
80+ Transportation Engineering Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Uncategorized topics .


The braking efficiency for a vehicle moving with a speed of 18kmph, having a lag distance of 14m and coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.36.

A. 25.28%
B. 25.4%
C. 25.6%
D. 25.8%
Answer» A. 25.28%
Explanation: braking efficiency=100*f’/f

If the longitude coefficient of friction is 0.4, then the resultant retardation in m/sec2 as per IRC will be ___________

A. 3.93
B. 4.00
C. 4.01
D. 4.02
Answer» A. 3.93
Explanation: the deceleration of the vehicle mainly depends on the speed of the vehicle and coefficient of friction; however irc has calculated the average value is 3.93 m/sec2 from equations of motion.

The unevenness index for a good pavement surface of high speed should be ___________

A. 1500mm/km
B. 2500mm/km
C. 3500mm/km
D. 4500mm/km
Answer» A. 1500mm/km
Explanation: the unevenness index for a good pavement surface should be kept as low as possible, because they may cause discomfort to passengers and increase the rate of accidents.

If the camber is x%, then cross slope is ___________

A. 100x
B. 200/x
C. x/100
D. 100+x
Answer» C. x/100
Explanation: the cross slope is generally expressed in n in 100 terms, so the cross slope is x/100.

The camber required depends on ___________

A. type of pavement
B. rainfall
C. type of pavement and rainfall
D. rainfall characteristics
Answer» C. type of pavement and rainfall
Explanation: the camber to be provided changes depending on the type of rainfall and the type of pavement surface.

The minimum camber required in heavy rainfall area for bituminous roads as per IRC is ___________

A. 1%
B. 2.5%
C. 2.7%
D. 3%
Answer» B. 2.5%
Explanation: the minimum camber to be provided in heavy rainfall areas is 2.5%. if there is heavy flood then provision of this camber will be sufficient to drain of flood water.

The camber is not provided in which of the following shape?

A. straight
B. parabolic
C. combination of straight and parabolic
D. circular
Answer» D. circular
Explanation: the camber is a raised portion, it has to be either straight or parabolic no other shape of camber is possible.

The rise of crown for pavement of 7m wide having 1 in 50 slopes with respect to edges is ___________

A. 0.14
B. 0.07
C. 0.09
D. 0.11
Answer» B. 0.07
Explanation: width of pavement=7m

The equation of parabolic camber is given by ___________

A. y=x/a
B. y=x2/a
C. y=x3/a
D. y=ax2
Answer» B. y=x2/a
Explanation: the general equation is expressed as y=x2/a, where a=nw/2 for a pavement width of w and cross slope of 1 in n.

The minimum width of carriage way in urban roads is ___________

A. 2.5m
B. 3.0m
C. 3.5m
D. 3.75m
Answer» D. 3.75m
Explanation: the minimum width of carriage way is 3.75m in urban roads; this value may be less in towns and villages depending on the requirement like 3.5 m.

A median is also called as ___________

A. traffic separator
B. traffic junction
C. traffic check post
D. traffic flow
Answer» A. traffic separator
Explanation: the median may be a physical marking, divided area or protected by physical structure to avoid head on collisions.

The desirable width as per IRC for median on rural roads is ___________

A. 3m
B. 5m
C. 8m
D. 14m
Answer» B. 5m
Explanation: the desirable width is 5m on rural roads which can be reduced to 3m if there is a restriction of land.

The height of low kerb is kept about ___________

A. 50mm
B. 75mm
C. 100mm
D. 200mm
Answer» C. 100mm
Explanation: a kerb is a structure used to separate pavement and median, pavement and shoulder, pavement and footpath. in low kerb height is restricted to 100mm only.

The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is ___________

A. 1.0m
B. 1.5m
C. 2.0m
D. 2.5m
Answer» D. 2.5m
Explanation: the minimum shoulder width is 2.5m recommended by irc, the shoulder provides lateral stability and act as emergency lanes for vehicles.

The width of drive way should be ___________

A. minimum
B. maximum
C. intermediate
D. maximum or minimum
Answer» A. minimum
Explanation: the width of drive way should be kept as minimum as possible to reduce the crossing distance of pedestrians.

A road running parallel to highway for some selected areas with grade separator are called ___________

A. footage road
B. urban road
C. frontage road
D. parallel highway
Answer» C. frontage road
Explanation: a frontage road is a road that is mainly laid in urban areas to connect some parts of the city without disturbing the highway.

The width of formation is calculated by adding?

A. sum of the width of pavements
B. width of pavement+ separators
C. width of pavement + separators + shoulders
D. width of pavement + separator + shoulders + side drains
Answer» C. width of pavement + separators + shoulders
Explanation: the width of formation or roadway is the sum of pavements, shoulders and separator excluding side drains.

The boundary till which building activities are prohibited is called ___________

A. right of way
B. boundary line
C. building line
D. control line
Answer» C. building line
Explanation: the space left over for future expansion of roads without allowing any building activities is called as building line.

The normal width recommended in rural areas by IRC for a national highway is ___________

A. 45m
B. 29 m
C. 60 m
D. 25 m
Answer» A. 45m
Explanation: the average width required for a national highway is 45m, it may be between 30m-60m for plain and rolling terrains.

The length visible to driver at any instance of time is called ___________

A. sight distance
B. visibility limit
C. head light distance
D. overtaking sight distance
Answer» A. sight distance
Explanation: the length of the road that is visible to the driver at any time is called sight distance, in night visibility it is headlight sight distance and in zone which it can be overtaken is called overtaking sight distance.

The stopping sight distance of a vehicle moving with 45kmph and having a coefficient of friction as 0.4 is?

A. 48m
B. 49m
C. 50m
D. 51m
Answer» D. 51m
Explanation: ssd=0.278vt+v2/254f

The stopping sight distance does not depend on ___________

A. break reaction time
B. speed of vehicle
C. length of vehicle
D. friction
Answer» C. length of vehicle
Explanation: ssd=0.278vt+v2/ (254f)

The SSD is based on ___________

A. speed of vehicle
B. piev theory
C. voluntary action of brain
D. reflex action of brain
Answer» B. piev theory
Explanation: the ssd is based on piev theory, it is the theory that estimates the time taken to perceive and react.

The reaction time considered in SSD is ___________

A. 1.5 sec
B. 2 sec
C. 2.5 sec
D. 3 sec
Answer» C. 2.5 sec
Explanation: the reaction time considered in ssd unless and until specified is 2.5 sec; it is based on piev theory.

The desirable relationship between OSD and length of overtaking zone is ___________

A. length of overtaking zone = osd
B. length of overtaking zone = 2 osd
C. length of overtaking zone = 3 osd
D. length of overtaking zone = 5 osd
Answer» D. length of overtaking zone = 5 osd
Explanation: the minimum length of the overtaking zone is 3 times of osd, but desirable is 5 times of osd.

If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 80Kmph, then the design speed is ___________

A. 80kmph
B. 96kmph
C. 100kmph
D. 106kmph
Answer» C. 100kmph
Explanation: vb=v-16

If the speed of overtaken vehicle is 50kmph then spacing of vehicles is ___________

A. 10m
B. 12m
C. 14m
D. 16m
Answer» D. 16m
Explanation: the spacing of vehicles is given by s=0.2vb+6

The reaction time of a driver assumed in OSD is ___________

A. 1 sec
B. 2 sec
C. 2.5sec
D. 3 sec
Answer» B. 2 sec
Explanation: the reaction time assumed is 2 sec which is less than time taken in ssd because here the driver does not need to perceive and react so this time is less than the time taken in ssd.

The height of the driver above the road level is assumed as ___________

A. 1.1m
B. 1.2 m
C. 1.5 m
D. 1.6m
Answer» B. 1.2 m
Explanation: the height of the driver assumed is 1.2m which is till the eye level; this is assumed for clear vision in night.

The relationship between SSD and ISD is?

A. ssd = isd
B. ssd = 1.5 ssd
C. ssd = isd + osd
D. ssd = 2 isd
Answer» D. ssd = 2 isd
Explanation: the isd is the intermediate sight distance which is provided when there is no possibility of providing osd as far as possible the roads are provided with ssd = 2 isd relationship.

The sight distance recommended by IRC for 50kmph speed is?

A. 100m
B. 110m
C. 120m
D. 200m
Answer» B. 110m
Explanation: irc recommends a sight distance of 110m for a speed of 50kmph, 180m for a speed of 80kmph and 220m for a speed of 100kmph.i

As per the Nagpur plan, the un-surfaced roads were meant for _____________

A. national highway
B. state highway
C. major district road
D. other district road and village road
Answer» D. other district road and village road
Explanation: the nagpur plan classified the roads into two categories, category one was meant for the national highway, state highway and major district road. the un-surfaced roads were meant for other district roads and village roads.

The total length of the first category roads was calculated by adding up the sum of __________

A. nh+sh+mdr
B. nh+sh
C. sh*2
D. nh+2sh+mdr
Answer» A. nh+sh+mdr
Explanation: the category one type of roads consisted of national highway, state highway and major district roads. the length was calculated by adding all the three types of roads.

What was the development allowance assumed in the Nagpur plan?

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 15%
D. 25%
Answer» C. 15%
Explanation: the development allowance was assumed as 15% and in this plan the length of the railway track also was deducted, this was not like the previous 20 year plan.

During the development of the roads maximum priority is given to which type of road?

A. national highway
B. state highway
C. major district road
D. village road
Answer» A. national highway
Explanation: the maximum priority during construction of any road is given to national highway as they connect across length and breadth of the entire country.

The total length of highways in 2001 in km was __________

A. 56000
B. 56756
C. 56750
D. 57000
Answer» D. 57000
Explanation: the total length of nh achieved in 2001 was 5700km against a planned length of 66000km.

The total area of a state is 2500km. Calculate the length of MDR.

A. 100 km
B. 200 km
C. 300 km
D. 400 km
Answer» B. 200 km
Explanation: length of mdr=area of the state/12.5=2500/12.5=200km.

The tertiary road system consists of __________

A. national highway
B. state highway
C. major district road
D. other district road and village road
Answer» D. other district road and village road
Explanation: as per the 2nd 20 year road development plan the primary system consists of national highway and state highway. the secondary system consists of state highway. the tertiary system consists of other district road and village road.

The ‘rural road development plan: Vision 2025’ aims to provide basic access to villages in how many phases?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» C. three
Explanation: the vision: 2025 aims at providing accessible facilities to villages in 3 phases by giving priority to the population in the village.

Expressways should be constructed along __________

A. congested cities
B. major traffic corridors
C. along with highways
D. small cities
Answer» B. major traffic corridors
Explanation: expressways should be constructed along major traffic corridors for the convenience of passengers to travel safely and comfortably.

The maximum number of cities and towns are connected by which type of highway?

A. national highway
B. state highway
C. major district road
D. village road
Answer» A. national highway
Explanation: the national highway connects most of the cities and towns in the country. state highway connects in the state, village road in villages and other roads connect the remote areas.

The phases of highway planning do not include the following?

A. assessment of road length requirement
B. preparation of master plan
C. showing the phasing of a plan in five year plan
D. financing
Answer» D. financing
Explanation: financing of the highway is done after the planning of the highway after getting approval from the government, before the assessment, preparation and dpr are prepared.

Which type of roads can be utilized during monsoon?

A. unpaved roads
B. gravel roads
C. fair weather roads
D. bituminous roads
Answer» D. bituminous roads
Explanation: bituminous roads are convenient to use compared to the other roads because they can easily drain off the water and are comfortable to use during rainy season.

The Nagpur plan classified the roads based on ______________

A. location
B. function
C. location and function
D. annual daily traffic
Answer» C. location and function
Explanation: the nagpur plan classified the roads based on location and function into 5 categories namely national highway, state highway, major district road, other district road, village road.

The roads that connect the district headquarters to important city of other state is called ___________

A. national highway
B. state highway
C. major district road
D. other district road
Answer» B. state highway
Explanation: a state highway is a highway that connects the district headquarters to other important cities in another state.

The arterial roads are a classification of which type of roads?

A. rural roads
B. urban rods
C. national highway
D. state highway
Answer» B. urban rods
Explanation: urban roads are classified into arterial roads, sub arterial roads, collector streets and local streets.

The rectangular pattern of roads has been adopted in which Indian city?

A. new delhi
B. chandigarh
C. hyderabad
D. mumbai
Answer» B. chandigarh
Explanation: chandigarh city was planned by assuming the rectangular pattern. but by this pattern operation of traffic has been a problem.

The Nagpur plan formulae assumed which type of pattern?

A. star and grid
B. star and circular
C. hexagonal
D. circular
Answer» A. star and grid
Explanation: the nagpur plan assumed star and grid pattern in which it assumed to connect all the nearby important cities and villages to the national capital.

The Nagpur plan conference was held in which year?

A. 1941
B. 1942
C. 1943
D. 1947
Answer» C. 1943
Explanation: the nagpur plan conference was held in 1943 which was the first 20 year development plan. the main target of the plan was to achieve 16km road density per 100sq.km.

The highway research Board was set up in which year?

A. 1947
B. 1953
C. 1963
D. 1973
Answer» D. 1973
Explanation: the highway research board was set up in the year 1973 by irc to give good guidance for road development in india.

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