70+ Cloud Application Developer QB Solved MCQs


To set up the Push Notifications service on the console, we need:

A. fcm credentials
B. gcm credentials
C. acm credentials
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. fcm credentials

Package name of android application in available in file:

A. google-services.json
B. androidmanifest.xml
C. credentials.xml
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. androidmanifest.xml

Which statement is incorrect in Node JS?

A. node is open source
B. server side java code
C. server side javascript code
D. cross-platform
Answer» B. server side java code

Which file holds the metadata information of a Node Js Project?

A. manifest.json
B. meta.inf
C. package.json
D. meta.json
Answer» C. package.json

How to run a nodejs file using CLI?

A. js filename.js
B. js filename.node
C. node filename
D. node filename.js
Answer» D. node filename.js

Where the metadata information of the Android application is saved ?

A. androidmanifest.xml
B. mobilemanifest.xml
C. androidmanifest.json
D. mobilemanifest.json
Answer» A. androidmanifest.xml

What is FCM?

A. firebase cloud manager
B. firewall cloud manager
C. firebase cloud messaging
D. firewall cloud messaging
Answer» C. firebase cloud messaging

Maven need following file to build its project:

A. xml file
B. war file
C. pom file
D. droplet
Answer» C. pom file

Which of the following belong to JSON types?

A. string type
B. null type
C. object type
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

In IBM cloudant Lite plan, data storage is capped at:

A. 500 mb
B. 1 gb
C. 2 gb
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. 1 gb

The link to Download IBM Cloud supported Eclipse IDE

A. https://eclipse.com
B. https://www.ibm.com/in-en/cloud/eclipse
C. https://www.ibm.com/eclipse
D. https://eclipse.org
Answer» B. https://www.ibm.com/in-en/cloud/eclipse

The ibm/liberty image dockerfiles can be found in the

A. ci.docker github repository
B. wasdev/ci.docker github repository
C. wasdev/ci.docker
D. ibm/liberty.docker github repository
Answer» B. wasdev/ci.docker github repository

In java jsp stands for

A. java servlet page
B. java standard page
C. java simple page
D. java sever page
Answer» D. java sever page

While running an application on eclipse

A. only user name is required
B. only password is required
C. both user name and password is required
D. none of the mention
Answer» C. both user name and password is required

Command for Updating to latest version of CLI

A. ibmcloud cli update
B. ibmcloud-cli update
C. ibmcloud update
D. update ibmcloud
Answer» C. ibmcloud update

To install the IBM Cloud Object Storage plug-in, run the following command

A. install cloud-object-storage
B. sudo install cloud-object-storage
C. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
D. none of the mention
Answer» C. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage

Command to install cf CLI

A. sudo apt-get install cf-cli
B. install cf-cli
C. curl install cf-cli
D. sudo install cf-cli
Answer» A. sudo apt-get install cf-cli

SIEM means

A. standard integration with event management
B. security information and event management
C. system information emergency management
D. secure information emergency management
Answer» B. security information and event management

What is the region name of eu-gb

A. us
B. uk
C. sydney
D. none of the mention
Answer» B. uk

____ model allows to use software applications as a service to end-users.

A. iaas
B. paas
C. saas
D. xaas
Answer» C. saas

Heroku is an example for

A. xaas
B. iaas
C. saas
D. paas
Answer» D. paas

Watson Studio has

A. dynamic dashboard
B. static dashboard
C. all of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. dynamic dashboard

Widgets of Dashboard can include

A. text
B. media
C. web pages
D. all of the mention
Answer» D. all of the mention

Liberty is part of which Application Server programming model ?

A. websphere application server programming model
B. api management utilities
C. cloud event management
D. ibm cloud identity
Answer» A. websphere application server programming model

programming model supported by Liberty server?

A. transactions
B. security
C. security and transactions
D. blockchain
Answer» C. security and transactions

FCM intent service and intent filters are included in:

A. google-services.json
B. androidmanifest.xml
C. manifest.xml
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. androidmanifest.xml

What are the different delivery priorities available to messages:

A. max, average, min
B. max, default, min
C. high, low, min
D. high, medium, low
Answer» C. high, low, min

What are the different notification status?

A. received, queued, open, dismiss
B. received, queued, opened, dismissed
C. receive, queue, open, dismiss
D. accept, queue, open, reject
Answer» B. received, queued, opened, dismissed

Which of the following Database Node Js Supports

A. mongodb
B. mysql
C. couchdb
D. all the the mentioned
Answer» D. all the the mentioned

cloud computing delivery model?

A. applications
B. virtual machines
C. virtual private networks
D. middleware software stacks
Answer» B. virtual machines

What are the benefits of adopting DevOps practices for an organization?

A. improve time to market
B. improve the quality of the outcomes
C. reduce time to both gather and analyze customer feedback
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following statement is correct for IBM Cloudant?

A. it offers a nosql data layer
B. ibm cloudant can process big data stored in databases.
C. ibm cloudant offers rdbms to customers.
D. built using a master-slave clustering framework
Answer» A. it offers a nosql data layer

What are the different IBM Cloudant roles available?

A. manager, writer, reader, monitor, checkpointer
B. manager, editor, consumer, monitor, checkpointer
C. admin, writer, customer, monitor, checkpointer
D. admin, writer, customer, monitor, checkpointer
Answer» A. manager, writer, reader, monitor, checkpointer


A. it does not return any documents
B. it returns all the documents by id.
C. it return all the documents in ascending order
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. it returns all the documents by id.

While selecting space for eclipse project, we should select

A. india
B. dev
C. current project directory
D. all of the mention
Answer» B. dev

SDK stands for ________

A. software design kit
B. serial development kit
C. software development kit
D. serial design kit
Answer» C. software development kit

The following describes how to push an app from the cf CLI

A. cf cli push
B. cf cli push app-name
C. cf app-name
D. cf push app-name
Answer» D. cf push app-name

To create a new service instance

A. cf create-user-serivce service-name
B. cf create-user-service-instance
C. cf create-user-instance
D. cf create-user-provided-service
Answer» D. cf create-user-provided-service

Installing the Certificate on Linux

A. $ cat server.crt >> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
B. install ca-certificates.crt
C. sudo cat server.crt >> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
D. curl cat server.crt >> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
Answer» A. $ cat server.crt >> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

To install the IBM Cloud Object Storage plug-in

A. install cloud-object-storage
B. install ibmcloud plugin cloud-object-storage
C. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
D. sudo install cloud-object-storage
Answer» C. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage

Which is a feature provided for both Managed service instances and Userprovided service instances in IBM Bluemix Cloud Foundry?

A. binding the service instance to an application.
B. automatic encryption of service instance metadata.
C. instance lifecycle management via the cloud controller.
D. automatic creation of service instances during application deployment.
Answer» A. binding the service instance to an application.

NodeJS work on______

A. chakra
B. rhino
C. v8
D. spidermonkey
Answer» C. v8

How to stop the bluemix cloud application through the CLI

A. bx app stop <<app name>>
B. -cf stop <<app name>>
C. -f stop <<app name>>
D. -g stop <<app name>>
Answer» A. bx app stop <<app name>>

SIEM doesnt includes

A. firewall authentications and denials
B. os authentications
C. os administrator operations
D. administrative controls
Answer» D. administrative controls

Which Manager provides automated fixes in IBM Cloud CF

A. ibm security manager
B. ibm endpoint manager
C. ibm cloud manager
D. none of the mention
Answer» B. ibm endpoint manager

The following data sources are supported by Watson studio Dashboard

A. csv files
B. connection to db2 warehouse on cloud
C. connection to compose for postgresql
D. all of the mention
Answer» D. all of the mention

Dashboard supports

A. us-en &uk-en language
B. single language
C. multiple language
D. no such option is available
Answer» C. multiple language

Consumers are able to help themselves by

A. large virtual servers.
B. on-demand self-service.
C. large infrastructure
D. large servers.
Answer» B. on-demand self-service.

Following is not true to the cloud

A. automatic software updates.
B. capital-expenditure free.
C. document control.
D. not suitable for big business
Answer» D. not suitable for big business

solutions” which means:

A. production use in these environments is excluded by the licensing.
B. liberty is unsupported for these environments.
C. liberty is fully supported by these paas based environments.
D. something else.
Answer» A. production use in these environments is excluded by the licensing.

What does IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB offer?

A. community distribution of mongodb
B. compatibility
C. community distribution of mongodb and compatibility
D. cloud cli
Answer» C. community distribution of mongodb and compatibility

The deployments connection information lives in BINDING as what object?

A. json
B. xml
C. dgn
D. python
Answer» A. json

What is maven ?

A. maven is a build automation tool used primarily for java projects.
B. maven is a ibm cloud service.
C. something else.
D. maven is a container.
Answer» A. maven is a build automation tool used primarily for java projects.

What is the similarity between MongoDb and Cloudant?

A. nosql database
B. document oriented storage
C. json format
D. dbaas
Answer» A. nosql database

What Type of connection do we use for MongoDB?

A. uri
B. http
C. ftpl
D. none of them
Answer» A. uri

What are the elements libebrty buildpack generate?

A. mongodb element
B. application element
C. feature manager element
D. all the options
Answer» D. all the options

Which is not a prerequisite to install MongoDb chart in Ibm Cloud?

A. kubernetes
B. helm 2.11
C. provisionar support
D. alloy
Answer» D. alloy

Available templates for dashboard are

A. single page
B. tabbed
C. infographic
D. all of the mention
Answer» D. all of the mention

In Dashboard while exploring your data, you can be able to perform

A. view the underlying data
B. changing the columns or members in a visualization
C. selecting columns from a different data asset
D. all of the mention
Answer» D. all of the mention

The mention feature is of which service

A. private cloud
B. public (internet-facing) load balancer
C. internal load balancer
D. basic load balancing
Answer» C. internal load balancer

Layer7 Rule doesnt includes

A. host_name
B. cookie
C. session
D. path
Answer» C. session

To install the Cloud Functions CLI plug-in

A. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-functions
B. install cloud-functions
C. install plugin cloud-functions
D. none of the mention
Answer» A. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-functions

To Uninstall the stand-alone IBM Cloud CLI

A. uninstall ibm-cloud
B. /usr/local/ibmcloud/uninstall
C. sudo uninstall ibm-cli
D. uninstall ibm-cloud-cli
Answer» B. /usr/local/ibmcloud/uninstall

IBM Cloud Foundry offers

A. xaas
B. saas
C. iaas and paas
D. all of the mention
Answer» C. iaas and paas

To install a cf-cli plugin

A. cf install-plugin binary-filename
B. cf install-plugin binary-cf-cli
C. sudo cf install-plugin
D. install-plugin
Answer» A. cf install-plugin binary-filename

Listing all cf-cli plugins by repository

A. cf repo-plugins
B. cf ls
C. cf ls-l
D. cf repo ls
Answer» A. cf repo-plugins

Following command is use to target a Cloud Foundry org and space

A. cf push --cf
B. cli target--cf
C. cf-cli target --cf
D. ibmcloud target --cf
Answer» D. ibmcloud target --cf

How to view or modify the facets of your project

A. right-click on the project and select properties
B. right-click on the server and select properties
C. right-click on the facets and properties
D. right-click on the project and select facets
Answer» A. right-click on the project and select properties

How do users access Software as a Service cloud services?

A. thick client
B. local client
C. web browser
D. command line
Answer» C. web browser

What are the key HTTP API features available in IBM Cloudant?

A. crud options
B. primary indexing & mapreduce-built secondary indexes
C. full-text search
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

How many stages ideally we can have in automated delivery pipeline?

A. 2
B. 3
C. as many stages as you need for your application
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. as many stages as you need for your application

What are the traits of a cloud computing architecture?

A. single tiered
B. not scalable
C. client and server run in the same physical environment
D. internet/intranet accessible server
Answer» C. client and server run in the same physical environment

Which method is used to execute the code synchronously in Node Js?

A. non-blocking
B. blocking
C. blocking & non-blocking
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. blocking

What funciton is used to include the node module in an application?

A. require()
B. import()
C. include()
D. add()
Answer» A. require()

What are the different expandable Push notification options available?

A. basic notification
B. big picture/text notification
C. all of the mentioned
D. email styled notification
Answer» B. big picture/text notification
Question and answers in Cloud Application Developer QB, Cloud Application Developer QB multiple choice questions and answers, Cloud Application Developer QB Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Cloud Application Developer QB, Cloud Application Developer QB MCQs with answers PDF download