90+ Trends in Indian Historiography Solved MCQs


Who among the following is the author of Silent Spring?

A. ramachandra guha
B. rachel carlson
C. john muir
D. j. c. kumarappa.
Answer» B. rachel carlson

Who wrote the book Economy of Permanence?

A. m.k.gandhi
B. sundarlal bahuguna
C. j.c. kumarappa
D. k.m.munshi
Answer» C. j.c. kumarappa

In which year the Chipko Movement began?

A. 1970
B. 1982
C. 1992
D. 1973
Answer» D. 1973

In which year the Government of India liberalised its economy?

A. 1995
B. 1991
C. 1969
D. 1951
Answer» B. 1991

Project Tiger was launched in the year

A. 1973
B. 1965
C. 2004
D. 1999
Answer» A. 1973

According to C.A.Bayly, groups having allegience to a powerful patron is called

A. subaltern
B. subgroup
C. connexions
D. contributors
Answer» C. connexions

According to the Cambridge interpretation, the roots of politics lay in

A. localities like district, the municipality, the village.
B. intellectual forums
C. consciouness of the people
D. history
Answer» A. localities like district, the municipality, the village.

Who is the author of The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century

A. john gallaghar
B. ronald robinson
C. anil seal
D. gordon johnson
Answer» C. anil seal

Who among the following is associated with Cambrodge School of Histroiography?

A. ranajith guha
B. r.s. sharma
C. anil seal
D. rachel carlson
Answer» C. anil seal

Who are the subaltern?

A. any people with hegemonic power
B. any person of south asian descent
C. people relegated to inferior rank or status
D. historians
Answer» C. people relegated to inferior rank or status

In which year the firsr edited volume of subaltern studies came out?

A. 1982
B. 1987
C. 1996
D. 2001
Answer» A. 1982

Subaltern studies first appeared as a revision of the historical narratives of which country?

A. afghanistan
B. vietnam
C. india
D. chile
Answer» C. india

Who is the author of the book An Introduction to the Study of History ?

A. d.d.kosambi
B. r.s.sharma
C. romila thapar
D. james mill.
Answer» A. d.d.kosambi

Who is the author of The Agrarian System of Mughal India ?

A. irfan habib
B. d.n.jha
C. r.s.sharma
D. romila thapar.
Answer» A. irfan habib

GHG stands for

A. green house grant
B. green house gas
C. geographical house grant
D. green hosting gear
Answer» B. green house gas

According to Aryan Invasion Theory, where did the Aryans initially settled in India?

A. bihar
B. punjab
C. gujarat
D. u.p
Answer» B. punjab

According to Aryans, the indegenous people of india were

A. rakshasa
B. dasas and dasyus
C. dravida
D. kshatriya
Answer» B. dasas and dasyus

Which among the following was regarded as a form of wealth during the vedic age?

A. gold
B. vedas
C. cattle
D. land.
Answer» C. cattle

Which among the following languages is not a member of Indo­european category?

A. english
B. italian
C. german
D. tamil
Answer» D. tamil

Who coined the term Hydraulic civilisations?

A. karl marx
B. e. h. carr
C. karl wittfogel
D. arnold toynbee.
Answer» C. karl wittfogel

Which among the following is true about a Hydraulic Society?

A. societies with lucid social bonds
B. societies based on large scale irrigation
C. liberal society
D. society inclined towards criminality
Answer» B. societies based on large scale irrigation

Which historian brought out the interdisciplinary method to study ancient indian history?

A. r.c. majumdar
B. d.d. kosambi
C. r.s.sharma
D. d.n.jha
Answer» B. d.d. kosambi

According to D.D.Kosambi, interpretation of myths is , in order to study early cultures.

A. unnecessary
B. irrelevant
C. necessary
D. a burden
Answer» C. necessary

Who wrote Urban Decay in India?

A. r.s.sharma
B. ranajith guha
D. n.jha d. romila thapar
Answer» A. r.s.sharma

Who is the author of Asoka and the Decline of Mauryas ?

A. bipan chandra
B. r. c. majumdar
C. romila thapar
D. satish chandra
Answer» C. romila thapar

which of the following distinguish the Vedic Aryans form the Indus people?

A. belief in supernatural powers
B. cultivation of land
C. domestication of animals
D. use of iron
Answer» D. use of iron

Mandala IX of Rigveda is dedicated to which God?

A. soma
B. agni
C. indra
D. varuna
Answer» A. soma

When was the Asiatic Society of Bengal was formed?

A. 1784
B. 1788
C. 1885
D. 1761
Answer» D. 1761

Author of Harshacharita ?

A. harsha
B. kalidasa
C. bana bhatta
D. vagbhata
Answer» C. bana bhatta

Who among the following is a nationalist historian?

A. k. p. jayaswal
B. irfan habib
C. bipan chandra
D. d. n. jha
Answer» A. k. p. jayaswal

Which historian among the following was a member of Indian Civil Services?

A. r.c. majumdar
B. r. c. dutt
C. irfan habib
D. d. n. jha
Answer» B. r. c. dutt

The Indus Valley Civilisation is a civilisation.

A. iron age
B. palaeolithic
C. bronze age
D. mesolithic
Answer» C. bronze age

Who is the father of Indology?

A. james mill
B. jonathan duncan
C. william bentick
D. anil seal
Answer» A. james mill

What was the nationality of max muller?

A. french
B. english
C. german
D. polish
Answer» C. german

Who is the author of Asoka: The Buddhist Emperor of India?

A. william jones
B. alexander cunningham
C. v. a. smith
D. herman hesse
Answer» C. v. a. smith

Feristha serves as a historian under the . a. Khiljis b. Lodis c. Mughals d. Adil Shahis. 37. who wrote the Vikramangadevacharita ?

A. kalhana
B. sudraka
C. bilhana
D. atula.
Answer» D. atula.

Which Magadhan ruler is known as Amitrochates ?

A. samudragupta
B. bindusara
C. asoka
D. chandragupta
Answer» B. bindusara

who is the author of Pritvirajavijaya?

A. kautilya
B. jayanaka
C. amarasimha
D. kalhana
Answer» B. jayanaka

Who is known as the “father of qawwali”?

A. ferishta
B. amir khusro
C. al­ beruni
D. ibn batuta.
Answer» D. ibn batuta.

Author of Gendering Caste through a feminist Lens is

A. romila thapar
B. uma chakravarti
C. annie besant
D. sarojini naidu
Answer» B. uma chakravarti

The Indus people achieved maximum amount of standardization in

A. pottery
B. seals
C. sculpture
D. bricks
Answer» D. bricks

How many times did the term Jana occur in Rigveda?

A. 275
B. 300
C. 250
D. 400
Answer» A. 275

The sulva sutras deal with

A. medicine
B. astronomy
C. geometry
D. chemistry
Answer» C. geometry

The origin of Indian music can be traced into .

A. rigveda
B. samaveda
C. atharvaveda
D. yajurveda
Answer» B. samaveda

Who was the Vice President of the International Commission for s History of the Scientific and cultural development set up by UNESCO ?

A. r. c. majumdar
B. irfan habib
C. r. c dutt
D. satish chandra.
Answer» A. r. c. majumdar

Which one of the following vedic tribal assemblies involved in the selection of the tribal chief?

A. sabha
B. samiti
C. vidata
D. gana
Answer» B. samiti

The Rig, yajur, sama vedas are together known as

A. samhita
B. sruti
C. trijana
D. tri veda
Answer» D. tri veda

Which of the Vedas is partly in verse and partly in prose?

A. rig
B. sama
C. yajur
D. atharva
Answer» C. yajur

Whose work is Shudras in Ancient India ?

A. romila thapar
B. r. s. sharma
C. ranajit guha
D. kancha illaiah
Answer» B. r. s. sharma

Which of the following regions were not known to even the later vedic people?

A. the kaveri delta
B. the two seas
C. the entire gangetic valley
D. the vindhyas
Answer» A. the kaveri delta

Which of the following falls into the category of quasi­histroy?

A. ballads
B. epics
C. annals of rulers
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The 'logographers” are associated with

A. indian historiography
B. cambridge historiography
C. greek historiography
D. nationalist historiography
Answer» C. greek historiography

Who called Heradotus the father of history?

A. cicero
B. thucydides
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» A. cicero

Author of The early History of Deccan

A. r. g. bhandarkar
B. r. c. majumdar
C. neelakants sastri
D. e. sreedharan
Answer» C. neelakants sastri

Aryans cleared the forests in the initial stages using

A. copper axe
B. iron axe
C. fire
D. animals. 57.who is the author of historical work the cholas?
Answer» C. fire

Who is the founder of the Nanda dynasty?

A. dhana nanda
B. mahapadma nanda
C. mahipala
D. marthanda
Answer» B. mahapadma nanda

“Abundance of source material and absence of histories “ is told about

A. ancient indian history
B. greek hisory
C. chinese history
D. roman history
Answer» A. ancient indian history

Who is the author of Mrichakatika

A. bharavi
B. sudraka
C. bhasa
D. bana bhatta.
Answer» B. sudraka

Thervada is a branch associated with

A. jainism
B. hinduism
C. buddhism
D. islam
Answer» C. buddhism

Which sect of Bhudhism flourished in Ceylon?

A. mahayana
B. hinayana
C. vajrayana
D. mahayana and hinayana equally flourished
Answer» A. mahayana

Which of the following languages were patronised by the jainas to preach their doctrines?

A. prakrit
B. sanskrit
C. dravidian
D. pali
Answer» A. prakrit

The place were Bhudha was enlightened

A. kundagrammam
B. deer park
C. gaya
D. none
Answer» C. gaya

One of the most important kings who followed Buddhism

A. chandra gupta
B. ashoka
C. bindusara
D. none
Answer» B. ashoka

Lumbini the place at which Bhudha was born is located in

A. nepal.
B. bihar
C. sikkim
D. west bengal
Answer» A. nepal.

.The earliest of the Vedas

A. rig veda
B. yajur veda
C. sama veda
D. atharva veda
Answer» A. rig veda

The Tripitakas are written in the language of

A. sanskrit
B. prakrit
C. pali
D. hindi
Answer» C. pali

The Mahabharata war was fought on the plains of …......

A. meerut
B. afghanistan
C. kurushetra
D. lothal
Answer» C. kurushetra

The word Veda derived from the word

A. ved
B. dev
C. vadam
D. vid
Answer» A. ved

The Ramayana was composed by the great saint

A. brahma
B. vasisht
C. bana
D. valmik
Answer» D. valmik

The 23rd Thrithankara was

A. parswanath
B. mahavira
C. sidharth
D. rishaba
Answer» B. mahavira

Who among the following was not an eminent Orientalist?

A. dr bhahudaji
B. dr r g bhandarkar
C. balagangadhar tilak
D. gopal krishna gokhale
Answer» A. dr bhahudaji

Who Coined the term Hydraulic Society

A. prof max muller
B. karl august wittfogel
C. james mill
D. karl marx
Answer» B. karl august wittfogel

Who among the following Scholar declared that “Sapt Sindhava” region was the home land of Aryans

A. dr a. c. das
B. prof. maxmuller
C. prof. penka
D. dr k. k. sharma
Answer» A. dr a. c. das

Genealogy, mythology,and historical narratives are the three main constituents of …................tradition

A. ithihasa­purana
B. aranyakas
C. vedas
D. samhitas
Answer» A. ithihasa­purana

How many puranas are there?

A. 12
B. 18
C. 15
D. 10
Answer» B. 18

Which Purana contains the information about the Sathavahanas

A. vayu purana
B. bhavishya purana
C. matsya pura
D. shiva purana
Answer» C. matsya pura

Historical writings of vamsa charitas were started in which century ?

A. seventh century
B. eighth century
C. tenth century
D. ninth century
Answer» A. seventh century

Harsha Charita is written by which writer

A. bilhana
B. bana
C. jayanga
D. athulya
Answer» B. bana

…......is considerd as the first historcal chronicle of Kerala

A. rajatarangini
B. harsha charita
C. prithvirja vijaya
D. mushakavamsa kavya
Answer» D. mushakavamsa kavya

Mushakavamsa kavya deals with the dynastic history of the rulers of which region?

A. valluvanadu
B. thiruvitamkur
C. kolathunadu
D. venadu
Answer» C. kolathunadu

Rajatarangini is the Chronicle on the kings of …......

A. kashmir
B. kerala
C. delhi
D. karnataka
Answer» A. kashmir

'only a poet can bring the past with eye of this mind by divine institution ' who statement is this

A. bana
B. jayanga
C. kalhana
D. athula
Answer» C. kalhana

Ziauddin Barani served as an adviser to Sultan

A. firoshah tuglaq
B. jalaudhin khalji
C. ghiyasudhin thuqlaq
D. muhammad bin thuglaq
Answer» D. muhammad bin thuglaq

Fatwa ­i ­ Jahandari is written in which language ?

A. arabic
B. hindi
C. persian
D. sanskrit
Answer» C. persian

Abul Fazl was a historian in the court of

A. khalji
B. mughals
C. satavahanas
D. mauryas
Answer» B. mughals

The book Akbar­nama was written by

A. abul fazal
B. athula
C. kalhana
D. bana
Answer» A. abul fazal

Ain­I­Akbari is the ….......... part of Akbar­nama

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» C. third

Which author translated Bhagawad Gita from Sanskrit to Persian ?

A. bana
B. abul fazl
C. dara shikoh
D. vyasa
Answer» C. dara shikoh

Taikh ­i­Ferishta was written as per the instruction of which ruler ?

A. nizam shah
B. muhammad bin tuglaq
C. akbar
D. ibrahim adil shah
Answer» B. muhammad bin tuglaq

Romila Thaper was the student of …........

A. basham
B. bipan chandra
C. eric hobsbawn
D. kosambi
Answer» A. basham

Which group of scholars described the Indian post as oriental despotism ?

A. indian
B. colonial
C. arab
D. cambridge
Answer» A. indian

Which among the following is not a work of Romila Thaper?

A. past and prejudice
B. lineage to state
C. knowing india
D. indian numismatics
Answer» A. past and prejudice

Mushakavamsa Kavya was written in

A. 10th century
B. 11th centur
C. 12th century
D. 9th century
Answer» B. 11th centur

Who among the following have written the medieval legendary and historical chronicle of the north­western subcontinent ,Rajatarangini ?

A. megasthenese
B. kalhana
C. al­biruni
D. herodotus
Answer» B. kalhana

In which of the following years the Asiatic Society of Bengal was established

A. 1684
B. 1784
C. 1884
D. 1984
Answer» B. 1784

Who among the following historians does not belong to the Marxist School of thought

A. d. d. kosambi
B. r . c majumdar
C. romila thaper
D. irfan habib.
Answer» B. r . c majumdar
Question and answers in Trends in Indian Historiography, Trends in Indian Historiography multiple choice questions and answers, Trends in Indian Historiography Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Trends in Indian Historiography, Trends in Indian Historiography MCQs with answers PDF download