190+ Digestion Solved MCQs


The Secretin hormone:

A. Is secreted by the pancrease.
B. Is released by the pyloric mucosa.
C. Contracts the gall bladder wall.
D. Increases the pancreatic Secretion of water and HCO3-.
Answer» D. Increases the pancreatic Secretion of water and HCO3-.

I nhibition of the myenteric plexus leads to which of the following?

A. Increased Secretion of Secretin from the duodenum.
B. Decreased gut motility.
C. Hyperacidity in the stomach.
D. Diarrhea.
Answer» B. Decreased gut motility.

the Secretion of gastrin cease(stop):

A. When the stomach is distended by meal.
B. When the PH of the gastric content is Decreased below 2.
C. If the fundic mucosa is anaesthesiz
Answer» B. When the PH of the gastric content is Decreased below 2.

Stimulation of sub mucosal plexus result in an Increase in which of the following?

A. motility of the gut.
B. Secretion of the gut.
C. sphincter tone.
D. stomach PH.
Answer» B. Secretion of the gut.

About the GIT hormones affecting gastric function:

A. CCK and Secretin Increase both gastric Secretion and motility.
B. gastrin Secretion is Stimulated by the digestive products of fat.
C. gastrin inhibits gastric Secretion and delay gastric emptying.
D. GIP and VIP inhibit gastric Secretion.
Answer» D. GIP and VIP inhibit gastric Secretion.


A. Release is Stimulated by protein hydrolysates in the lumen of the small intestine.
B. Is released from gastric mucosal cells.
C. Release is Stimulated by distension of the colon.
D. A and C are correct.
Answer» A. Release is Stimulated by protein hydrolysates in the lumen of the small intestine.

Amajor part of the gall bladder contractions are due to:

A. sympathetic contraction OF the viscus.
B. The overfilling of the gall bladder with bile.
C. The rate of cholesterol synthesis and excretion by the liver.
D. A hormone synthesized by duodenal mucosa .
Answer» D. A hormone synthesized by duodenal mucosa .

The major factor that Stimulates the release of Secretin into the blood stream is:

A. An acid PH of the chyme entering the duodenum.
B. The para sympathetic StimulI.
C. Peptones in the gastric chyme that enter the duodenum.
D. A stomach full of digested contents.
Answer» A. An acid PH of the chyme entering the duodenum.

It is known that gastrin:

A. It is a large protein molecule ,somewhat similar in size to pepsin.
B. Is not secreted by empty stomach when peristaltic movements may be quite forceful.
C. Reaches the secretory cells of the fundus of the stomach through the blood and not through the lumen.
D. Promotes the secretion of pepsin, but not that of HCL.
Answer» C. Reaches the secretory cells of the fundus of the stomach through the blood and not through the lumen.

It is known that secretin:

A. It is a large protein hormone synthesized by the pancreas,together with pancreozymin.
B. Is a small polypeptide synthesized by the intestinal mucosa .
C. Neutralizes directly the acid chyme that passes through the pylorus.
D. Has an optimal activity at a PH equal to 8.4.
Answer» B. Is a small polypeptide synthesized by the intestinal mucosa .

Secretin IS released by:

A. Acid in the duodenum.
B. Acid in the urine.
C. S cells in the duodenal mucosa.
D. Distension of the colon.
Answer» C. S cells in the duodenal mucosa.

Concerning the gastrin hormone:

A. It is Secreted at the pyloric antrum and reaches the fundus tohrough the gastric lumen.
B. It Promotes the secretion of pepsin, but not HCL.
C. Its Secretion Stimulated by secretin and GIP.
D. It is structurally similar to CCK .
Answer» D. It is structurally similar to CCK .

About the GIP,all the following are true except:

A. It is secreted from the duodenal mucosa.
B. It has +ve feedback effect on gastric Secretion and motility.
C. Its release is Stimulated by presence of excess fat.
D. It inhibit both gastric Secretion and motility.
Answer» C. Its release is Stimulated by presence of excess fat.

The GIT hormone are characterized by all the following except:

A. They are secreted by APUD system and are divided into 2 families on The basis of their structural similarity.
B. They are secreted in response to specific physiological Stimuli during digestion.
C. Their effects are abolished by cutting the nervous connections of GIT.
D. They affect areas in GIT that may be far away from the sites of their release.
Answer» C. Their effects are abolished by cutting the nervous connections of GIT.

About the GRP,all the followings are true except:

A. It inhibit the intestinal motility.(through librating gastrin).
B. It increase the gastric secretion . .(through librating gastrin).
C. It increase the pancreatic secretion . .(through librating gastrin).
D. It is found in the hypothalamus.(in addition to GIT)
Answer» A. It inhibit the intestinal motility.(through librating gastrin).

all the followings are correct about gastrin except:

A. It is stimulated by distension of antrum.
B. It is stimulated by insulin induced hypoglycemia.
C. Its secretion is increased by secretin.
D. none
Answer» C. Its secretion is increased by secretin.

Apatient with trigeminal lesion would have the greatest difficulty with which of the following?

A. Swallowing.
B. Chewing.
C. Receptive relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter
D. Secondary prestalsis in the esophagus.
Answer» B. Chewing.


A. Is entirely a voluntary act.
B. Includes both voluntary and reflex components.
C. Is performed by muscles supplied by 7th (facial nerve).
D. It is normally initiated by conditioned reflexes.
Answer» B. Includes both voluntary and reflex components.

Man is unable to digest dietary:

B. Dextrin.
C. Saccharose.
D. Cellulose.
Answer» D. Cellulose.

The salivary amylase:

A. Is also called ptyalin and it is beta amylase.
B. Is the only amylase in GIT.
C. Digest mainly cooked starch.
D. Is activated by either HCL or ca++
Answer» C. Digest mainly cooked starch.

During the chewing of a bolus of food, but before Swallowing, salivary secretion ,gastric secretion and pancreatic secretion are stimulated by which the following?

A. Acetylecholine,gastrin,histamine.
B. Acetylecholine,CCK,nitric oxide.
C. Nitric oxide,VIP, histamine.
D. VIP, gastrin,Somatostatin.
Answer» A. Acetylecholine,gastrin,histamine.

Thesalivary secretion:

A. Is rich in glucose.
B. Is Produced by a nervous mechanism Only.
C. digests starch to glucose.
D. Has the largest volume relative to other digestive juices.
Answer» B. Is Produced by a nervous mechanism Only.

About salivary glands, which of the following statement is true?

A. T heir secretion is mainly under hormonal control.
B. The sym . system is the Only natural pathway for stimulatation of their secretion.
C. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves stimulate t heir secretion.
D. Bradykinin decrease their blood flow rate.
Answer» C. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves stimulate t heir secretion.

The saliva (true or false)?

A. Contains no organic substances.
B. Is markedly increase in amount after sympathetic stimulatation.
C. secretion is increased after injection of atropine.
D. secreted by submandibular glands is about 70%of the total secretion .
Answer» D. secreted by submandibular glands is about 70%of the total secretion .

The presentation of a bolus of solid food to the mouth:

A. stimulates taste buds.
B. Is usually followed by Mastication.
C. Reflexively stimulates The salivary glands.
D. All are correct.
Answer» D. All are correct.

The salivary secretion (true or false)?

A. Has a serous component.
B. Has a mucous component.
C. A and B are correct.
D. It is largely under hormonal control.
Answer» C. A and B are correct.

The salivary secretion:

A. Is stimulated by most GIT hormones specially gastrin.
B. I s essential for complete digestion of starch.
C. Increases more by sweet than by bitter substances.
D. Markedly Increases by parasympathetic stimulatation.
Answer» D. Markedly Increases by parasympathetic stimulatation.

Salivation can become a conditioned reflex .This suggests that:

A. Pleasant taste sensation are not related to the reflex .
B. Only salivatory nuclei in the brainstem need to be excited by taste sensation without participation of suprasegmental influences.
C. The cerebral cortex partially controls salivation.
D. salivation could be completely interrupted in a decorticate animal whose tongue is mechanically stimulated.
Answer» C. The cerebral cortex partially controls salivation.

Saliva is characterized by all the following except:

A. Its concentration of K+ is the same as that in plasma.
B. Its Na+&Clconcentration are lower than those in plasma.
C. Its osmotic pressure and PH are lower than their corresponding values in plasma.
D. It exerts antibacterial action.
Answer» A. Its concentration of K+ is the same as that in plasma.

which of the following statements about salivary secretion is untrue?

A. saliva contains digestive enzymes.
B. saliva has important antiseptic action.
C. It is largely under hormonal control.
D. none
Answer» C. It is largely under hormonal control.

which of the following statements about salivary secretion is untrue?

A. ) saliva has constant composition regardless the rate of secretion.
B. The submandibular glands secrets about 70%of the total secretion .
C. The buccal phase of salivary secretion is due to unconditioned reflex.
D. none
Answer» A. ) saliva has constant composition regardless the rate of secretion.

The pharyngeal phase of Swallowing:

A. Can be voluntairly inhibited.
B. Involves closure of larynx by the vocal cord.
C. Is associated with lowering of the soft palate.
D. Is accompanied by deep inspiration.
Answer» B. Involves closure of larynx by the vocal cord.

The act of Swallowing is associated with:

A. Concurrent inhibition of respiration.
B. Opening of the glottis.
C. Movement of food into the nasopharynx.
D. upper esophageal sphincter constriction when food placed in contact with the anterior pillars of the pharynx.
Answer» A. Concurrent inhibition of respiration.

during which stage of Swallowing is respiration inhibited?

A. Voluntary stage.
B. pharyngeal stage.
C. Esophageal stage.
D. Postprandial stage.
Answer» B. pharyngeal stage.

Deglutition (Swallowing):

A. Is a complicated act requiring the precise coordination of many muscle group.
B. Is an automatic function of smooth muscle.
C. Is associated with a lowering of hard palate to prevent reflux of food into the nasopharynx.
D. Does not require relaxation of cricopharyngeal muscle.
Answer» A. Is a complicated act requiring the precise coordination of many muscle group.

During a normal Swallowing sequences ,the smooth muscle which surrounds the gastro esophageal junction.

A. Remains tonically constricted until the bolus arrives at this junction.
B. Relaxes even before the oncoming peristaltic wave has arrived.
C. constricts further on the passing bolus and allows a gradual esophageal emptying.
D. Is never constrict at all , and has no participation of any kind in the Swallowing process.
Answer» B. Relaxes even before the oncoming peristaltic wave has arrived.

Select a single incorrect answer about Swallowing:

A. Reflex apnea occurs during the pharyngeal phase.
B. the buccal phase of swallowing is voluntary.
C. Food is prevented from entering the nose during swallowing by elevation of epiglottis.
D. none
Answer» C. Food is prevented from entering the nose during swallowing by elevation of epiglottis.

Esophageal peristalsis:

A. Is stimulated by A.CH.
B. Is initiated by vagal reflexs.
C. Can be caused by distension of the esophagus.
D. All are correct.
Answer» D. All are correct.

The musculature of the esophagus below the pharynx is:

A. Smooth only.
B. Mainly striated.
C. Incapable of peristalsis in absence of impulses from the Swallowing center.
D. Primarily innervated by spinal nerves.
Answer» B. Mainly striated.

Secondary esophageal peristalsis:

A. Is preceded by an oral- pharyngeal phase of Swallowing .
B. Involves activation of medullary Swallowing centers .
C. Is accompanied by lower esophageal sphincter relaxation.
D. Occurs in both skeletal and smooth muscle portions of the esophagus.
Answer» C. Is accompanied by lower esophageal sphincter relaxation.

In contrast to Secondary esophageal peristalsis,primary esophageal peristalsis characterized by which of the following statements?

A. It does not involve relaxation of The lower esophageal sphincter.
B. It involves only contraction of esophageal smooth muscle.
C. It is not influenced by intrinsic nervous system.
D. It has an oropharyngeal phase.
Answer» D. It has an oropharyngeal phase.

All the following statements about esophagus are true except:

A. UES is a true sphincter.
B. Gastrin increases tone of LES.
C. LES contracts during Swallowing .
D. none
Answer» C. LES contracts during Swallowing .

HCL secretion in the stomach:

A. Is a function of peptic cells.
B. Require no energy.
C. Occurs by passive diffusion of both H+ and CLin the gastric human.
D. Require presence of carbonic anhydrase enzyme.
Answer» D. Require presence of carbonic anhydrase enzyme.

Gastric emptying:

A. Is normally completed about 9 hours after ingestion of a usual meal.
B. Is slowest if the food is soft and rich in carbohydrates.
C. Is inhibited by excessive acidity in the duodenum.
D. Is accelerated by presences of fat or hypertonic solutions in the duodenum.
Answer» C. Is inhibited by excessive acidity in the duodenum.

Acidification of the duodenum will:

A. Decrease pancreatic secretion of bicarbonate.
B. Increase secretion of gastric acid.
C. Decrease gastric emptying.
D. Increase contraction of the gall bladder.
Answer» C. Decrease gastric emptying.

Oxyntic or parietal cells secrete:

B. Trypsin.
C. Zymogen granules.
D. Pepsinogen.
Answer» A. HCL.

Ingesting antacids with and after a meal so that PH doesn`t decrease below 6 will cause a greater than normal secretion of:

A. Gastrin.
B. Secretin.
C. Pancreatic bicarbonate.
Answer» A. Gastrin.

The pangs associated with hunger :

A. Are decreased a low level of blood sugar.
B. Are accompanied with feeling of hunger and pain in the pit of the stomach.
C. Usually appear 3 to 4 hour after fasting begins.
D. diminish after 1 to 2 days of starvation.
Answer» B. Are accompanied with feeling of hunger and pain in the pit of the stomach.

Chronic gastritis is often associated with which of the following :

A. Microcytic anemia.
B. Hyperchlorohydria.
C. Steatorrhea.
D. pernicious anemia.
Answer» D. pernicious anemia.

Vitamin B12 absorption :

A. Depends on presence of intrinsic factor.
B. Depends on passive diffusion.
C. Occurs in the jujenum.
D. Occurs in the stomach.
Answer» A. Depends on presence of intrinsic factor.

The secretion of the intrinsic factor occurs in :

A. Parietal cells of the stomach.
B. Chief cells of the stomach.
C. Upper duodenum.
D. Beta cells of pancreas.
Answer» A. Parietal cells of the stomach.

So-called hunger pangs :

A. Are truly due to smooth muscle spasm of the transverse colon.
B. Are associated with esophageal and pyloric contraction that coexist with an empty relaxed stomach.
C. Are more common if starvation is associated with hypoglycaemia.
D. May occur in a totally vagotomized patient.
Answer» C. Are more common if starvation is associated with hypoglycaemia.

Basal acid output is increased with which of the following :

A. Acidification of the antrum.
B. Administration of a H₂ receptor antagonist.
C. Vagotomy.
D. Alkalinization of the antrum.
Answer» D. Alkalinization of the antrum.

The cephalic phase of gastric secretion :

A. Occurs when food reach the stomch.
B. Isnot accompanied by release of GRP.
C. Is controlled by the vagi nerves.
D. Isnot blocked by injection of atropine.
Answer» C. Is controlled by the vagi nerves.

Gastric HCL secretion :

A. Is a passive process that occurs in all parts of the stomach.
B. Is stimulated by somatostatin,cimetidine & pyrenzepine.
C. Is inhibited by histamine,gastrin & acetylcholine.
D. plays a significant rule in iron absorption.
Answer» D. plays a significant rule in iron absorption.

The gastric peristalsis (True or False) :

A. Depends on the basis of electric rhythm (BER).
B. Originates at the mid point of the greater curvature and increases in intensity as it sweeps towards the pylorus.
C. Is associated with a strong contraction of the antrum ant the end of each wave.
D. Always ejects the contents of the gastric antrum into the duodenum.
Answer» A. Depends on the basis of electric rhythm (BER).

All of the following statements are untrue except:

A. Peptic ulcers can be treated by anticholinesterase drugs.
B. gastric secretion in response to hypoglycemia is due to gastrin.
C. Peptic ulcers tend to heal by removal of the pyloric antrum.
D. Vomiting occurs more by smooth muscle than by skeletal muscle activity.
Answer» C. Peptic ulcers tend to heal by removal of the pyloric antrum.

Which of the following statement is true?:

A. The intrinsic factors is secreted by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa.
B. The gastric juice can’t digest the gastric mucosa because the cell membranes contain a pepsin activator.
C. The stomach normally absorbs about 30% of the ingested food.
D. The secretion of the gastric juice is associated with increased H⁺ in the blood.
Answer» A. The intrinsic factors is secreted by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa.

Under normal condition, the gastric secretion is:

A. Not affected by presence of food in the stomach.
B. Stimulated by norepinephrine and inhibited bu curare.
C. Increased by distention of the stomach.
D. Maximal before food ingestion.
Answer» C. Increased by distention of the stomach.

About pepsins:

A. There are 5 types of exopeptidase enzymes.
B. They are secreted by endocytosis as active enzymes.
C. They are incapable of autoactivation
D. Their optimum pH of action is 1.6- 3.2.
Answer» D. Their optimum pH of action is 1.6- 3.2.

The stomach is a poor area for absorption primarily because:

A. Most foods are swallowed before ptyalin has a chance to breakdown starch
B. pH of the stomach is too high
C. The junction between epithelial cells presents wide space for fluid/ion movement
D. The stomach lacks villous membranes.
Answer» D. The stomach lacks villous membranes.

Hydrochloric acid secretion:

A. Is accomplished by passive diffusion.
B. Requires the dissociation of water with subsequent exchange of the hydrogen ion for potassium ion.
C. Requires anaerobic metabolism.
D. Utilize protein molecules to neutralize OH⁻ remaining in the secretory cells.
Answer» B. Requires the dissociation of water with subsequent exchange of the hydrogen ion for potassium ion.

A 45 years old man is found to have a condition in which the parietal cells of his stomach have been destroyed by an autoimmune mechanism. This condition is often associated with which of the following?:

A. Prenicious anaemia.
B. Gastric ulcerarion
C. Steatorrhea.
D. Protein deficiency.
Answer» A. Prenicious anaemia.

It’s believed that in parietal cells of the gastric mucosa (which secrete hydrochloric acid), an active transport system is responsible for the transmembrane passage of:

A. Chloride
B. Carbon dioxide.
C. Bicarbonate.
D. Water
Answer» A. Chloride

Pepsin, secreted by the gastric mucosa:

A. Continues to act in the neutral medium of the duodenum.
B. Is proteolytic on the mucosal surface, in the alkaline medium provided by the mucus secreted by the surface cells of the stomach.
C. Is synthesized within the chief cells.
D. Doesnot increased in concentration in response to the mental stimuli found in the so’called cephalic phase of gastric digestion
Answer» C. Is synthesized within the chief cells.

Acid secretion in ulcer disease can be reduced by which of the following?

A. Blockage of secretin secretion
B. Blockage of histamine H₂ receptors.
C. Blockage of action of pepsin
D. Treatment with antibiotics.
Answer» B. Blockage of histamine H₂ receptors.

The normally innervated stomach (True or False):

A. Is stimulated to secrete gastric juice when food is chewed, even if it’s not swallowed
B. Can`t secrete HCL when its H₁ histamine receptors are blocked
C. the denervated stomach can secrete gastric juice after a meal is ingested.
D. Empties more quickly than the denervated stomach.
Answer» A. Is stimulated to secrete gastric juice when food is chewed, even if it’s not swallowed

Under the normal conditions, the bulk of gastric secretions are produces:

A. Before the food is ingested and while the pleasure of it’s ingestion is anticipated
B. While the food stays in the stomach.
C. After the food has entered the duodenum.
D. During fasting periods.
Answer» B. While the food stays in the stomach.

Mucous presents on the surface of the mucosa of the stomach,smal and large intestine is:

A. Resistant to enzymes secreted into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.
B. Alkaline, and thus a poor buffer for alkaline foods.
C. A non-amphoteric protein.
D. Easily removed from the surface of the stomach by the gastric secretions during the gastric phase of digestion.
Answer» A. Resistant to enzymes secreted into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

The enterogastric reflex can be elicted by which of the following?:

A. Distension of the duodenum
B. Acid chime in the duodenum.
C. Hyperosmotic chime in the duodenum.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The secretion of gastrin by the pyloric antrum ceases:

A. When the stomach is distended by a full meal
B. When the gastric mucosa contents have a pH of about 2.0
C. If histamine is injected.
D. If the vagi are stimulated.
Answer» B. When the gastric mucosa contents have a pH of about 2.0

Gastric peristalsis:

A. Originates in the distal half of the stomach.
B. Is characterized by strong contractions of the antrum at the end of the wave.
C. Ejects all the contents of the antrum into the duodenum.
D. Decreases in intensity as it sweeps toward the pylorus.
Answer» B. Is characterized by strong contractions of the antrum at the end of the wave.

Which of the following substances is released from the duodenal mucosa in response to acidic gastric juice?:

A. Histamine
B. Secretin
C. Norepinephrine
D. Acetyle choline
Answer» B. Secretin

Which of the following hormones is involved in the initiation of the migrating motor comples?:

A. Gastrin
B. Motilin
C. Secretin
D. Cholecystokinin
Answer» B. Motilin

The main function of the cardiac sphincter of the stomach is to:

A. Prevent the reflux of the gastric contetnt to the esophagus
B. Facilitate storage of food on the lower part of the esophagus
C. Mix the food particles entering the stomach.
D. Control the rate of food entry into the stomach.
Answer» A. Prevent the reflux of the gastric contetnt to the esophagus

Which of the following statements is correct?:

A. The gastric juice contains pepsins,gelatinase,lipase and α-amylase enzymes.
B. The only essential constituent of the gastric juice is the intrinsic factor.
C. The hunger contractions disappear after bilateral vagotomy or damage of the feeding center in the hypothalamus.
D. HCL is essential for both carbohydrate and fat digestion.
Answer» C. The hunger contractions disappear after bilateral vagotomy or damage of the feeding center in the hypothalamus.

Which of the following is the major factor that protects the duodenal mucosa from the damage by gastric acid?:

A. Pancreatic bicarbonate secretions.
B. The endogenous mucosal barrier of the duodenum.
C. Duodenal bicarbonate secretion,
D. Hepatic bicarbonate secretion.
Answer» A. Pancreatic bicarbonate secretions.

Which of the following substances is released from the duodenal mucosa in response to acidic gastric juice?:

B. Substance P
C. Secretin
Answer» C. Secretin

A 42years old salesman presents with the chief complaint of intermittent midepigastric pain that is relieved by antacids or eating. Gatric analysis reveals that basal and maximal acid output exceed normal values. The gastric hypersecretion can be explained by an increase in the plasma concentration of which of the following?:

A. Somatostatin
B. Histamine
C. Gastrin
D. Secretin
Answer» C. Gastrin

Removal of the stomach can lead to all of the following except:

A. Marked digestive disturbances
B. Megaloblastic anaemia (pernicious anaemia)
C. A fall in the plasma volume after a heavy meal (due to the dumping syndrome)
D. Diminished Ca⁺⁺ absorption and weak development of bones
Answer» A. Marked digestive disturbances

HCl secretion includes all the following processes except:

A. Active transport of H⁺ into gastric lumen
B. H⁺ is exchanged for K⁺ from the extracellular fluid
C. HCO₃⁻ diffuse into the extracellular fluid in exchange for Cl⁻
D. It’s associated with production of a postprandial alkaline tide
Answer» B. H⁺ is exchanged for K⁺ from the extracellular fluid

The gastric juice has all the following characteristics except:

A. It contains an alkaline secretion from the surface epithelium
B. It’s PH is always less than 3
C. It contains the intrinsic factor which is essential for vit.B₁₂ absorption
D. It’s antibacterial action is produced by its mucous content
Answer» D. It’s antibacterial action is produced by its mucous content

Gastric secretion is inhibited by all the following except:

A. Presence of excess H⁺ in the pyloric antrum
B. Presence of excess protein digestive products in the stomach
C. Certain emotions e.g. fear and depression
D. Certain GIT hormones e.g. secretin,CCK and VIP
Answer» B. Presence of excess protein digestive products in the stomach

Concerning HCl secretion, all the following is true except:

A. It’s associated with increased PH of the gastric venous blood
B. It’s stimulated by gastrin, acetylcholine,histamine and norepinephiren
C. The energy required is derived from ATP breakdown
D. It involves formation of carbonic acid
Answer» B. It’s stimulated by gastrin, acetylcholine,histamine and norepinephiren

All the following statements are true except:

A. VIP stimulates intestinal secretion and inhibits gastric acid secretions
B. Diamox (a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) increases both gastric HCL formation and the HCO₃⁻ content in the pancreatic juice
C. Both gastrin and glucagons are secreted from the pyloric antrum and duodenum
D. Gastrin is secreted from almost the whole GIT mucosa
Answer» B. Diamox (a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) increases both gastric HCL formation and the HCO₃⁻ content in the pancreatic juice

Which of the following statement is wrong?:

A. The gastric peristalsis includes propulsive,mixing and grinding movements
B. The cephalic phase of gastric secretion involves no release of gastrin.
C. Deficiency of the intrinsic factor causes pernicious anaemia.
D. Large doses of gastrin cause contraction of the pyloric sphincter.
Answer» B. The cephalic phase of gastric secretion involves no release of gastrin.

The following statements about gastric secretion are correct except:

A. Gastric secretion increases when a hungry person thinks about food
B. Gastric secretion helps vit.B₁₂ absorption
C. Production of HCl depends on activity of carbonic anhydrase
D. Gastric secretion is associated with increased H⁺ concentrarion in venous blood coming from stomach
Answer» D. Gastric secretion is associated with increased H⁺ concentrarion in venous blood coming from stomach

hich of the following statements about gastric secretion is incorrect:

A. Gastric acid secretion can be inhibited by somatostatin
B. The main phase of gastric secretion is the gastric phase
C. Gastric secretion increases in response to the presence of food in mouth after the vagi to stomach have been cut
D. none
Answer» C. Gastric secretion increases in response to the presence of food in mouth after the vagi to stomach have been cut

A 55 years old man with a history of chronic alcohol consumption presents to his local physician with non specific complaints of dyspepsia. Examination and diagnostic testing reveal that he has destruction of the gastric glands. The condition would predispose the patient to which of the following?:

A. Steatorrhea
B. Gastric hypomotility
C. Gastric ulcer
D. Anaemia
Answer» D. Anaemia

Which of the following statement about motor function of stomach is untrue?:

A. The frequency of gastric peristaltic contraction is about 3/min
B. Fasting hypoglycemia produces hunger contractions
C. The enterogastric reflex stimulates gastric emptying
D. none
Answer» C. The enterogastric reflex stimulates gastric emptying

Which of the following statement about motor function of stomach is untrue?:

A. Motility of stomach increases when fat enters duodenum
B. MMC prevents duodenogastric reflex
C. Receptive relaxation of stomach is mediated by purinergic vagal fibers
D. non
Answer» A. Motility of stomach increases when fat enters duodenum


A. occur only in a denervated stomach
B. Occurs by strong contraction of the stomach wall
C. May be produced by conditioned reflex
D. occur only in an empty stomach
Answer» C. May be produced by conditioned reflex


A. Leads to expulsion of gastric contetnts by violent rhythmic contractions of gut smooth ms.
B. Is coordinated by a mid-brain vomiting center
C. Of green fluid suggests that duodenal contents have regurgitated into the stomach
D. May be accompanied by a fall in arterial blood pressure
Answer» C. Of green fluid suggests that duodenal contents have regurgitated into the stomach

The so-called chemoreceptor trigger zone:

A. Is synonymous with the vomiting center
B. Is located in the cerebral peduncles, ventral to the Aqueduct of Sylvius
C. Is sensitive to the action of morphine
D. May be destroyed experimentally ; the ablation of both chemoreceptor trigger zones abolishes all forms of vomiting
Answer» C. Is sensitive to the action of morphine

As regards the process of vomiting:

A. Its is controlled by a center in the cerebral cortex
B. It always begins with nausea
C. Prolonged vomiting usually produces dehydration associated with acidosis
D. It’s associated with relaxation of the body and fundus of the stomach
Answer» D. It’s associated with relaxation of the body and fundus of the stomach

A pyloric obstruction in an infant which results in a prolonged bout of sever vomiting is likely to cause a primary:

A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis
Answer» B. Metabolic alkalosis

An obstruction of the small bowel leading to sever vomiting with a preponderant loss of duodenal contents is likely to cause a primary:

A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Metabolis alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis
Answer» A. Metabolic acidosis

A likely reason why a to and fro motion, such as that encountered during airplane flights or in an automobile ride over a bumpy road, tends to cause nausea and vomiting, is because during such motions:

A. Much air is swallowed and the stomach becomes distended
B. The stomach is more likely to develop reverse peristalsis
C. The cerebral cortex can no longer inhibit an intrinsic tendency of the brainstem to cause vomiting
D. Vestibular reflex eventually excite a chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medulla
Answer» D. Vestibular reflex eventually excite a chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medulla

Select a single incorrect answer about vomiting:

A. Vomiting center is in hypothalamus
B. The role of stomach is passive in the process of vomiting
C. Vomiting may occur as a conditioned reflex
D. none
Answer» A. Vomiting center is in hypothalamus

Trypsinogen in pancreatic juice is activated by:

A. Alkaline PH
B. Enterokinase
C. Bile salts
D. none
Answer» B. Enterokinase
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