
280+ Decision Science Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Uncategorized topics .


The application of OR techniques involves ………… approach

A. Individual
B. Team
C. Critical
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Team

Opportunity loss refers to

A. the expected value of a bad decision.
B. the expected loss from a bad decision.
C. the difference between the actual payoff and the optimal payoff.
D. the regret from not having made a decision.
Answer» C. the difference between the actual payoff and the optimal payoff.

All of the following are steps in the decision-making process EXCEPT:

A. Define the problem
B. Compute the posterior probabilities
C. Identify possible outcomes
D. List payoffs
Answer» B. Compute the posterior probabilities

Which of the following is (are) types of decision-making environments?

A. Decision making under uncertainty
B. Decision making under certainty
C. Decision making under risk
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A good decision always implies that we

A. will obtain the best final results
B. have used appropriate quantitative analysis.
C. have followed a logical process.
D. have based the decision on all available appropriate information.
Answer» C. have followed a logical process.

Which of the following might be viewed as an "optimistic" decision criterion?

A. Hurwicz criterion
B. Maximin
C. Maximax
D. Minimax
Answer» C. Maximax

Decision alternatives

A. should be identified before decision criteria are established.
B. are limited to quantitative solutions
C. are evaluated as a part of the problem definition stage.
D. are best generated by brain-storming.
Answer» A. should be identified before decision criteria are established.

The equally likely decision criterion is also known as

A. Bayes'.
B. Laplace.
C. minimax.
D. Hurwicz.
Answer» B. Laplace.

Which of the following is a property of all linear programming problems?

A. alternate courses of action to choose from
B. minimization of some objective
C. a computer program
D. usage of graphs in the solution
Answer» A. alternate courses of action to choose from

A point that satisfies all of a problem's constraints simultaneously is a(n)

A. maximum profit point.
B. corner point.
C. intersection of the profit line and a constraint.
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The first step in formulating an LP problem is

A. Graph the problem.
B. Understand the managerial problem being faced.
C. Identify the objective and the constraints.
D. Define the decision variables.
Answer» B. Understand the managerial problem being faced.

LP theory states that the optimal solution to any problem will lie at

A. the origin.
B. a corner point of the feasible region.
C. the highest point of the feasible region.
D. the lowest point in the feasible region.
Answer» B. a corner point of the feasible region.

Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to:
4X + 3Y ch7 <= 480
2X + 3Y ch7 <= 360
all variables >= 0
Which of the following points (X,Y) could be a feasible corner point?

A. (40,48)
B. (120,0)
C. (180,120)
D. (30,36)
Answer» B. (120,0)

Management science and operations research both involve

A. qualitative managerial skills.
B. quantitative approaches to decision making.
C. operational management skills.
D. scientific research as opposed to applications.
Answer» B. quantitative approaches to decision making.

Which of the following does not represent a factor a manager might consider when employing linear programming for a production scheduling?

A. labor capacity
B. employee skill levels
C. warehouse limitations
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

The quantitative analysis approach requires

A. the manager's prior experience with a similar problem.
B. a relatively uncomplicated problem.
C. mathematical expressions for the relationships.
D. each of the above is true.
Answer» C. mathematical expressions for the relationships.

In labor planning formulation, how would you write the constraint that there are only 10 fulltime tellers (labeled as T) available?

A. T + 10 > 0
B. T > 10
C. T ≤10
D. All of the above are correct ways.
Answer» C. T ≤10

A type of linear programming problem that is used in marketing is called the

A. media selection problem.
B. Madison Avenue problem.
C. marketing allocation problem.
D. all of the above
Answer» A. media selection problem.

The maximization or minimization of a quantity is the

A. goal of management science.
B. decision for decision analysis.
C. constraint of operations research.
D. objective of linear programming.
Answer» D. objective of linear programming.

Decision variables

A. tell how much or how many of something to produce, invest, purchase, hire, etc.
B. represent the values of the constraints.
C. measure the objective function.
D. must exist for each constraint.
Answer» A. tell how much or how many of something to produce, invest, purchase, hire, etc.

Which of the following is a valid objective function for a linear programming problem?

A. Max 5xy
B. Min 4x + 3y + (2/3)z
C. Max 5x2+ 6y2
D. Min (x1 + x2)/x3
Answer» B. Min 4x + 3y + (2/3)z

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A feasible solution satisfies all constraints.
B. An optimal solution satisfies all constraints.
C. An infeasible solution violates all constraints.
D. A feasible solution point does not have to lie on the boundary of the feasible region.
Answer» C. An infeasible solution violates all constraints.

A solution that satisfies all the constraints of a linear programming problem except the nonnegativity constraints is called

A. optimal.
B. feasible.
C. infeasible.
D. semi-feasible.
Answer» C. infeasible.

In converting a less-than-or-equal constraint for use in a simplex table, we must add

A. a surplus variable.
B. a slack variable.
C. an artificial variable.
D. both a surplus and a slack variable.
Answer» B. a slack variable.


A. Is the difference between the left and right sides of a constraint.
B. Is the amount by which the left side of a ≤ constraint is smaller than the right side.
C. Is the amount by which the left side of a ≥ constraint is larger than the right side.
D. Exists for each variable in a linear programming problem.
Answer» B. Is the amount by which the left side of a ≤ constraint is smaller than the right side.

Unboundedness is usually a sign that the LP problem

A. has finite multiple solutions.
B. is degenerate.
C. contains too many redundant constraints.
D. has been formulated improperly.
Answer» D. has been formulated improperly.

To find the optimal solution to a linear programming problem using the graphical method

A. find the feasible point that is the farthest away from the origin.
B. find the feasible point that is at the highest location.
C. find the feasible point that is closest to the origin.
D. None of the alternatives is correct.
Answer» D. None of the alternatives is correct.

Which of the following special cases does not require reformulation of the problem in order to obtain a solution?

A. alternate optimality
B. infeasibility
C. unboundedness
D. each case requires a reformulation.
Answer» A. alternate optimality

Whenever all the constraints in a linear program are expressed as equalities, the linear program is said to be written in

A. standard form.
B. bounded form.
C. feasible form.
D. alternative form.
Answer» A. standard form.

In applying Vogel's approximation method to a profit maximization problem, row and column penalties are determined by:

A. finding the largest unit cost in each row or column.
B. finding the smallest unit cost in each row or column.
C. finding the difference between the two lowest unit costs in each row and column.
D. finding the difference between the two highest unit costs in each row and column.
Answer» D. finding the difference between the two highest unit costs in each row and column.

The northwest corner rule requires that we start allocating units to shipping routes in the:

A. middle cell.
B. Lower right corner of the table.
C. Upper right corner of the table.
D. Upper left-hand corner of the table.
Answer» D. Upper left-hand corner of the table.

In a transportation problem, when the number of occupied routes is less than the number of rows plus the number of columns -1, we say that the solution is:

A. Unbalanced.
B. Degenerate.
C. Infeasible.
D. Optimal.
Answer» C. Infeasible.

The only restriction can be placed on the initial solution of a transportation problem is that:

A. must have nonzero quantities in a majority of the boxes.
B. all constraints must be satisfied.
C. demand must equal supply.
D. must have a number (equal to the number of rows plus the number of columns minus one) of boxes which contain nonzero quantities.
Answer» B. all constraints must be satisfied.

The table represents a solution that is:

A. an initial solution.
B. Infeasible.
C. degenerate.
D. all of the above
Answer» C. degenerate.

Which of the following is used to come up with a solution to the assignment problem?

A. MODI method
B. northwest corner method
C. stepping-stone method
D. Hungarian method
Answer» D. Hungarian method

The graph that plots the utility value versus monetary value is called:

A. utility curve.
B. decision tree graph.
C. Laplace curve.
D. benefit curve.
Answer» A. utility curve.

What is wrong with the following table?

A. The solution is infeasible.
B. The solution is degenerate.
C. The solution is unbounded.
D. Nothing is wrong.
Answer» A. The solution is infeasible.

The solution presented in the following table is

A. infeasible
B. degenerate
C. unbounded
D. Optimal
Answer» D. Optimal

The solution shown was obtained by Vogel's approximation. The difference between the objective function for this solution and that for the optimal is

A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 100
Answer» C. 80

Which method usually gives a very good solution to the assignment problem?

A. northwest corner rule
B. Vogel's approximation method
C. MODI method
D. stepping-stone method
Answer» B. Vogel's approximation method

Infeasibility means that the number of solutions to the linear programming models that satisfies all constraints is

A. at least 1.
B. 0.
C. an infinite number.
D. at least 2.
Answer» B. 0.

The stepping-stone method requires that one or more artificially occupied cells with a flow of zero be created in the transportation tableau when the number of occupied cells is fewer than

A. m + n − 2
B. m + n − 1
C. m + n
D. m + n + 1
Answer» B. m + n − 1

The per-unit change in the objective function associated with assigning flow to an unused arc in the transportation simplex method is called the

A. net evaluation index.
B. degenerate value.
C. opportunity loss.
D. simplex multiplier.
Answer» A. net evaluation index.

The difference between the transportation and assignment problems is that

A. total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem
B. the number of origins must equal the number of destinations in the transportation problem
C. each supply and demand value is 1 in the assignment problem
D. there are many differences between the tr
Answer» A. total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem

An example of a heuristic is the

A. minimum-cost method.
B. stepping-stone method.
C. Hungarian method.
D. MODI method.
Answer» A. minimum-cost method.

A solution to a transportation problem that has less than m + n − 1 cells with positive allocations in the transportation table is

A. an optimal solution.
B. an initial feasible solution.
C. a minimum-cost solution.
D. a degenerate solution.
Answer» D. a degenerate solution.

Using the transportation simplex method, the optimal solution to the transportation problem has been found when

A. there is a shipment in every cell.
B. more than one stepping-stone path is available.
C. there is a tie for outgoing cell.
D. the net evaluation index for each unoccupied cell is ≥ 0.
Answer» D. the net evaluation index for each unoccupied cell is ≥ 0.

Identifying the outgoing arc in Phase II of the transportation simplex method is performed using the

A. minimum cost method.
B. MODI method.
C. stepping-stone method.
D. matrix reduction method.
Answer» C. stepping-stone method.

To use the transportation simplex method, a transportation problem that is unbalanced requires the use of

A. artificial variables.
B. one or more transshipment nodes.
C. a dummy origin or destination.
D. matrix reduction.
Answer» C. a dummy origin or destination.

The problem which deals with the distribution of goods from several sources to several destinations is the

A. maximal flow problem
B. transportation problem
C. assignment problem
D. shortest-route problem
Answer» B. transportation problem

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