
180+ Ancient and Medieval Western Philosophy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Orphism greatly influenced --------------------

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates
D. thales
Answer» C. socrates

------------- subscribed to the doctrine of the transmigration of the souls.

A. orphism
B. fideism
C. occultism
D. narcissm
Answer» A. orphism

According to Thales universe is fundamentally ------------

A. water
B. air
C. fire
D. none of these
Answer» A. water

For ------------------ primary matter was boundless something.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. heraclitus
Answer» A. anaximander

Greek philosophy begins as an enquiry into the --------- world.

A. subjective
B. objective
C. social
D. none of these
Answer» B. objective

According to ----------- the world arises from water and return to water.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» B. thales

------------ held the view that the ultimate stuff of the universe is boundless something.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» A. anaximander

-------- is the fundamental thing underlying the universe according to Anaximenes.

A. air
B. fire
C. water
D. number
Answer» A. air

---------- stated that all things are full of gods .

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» B. thales

------------- held that earth is cylindrical in shape and moves freely in space.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» A. anaximander

------------ calls his infinite boundless matter God.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» A. anaximander

According to ------------ the primary air is regulated by the opposed principles of condensation and rarefaction.

A. anaximander
B. thales
C. anaximenes
D. protagoras
Answer» C. anaximenes

----------- declared that whatever exists,exists in number.

A. protogoras
B. pythagoras
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» B. pythagoras

-------------tried to show that things are numbers in some arbitrary manner.

A. eleatics
B. milesians
C. samoans
D. pythagoreans
Answer» D. pythagoreans

According to ------------- change alone is real , and manyness and changes are unreal.

A. heraclitus
B. parmenides
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» B. parmenides

--------- holds the identity of thought and being.

A. heraclitus
B. parmenides
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» B. parmenides

-----------belongs to the Eleatic school.

A. heraclitus
B. parmenides
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» B. parmenides

------- is the sole reality according to Parmenides.

A. being
B. not-being
C. becoming
D. none of these
Answer» A. being

According to Parmenides the world that presented to us through senses is -----.

A. being
B. not-being
C. real
D. none of these
Answer» B. not-being

------------ makes the distinction between sense and reason.

A. parmenides
B. heraclitus
C. protagoras
D. aristotle
Answer» A. parmenides

----------- is the doctrine that the sense world is an appearence

A. idealism
B. realism
C. materialism
D. monism
Answer» A. idealism

According to ----------- only being is , becoming is not at all.

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» C. eleatics

According to ------------- being and not being are in everything at one and the same time.

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» A. heraclitus

For ----------- both being and not being are equally real .

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» A. heraclitus

According to ------------- being has not being in it.

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» A. heraclitus

----------- was a contemporary of Parmenides.

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» A. heraclitus

According to ------------- everything in the universe has in it its own opposites.

A. heraclitus
B. pythagoreans
C. eleatics
D. parmenides
Answer» A. heraclitus

According to Heraclitus the ultimate kind of matter is -------- .

A. water
B. fire
C. air
D. none of these
Answer» B. fire

The Ionian thinkers were --------- .

A. dualistic
B. monistic
C. pluralistic
D. none of these
Answer» B. monistic

The Greek thinkers who drew our attension to proportion, order and harmony are --------- .

A. pythagoreans
B. eleatics
C. heraclitus
D. parmenides
Answer» A. pythagoreans

------------------- laid emphasis on vegetarianism.

A. pythagoreans
B. eleatics
C. heraclitus
D. parmenides
Answer» A. pythagoreans

------------------------laid emphasis on asceticism.

A. pythagoreans
B. eleatics
C. heraclitus
D. parmenides
Answer» A. pythagoreans

------------------ practiced a reformed kind of orphic religion.

A. pythagoreans
B. eleatics
C. heraclitus
D. parmenides
Answer» A. pythagoreans

-------------------- founded an order in which men and women were considered equal.

A. pythagoras
B. eleatics
C. heraclitus
D. parmenides
Answer» A. pythagoras

According to -------------- the earth revolves round the central fire.

A. heracletus
B. eleatics
C. parmenides
D. pythagoreans
Answer» D. pythagoreans

Truth lies in reason and not in the world of sense is the fundamental position of ------ .

A. realism
B. materialism
C. idealism
D. none of these
Answer» C. idealism

For ------- there is no past, no present, no future.

A. being
B. not-being
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. being

Pre – sophistic philosophy is -----------because it conceived nature as animate or alive.

A. naturalistic
B. ontological
C. monistic
D. hylozoistic
Answer» D. hylozoistic

Pre – sophistic philosophy is -----------because its attension is directed to nature.

A. naturalistic
B. ontological
C. monistic
D. hylozoistic
Answer» A. naturalistic

Pre – sophistic philosophy is ----------- , it enquires into the essence of things.

A. naturalistic
B. ontological
C. monistic
D. hylozoistic
Answer» B. ontological

Pre – sophistic philosophy is ----------- it seeks to explain phenomena by single principle

A. naturalistic
B. ontological
C. monistic
D. hylozoistic
Answer» C. monistic

Protagoras and Gorgias were ----------

A. sophists
B. philosophers
C. sages
D. none of these
Answer» A. sophists

“Man is the measure of all things” is the famous teachings of ------------- .

A. socrates
B. sophists
C. protagoras
D. gorgias
Answer» C. protagoras

For------------- knowledge is perception.

A. protagoras
B. socrates
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» A. protagoras

ho*mo mensura is the famous saying by

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. protagoras
Answer» D. protagoras

According to ------------ even if there is anything we cannot know it.

A. gorgias
B. aistotle
C. plato
D. socrates
Answer» A. gorgias

Protagoras was influenced by ---------- in propounding his epistemology.

A. leucippus
B. democritus
C. gorgias
D. socrates
Answer» B. democritus

------------- deny the universality of knowledge.

A. socrates
B. sophists
C. plato
D. none of these
Answer» B. sophists

According to sophists ----------- can give us only relative knowledge.

A. reason
B. perception
C. inference
D. none of these
Answer» B. perception

Which one of the following is not a dialogue by Plato

A. meno
B. republic
C. phaedo
D. poetics
Answer» D. poetics

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