190+ Political History of Abbasids Solved MCQs


What was the state language of the Eastern Roman Empire after the 7th Century?

A. Arabic
B. Greek
C. Latin
D. Russian
Answer» B. Greek

Which empire introduced the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic? Alphabet to Russia?

A. Mongol
B. Greek
C. British
D. Gupta
Answer» D. Gupta

Charlemagne crowned as Roman Emperor…………..?

A. 899
B. 860
C. 871
D. 800
Answer» C. 871

Who proclaimed the First Crusade?

A. Alexios I Komnenos
B. Pope George VI
C. Peter the Hermit
D. Pope Urban II
Answer» A. Alexios I Komnenos

Al-Firdousi was the poet of………..?

A. Persia
B. Asia
C. Africa
D. Germany
Answer» C. Africa

The first revelation came to Prophet (p.b.u.h) in:

A. Dar-e-Arqam
B. Makka
C. Hira
D. none of these
Answer» B. Makka

The hajj means……….

A. Is one of the Five Pillars of Islam
B. Contributed to the spread of Islamic beliefs and values?
C. Ends at the Ka'ba in Mecca.
D. None of these
Answer» C. Ends at the Ka'ba in Mecca.

Which city was called ―Queen of the cities?

A. Damascus
B. Cordova
C. Bagdad
D. None of these
Answer» A. Damascus

Bait-al-Hikmah was established by

A. Haroon Al Rasheed
B. Al Mammon
C. Al Mansur
D. None of these
Answer» B. Al Mammon

Who was the hero of the Battle of Zab

A. Al-Mansur
B. Al-saffah
C. Abdulla
D. None of these
Answer» C. Abdulla

Mutazilla Doctrine followed………?

A. Haroon Al Rasheed
B. Mamoon
C. Al-Mansoor
D. None of these
Answer» B. Mamoon

Baghdad was conquered and sacked by Halaku Khan in:

A. 1263 A.D.
B. 1258 A.D.
C. 1265 A
D. D. None of these
Answer» B. 1258 A.D.

Berbers originally were:

A. Africans
B. Arabs
C. Iranians
D. None of these
Answer» A. Africans

Europe between the A.D. 400s and 1100s is Characterized by………

A. Powerful religious authorities.
B. Stratified social hierarchies.
C. The absence of strong monarchs.
D. Wars between rival feudal lords.
Answer» C. The absence of strong monarchs.

“Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a Thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.” Which Empire is referred to inthis quotation?

A. Ottoman
B. Mongol
C. Byzantine
D. Hellenistic
Answer» D. Hellenistic

Which of the following countries was not part of the Byzantine Empire?

A. Iran
B. Byzantine
C. France
D. Egypt
Answer» D. Egypt

Which church was built by Emperor Justinian in the sixth century?

A. St. Peter's Basilica
B. St. Sophia
C. Notre Dame
D. None of these
Answer» A. St. Peter's Basilica

What was the significance of the Battle of Tours in 732?

A. Charlemagne converted many Muslims to Christianity
B. Charles Martel became King of France
C. Muslims gained control of Spain
D. It stopped the Muslim advance into Europe
Answer» D. It stopped the Muslim advance into Europe

Saladin capture Jerusalem………..?

A. 1118
B. 1187C.
C. 1193
D. 1203
Answer» A. 1118

The Abbasids Ruled the Muslim Caliphate From ……..?

A. 750-1258
B. 580-1250
C. 800-1250
D. None of these
Answer» A. 750-1258

Who is the father of Al-Hadi……..?

A. Al-Mahdi
B. Haroon Al Rasheed
C. Mammon
D. None of these
Answer» A. Al-Mahdi

Al Hadi Died…………….?

A. 886
B. 786
C. 560
D. 739
Answer» B. 786

Which of these factors did NOT shape the evolution of society in Western Europe during the early medieval period………..?

A. Eastern Orthodox Church
B. Customs of barbarian tribes
C. Roman Catholic Church
D. Roman heritage
Answer» D. Roman heritage

How did monks and nuns improve life during the middle Ages?

A. They gave land to the peasants.
B. They excommunicated criminals
C. They cared for the sick and poor
D. None of these
Answer» C. They cared for the sick and poor

Pre- Islamic Iran Rulers were……

A. qaiser
B. shahan- shah
C. kisra
D. none of these
Answer» C. kisra

Samarra was built ……………

A. 847
B. 800
C. 785
D. 900
Answer» A. 847

Samarra was built BY……….

A. Al-mansur
B. Al Mahdi
C. Al-must'asim
D. none
Answer» D. none

Who was built the large Palace Bulkuwara………..?

A. Haroon Al-Raheed
B. Muawiya
C. Mamoon
D. Mutazz
Answer» D. Mutazz

For the first time Abdul Malik issued purely Muslim Coinage Know as:

A. Pound
B. Dinar
C. Dirham
D. Rupee
Answer» B. Dinar

Who was issued Gold Coins……….?

A. Abdul Malik
B. Muawayia
C. Walid
D. None of these
Answer» A. Abdul Malik

The first capital of Abbasid Caliphate was

A. Al-Hashmiyah
B. Samrah
C. Baghdad
D. Damascus
Answer» C. Baghdad

Al-Idrisi was a famous

A. Musician
B. poet
C. Geographer
D. None of these
Answer» A. Musician

Cordova is a city of:

A. Libya
B. Lebanon
C. Al-Andalus
D. None of these
Answer» C. Al-Andalus

At the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William of Normandy conquered

A. Italy
B. Jerusalem.
C. Germany.
D. None of these
Answer» A. Italy

Which of the following helped unite Charlemagne's empire?

A. The Treaty of Verdun.
B. Viking attacks
C. Magyar attacks.
D. None of these
Answer» A. The Treaty of Verdun.

When was Constantinople captured by Ottomans?

A. 1375
B. 1305
C. 1453
D. None of these
Answer» C. 1453

Who was the father of Al-Mansur…….?

A. Al-Hadi
B. Muhammad Ibn-Ali-Ibn-Abdallah
C. Muawiya
D. None of these
Answer» B. Muhammad Ibn-Ali-Ibn-Abdallah

Who was the Second Caliph of Abbasids Dynasty…….?

A. Al-Mamoon
B. Harun Al Rashhed
C. Al-Hadi
D. Al-Mansur
Answer» B. Harun Al Rashhed

Umm-ul- Banin was a remarkable --- women

A. European
B. Spanish
C. Egyptian
D. Arab
Answer» A. European

Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by

A. Abdul Malik
B. Waleed
C. Umar bin Abdul Aziz
D. None of these
Answer» A. Abdul Malik

Who was the real founder of Abbasids Dynasty…..?

A. Harun Al Rasheed
B. Al Madhi
C. Al- Mansur
D. Al Mammon
Answer» C. Al- Mansur

Dots on Arabic letter was introduced by

A. Hajjaj
B. Hassan Basri
C. YahyaBarmaki
D. None of these
Answer» B. Hassan Basri

Al-Khwarzmi was a

A. Astronomer
B. Soldier
C. Mathematician
D. None of these
Answer» B. Soldier

The Crusades were undertaken to

A. Keep the Holy Land out of Muslim control.
B. Reform the Medieval church.
C. Free Rome from the Byzantines.
D. None of these
Answer» B. Reform the Medieval church.

When was Al Mansur proclaimed Caliph……?

A. 753.
B. 853
C. 953
D. None of these
Answer» B. 853

What city served as the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

A. Adrianople
B. Ankara
C. Constantinople
D. None of these
Answer» B. Ankara

What group conquered Constantinople in 1453?

A. Bulgarians
B. Greco-Romans
C. Ottomans
D. KievanRus
Answer» D. KievanRus

The city of Constantinople is now called __________.

A. Istanbul
B. Byzantium
C. Athens
D. Sarajevo
Answer» A. Istanbul

Who was Al-Mansur’s Uncle..?

A. Musa –Ibn-Nusair
B. Isa-Ibn-Ali
C. Muthawakkil
D. None of these
Answer» B. Isa-Ibn-Ali

Meaning oofBarmakid……….?

A. Leader
B. Soldier
C. Lawyer
D. None of these
Answer» A. Leader

When was Charlemagne crowned as Roman Emperor?

A. 899
B. 860
C. 871
D. None of these
Answer» A. 899

What is Chivalry?

A. The code Charlemagne implemented
B. The code by which a Christian family lived
C. The code by which young men lived
D. the code by which knights lived
Answer» C. The code by which young men lived

During muslim rule was the capital of Spain

A. Toledo
B. Cordova
C. Garnada
D. None of these
Answer» B. Cordova

.________ was the Tutor of Haroon-ur-Rashid:

A. Khalid Rarmaki
B. YahyaBarmaki
C. Ghazali
D. None of these
Answer» B. YahyaBarmaki

Spain was conquered by:

A. MohmudGhaznawi
B. Musa bin Nusair
C. Tariq bin Ziyad
D. None of these
Answer» B. Musa bin Nusair

IbnKhaldun was an:

A. Architect
B. Historian
C. Muhaddith
D. None of these
Answer» C. Muhaddith

.“Thafa-tul-Thafat” is a book on:

A. Astronomy
B. History
C. Philosophy
D. None of these
Answer» B. History

Umar khayyam is known for his work……..?

A. shah nama
B. ruba'iyyat
C. siyasatnama
D. none of these
Answer» B. ruba'iyyat

The feudal system was based on control of

A. The Church
B. Land.
C. Crops.
D. Cattle
Answer» D. Cattle

Who was the enemy of barmaid in the Abbasid Revolt………?

A. Umayyads
B. Fathimids
C. Saljuqs
D. None of these
Answer» A. Umayyads

During Abbasid times, the Arabs learned from China the technique of making

A. Fine silk.
B. Gunpowder and cannons.
C. Paper.
D. All these answers are correct.
Answer» D. All these answers are correct.

IbnZaidun was:

A. Historian
B. Poet
C. Philosopher
D. None of these
Answer» C. Philosopher

The Mongols defeated

A. SalahuddinAyyubi
B. The Ghaznawids
C. The Abbasids
D. None of these
Answer» B. The Ghaznawids

The monk who established strict rules for monastic life was named

A. Charlemagne.
B. Patrick.
C. Gregory.
D. Benedict.
Answer» D. Benedict.

The capital Abbasis Dynasty…..?

A. Damascus
B. Corodova
C. Bagdad
D. None of these
Answer» C. Bagdad

The ottoman dynasty fell in:

A. 1857
B. 1926
C. 1940
D. 1924
Answer» D. 1924

---- was the real founder of the Abbasid dynasty

A. Al-Safah
B. Abu jafar
C. Muhammad musa
D. Abdullah
Answer» A. Al-Safah

Al-Qanun - Filtib was written by;

A. Almasudi
B. Ibn-ishq
C. al- yaqubi
D. IbnSina
Answer» D. IbnSina

IbnTufail lived in:

A. Egypt
B. Spain
C. Syria
D. None of these
Answer» B. Spain

Who was the Father of Yahia…….?

A. KhalidIbn-Barmak
B. Al- Fadal
C. Al-Jaffar
D. None of these
Answer» A. KhalidIbn-Barmak

The greatest Muslim Art in which they have achieved incomparable success is

A. Paintings
B. Architecture
C. Calligraphy
D. None of these
Answer» C. Calligraphy

Where is situated Bayt Al Hikma …….?

A. Bhaghad,
B. Graneda,
C. Damascus,
D. Cairo
Answer» A. Bhaghad,

The house of Kingdom Bayt al Hikma founded by………….

A. Mammon,
B. Haroon Al-Rasheed,
C. Muawayia,
D. Al-Mansur
Answer» B. Haroon Al-Rasheed,

With the emergence of Abbasids the Capital was transfer from Syria to

A. Egypt
B. Iran
C. Iraq
D. Bagdad
Answer» A. Egypt

In the administration of the Umayyad’s the court language was:

A. German
B. Arabics
C. French
D. None of these
Answer» A. German

Under feudalism, lords granted land…….?

A. peasant’s
B. knights
C. lords
D. None of these
Answer» B. knights

Which was the second Dynasty of caliphate…….?

A. Abbasids
B. Barmakid
C. Ummayds
D. None of these
Answer» A. Abbasids

When did Abbasids move their capital from Damascus to …….?

A. Bagdad
B. Syria
C. Damascus
D. None of these
Answer» A. Bagdad

Battle of the freatZab River……….?

A. 788
B. 750
C. 850
D. 755
Answer» B. 750

Who was introduced non-muslim Berber slav…….?

A. Al-Mutasim
B. Mutawakkil
C. Harun Al-Rashid
D. Maimun
Answer» A. Al-Mutasim

When was Iranian buyids entered in Bagdad……….?

A. 750
B. 945
C. 850
D. None of these
Answer» B. 945

The Abbasids Caliphate first centered its Government in……….?

A. Kufa
B. Syria
C. Damascus
D. N one of these
Answer» A. Kufa

Which period Known as Golden Age of Islam…….?

A. Abbasids
B. Ummayds
C. Saljuks
D. Mamluks
Answer» A. Abbasids

Another name of Spain……….?

A. Morocco
B. AlAndalus
C. Cordova
D. None of these
Answer» B. AlAndalus

Who was known as Mawali………..?

A. None-Arab Muslim
B. Arabi
C. Shiya
D. None of these
Answer» A. None-Arab Muslim

Who was the Great Grandson of Abbas………?

A. Mutawakkil
B. Walid
C. Muhammad-Ibn-Ali
D. None of these
Answer» C. Muhammad-Ibn-Ali

Where was built the world’s first recorded Paper mill ……..?

A. Egypt
B. Corodova
C. Morocco
D. Bagdad
Answer» D. Bagdad

An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the

A. Orthodox Christian religion
B. use of the Latin alphabet
C. beginning of democracy
D. factory system
Answer» B. use of the Latin alphabet

A Byzantine-made version of the ancient Roman legal code became known as the __________.?

A. Byzantine Constitution
B. Twelve Tables
C. Ten Commandments
D. None of thee
Answer» B. Twelve Tables

Who changed the capital Al andalus from Corodova……….?

A. AbdurRahman III
B. Mamoon
C. Harun Al Rashid
D. None of these
Answer» A. AbdurRahman III

Al-Ameen Died …….

A. 950
B. 855
C. 813
D. None of these
Answer» C. 813

When did Egypt become autonomous under AhamadibnTulun…?

A. 870
B. 699
C. 850
D. None of these
Answer» A. 870

Who transfer the capital from Bagdad to Samarra…..?

A. Harun Al Rasid
B. Mamun
C. Al-Mutasim
D. None of these
Answer» C. Al-Mutasim

The first Abbasid Caliph of Cairo was……..?

A. Al-Mustanisr
B. Mutawakkil
C. Al-Mamoon
D. None of these
Answer» A. Al-Mustanisr

The Abbasid Caliphate of Cairo lasted until the time of ………..?

A. Haroon Al Rahid
B. Al-Muttawakkil III
C. Al-Mutasim
D. None of these
Answer» B. Al-Muttawakkil III

Algebra was significantly developed by Persian scientist …….?

A. Muhammad ibn-Musa al Khwarismi
B. JabirIbn-Hyyan
C. Ibn al Haytham
D. None of these
Answer» A. Muhammad ibn-Musa al Khwarismi

Which one does not contribute to the formation of International Government?

A. Expansion of international trade
B. Establishment of international organization
C. Inter-state rivalry
D. Means of communication
Answer» B. Establishment of international organization

The Church had great power over people during the middle Ages because

A. It protected them in times of warfare.
B. It decided who could achieve salvation.
C. It provided them with education.
D. It controlled food production.
Answer» B. It decided who could achieve salvation.

Barmak may ulitimately derive from Sanskrit ……….?

A. Chief
B. Pramuka
C. Leader
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The Vezir who favoured Al Amin

A. Fadlibn Rabi
B. Isa Muhammed
C. AhammedMuhammed
D. Fadl
Answer» A. Fadlibn Rabi
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