200+ Islam in History Solved MCQs


Tarif landed Spain in the year

A. 711
B. 712
C. 714
D. 7152.
Answer» A. 711

Who was the first governor general of Spain after the co nquest

A. Thaiq ibn ziyad
B. Abdul Aziz
C. Abdul Rehman
D. Musaibn Nusayr
Answer» B. Abdul Aziz

Who was the last Gothic ruler

A. Witiza
B. Roderick
C. Abdul Aziz
D. Hakkam
Answer» B. Roderick

Door to Spain

A. Ceuta
B. Italy
C. Africa
D. Portugal
Answer» A. Ceuta

Capital of Gothic Kingdom

A. Spain
B. Toledo
C. Cordova
D. Granada
Answer» B. Toledo

Battle of Tours fought in the year

A. 732
B. 734
C. 735
D. 736
Answer» A. 732

Battle of tours fought between

A. Abdul Rehman and Tariq
B. Abdul Rehman Ghaffaqi and Charles Martel
C. Abdul Rehman Ghaffaqi and Musa ibn Nusyar
D. Walid and AbdulRehman Ggaffaqi
Answer» B. Abdul Rehman Ghaffaqi and Charles Martel

Who was the first Amir of Spain

A. Abdul Rehman I
B. Abdul Rehman II
C. Abdul Rehman III
D. Abdul Rehman IV
Answer» A. Abdul Rehman I

In which battle did the Franks led by Charles Martel defeat the Muslims

A. Battle of Hattim
B. Battle of Tours
C. Battle of Hittin
D. Battle of Zab
Answer» B. Battle of Tours

In which Penunsila where Spain is located

A. Iberian Penunsila
B. Malay Penunsila
C. Arabian Peninsila
D. Crimean Penunsila
Answer» A. Iberian Penunsila

Which Islamic Caliphate took control of Spain

A. Abbasids
B. Umayyads
C. Ottoman
D. Mamluks
Answer» B. Umayyads

Who was the ruler of Spain during the Muslim invasion

A. Roderick
B. Witiza
C. Theoder
D. None of these
Answer» A. Roderick

Which was the Capital Spain during Umayyad rule of Spain

A. Cordova
B. Granada
C. Madrid
D. Barcelona
Answer» A. Cordova

Gibralter is named after

A. Musa ibn Nusayr
B. Uquba ibn Nafi
C. Tariq ibn Ziyad
Answer» C. Tariq ibn Ziyad

Which battle gave Abdul Rehman a foot hold in Spain

A. Battle of Masara
B. Battle of Zallaqa
C. Battle of Karbala
D. Battle of Zenta
Answer» A. Battle of Masara

Who was the successor of Abdul Rehman I

A. Hisham I
B. Hakkam
C. Hisham III
D. Abdul Rehman II
Answer» A. Hisham I

Day of ditch event tookpalce during the time of

A. Hisham I
B. Hakkam I
C. Hisham III
D. Abdul Rehman II
Answer» B. Hakkam I

Reigning period of Hakam I

A. 796-822
B. 796-821
C. 796 – 923
D. 796 – 824
Answer» A. 796-822

Personal body guard of Al Hakam I

A. Al Haras
B. Al Hamas
C. Red cap
D. None of these
Answer» A. Al Haras

Al Hakam died in the year

A. 822
B. 823
C. 824
D. 825
Answer» A. 822

Who was the fourth Uamayyad ruler of Spain

A. Abdul Rehman II
B. Hakkam I
C. Hakkam III
D. Abdul Rehman III
Answer» A. Abdul Rehman II

Name of famous poet who adorned the Court of Abdul Rehman II

A. Abu Nuwas
B. Sulaiman al Shami
C. Abdulla ibn Bakr
D. Ibn Habib
Answer» A. Abu Nuwas

Who was chief theologian of Abdul Rehan II

A. Yahya ibn Yahya
B. Yahya ibn Malik
C. Abbas ibn Firnas
D. None of these
Answer» A. Yahya ibn Yahya

Yahya ibn Ghaz was

A. poet diplomat
B. philosopher
C. Grammarian
D. Physician
Answer» A. poet diplomat

Brightest jewel of Court of Abdul Rehman II

A. Ziryab
B. Abu Nuwas
C. Wallada
D. None of these
Answer» A. Ziryab

First Caliph of Umayyad dynasty of Spain

A. Abdul Rehman I
B. Abdul Rehman II
C. Hakkam II
D. Abdul Rehman III
Answer» D. Abdul Rehman III

Abdul Rehman III ruled Spain during the year

A. 912- 961
B. 912- 962
C. 912-963
D. 912- 964
Answer» A. 912- 961

In which year Abdul RehmanI landed in Spain

A. 755
B. 756
C. 757
D. 758
Answer» A. 755

A bdul Rehman landed Spain at

A. Granada
B. Cordova
C. Seville
D. Munecar
Answer» D. Munecar

Who is entitled as Falcon of Quraish

A. Ahdul Rehman I
B. Abdul Rehman II
C. Abdul Rehman Ghaffaqi
D. Abdul Aziz
Answer» A. Ahdul Rehman I

Name the faithful Valet of Abdul Rehman I

A. Badr
B. Somayil
C. Kalbi
D. Hussain
Answer» A. Badr

Abdul Rehman I was born in the year

A. 732
B. 7312
C. 735
D. 731
Answer» D. 731

Who was the most perilous enemy of Abdul Rehman I from France

A. Charlemagne
B. Charles Martel
C. Charles IV
D. Charles V
Answer» A. Charlemagne

The Country Palace built by Abdul Rehman I

A. Rusafa
B. Al Zahra
C. Al Hambra
D. None of these
Answer» A. Rusafa

Official Residence of Abdul Rehman II

A. al qasr
B. Court of Mirtles
C. Rusafa
D. Hall of Ambassidor
Answer» C. Rusafa

The Mini cum city palace built by Abdul Rehman III

A. Madinat al Zahra
B. Rusafa
C. Al Ham bra
D. Munyat al naura
Answer» A. Madinat al Zahra

Umayyad ruler of Spain who had literary taste

A. Hisham
B. Hisham
C. Abdul Rehman al Muzaffer
D. Hakam II
Answer» D. Hakam II

Aghlabid dynasty was ruled over

A. Ifriqiya
B. Egypt
C. Damascus
D. Bagdada
Answer» A. Ifriqiya

The Capiltal of Aghlabid dynasty

A. Qayrawan
B. Bagdada
C. Iran
D. None of these
Answer» A. Qayrawan

The tribe which belongs to Aghlabids

A. Banu Tanim
B. Banu Nasr
C. Quraish
D. Banu Hashim
Answer» A. Banu Tanim

The Palace complex built by Ibrahimibn Aghlab

A. Hall of queen
B. al Abbasiya
C. Hall of Chambers
D. None of these
Answer» B. al Abbasiya

The reigning period of Aghlabid dynasty

A. 800 – 909
B. 800 – 910
C. 800 – 912
D. 800 – 914
Answer» A. 800 – 909

Who was the last Aghlabid Ruler?

A. Ziyadat Allah III
B. Ibrahim ibn Aghlab
C. Z iyadat Allah II
D. Ibrahim ibn Aghlab II
Answer» B. Ibrahim ibn Aghlab

Which Aghlabid ruler began the conquest of Sicily

A. Ziyadat Allah I
B. Ziyadat Allah II
C. Ibrahim ibn Aglab
D. None of these
Answer» A. Ziyadat Allah I

Ziyadat Alah I was

A. First Aghlabid ruler
B. Second Aghlabid ruler
C. Third Aghlabid ruler
D. Fourth Aghlabid ruler
Answer» C. Third Aghlabid ruler

Governor of Ziyadat Allah I

A. Asad ibn al Furat
B. Manzoor
C. Ibn Daula
D. None of these
Answer» A. Asad ibn al Furat

Sicily was conquested by the Aghlabid ruler

A. Ibrahim II
B. Ibrahim III
C. Ziyadat Allah I
D. Ziyadat Allah II
Answer» A. Ibrahim II

In which year the conquest of Sicily was completed by Aghlabids

A. 902
B. 903
C. 904
D. 905
Answer» A. 902

Which was the dynasty ruled Sicily before the arrival of Normans

A. Kalbites
B. Somites
C. South Arabians
D. None of these
Answer» A. Kalbites

In which year Sicily was conquested by Normans

A. 1090
B. 1091
C. 1092
D. 1093
Answer» A. 1090

Who was Norman ruler who conquested Sicily

A. Roger I
B. Frederick II
C. Frederick III
D. Frederick IV
Answer» A. Roger I

The chief ornament of King Roger’s court was

A. al Idrisi
B. Ibn Sinna
C. Ibn Rushd
D. Ibn Arabi
Answer» B. Ibn Sinna

Ai Idrisi was

A. Asrtonomer
B. Geographer
C. Physician
D. Mathematician
Answer» A. Asrtonomer

Kitab Rujar was written by

A. Al Idrisi
B. Al Masudi
C. Al Baytar
D. Ibn zahr
Answer» A. Al Idrisi

Who was the interpreter Astrologer of King Frederick

A. Theodore
B. Zaraqilli
C. Ibn Bajja
D. IbnRushd
Answer» A. Theodore

Capital of Banu Hud family is

A. Saragossa
B. Toledo
C. Granada
D. Seville
Answer» A. Saragossa

Banu abad family was ruled over

A. Sevllle
B. Toledo
C. Saragossa
D. Bedajoz
Answer» B. Toledo

Who was the ruler of Kingdom of Bedajoz

A. ibn Ahmar
B. Banu al Aftas
C. al Muiz
D. Bau Hud
Answer» A. ibn Ahmar

Whose title is hajib al sayf al Dawlah

A. ibn Ziri
B. Banu Hud
C. Al Aftas
D. Banu abad
Answer» A. ibn Ziri

Which was biggest state that emerged from thebroken kingdom of Umayyad

A. Kingdom of Bedajoz
B. Kingdom of Seville
C. Kingdom Saragossa
D. Kingdom of Granada
Answer» A. Kingdom of Bedajoz

Who was the builder of al Jafaria Palace

A. Abu Jfar al Muqtadir
B. Sulaiman
C. Banu al Qabturnuh
D. None of these
Answer» A. Abu Jfar al Muqtadir

The famous Christian Knight who visited the Court of Yusaf al Mu’tamin

A. The Cid
B. Roland
C. Charles
D. Sancho
Answer» A. The Cid

Tutor of Hisham II

A. al Zubaidi
B. al Qasim
C. ibn Jahwar
D. al Muatamid
Answer» A. al Zubaidi

Who was the real founder of al Moravid dynasty

A. Yusaf ibn Tafsin
B. ibn Maymun
C. Yahiya ibn Ibrahim
D. Abdulla ibn Yasin
Answer» A. Yusaf ibn Tafsin

Who was titled as Bismark of Germany

A. al Hajib al Mansur
B. al Muzaffer
C. Abdul Rehman II
D. Abdul Rehman II
Answer» B. al Muzaffer

Capital of Al Murabit dynasty

A. Tangier
B. Toledo
C. Fez
D. Marakkush
Answer» A. Tangier

The reigning period of Murabit dynasty in Spain

A. 1090 – 1147
B. 1090 – 1148
C. 1092- 1148
D. 1090 – 1143
Answer» B. 1090 – 1148

Who was the Caliph founder of al Muwahhid dynasty

A. Muhammad ibn Tumart
B. Abd al Mumin ibn ali
C. Ali ibn yusaf
D. None of these
Answer» C. Ali ibn yusaf

Who annihilated the al Moravid dynasty

A. Abd al Mumin
B. Ishaq ibn ali
C. Muhammad ibn Tumart
D. The Cid
Answer» A. Abd al Mumin

Who was the last ruler of Murabit dynasty

A. Ishaq ibn ali
B. Abd al Mumin
C. ibn Tumart
D. Ali ibn Yusaf
Answer» A. Ishaq ibn ali

Which was the Capital of al Murabits in Spain

A. Toledo
B. Saragossa
C. Cordova
D. Granada
Answer» A. Toledo

Name the tribe which belongs to Abd al Mumin Ali

A. Zanatha
B. Khazraj
C. Tamin
D. None of these
Answer» A. Zanatha

Which is the name of Hospital built by Yusaf yaqub al Mansur in North Africa

A. al Marrakeushi
B. al Bimaristani
C. Giralda
D. None of these
Answer» B. al Bimaristani

Which battle exterminated the al Muwahhid dynasty from Spain

A. Las Navs de Toloso
B. Zallaqa
C. battle of zenta
D. None of these
Answer» A. Las Navs de Toloso

Which is the last representative of Muslim authority in Spain

A. Nasrids
B. Muwahhids
C. Murabits
D. Abads
Answer» A. Nasrids

Nasrid dynasty in Spain was founded by

A. Muhammad ibn Yusaf ibn Nasr
B. Abu yaqub
C. Al Mansur
D. Ali
Answer» A. Muhammad ibn Yusaf ibn Nasr

Which is the last Moorish dynasty in Iberian Peninsula

A. The Nasrid dynasty
B. Abad dynasty
C. ZIiri
D. None of these
Answer» A. The Nasrid dynasty

Which battle paved the way for the rise Nasrid dynasty

A. Las Navas de Toloso
B. Battle of Poiters
C. Battle of Hittin
D. Battle of Los Alporchones
Answer» D. Battle of Los Alporchones

Whose title is Al Ghalib

A. ibn Tumart
B. Al Mansur
C. Tafsin
D. Ahmar
Answer» A. ibn Tumart

Which was the Capital of Nasrid dynasty

A. Granada
B. Cordova
C. Toledo
D. Jean
Answer» A. Granada

Who was Lisan al Din al Khatib

A. Vazir of Nasrids
B. vazir of Abadids
C. Banu Huds
D. None of these
Answer» A. Vazir of Nasrids

The reigning period of Nasrid dynasty

A. 1232 – 1492
B. 1232 – 1493
C. 1234 – 1493
D. 1232 – 1435
Answer» A. 1232 – 1492

Which is called as Damascus of Andalus

A. Granada
B. Cordova
C. Elvira
D. Jean
Answer» C. Elvira

The most celebrated river of Granada

A. Tigris
B. Guadalquivir
C. Xenil
D. None of these
Answer» A. Tigris

Which is called as Swan song of Islamic Architecture of Spain

A. Al Hamra
B. Al qasr
C. Mosque of Cordova
D. Al Jafaria
Answer» C. Mosque of Cordova

Who was styled as Half heathen King

A. Roger II
B. Frederick
C. William II
D. Roger I
Answer» A. Roger II

The battle of Secunda was fought in the year

A. 748
B. 1087
C. 745
D. 746
Answer» D. 746

Who was the defender of al Mutamid from the enchroachment of Alfonso IV

A. ibn Tumart
B. Hassan ibn Ali
C. Zahghal
D. yusaf ibn Tafsin
Answer» A. ibn Tumart

Who was rival of al Mutamid from Christidom

A. Alfonso VIII
B. Alfonso V
C. Sancho
D. Duro
Answer» A. Alfonso VIII

Which was the crowning achievement of Cid the Campeador

A. Occupation of Valencia
B. Occupation of Toledo
C. Occupation of Damascus
D. Occupation of Granada
Answer» D. Occupation of Granada

Where did Abd al Mumin annihilate the Murabits army

A. Fez
B. Ceuta
C. Aghmat
D. Tilimsan
Answer» D. Tilimsan

The Court physician of Hakam II was

A. I bn Zahr
B. ibn Sinna
C. ibn Bajja
D. Ahmad ibn Ynus
Answer» B. ibn Sinna

In which battle Tariq ibn Ziyad defeated Roderick

A. Battle of Zallaqa
B. battle of Guadalate
C. Battle of Zab
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Battle of Guadalate was fought in the year

A. 712
B. 711
C. 710
D. 715
Answer» C. 710

Battle of Toulouse fought in the year

A. 723
B. 724
C. 721
D. 725
Answer» A. 723

Belligerents of the Battle of Toulouse were

A. France and Umayyate Caliphate
B. Italy and Umayyat Caliphate
C. France and Nasrids
D. None of these
Answer» A. France and Umayyate Caliphate

Who was the fourth Umayyad Amir of Cordova

A. Abdul Rehman II
B. Abdul Rehman III
C. Hisham
D. Hakam
Answer» B. Abdul Rehman III

Who was the last dependant Amir of Umyyad Spain

A. Somail
B. yusaf al Fihri
C. Abdul Aziz
D. None of these
Answer» A. Somail

Umyyad dynasty was founded by

A. Muawiya
B. Hisham
C. Marwan
D. Mutawakkil
Answer» A. Muawiya

Capital Normans in Sicily

A. Plermo
B. Qayrawan
C. Syracuse
D. Taormina
Answer» A. Plermo
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