200+ Arab and Muslim Historiography Solved MCQs


The word Tarikh is derived from the root word

A. Arkh
B. Ayyam
C. Arab
D. Adab
Answer» A. Arkh

A permanent calendar for the Muslims was introduced by

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

al Mukhtasar fi Ilm al Tarikh written by

A. al Masudi
B. al Tabari
C. al Kafiji
D. al Sakhawi
Answer» C. al Kafiji

The first authentic source of Islam

A. Hadith
B. Ijma
C. Quran
D. Tafzir
Answer» C. Quran

Sayings and doings of the Prophet Muhammad is called

A. Tafzir
B. Hadith
C. Sirah
D. Maghazi
Answer» B. Hadith

The opening chapter of the Quran is

A. al Baqrah
B. al Nisah
C. al Fatiha
D. al Nur
Answer» C. al Fatiha

The battle day narratives are referred to as

A. Ayyam al Arab
B. Sirah
C. Maghazi
D. Chronicles
Answer» A. Ayyam al Arab

The institution of narrators was called

A. akhbariyun
B. Rabi
C. Muallim
D. Mukhatam
Answer» A. akhbariyun

Ma’rib dam was constructed by

A. Manaeans
B. Himyarites
C. Sabaeans
D. Lakhimides
Answer» C. Sabaeans

The Hijrah year was started in

A. A D 1622
B. AD 622
C. AD 625
D. AD 1625
Answer» B. AD 622

Which is considered as the register of the deeds of the Arabs

A. Quran
B. Poetry
C. Isnad
D. Adab
Answer» B. Poetry

The term sirah is referred to as

A. biography prophet Muhammed
B. Details of prophethood
C. Commentary of the Quran
D. Sayings of the Prophet
Answer» A. biography prophet Muhammed

The term Maghazi literature is detailed about

A. military history of Muhammed
B. Sunnah of the Prophet
C. History of Pre Prophethood
D. Ayyam tales
Answer» A. military history of Muhammed

Which is considered as the Archives of the Arab

A. Ma’rib dam
B. Poetry
C. Futuh
D. Hadith
Answer» B. Poetry

The first man who took effort in collecting jahiliyyah poetry

A. Khalaf al Ahmar
B. al Dabbi
C. Amar ibn al As
D. Hammad al Rawiya
Answer» D. Hammad al Rawiya

The longest chapter in the Quran

A. al Nisa
B. al Imran
C. al Hajj
D. al Baqara
Answer» D. al Baqara

How many chapters are in the Quran

A. 144
B. 114
C. 112
D. 414
Answer» A. 144

The Babylonian Talmud was written by

A. Rabi Ashi
B. Rabi al Thabit
C. Moses
D. Lefi
Answer» A. Rabi Ashi

The oldest reference to Arabs are found in the writings of

A. Thucydides
B. Herodotus
C. Livy
D. Tacitus
Answer» B. Herodotus

The term Qisas of Anbia is referred to as

A. Stories of Muhammed
B. Stories of Prophets
C. Sirah of Prophet
D. Revelation of the Quran
Answer» B. Stories of Prophets

Sirah al Nabi written by

A. al Tabari
B. Ibn Sa’d
C. Ibn Ishaq
D. al Jahiz
Answer» C. Ibn Ishaq

The term Ansab is related

A. Philology
B. Shariocracy
C. Genealogy
D. Poetry
Answer» C. Genealogy

Al Shabani is related to

A. Tafzir writings
B. Sirah writings
C. Genealogy writings
D. Hadith writings
Answer» C. Genealogy writings

Kitab al Amthal is compiled by

A. al Hanzala
B. al Bakri
C. al Jahiz
D. al Suhar ibn Abbas
Answer» D. al Suhar ibn Abbas

Genealogy is deals with the study of

A. Literature
B. Pedigree
C. Language
D. Behavior
Answer» B. Pedigree

According to faith , the time of revelation of the Quran

A. 21 years
B. 22 years
C. 23 years
D. 24 years
Answer» C. 23 years

According to faith , the Quran was finally revealed on the day of

A. 10th Dhul Hijja
B. 17th of Ramdan
C. 1st Rabi ul Awwal
D. 1st Muharam
Answer» A. 10th Dhul Hijja

The first seven long chapters in the Quran are totally called

A. Sab Tiwal
B. Ma’ein
C. Mathani
D. Muffasal
Answer» A. Sab Tiwal

The Quranic chapter al Ahzab tells the history of

A. Battle of Uhud
B. Battle of Badr
C. Truce of Hudaibiyah
D. Conquest of Mecca
Answer» A. Battle of Uhud

The Tafzir literature is related to

A. Biography of Muhammed
B. Commentary of the Quran
C. Military history
D. Translation of the Quran
Answer» B. Commentary of the Quran

Jami al Bayan was written by

A. Malik inb Anas
B. Ibn Nadim
C. Abu Hamza
D. Jarir al Tabari
Answer» D. Jarir al Tabari

The work Jami al Bayan is on

A. the commentary of the Quran
B. Translation of the Quran
C. Compilation of the Quran
D. Collection of the Quran
Answer» A. the commentary of the Quran

The first man according to Prophet, to commit the revelation of the Quran to writing was

A. Ubayy ibn Ka’b
B. Zaid ibn Thabit
C. Abdullah ibn Ubayy
D. Aus ibn Khawali
Answer» A. Ubayy ibn Ka’b

The term Hauliyyat means

A. Ayyam al Arab
B. Akhbar
C. Chronicles
D. Khabar
Answer» C. Chronicles

The work Kitab al Maghazi written by

A. al Tabari
B. al Kalbi
C. al Waqidi
D. Yasar
Answer» C. al Waqidi

Fituh al Buldan written by

A. al Baladhuri
B. al Khatib
C. al Kalbi
D. Ibn al Qutayba
Answer» A. al Baladhuri

Ansab al Ashraf written by

A. ibn al Rushd
B. ibn Khaldun
C. al Baladhuri
D. al Waqidi
Answer» C. al Baladhuri

Master piece of ibn al Qutaybah

A. al Akhbar al Tiwal
B. Kitab al Ma’arif
C. Khuday Nmah
D. Futuh ul Buldan
Answer» B. Kitab al Ma’arif

Al Tabari was a native of

A. Tunis
B. Sevelle
C. Tabaristan
D. Baghdad
Answer» C. Tabaristan

The historian who introduced topical method of writing history

A. al Tabari
B. al Ma’sudi
C. Miskawayh
D. Waqidi
Answer» B. al Ma’sudi

Who is referred to as the Herodotus of the Arabs

A. ibn al Athir
B. al Dhahabi
C. al Mas’udi
D. al Tabari
Answer» C. al Mas’udi

Magnum opus of al Masudi

A. Tanbih w al Ishraf
B. al Kamil
C. Muruj al Dhahab
D. Tabaqat e Naziri
Answer» C. Muruj al Dhahab

Tarikh al Rasul wa al Muluk written by

A. al Masudi
B. ibn Khaldun
C. ibn al Athir
D. al Tabari
Answer» D. al Tabari

al Masudi was the native of

A. Damascus
B. Baghdad
C. Cordova
D. al Basra
Answer» B. Baghdad

Historian who laid the foundation of science of culture

A. ibn al Rushd
B. ibn Khaldun
C. Toynbee
D. Auguste Comte
Answer» B. ibn Khaldun

Meticulous scrutiny of the sources is called

A. Adab
B. Hauliyyat
C. Rehla
D. Isnad
Answer» D. Isnad

The greatest theoretician of history in the Arab world was

A. al Kindi
B. al Farabi
C. ibn Khaldun
D. ibn al Rushd
Answer» C. ibn Khaldun

The first book which deals with the influence of civilization on man was authorized by

A. al Masudi
B. ibn Hakal
C. ibn Battuta
D. ibn Khaldun
Answer» D. ibn Khaldun

The magnum opus of ibn Khaldun

A. Akbar Namah
B. Shah Namah
C. Prolegomena
D. Germania
Answer» C. Prolegomena

Kitab al Ibar was authorized by

A. ibn Khaldun
B. Abul Fazl
C. Firdauzi
D. Umar Khayyam
Answer» A. ibn Khaldun

The historian who introduced the concept of Sociology in Social Science

A. Arnold Toynbee
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Michael Fuchou
D. Ibn Khaldun
Answer» D. Ibn Khaldun

ibn Khaldun was the native of

A. Cairo
B. Tunis
C. Spain
D. Syria
Answer» B. Tunis

The theory of Asabiyyah put forward by

A. Renajith Guha
B. ibn al Rushd
C. Charles Darwin
D. Ibn Khaldun
Answer» D. Ibn Khaldun

A celebrated historian at the time of Delhi Sultanate was

A. al Beruni
B. al Badauni
C. al Barani
D. Kalhana
Answer» C. al Barani

The court historian of Muhammed ibn Tughlaq

A. Abul Fazl
B. al Beruni
C. Amir Khusrau
D. al Barani
Answer» D. al Barani

Tarikh i Firuz Shahi written by

A. al Beruni
B. ibn Battuta
C. al Badauni
D. al Barani
Answer» D. al Barani

Fatwa e Jahandhari was written by

A. ibn Khallikhan
B. Amir Khusrau
C. al Barani
D. Hamid Qalandar
Answer» C. al Barani

The precepts of eminent scholars and states men to their successors are called

A. Sha Namah
B. Akbar Nmah
C. Wasiyath Namah
D. Babar Nmah
Answer» C. Wasiyath Namah

The famous Wasiyath Namah was belonged to

A. Balban
B. Muhammed
C. Mahmud of Ghazni
D. Muhammed ibn Tughluq
Answer» A. Balban

Highly polished literature relating to a ruler or a noble is known by the name

A. Maghazi
B. Manaqibs
C. Sirah
D. Wasiyath Namah
Answer» B. Manaqibs

The life period of Amir Khusrau was

A. AD 1253-1325
B. AD 1212 -1280
C. AD1251-1320
D. AD 1334-1420
Answer» A. AD 1253-1325

Amir Khusrau was the historian under

A. Mughal Empire
B. Umayyad Empire
C. Abbasid Empire
D. Delhi Sultanate
Answer» D. Delhi Sultanate

The famous work written by Amir Khusrau on history

A. Aashiqa
B. Nuhsipher
C. Khazain ul Futuh
D. Rubayiyath
Answer» C. Khazain ul Futuh

Khiran us Sadain was the work on

A. History
B. Philosophy
C. Poetry
D. Geography
Answer» A. History

Famous poet cum historian who adorned the court of Alauddin Khilji

A. Amir Khusrau
B. Abdul Qadir Badauni
C. Abul Fazl
D. Hamid Qalandar
Answer» A. Amir Khusrau

. Thughluq Namah was written by

A. al Barani
B. al Beruni
C. Amir Khusrau
D. Abul Faizi
Answer» C. Amir Khusrau

The court historian of Emperor Akbar

A. al Badauni
B. Abul Fazl
C. Khallikhan
D. Abul Faizi
Answer» B. Abul Fazl

Akbar Namah was written by

A. Akbar
B. Babar
C. Abul Fazl
D. Jahangir
Answer» C. Abul Fazl

Aini Akabari was written by

A. Akbar
B. Abul Fazl
C. Abul Faizi
D. al Badauni
Answer» B. Abul Fazl

Royal Mughal Historiographer sponsored by the court and financed by the state was

A. Abul Faizi
B. al Barani
C. al Beruni
D. Abul Fazl
Answer» A. Abul Faizi

Ma’arib dam was constructed between the two mountains kwon by the name

A. Ablaq
B. Aqabah
C. Sinai
D. Tararistan
Answer» A. Ablaq

Torah is related to the scripture of

A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Zoroastrianism
D. Judaism
Answer» D. Judaism

The Sabaeans constructed the Ma’rib dam about

A. 700 BC
B. 800BC
C. 600BC
D. 900 BC
Answer» B. 800BC

Hijrah calendar was started in the year

A. AD 622
B. AD 750
C. AD650
D. AD 621
Answer» A. AD 622

Hijrah was performed by the Prophet in the month of

A. Muharam
B. Rabi ul Awwal
C. Safar
D. Rajab
Answer» B. Rabi ul Awwal

According to faith, collections of scriptures revealed to Hebrew Prophets

A. New testament
B. Torah
C. Quran
D. Zendavasta
Answer» B. Torah

Ayyam al Arab mainly dealing with

A. Arab Poetry
B. Jihad
C. Tribal conflicts
D. Biography
Answer» C. Tribal conflicts

Which famous ghazwah is mentioned in Surah al Imran

A. Badr
B. Uhud
C. Tabuk expedition
D. Khandhak
Answer» B. Uhud

The word Quran literally means

A. recitation
B. read
C. write
D. compilation
Answer» A. recitation

Prophet’s last pilgrimage to Mecca is termed as

A. Hijrah
B. Hajjat al Wada
C. Shu’ubiyya
D. Fair of Ukaz
Answer» B. Hajjat al Wada

The first group of professional genealogists appeared at the time of

A. Abbasids
B. Glorious caliphate
C. Umayyads
D. Abbasids
Answer» C. Umayyads

Sayings and doings of prophet Muhammed is generally called

A. Surah
B. Sirah
C. Hadith
D. Sunnah
Answer» C. Hadith

Hadith literally means

A. Write
B. read
C. Talk
D. remember
Answer» C. Talk

First collection of authentic hadith was written by

A. ibn Maja
B. Muslim
C. Bukhari
D. Tirmidi
Answer» C. Bukhari

First collection of authentic Hadith is

A. Sahih al Bhukhari
B. Sahih al Muslim
C. Sunan al Tirmidi
D. Sunan al Nasayi
Answer» A. Sahih al Bhukhari

Annalistic form of writing history is introduced by

A. al Tabari
B. al Masudi
C. al Baladhuri
D. al Athir
Answer» A. al Tabari

Basic form of Muslim Historiography was

A. Adab
B. Akhbar
C. Khabar
D. Maghazi
Answer» C. Khabar

Khabar simply means

A. Tomb
B. News
C. Paper
D. Investigation
Answer» B. News

Direct narration of battle day narratives is referred to as

A. Analystic history
B. Sirah
C. Maghazi
D. Khabar
Answer» D. Khabar

The term used for the meticulous scrutiny of data in Islam is called

A. Darayat
B. Muamalat
C. Rawayat
D. Isnad
Answer» D. Isnad

The first Muslim author of annals whose work is preserved was

A. ibn Khaldhun
B. ibn Ishaq
C. ibn Hisham
D. al Tabari
Answer» D. al Tabari

Tharikh al Rasul wa al Muluk written by

A. al Masudi
B. al Tabari
C. ibn Qutaybah
D. ibn Hisham
Answer» B. al Tabari

Kitab al Bayan is the first authentic work on

A. Tafzir
B. Translation of Quran
C. Recitation of the Quran
D. Sirah
Answer» A. Tafzir

Kitab al Bayan written by

A. al Tabari
B. al Masudi
C. ibn al Athir
D. al Afif
Answer» A. al Tabari

History of al Yaqubi is an example of

A. Dynastic History
B. Annalistic History
C. Didactic History
D. Artistic History
Answer» A. Dynastic History

The Arabic word for dynasty is

A. Dawlah
B. Diwan
C. Sirah
D. Amirate
Answer» A. Dawlah

The word tabaqah literally means

A. Division
B. Layer
C. Generation
D. Succession
Answer» B. Layer

The oldest chronological division which presented itself to Muslim historical thinking

A. Khabar
B. Maghazi
C. Tabaqat
D. Ayyam al Arab
Answer» C. Tabaqat

Tabaqat al Fuqaha written by

A. Ibn Ishaq
B. al Sirazi
C. al Baladhuri
D. al Razi
Answer» B. al Sirazi

Kitab al Ansab is a work on

A. Biography
B. Autobiography
C. Genealogy
D. Philology
Answer» C. Genealogy
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