural tourism

Tourism that consists of travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with specific objectives of studying , admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals as well as any existing cultural manifestations

A. wild life tourism
B. rural tourism
C. eco tourism
D. adventure tourism
Answer» C. eco tourism

Eco-Tourist is interested to visit a destination where there is

A. rich wildlife wealth
B. unique wildlife species
C. relatively unspoilt natural environment
D. dense forest
Answer» C. relatively unspoilt natural environment

Who are the targets of a tourist spot that is located at great heights

A. children
B. women
C. adventure tourists
D. business tycoons
Answer» C. adventure tourists

Which of the following is not an element of tourism?

A. bread and biscuits
B. scenic attractions
C. historical factors
D. amenities
Answer» A. bread and biscuits

The word Tourist was derived from the Latin word__________.

A. tornus
B. trident
C. toijour
D. none of these
Answer» A. tornus

Which is the most expensive type of tourism?

A. green tourism
B. cruise tourism
C. space tourism
D. wedding tourism
Answer» C. space tourism

Name the first space tourist.

A. thomas cook
B. dennis tito
C. dennis martin
D. none of these
Answer» B. dennis tito

Tourism is economically significant because it generates _______________ and __________________.

A. happiness and satisfaction
B. income and employment
C. health and safety
D. none of these
Answer» B. income and employment

IATA stands for

A. international air transport association
B. indian air transport association
C. indonesian air transport association
D. none of these
Answer» A. international air transport association

Which of the following travelers was appointed as the qazi or judge of Delhi by the Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

A. al-biruni
B. mahmood of gaznavi
C. both a & b
D. ibn-batuta
Answer» D. ibn-batuta

“Travels in the Mughal Empire” is an account of which of the following travellers to India?

A. albiruni
B. abdur razzaq samarqandi
C. berneir
D. ibn battuta
Answer» C. berneir

Excursionist means

A. a person who stays less than 24 hours in the country visited.
B. a person who stays more than 24 hours in the country visited.
C. a person who covers a reasonably large distance within the country of his residence.
D. a person who stays 1 year atleast in the country visited.
Answer» A. a person who stays less than 24 hours in the country visited.

Internal tourism includes

A. domestic & inbound tourism
B. inbound tourism
C. domestic tourism
D. outbound tourism
Answer» A. domestic & inbound tourism

When a visitor travels in his country of residence, he is a _____________ visitor

A. domestic
B. international
C. inbound
D. out bound
Answer» A. domestic

A person who travels on foot is known as

A. pouching
B. way tarer
C. cosmopolitan
D. none of these
Answer» A. pouching

The national tourism policy was drafter in

A. 1997
B. 1998
C. 2000
D. 1996
Answer» A. 1997

A person who moves from one location to another is known as ________________

A. tourist
B. traveler
C. inbound tourist
D. out bound tourist
Answer» B. traveler

A person who is travelling a place for pleasure is known as

A. tourist
B. traveller
C. inbound tourist
D. none of these
Answer» A. tourist

A country is mainly benefited from tourism by the _____________

A. tourist expenditure
B. tourist travel
C. accommodation
D. none of these
Answer» A. tourist expenditure

Selling tourism services through multiple choice is called

A. market penetration
B. dual distribution
C. yield management
D. pyramid marketing
Answer» B. dual distribution

Which of the flowing tourism service suppliers has been the most aggressive in marketing through direct distribution channels?

A. hotels
B. rental car companies
C. airlines
D. cruise ships
Answer» C. airlines

Tourism sector creates more _________ opportunities

A. job
B. fund raising
C. profit making
D. attractive
Answer» A. job

Availability of trained _____________is essential for tourism.

A. manpower
B. candidates
C. caterers
D. hoteliers
Answer» A. manpower

Tourism creates impact on _________.

A. individual
B. family
C. culture
D. community
Answer» C. culture

Sustainable Tourism aims to provide maximum protection to local ________________

A. farming and vegetation
B. transportation
C. people & their livelihood
D. commuters commuting
Answer» C. people & their livelihood

_____Approach of tourism do not consider interest of the Local Community.

A. boosterism
B. economic
C. sustainable
D. physical spatial
Answer» A. boosterism

Island Tourism Festival is being held at which city?

A. port blair
B. colombo
C. diu
D. none of the above
Answer» A. port blair

______________ may be defined as requirement of various tourism products (Goods & services) at a particular place or market in a given time period.

A. tourist
B. tourism demand
C. cruise tourism
D. multiple demand
Answer» B. tourism demand

_____________ refers to all those individuals, who have potential to undergo any tour but they have delayed their plan due to some reasons.

A. potential demand
B. deferred demand
C. creative demand
D. future demand
Answer» B. deferred demand

______________ refers to all those people, who can undergo tours but are not utilizing any tourism product because of lack of motivation and sufficient information.

A. active demand
B. future demand
C. potential demand
D. suppressed demand
Answer» D. suppressed demand

Sunlust means

A. a desire to travel and enjoy sunny places.
B. a desire to enjoy natural resources.
C. a desire to travel unexplored places.
D. a desire to travel abroad.
Answer» A. a desire to travel and enjoy sunny places.

Which is not a Psychological indicator in tourism?

A. motivational atmosphere for tourism activities.
B. family structure and support.
C. marital status.
D. cultural exploration.
Answer» D. cultural exploration.

Its goal is blend tourism activities with the environment and local culture of an area.

A. mass tourism
B. envirotourism
C. ecotourism
D. extreme tourism
Answer» C. ecotourism

In which of the following basic categories can business environment be divided?

A. local and regional
B. regional and national.
C. internal and external
D. financial and nonfinancial
Answer» C. internal and external

The potentially negative social and cultural impact of tourism does not include:

A. encouragement of urbanization and emigration
B. increase in health risk
C. encouragement of cultural conversation
D. loss of cultural authenticity
Answer» C. encouragement of cultural conversation

This is NOT one of the examples of social impacts of tourism:

A. resentment of tourists by the host community
B. crime
C. prostitution
D. economic imbalance
Answer» D. economic imbalance

The common feature between travel and tourism is

A. both are synonyms
B. the action of movement.
C. same origin
D. none of the above
Answer» B. the action of movement.


A. indian union of official travel organizations
B. international union of official travel organizations
C. international union of official travel observers
D. international unity of open travel organizations
Answer» B. international union of official travel organizations

____________ is a form of tourism focuses on exploration the study of culture and traditions of indigenous populations.

A. eco tourism
B. ethno tourism
C. cultural tourism
D. ecological tourism
Answer» B. ethno tourism

Poverty Tourism is also known as __________

A. dark tourism
B. doom tourism
C. slum tourism
D. ecotourism
Answer» C. slum tourism

______ Tourism is usually the tourism at the places which are towards extinction or are potentially endangered.

A. doom
B. poverty
C. dark
D. disaster
Answer» A. doom

________ is nature-based tourism that involves education and interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable.

A. ecotourism
B. cultural
C. ethno tourism
D. ecological
Answer» A. ecotourism

________ is an outdoor activity consisting of walking in natural environments, often in mountains and other terrain.

A. hiking
B. driving
C. skiing
D. scuba driving
Answer» A. hiking

____________ products are created by man for the pleasure, leisure or business.

A. cultural tourism
B. archaeological
C. man-made tourism
D. ecotourism
Answer» C. man-made tourism

ITDC means

A. indian traveler development corporation
B. indian tourism development corporation
C. international tourism development corporation
D. indian tourism development company
Answer» B. indian tourism development corporation

The full form of UNWTO is:

A. united nations welfare and tourism organization
B. united nations world tourism organization
C. united nations welfare and travel organization
D. none of the above
Answer» B. united nations world tourism organization

Who is the Secretary General of UNWTO?

A. zurab pololikashvili
B. zhu shanzhong
C. manuel butler halter
D. harold goodwill
Answer» A. zurab pololikashvili

WTTC headquarters is located at:

A. london
B. madrid
C. quebec
D. paris
Answer» A. london

Where did the first meeting of WTTC held?

A. london
B. madrid
C. quebec
D. paris
Answer» D. paris

PATA was founded in the year:

A. 1951
B. 1952
C. 1971
D. 1972
Answer» A. 1951

Ministry of Tourism (India)was formed in the year:

A. 1951
B. 1967
C. 1956
D. none of the above
Answer» B. 1967

Which among the following is not a function of Ministry of Tourism (India)?

A. infrastructure & product development
B. research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation international co-operation and external assistance
C. approval and classification of hotels and restaurants.
D. recruitment of staff for various tourism institutes.
Answer» D. recruitment of staff for various tourism institutes.

Which country enjoys a permanent seat on executive council of UNWTO?

A. spain
B. france
C. germany
D. portugal
Answer» A. spain

The PATA Travel Mart was first launched in:

A. bangkok
B. manila
C. singapore
D. new delhi
Answer» B. manila

What is the full form of IATA?

A. international air trade association
B. international air transport association
C. interline air transport association
D. interline air trade association
Answer» B. international air transport association

What is the official slogan of KTDC?

A. god’s own country
B. official host to god's own country
C. official host of god’s own country
D. none of the above
Answer» B. official host to god's own country

Which among the below is the first step during policy formulation?

A. decision making
B. evaluation and review
C. setting policy agenda
D. implementation stage
Answer» C. setting policy agenda

The Government of India, realizing the need for a national tourism policy, announced the first Tourism Policy in:

A. 1962
B. 1972
C. 1982
D. 1992
Answer» C. 1982

When Ministry of Tourism (India) did unveiled second Tourism Policy?

A. 2001
B. 2011
C. 2002
D. 2012
Answer» C. 2002

Countries where most of our tourists come from is referred to as:

A. destination markets
B. source markets
C. market segmentation
D. marketing areas
Answer» B. source markets

This is an example of a social benefit of tourism

A. local people looking after the environment
B. local people being employed in tourism businesses
C. local people become entrepreneurs
D. local people preserve and protect their culture.
Answer» D. local people preserve and protect their culture.

In which Five Year Plan Tourism became a part of the Indian Planning?

A. first five year plan
B. second five year plan
C. third five year plan
D. fourth five year plan
Answer» A. first five year plan

The IATA has divided the world in how many Traffic Conference areas?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 3

Tourism is a business activity which requires;

A. long-term planning
B. medium-term planning
C. short-term planning
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The group set by the Planning Commission of India to suggest possible recommendations for increasing the share of the FTA.

A. tourism fta group
B. tourism working group
C. tourism planning group
D. tourism increasing group
Answer» B. tourism working group

ITDC was established under the MoT in the Year;

A. 1956
B. 1966
C. 1976
D. 1986
Answer» B. 1966

Which among the below is not an International Tourism Organization?

A. wttc
B. taai
C. pata
D. uftaa
Answer» B. taai

Which among the below is not a GDS?

A. galileo
B. amtrak
C. worldspan
D. amadeus
Answer» B. amtrak

An example for negative impact of tourism is;

A. employment generation
B. displacement effect
C. higher gdp growth
D. poverty alleviation
Answer» B. displacement effect

An example for positive economic impact of Tourism is;

A. balance of payment
B. pressure on resources
C. inflation
D. none of the above
Answer» A. balance of payment

The maximum ability of the local community to absorb the inflow of people for a period of time is referred to as:

A. cultural sustainability
B. social sustainability
C. economic sustainability
D. none of the above
Answer» B. social sustainability

If the value of tourist spending is less than the value of imports necessary to supply the front-line service providers, it is called;

A. inflation
B. leakage
C. ripple effect
D. recession
Answer» B. leakage

Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities is called;

A. eco-tourism
B. responsible tourism
C. sustainable tourism
D. alternative tourism
Answer» C. sustainable tourism

RT Mission, the nodal agency formed by the Government of Kerala, was launched in the year;

A. 2015
B. 2016
C. 2017
D. 2018
Answer» C. 2017

The ‘triple-bottom-line’ mission envisaged by RT Mission, Kerala does not include;

A. economic responsibilities
B. cultural responsibilities
C. social responsibilities
D. environmental responsibilities
Answer» B. cultural responsibilities

The tiger Reserve ‘Nagarjuna – Srisailam’is located in;

A. karnataka
B. kerala
C. andhra pradesh
D. telangana
Answer» C. andhra pradesh

Which one is not a skiing resort?

A. manali
B. gulmarg
C. auli
D. shimla
Answer» D. shimla

According to Getz and Hall, which one of the following is not a part of the Five approaches of Tourism planning at destination level?

A. boosterism
B. industry-oriented approach
C. cultural approach
D. sustainable approach
Answer» C. cultural approach

TATA Airlines was renamed as Air India in the year;

A. 1948
B. 1952
C. 1954
D. 1949
Answer» A. 1948

Which one of the following is a pact of adventure tourism?

A. swimming
B. bowling
C. bungee jumping
D. chess
Answer» C. bungee jumping

Which one of the following is a travel motivator?

A. booking an order
B. bomb blasts in bali
C. imposition of heavy excise duty on gold import
D. none of these
Answer» A. booking an order

------------ tourism involves people travel within the country

A. domestic tourism
B. international tourism
C. inbound tourism
D. outbound tourism
Answer» A. domestic tourism

---------------- year national committee on tourism formulated a comprehensive plan for achieving a sustainable growth in tourism

A. 1982
B. 1987
C. 1986
D. 1988
Answer» D. 1988

The national strategy for promotion of tourism was drafted in --------------- year

A. 1991
B. 1996
C. 1992
D. 1988
Answer» B. 1996


A. union minister of tourism
B. chief minister of tourism
C. tourism secretary
D. none of these
Answer» C. tourism secretary

The headquarters of IATA is in:

A. manila
B. montreal
C. london
D. none of these
Answer» B. montreal

Which one of the following is not correctly stated?

A. eco tourism is an important form of nature based tourism.
B. eco tourism is community oriented and driven.
C. eco tourism is government led and private sector controll
Answer» C. eco tourism is government led and private sector controll

CRS stands for

A. computer reservation system
B. customer reservation system
C. consumer reservation system
D. computer reservation software
Answer» A. computer reservation system

Which of the following is NOT a National Park?

A. kaziranga
B. gir
C. eravikulam
D. parambikkulam
Answer» D. parambikkulam

World Tourism Day was observed on _________

A. 27th september
B. 7th august
C. 25th september
D. 14th july
Answer» A. 27th september

The famous church Basilica of Bom Jesus is located in_____________

A. kerala
B. pondicherry
C. nagaland
D. goa
Answer» D. goa

Pollution is a_______________ problem

A. social
B. ecological
C. economic
D. all of the above options
Answer» A. social
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