190+ Business Information Systems Solved MCQs


Processed data is called ................

A. field
B. information
C. record
D. file
Answer» B. information

............. is most basic element of data

A. character
B. field
C. record
D. database
Answer» A. character

A group of related records constitutes a ..................

A. database
B. file
C. information
D. field
Answer» B. file

Information systems are composed of __________ basic components.

A. four
B. three
C. two
D. many
Answer» B. three

A human order taker can be bypassed when using a(n) __________

A. automation system.
B. management information system.
C. transaction processing system.
D. decision support system.
Answer» C. transaction processing system.

The __________ can help you choose a product.

A. office automation system
B. management information system
C. transaction processing system
D. decision support system
Answer» D. decision support system

The expert system uses a (n) __________ to select the most appropriate response.

A. inference engine
B. decision support system
C. knowledge base
D. data source
Answer» A. inference engine

An intranet that is accessible by outside workers.

A. firewall
B. extranet
C. management information system
D. p2pn
Answer» B. extranet

__________ is the capability to continue as if nothing has happened, even after a major component failure.

A. redundancy
B. interoperability
C. fault tolerance
D. backup
Answer» C. fault tolerance

A storage device that is connected directly to a network is an example of __________.

A. network attached storage
B. storage area network
C. direct attached storage
D. raid
Answer» A. network attached storage

A tape library will use a robotic component called a(n) __________ to change and store multiple tape cartridges.

A. raid
B. backup device
C. redundant system
D. auto loader
Answer» D. auto loader

More than one of the same component is an example of a __________ system.

A. scalable
B. redundant
C. raid
D. back-up
Answer» B. redundant

Which of the following information systems are used in the daily running of the business?

A. transaction processing systems (tps).
B. operational planning systems.
C. office automation systems (oas).
D. all of the above.
Answer» A. transaction processing systems (tps).

Which of the following is not one of the three 'Cs' describing groupware?

A. coordination.
B. communication.
C. compliance.
D. collaboration.
Answer» C. compliance.

Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) software is an example of an information systems application in which of the following areas?

A. office automation systems.
B. operations management.
C. marketing.
D. human resource management.
Answer» B. operations management.

Which of the following is not one of the three main components in a decision support system?

A. model.
B. communications.
C. data.
D. dialogue.
Answer» C. data.

Business Intelligence and data warehousing are used for which of the following?

A. data mining.
B. analysis of large volumes of product sales data.
C. what-if scenarios.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Which of the following is true about ERP software?

A. always adaptable to how the business works.
B. extensive skills available for development.
C. supplier costs kept low.
D. simplified support and maintenance through a supplier.
Answer» D. simplified support and maintenance through a supplier.

Which of the following is an EIS?

A. external information system.
B. extended information system.
C. electronic information system.
D. executive information system.
Answer» D. executive information system.

What is the role of document image processing (DIP) systems?

A. conversion into digital format.
B. product management.
C. cash flow forecasting.
D. producing customer invoices. e. inventory control.
Answer» A. conversion into digital format.

Buy-side e-commerce is:

A. the use of electronic communications for all business processes.
B. any electronically mediated communication between an organisation and its stakeholders.
C. an organisation using electronic media to sell direct to its customers.
D. an organisation using electronic media to purchase from its suppliers.
Answer» D. an organisation using electronic media to purchase from its suppliers.

To determine demand for Internet services in a market, companies should survey what?

A. percentage that have access to the internet.
B. percentage that purchase online.
C. percentage that use the internet to inform their buying decision.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Which of these is a cost/efficiency driver of e-commerce?

A. improving the range and quality of services offered.
B. avoid losing market share to businesses already using e-commerce.
C. increasing speed with which supplies can be obtain
Answer» C. increasing speed with which supplies can be obtain

Which of the following system components is responsible for ensuring that the system is working to fulfil its objective?

A. outputs.
B. processing.
C. feedback.
D. control.
Answer» D. control.

In terms of a system, finished products and information are examples of:

A. feedback.
B. outputs.
C. control.
D. processing.
Answer» B. outputs.

Which of the following describes exchanges between a system and other systems or a system and any external agencies?

A. interface.
B. suprasystem.
C. environment.
D. subsystem.
Answer» A. interface.

A system that responds to changes in the environment and modifies its operation accordingly is known as:

A. a deterministic system.
B. a closed system.
C. a soft system.
D. an adaptive system.
Answer» D. an adaptive system.

In terms of the resources that support information systems, the procedures used by people are an example of:

A. hardware resources.
B. software resources.
C. people resources.
D. data resources.
Answer» B. software resources.

Which of the following is not one of the five competitive forces identified by Michael Porter?

A. the bargaining power of customers.
B. the threat of substitute products or services.
C. the threat of new entrants.
D. the threat of changes in the global economy.
Answer» D. the threat of changes in the global economy.

Which category of computer-based information systems is concerned with supporting the functional areas of an organisation?

A. strategic information systems.
B. business information systems.
C. expert systems.
D. end user computing systems.
Answer» B. business information systems.

Which category of computer-based information systems is concerned with improving efficiency by applying information technology to common administrative tasks, such as creating business documents?

A. expert systems.
B. office automation systems.
C. business information systems.
D. strategic information systems.
Answer» B. office automation systems.

Which of the following defines the scope of a system?

A. interface.
B. boundary.
C. process.
D. feedback mechanism.
Answer» B. boundary.

E-business is:

A. any electronically mediated communication between an organisation and its stakeholders.
B. the use of electronic communications for all business processes.
C. an organisation using electronic media to purchase from its suppliers.
D. an organisation using electronic media to sell direct to its customers.
Answer» B. the use of electronic communications for all business processes.

Information systems that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the organizations are:

A. management-level systems.
B. operational-level systems.
C. knowledge-level systems.
D. strategic-level systems.
Answer» B. operational-level systems.

Projections and responses to queries are information output characteristics associated with a(n):

A. dss
B. mis
C. ess
D. tps
Answer» C. ess

Summary transaction data, high-volume data, and simple models are information inputs characteristic of a(n):

A. dss
B. mis
C. ess
D. tps
Answer» B. mis

Which of the following individuals typically have less formal, advanced educational degrees and tend to process rather than create information?

A. knowledge workers
B. executives
C. systems analysts
D. data workers
Answer» D. data workers

Management information systems usually:

A. serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day activities.
B. help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.
C. provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems.
D. perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of business.
Answer» A. serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day activities.

Decision support systems usually:

A. serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day activities.
B. help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.
C. provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems.
D. perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of business.
Answer» B. help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.

Identifying customers and markets using data on demographics, markets, consumer behaviour, and trends is an example of a(n):

A. operational-level sales and marketing information system.
B. knowledge-level sales and marketing information system.
C. management-level sales and marketing information system.
D. strategic-level sales and marketing information system.
Answer» B. knowledge-level sales and marketing information system.

Deciding where to locate new production facilities is a(n) example of a manufacturing and production information system operating at the:

A. operational level.
B. management level.
C. knowledge level.
D. strategic level.
Answer» D. strategic level.

preparing short-term budgets is an example of a finance and accounting information system operating at the:

A. operational level.
B. management level.
C. knowledge level.
D. strategic level.
Answer» B. management level.

Tracking employee training, skills, and performance appraisals is an example of a human resource information system operating at the:

A. operational level.
B. management level.
C. knowledge level.
D. strategic level.
Answer» A. operational level.

Assembling a product, identifying customers and hiring employees are:

A. transactions.
B. phases.
C. business processes.
D. business functions.
Answer» C. business processes.

Which of the following is a network of facilities for procuring materials, transforming raw materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers?

A. production chain
B. primary chain
C. supply chain
D. distribution chain
Answer» C. supply chain

Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by:

A. tracking the status of orders.
B. rapidly communicating orders.
C. providing product specifications.
D. doing all of the above.
Answer» D. doing all of the above.

Enterprise systems support:

A. manufacturing processes.
B. financial and accounting processes.
C. human resource processes.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Which of the following level of managers develop short- and medium-range plans, schedules, and budgets and specify the policies, procedures, and business objectives for their sub-units of the company?

A. strategic
B. tactical
C. operational
D. front line
Answer» B. tactical

Information has three dimensions. They are

A. time, consent, and form
B. time, content, and form
C. cost, content, and form
D. time, content, and value
Answer» B. time, content, and form

According to your text book, the emerging class of applications focuses on personalized decision support, modelling, information retrieval, data warehousing, what-if scenarios, and reporting is called:

A. decision support trends
B. decision support history
C. decision support models
D. decision support class
Answer» A. decision support trends

The growth of corporate intranets, extranets, as well as the web, has accelerated the development and use of “executive class” information delivery and decision support software tools by lower levels of management and by individuals and teams of business professionals. This dramatic expansion has opened the door to the use of which of the following tool?

A. business intelligence (bi)
B. business knowledge (bk)
C. business ideas (bi)
D. business intelligent (bi)
Answer» B. business knowledge (bk)

the Decision support systems use all of the following EXCEPT:

A. analytical models,
B. specialized databases
C. online transaction processing
D. a decision maker’s own insights and judgments
Answer» C. online transaction processing

___________________________ were the original type of information system developed to support managerial decision making.

A. management information systems
B. decision support systems
C. management tracking system
D. strategic information system
Answer» A. management information systems

Which of the following involves analyzing complex relationships among thousands or even millions of data items stored in data marts, data warehouses, and other multidimensional databases to discover patterns, trends, and exception conditions?

A. oltp
B. olap
C. oise
D. olala
Answer» B. olap

_________________ represent complex data using interactive three- dimensional graphical forms such as charts, graphs, and maps.

A. data entry systems
B. data analysis systems
C. database management
D. data visualization systems
Answer» D. data visualization systems

Another name of goal seeking analysis is:

A. how to
B. how can
C. why not
D. what’s up
Answer» B. how can

Decision support system involves all of the following types of analytical modelling activities except?

A. what-if analysis
B. sensitivity analysis
C. goal-seeking analysis
D. heuristics
Answer» D. heuristics

In which of the following types of analysis, the value of only one variable is changed repeatedly, and the resulting changes on other variables are observed.

A. what-if analysis
B. sensitivity analysis
C. goal-seeking analysis
D. none of the above
Answer» B. sensitivity analysis

In which of the following types of analysis, the goal is to find the optimum value for one or more target variables, given certain constraints?

A. what-if analysis
B. optimization
C. goal-seeking analysis
D. none of the above
Answer» B. optimization

_____________________ is one of the most common and useful types of data mining for marketing. The purpose of market basket analysis is to determine what products customers purchase together with other products.

A. market box analysis (mba)
B. market of business administration (mba)
C. market bazaar analysis (mba )
D. marketing information system
Answer» A. market box analysis (mba)

The first goal of executive information systems is to provide top executives with immediate and easy access to information about a firm’s _______________, that is, key factors that are critical to accomplishing an organization’s strategic objectives.

A. critical success factors (csfs)
B. critical accomplishing factors (cafs)
C. critical executive system (cecs)
D. none of the above
Answer» A. critical success factors (csfs)

_____________ is a field of science and technology based on disciplines such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and engineering.

A. natural intelligence
B. artificial intelligence
C. articulate intelligence
D. none of the above
Answer» B. artificial intelligence

The components of an expert system include a _____________________________ that perform inferences on the knowledge in the knowledge base and communicate answers to a user’s questions.

A. database and software modules
B. knowledge base and software modules
C. communication base and software modules
D. knowledge base and interactive device
Answer» B. knowledge base and software modules

Information is_____________.

A. a collection of data
B. a processed data
C. a text data.
D. a audio/video data
Answer» B. a processed data

There are two levels of information in every organization and are__________.

A. an internet client and internet server.
B. telephone information and voice information.
C. formal and informal information.
D. internal information and external information.
Answer» D. internal information and external information.

. ____ is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms.

A. computer technology
B. network technology
C. information technology.
D. client server technology.
Answer» C. information technology.

. ____ is an electronic device which converts raw data into meaningful information.

A. computer.
B. hardware.
C. software.
D. compiler
Answer» A. computer.

_____ is the utilization of technology to improve the realization of office functions.

A. office automation
B. office pc.
C. office management.
D. office records.
Answer» A. office automation

_____ is the processing of raw data by using a computer to perform the selection and ordering process.

A. electronic data processing
B. manual data processing.
C. low data processing.
D. high data processing.
Answer» A. electronic data processing

Technically, _____ is a defined structure for efficient communication.

A. networking.
B. communication technology.
C. information technology.
D. computing
Answer» A. networking.

Example of Office automation tools are____________.

A. pencil and pen.
B. file and rack.
C. table and desk.
D. electronic mail and internet system.
Answer» D. electronic mail and internet system.

Which of the following can work both as an input and output medium?

A. keyboard.
B. trackball.
C. light pen.
D. touch screen
Answer» D. touch screen

Which of the following is a requirement for e-commerce?

A. paper.
B. internet connectivity.
C. usb.
D. digital signature.
Answer» B. internet connectivity.

The segment in which business directly sells to the end consumer is called____________.

A. c2c.
B. p2p.
C. b2c.
D. g2g.
Answer» C. b2c.

The payment on Internet is generally made through_________________.

A. cash card.
B. debit card.
C. credit ca
D. d. digital signature.
Answer» C. credit ca

Hardware of computer means________.

A. paper used.
B. plastic box.
C. electronic circuit and devices.
D. magnetic particle.
Answer» C. electronic circuit and devices.

Software of computer means____________.

A. electronic circuit and devices.
B. printing device.
C. interface between operator and machine.
D. magnetic disk.
Answer» C. interface between operator and machine.

A set of pre-recorded instructions executed by a computer is called the____________.

A. action.
B. hardware.
C. software.
D. programs.
Answer» D. programs.

EDP mean_____________.

A. electrical disk processing
B. electronic data processing
C. exact data processing.
D. extra ordinary disk processing.
Answer» B. electronic data processing

To process the data EDP utilize needs_________.

A. calculator.
B. computer.
C. drawing instrument
D. telephone
Answer» B. computer.

The actual machinery in a computer is called____________.

A. machinery.
B. hardware.
C. software.
D. instruments.
Answer» B. hardware.

Application software is_______________.

A. menu driven specific software
B. software for specific operation.
C. software for programming.
D. printing device.
Answer» B. software for specific operation.

Operating System is___________.

A. software used for operation of the system.
B. closing of system.
C. to perform the function.
D. multi user system
Answer» A. software used for operation of the system.

E-commerce means________________.

A. business through electronic media.
B. commercial activity.
C. electronic media.
D. transaction.
Answer» A. business through electronic media.

A System_________________.

A. is a place for the operation
B. is a set of the processes to perform the operation.
C. does not accept the input/output.
D. is when the result are not obtained.
Answer» A. is a place for the operation

A process is normally carried out_____________.

A. on the system
B. done out of the system.
C. outside the system.
D. send to the system.
Answer» A. on the system

Boundaries of the system are the_____________.

A. system and environment interface.
B. parameter of the environment.
C. border of the system.
D. bases of the system.
Answer» A. system and environment interface.

Stable system is a system__________.

A. which varies with home
B. does not vary with home.
C. remains unsteady
D. distributed by external changer.
Answer» B. does not vary with home.

The system which keeps uses of the activities and transactions of the organization is.

A. knowledge level system.
B. operational level system.
C. management level system.
D. strategic level system.
Answer» A. knowledge level system.

An interface computer based system which supports manages in making instructed decisions is__________.

A. mis.
B. es.
C. dss.
D. eps.
Answer» A. mis.

The type of decision in which all steps in the decision making process are structured is__________.

A. structured decision
B. semi- structured decision.
C. unstructured decision.
D. free structured decision.
Answer» B. semi- structured decision.

__________ support decision at strategic level of management.

A. mis.
B. es.
C. dss.
D. eps.
Answer» B. es.

____________support decision at operator level of management.

A. mis.
B. es.
C. dss.
D. eps.
Answer» C. dss.

Information systems that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the organizations are:

A. management-level system
B. operational-level system
C. knowledge-level system
D. strategic level system
Answer» A. management-level system

Submmary transaction data, high-volume data, and simple models are information inpubts characteristic of a(n):

A. dss
B. mis
C. ess
D. tps
Answer» B. mis

Which of the following individuals typically have less formal, advanced educational degrees and tend to process rather than create information?

A. knowledge workers
B. executives
C. system analysts
D. data workers
Answer» D. data workers

Deciding where to locate new production facilities is a(n) example of a manufacturing and production information system operating at the:

A. operational level
B. management level
C. knowledge level
D. strategic level
Answer» D. strategic level

Preparing short-term budgets is an example of a finance and accounting information system operating at the:

A. operational level
B. management level
C. knowledge level
D. strategic level
Answer» B. management level

Tracking employee training, skills, and performance appraisals is an example of a human resource information system operating at the:

A. operational level
B. management level
C. knowledge level
D. strategic level
Answer» A. operational level

Assembling a product, identifying customers and hiring employees are:

A. transactions
B. phases
C. business processes
D. business functions
Answer» C. business processes
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