310+ Business Research Methods (BRM) Solved MCQs


.…………. Measurement has the characteristics of rank order and equal intervals.

A. Ordinal
B. ratio
C. ranking
D. interval
Answer» D. interval

……………… measurement is the highest level of measurement and is used for quantitative data.

A. Interval
B. ranking
C. ratio
D. ordinal
Answer» C. ratio

A ………….. is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies.

A. pie chart
B. bar
C. pictogram
D. none of these.
Answer» A. pie chart

The ………….. is a line chart.

A. Lorenz curve
B. pie chart
C. bar
D. pictogram.
Answer» A. Lorenz curve

…………. Analysis is a mathematical tool which is used to describe the degree to which one variable is linearly related to each other.

A. Regression
B. correlation
C. variance
D. none of these.
Answer» B. correlation

Measures of the dispersion are a ………..of the entire group or data.

A. Typical value
B. central value
C. positional average
D. none of these.
Answer» B. central value

Mode is the …………….and it is not affected by the values of extreme items.

A. Positional average
B. typical value
C. central values
D. none of these.
Answer» A. Positional average

………….report is a report prepared for specialists who are interested in understanding the technical aspects of research methodology and research findings.

A. general
B. popular
C. technical
D. specific
Answer» C. technical

The ……………phase in a research report is ordering the parts and planning in writing.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. last
Answer» A. first

The most important part of the research is ……………….

A. Analysis
B. findings
C. suggestions
D. conclusion
Answer» B. findings

Research is a ………….endeavor to discover answers to questions.

A. Systematic
B. Collective
C. General
D. None of these
Answer» A. Systematic

Business research is research undertaken in the field of ………….

A. Management
B. Administration
C. Business
D. Natural science
Answer» C. Business

Quantitative research is ………….. based

A. Variables
B. Attributes
C. Information
D. None of These
Answer» A. Variables

Theory is an explanation of observed ……….

A. Features
B. Regularity
C. Events
D. Principles
Answer» B. Regularity

A theory explains and predicts about a ………….

A. Phenomenon
B. Principles
C. Formula
D. None of These
Answer» A. Phenomenon

Induction is reasoning from …………. To general

A. Particular
B. Collection
C. Group
D. Some
Answer» A. Particular

A deductive reasoning works from general to particular, it is called…………

A. Bottom-Up Approach
B. Top - Down Approach
C. Balanced Approach
D. Linear Approach
Answer» B. Top - Down Approach

Empirical studies are studies based on ………………

A. Imagination
B. Insights
C. Experience
D. Events
Answer» C. Experience

Concepts are the ……… of theory building.

A. Information
B. Ideas
C. Equations
D. Basic Units
Answer» D. Basic Units

The act of providing a measure of a concept is referred to as…………

A. Hypothesis
B. Construct
C. Proposition
D. Operational Definition
Answer» D. Operational Definition

HDI is a ………….

A. Construct
B. Concept
C. Hypothesis
D. Proposition
Answer» A. Construct

The specific value of a variable is called ………..

A. Data
B. Attribute
C. Information
D. Unit
Answer» B. Attribute

Independent variable is deemed to have a ……….on the dependent variable.

A. Direct Influence
B. Indirect Influence
C. Marginal Influence
D. Casual Influence
Answer» D. Casual Influence

An intervening variable tells……… there is a relationship between two variables.

A. How
B. When
C. What
D. Why
Answer» D. Why

When a proposition is formulated for empirical testing, it is called ……

A. Estimate
B. Theory
C. Principle
D. Hypothesis
Answer» D. Hypothesis

…………. Study is undertaken where the information known on a particular subject matter is little.

A. Exploratory
B. Descriptive
C. Casual
D. Action
Answer» A. Exploratory

………. Research does not follow any formalized pattern

A. Exploratory
B. Descriptive
C. Casual
D. Experimental
Answer» A. Exploratory

Case study is a method of exploring or analyzing the life of a …………

A. Social Unit
B. Statistical unit
C. Several Units
D. None of These
Answer» A. Social Unit

A ………… study is a small scale replica of the main study

A. Pilot
B. Descriptive
C. Casual
D. Focus
Answer» A. Pilot

The person who runs the focus group session is called

A. Umpire
B. Coach
C. Referee
D. Moderator
Answer» D. Moderator

Variables that contain data have only two categories are called…………

A. Interval
B. ordinal
C. nominal
D. dichotomous
Answer» D. dichotomous

Research design provides a …… for the collection and analysis of data

A. Evidence
B. conclusion
C. frame work
D. guess
Answer» C. frame work

The ………. Of data are divided in to primary and secondary

A. Destination
B. details
C. proof
D. source
Answer» D. source

………. Studies are designed primarily to describe what is going on or what exists

A. Descriptive
B. casual
C. exploratory
D. analytical
Answer» A. Descriptive

Survey is an important ……… of research.

A. Manipulation
B. method
C. result
D. event
Answer» B. method

A field study is always conducted in a ……… setting.

A. Natural
B. artificial
C. controlled
D. uncontrolled
Answer» A. Natural

In ………. Surveys, researchers are interested in variation.

A. ad hoc
B. permanent
C. longitudinal
D. cross- sectional
Answer» D. cross- sectional

A complete survey of the population is called ……….

A. Census
B. sample
C. panel
D. trend
Answer» A. Census

The oldest method of data collection is through………..

A. Interview
B. group discussion
C. questionnaire
D. observation
Answer» D. observation

In experiment the ………… group get the program.

A. control
B. focus
C. program
D. expert
Answer» C. program

Measurement validity is also called ………. Validity

A. Internal
B. ecological
C. external
D. construct
Answer» D. construct

The Solomon Four- Group Design has ………….groups.

A. One
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» D. four

Random assignment is not adhered to in ………..experimental design.

A. Quasi
B. classical
C. modern
D. factorial
Answer» A. Quasi

Typically data is called quantitative if it is in ………. Form

A. Verbal
B. numerical
C. photographs
D. none of these
Answer» B. numerical

The first step in statistical activity is the ………

A. Publication of report
B. processing of data
C. analysis of data
D. collection of data
Answer» D. collection of data

In ………… observation, the researcher acts both as an observer and a participant

A. Structured
B. controlled
C. simple
D. non- participant
Answer» C. simple

Data accuracy is ……… in observation than in survey.

A. Lower
B. higher
C. far below
D. none of these
Answer» B. higher

Where it is not possible to collect data directly from the informants………… method is followed

A. Direct personal interview
B. indirect personal interview
C. structured interview
D. un structured interview
Answer» B. indirect personal interview

When questionnaire is posted to informants, it is called ………….

A. Simple questionnaire
B. open- ended questionnaire
C. mailed questionnaire
D. anonymous questionnaire
Answer» C. mailed questionnaire

………… techniques are designed to tap the deeper state of personality of the informant in terms of unconscious motivation.

A. Focus group
B. depth interview
C. schedule
D. projective
Answer» D. projective

The ‘Annual Survey of Industries’ is a document published by ……..

Answer» A. CSO

Data found from CDs and online journals are called ……….

A. Primary data
B. electronic data
C. govt data
D. international data
Answer» B. electronic data

Sample means a ………part of an entire population.

A. Small
B. large
C. sizable
D. representative
Answer» D. representative

Sampling is the process of selecting units from a ……… of interest

A. Population
B. phenomenon
C. place
D. space
Answer» A. Population

The listing of the accessible population from which the sample is drawn is called the……….

A. Sample design
B. sample block
C. sample frame
D. sampling premises
Answer» C. sample frame

………..refers to the number of units to be chosen from the population

A. Sampling plan
B. sampling method
C. sampling frame
D. sample size
Answer» D. sample size

Random sampling is also called ……… sampling.

A. Probability
B. non probability
C. accidental
D. snow ball
Answer» A. Probability

……..… is an example of random number table.

A. Tippet’s table
B. logarithm table
C. Chi- square table
D. none of these
Answer» A. Tippet’s table

If the population is …………. , stratified sampling method is used.

A. Systematic
B. homogeneous
C. heterogeneous
D. scattered
Answer» C. heterogeneous

Combining different methods of sampling is called…… sampling

A. Simple random
B. systematic
C. multi- stage
D. area
Answer» C. multi- stage

………. Samples are best suited for exploratory research.

A. Systematic
B. convenience
C. judgment
D. random
Answer» B. convenience

If there is no accessible sampling frame,……… sampling is used

A. Systematic
B. snow ball
C. judgment
D. random
Answer» B. snow ball

Under …….. ….sampling method, the samples are selected non- randomly according to some fixed quota.

A. Systematic
B. snow ball
C. judgment
D. quota
Answer» D. quota

The greater the sample size, the smaller the …………..

A. standard error
B. mean
C. median
D. mode
Answer» A. standard error

Respondent errors and administrative errors are examples of ………….

A. Sampling error
B. standard error
C. non- sampling error
D. standard deviation
Answer» C. non- sampling error

…………. Is the process of observing and recording the observations that are collected as part of research?

A. Survey
B. interview
C. scaling
D. measurement
Answer» D. measurement

The assignment of objects to nu8mbers or semantics according to a rule is called ………

A. Statistical analysis
B. interpretation
C. scaling
D. labelling
Answer» C. scaling

Social status of the respondent is measured on the basis of …… scale

A. Nominal
B. ordinal
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» A. Nominal

The ranks obtained by students will be measured on the basis of … scale

A. Nominal
B. ordinal
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» B. ordinal

The Fahrenheit scale of measuring temperature is a ………. scale.

A. Nominal
B. ordinal
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» C. interval

In ………. Scale, there is an absolute zero point.

A. Nominal
B. ordinal
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» D. ratio

…… scale is the highest level of measurement scales.

A. Nominal
B. ordinal
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» D. ratio

……… means judging the scalability of the phenomenon under study.

A. Continnum
B. range
C. standard deviation
D. variance
Answer» A. Continnum

Stability of a measure is tested through ………method

A. Observation
B. interview
C. test- retest
D. schedule
Answer» C. test- retest

The ………. Validity refers to the degree to which the actual program reflects the ideal.

A. Construct
B. face
C. concurrent
D. external
Answer» A. Construct

……… scale is also called summated rating scale.

A. Likert
B. semantic differential
C. nominal
D. ordinal
Answer» A. Likert

a researcher uses paired comparison scaling techniques to measure consumer preference between 7 brands of toilet soaps . He will present…………pairs of brands to the respondents.

A. 14
B. 21
C. 35
D. 18
Answer» B. 21

Which of the following is a non comparative scale?

A. Paired comparison
B. rank order
C. constant sum
D. continuous rating scale
Answer» D. continuous rating scale

……..is the generation of a continuum upon which measure objects are located

A. Ranking
B. measurement
C. scaling
D. rating
Answer» C. scaling

Which of the following is not a comparative scale?

A. Semantic differential
B. constant sum
C. Likert
D. both (a) and (c).
Answer» D. both (a) and (c).

A…….scale is used to draw out a yes or no answer.

A. likert
B. rating
C. dichotomous
D. category
Answer» C. dichotomous

……… scale is verbal.

A. Numerical
B. Likert
C. semantic
D. rating
Answer» C. semantic

Likert’s scale is an example of ………. Scale

A. Comparative
B. non comparative
C. verbal
D. numeric
Answer» B. non comparative

…………. Is an intermediary stage between the collection of data and their analysis and interpretation?

A. Processing
B. analyzing
C. reporting
D. designing
Answer» A. Processing

Editing is the ……….. Stage in data processing

A. Fourth
B. third
C. second
D. first
Answer» D. first

………. Is the process by which response categories are summarized by numerals or other symbols?

A. Editing
B. coding
C. classifying
D. tabulating
Answer» B. coding

Classification is the process of reducing large mass of data in to ……… group for meaningful analysis.

A. Various
B. heterogeneous
C. homogeneous
D. different
Answer» C. homogeneous

Classification on periodical basis is also called ……classification.

A. Geographical
B. chronological
C. simple
D. manifold
Answer» B. chronological

If variable can take only exact values, it is called ……variables.

A. Dependent
B. independent
C. continuous
D. discrete
Answer» D. discrete

When raw data is arranged in conveniently organized groups, it is called a ……distribution.

A. Normal
B. binomial
C. poison
D. frequency
Answer» D. frequency

……… is the process of recording the classified facts in rows and columns.

A. Editing
B. coding
C. classification
D. tabulation
Answer» D. tabulation

a ……… table may contain data pertaining to more than one characteristic.

A. Simple
B. complex
C. frequency
D. normal
Answer» B. complex

If the variables are measured on nominal and ordinal scales, the tools of analysis are called ……..statistics.

A. Parametric
B. non parametric
C. descriptive
D. inferential
Answer» B. non parametric

If a table shows the relationship between two variables in a tabular form, it is called a …table

A. Frequency
B. simple
C. complex
D. contingency
Answer» D. contingency

In line graphs, values of dependent variables are taken on the ……….

A. X- axis
B. Y – axis
C. base line
D. none of these
Answer» B. Y – axis

If the area of a circle is divided in two different sectors representing different categories such that the angle of each sector is proportional to the frequency of corresponding category, it is called a …………..

A. Pie chart
B. bar chart
C. stacked bar chart
D. multiple bar chart
Answer» A. Pie chart

The diagram drawn for presenting the data in picture form is called …….

A. Chart
B. frequency polygon
C. pie chart
D. pictogram
Answer» D. pictogram

Data classified on the basis of some characteristics is called ……

A. Geographical
B. chronological
C. quantitative
D. qualitative
Answer» D. qualitative

If the study is related tone variable, it is called ………. Analysis

A. bivariate
B. correlative
C. casual
D. unidimensional
Answer» D. unidimensional

When the study is related with more than two variables, it is termed as……

A. bivariate
B. multivariate
C. casual
D. unidimensional
Answer» B. multivariate
Question and answers in Business Research Methods (BRM), Business Research Methods (BRM) multiple choice questions and answers, Business Research Methods (BRM) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Business Research Methods (BRM), Business Research Methods (BRM) MCQs with answers PDF download