190+ The Ottomans (1280 - 1876) Solved MCQs


First Capital of Ottoman Sulthanate

A. Edirne
B. Yekishr
C. Constatinople
D. Bursa
Answer» D. Bursa

The Ottoman ruler, who accepted the flag of Seljuks as the official flag of Ottoman Sulthanate

A. Ottoman
B. Orhan
C. Murad I
D. Mehmet II
Answer» B. Orhan

The ruler of Barusa, who embraced Islam after the siege of Ottomans

A. Afrinds
B. John Paleogus
C. Cantacuzine
D. Heraclius
Answer» A. Afrinds

Second capital of Ottoman Sulthanate

A. Constantiople
B. Adrianople
C. Bursa
D. Yekishr
Answer» C. Bursa

Founder of the formation of Jamisaries

A. Orkhan
B. Murad I
C. Bayezid I
D. Osman
Answer» A. Orkhan

Who hand over the castle of climp to Otthoman as a remuneration?

A. Queen Anna
B. Cantaezena
C. John V Paleogus
D. Stephan Dusane
Answer» B. Cantaezena

Who captured Edime in 1361

A. Orkhan
B. Murad I
C. Bayezd I
D. Selim I
Answer» B. Murad I

Before the capture of contontinople, the capital of Ottoman Sulthanate was

A. Edrine
B. Bursa
C. Yekishr
D. Cimp
Answer» A. Edrine

The commander in chief of Murad during the expedation of Edrine

A. Afrinus Bek
B. Lala Sahin Pasha
C. Cantazuzene
D. Khairudheen Pasha
Answer» B. Lala Sahin Pasha

Founder of Ottoman dynasty

A. Osman I
B. Erthugral
C. Orkhan
D. Murad I
Answer» A. Osman I

Founder of Ottoman Empire

A. Osman I
B. Murad I
C. Muhamad II
D. Sulaiman Qanuni
Answer» B. Murad I

The first Christian Neighbouring country of Edrine ready to signed the peace / friendship treaty with Murad I

A. Botsnia
B. Hungary
C. Ragoes
D. Vanchia
Answer» C. Ragoes

The name of the city hand over by the ruler of Khirman to Murad I

A. Sofiya
B. Kothahiya
C. Ismeed (Necomedaa)
D. Izneek (Niklaia)
Answer» B. Kothahiya

Year of the fall of Sofiya

A. 1381
B. 1382
C. 1383
D. 1384
Answer» C. 1383

The Ottoman commander in chief, who conquered Salonica the ancient Roman city

A. Lala Sahin Pasha
B. Khairdeen Pasha
C. Timner Twash Pasha
D. Atrinus Bek
Answer» C. Timner Twash Pasha

The first monement of Sabotage in the Ottoman Sultanate against the Sultan was place during the period of

A. Murad I
B. Muhamad I
C. Selin I
D. Muhamed II
Answer» A. Murad I

Ist Battle of Kosovo took place

A. 1387
B. 1388
C. 1389
D. 1390
Answer» C. 1389

The Ottoman Sulthan, who introduced the red flag with cresent

A. Orkhan
B. Murad I
C. Osman
D. Muhammed II
Answer» A. Orkhan

Who known as thunder bolt among the Ottoman Sulthan

A. Murad I
B. Bayezid
C. Muhamed II
D. Selim I
Answer» B. Bayezid

Among the following dynasties which has the longest ruling period

A. Seljuk mTurks
B. Abbasids
C. Ottoman Turks
D. Ummayads
Answer» C. Ottoman Turks

The Ottoman Sulthan who entitled himself Ulthan - I - Rum

A. Murad I
B. Bayazid I
C. Muhamad II
D. Selim I
Answer» B. Bayazid I

The man who killed Murad I

A. Lazar
B. John V Paleogus
C. Milos Obilic
D. Stephen Dusane
Answer» C. Milos Obilic

The first Ottoman siege to Constantinople was lied by

A. Bayzid I
B. Muhammed I
C. Murad II
D. Muhammed II
Answer» A. Bayzid I

Who built the magnificiant Ulu cami in Bursa to celebrate the vistory of the Battle of Nicopolis

A. Mannel II Palcologus
B. Murad I
C. Bayzid I
D. Sigis Munad
Answer» C. Bayzid I

Battle of Ankara took place in

A. 1400
B. 1401
C. 1402
D. 1403
Answer» C. 1402

The son of Bayazid I, who was imprisoned along with Bayzid I in the battle of Kosovo

A. Suleyman celebi
B. Isacelebi
C. Muhamad Celebi
D. Mustafa Celefi
Answer» D. Mustafa Celefi

After the death of Basphid I, who declared himself as the Ottoman ruler with the capital of Edirne

A. Suleyman Celebi
B. Isa Celebi
C. Muhammed Celebi
D. Musa Celebi
Answer» A. Suleyman Celebi

Who considered as the second founder of Ottoman Sultanate

A. Bayazid I
B. Muhammad II
C. Murad I
D. Muhammed I
Answer» D. Muhammed I

After the death of Bayazid, who win the ‘Ottoman Interregnum

A. Muhammed Celebe
B. Isa Celebe
C. Sulayman Celebe
D. Musa Celebe
Answer» A. Muhammed Celebe

Name of the princess Byzantium, who warned to Orhan

A. Theclora
B. Asporsha
C. Eftandise Hautn
D. Nilufer Hatum
Answer» A. Theclora

The post of beylerbey denotes in ottoman period

A. Governer General
B. Vazir
C. Naval Admiral
D. Muhtazib
Answer» A. Governer General

The recruitng system of Ottoman army known as

A. Millet
B. Derslime
C. Timariots
D. Kapudan - C- Dariya
Answer» B. Derslime

The Ottoman ruler, who established the former Osmani tribe in to a Sulthanate

A. Osman
B. Murat I
C. Mehmel II
D. Sulaiman Qanni
Answer» B. Murat I

Who known as the ‘Grand T urk’ in the history of Ottoman Sulthanate

A. Muhammad II
B. Murat I
C. Sulaiman Qanumi
D. selim I
Answer» C. Sulaiman Qanumi

Who established the title of Sulthanate of Ottoman

A. Murat I
B. Bayazid I
C. Orman
D. Muhammed I
Answer» A. Murat I

A Timar holder was known as

A. hass
B. Zeamet
C. timariot
D. Kulas
Answer» C. timariot

A very powerful soual and religious monement led by Sheikh Bedreddin during the period of

A. Muhammed I
B. Muhammed II
C. Bayazid
D. Salim I
Answer» A. Muhammed I

Muhammed I was burried in

A. Edrine
B. Bursa
C. Ankara
D. Samarkand
Answer» B. Bursa

The Ottoman ruler who formed an army called Azap

A. Murad I
B. Muhamed I
C. Murat II
D. Muhammed II
Answer» C. Murat II

Battle of Varna took place in

A. 1443
B. 1444
C. 1445
D. 1446
Answer» B. 1444

Commander of the combined christian forces in the Battle of Varna

A. Walkslaw II
B. John Hunyadi
C. Mircea II
D. Duke Philip
Answer» B. John Hunyadi

Who declared the crusals of Varna against the Ottoman expansion

A. Pope Eugene IV
B. John Hunyadi
C. Pope Gregary XIII
D. Martin V
Answer» A. Pope Eugene IV

Who appointed tro crush the rebellion of Sheik Bederddin during the period of Muhammed I

A. Sinnan Pasha
B. Sulaiman Pasha
C. Kamal Pasha
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Second Battle of Kusovo took place in

A. 1447
B. 1448
C. 1449
D. 1389
Answer» B. 1448

The Sulthan, who inagurated the first Ottoman war with the city - state of Venice

A. Musat I
B. Musat II
C. Mehmet I
D. Boyazid II
Answer» B. Musat II

The Ottoman military maching bankd known as

A. Mahtar
B. Orkhon
C. Marsi
D. daruls
Answer» A. Mahtar

Mehtar as Ottoman military music arose in the era of

A. Okhan
B. Osman
C. Erthugral
D. Murat I
Answer» B. Osman

In Western Europe, the band music of Ottoman also called

A. Kapiculu Music
B. Dersime Music
C. Janissaru Music
D. davuls
Answer» C. Janissaru Music

The radical & western European types of reforms took place in the Ottoman military band in the era of

A. Muhammad II
B. Muhammad I
C. Sulaiman I
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The Sulthan who ruled Ottoman twice in his life spam

A. Mehmet I
B. Murat II
C. Mehmet II
D. Sulaiman Qamuni
Answer» D. Sulaiman Qamuni

The Ottoman Sulthan who used the ‘Trece fire’ suring the lime of besiege of Constanitnople

A. Murat I
B. Bayazid
C. Muhammed II
D. Musat II
Answer» C. Muhammed II

The Ottoman Sulthan who claimed the title Qayser - l - Rum

A. Sulaiman Qanuni
B. Bayazid I
C. Musat II
D. Mehmet II
Answer» D. Mehmet II

Who built footress Anadoluhisari

A. Bayazid I
B. Mehmet I
C. Mehmet II
D. Murat II
Answer» A. Bayazid I

Who erected the fortress Rumelihissari

A. Mehmet II
B. Bayazid II
C. Sulaiman Qanuni
D. Bayazud I
Answer» A. Mehmet II

Capture of Constantinople took place in

A. 1452
B. 1453
C. 1454
D. 1455
Answer» B. 1453

The Sulthan who shifted the Ottoman capital from Adrianople to Constantinople

A. Mehmed II
B. Sulaiman Qami
C. Bayazid I
D. Murat II
Answer» A. Mehmed II

Who was the Bysantine emperor during the capture of Constantinople

A. Constantine XI
B. Theophilos Palaidogos
C. Loukass Notaress
D. Gasriele Trevisano
Answer» A. Constantine XI

Who known as “the just” in the history of Ottoman Sulthanate

A. Bayazid II
B. Sulaiman Qamuni
C. Mehmet II
D. Salim I
Answer» A. Bayazid II

The Ottoman Sultan who established the tax ‘avariz - i divaniye

A. Sulaiman - Qanumi
B. Beyazid II
C. Bayazid I
D. Murad I
Answer» B. Beyazid II

Word meaning of the term ‘Istanabul’

A. World of Islam
B. City of Islam
C. conquering land
D. love of Islam
Answer» B. City of Islam

The Ottoman Sulthan who implimented the new brutal policy ‘Fratricide’

A. Mehmet II
B. Bayazid II
C. Selim I
D. Sulaiman I
Answer» C. Selim I

The army group ‘Ghazi socities was formed by

A. Osman
B. Orkhan
C. Erthugral
D. Murad I
Answer» A. Osman

Who shifted the Ottoma capital to Bursa

A. Orkhan
B. Osman
C. Murat I
D. Erthugrul
Answer» A. Orkhan

The Sulthan who made the Janisaries as a stendig army

A. Orchan
B. Murad I
C. Mehmed I
D. Osman
Answer» B. Murad I

Who shifted the capital from Bursa to Adrinaple

A. Murad I
B. Muhammad I
C. Muhammad II
D. Bayahid I
Answer» B. Muhammad I

The suti who lead the revellion against Mehant I

A. Quaja Sardaria
B. Sheikh Badarudin
C. Qwaja Ahmd trilawat
D. Sheik Shihabudin
Answer» B. Sheikh Badarudin

The Muslims became the masters of Bosperons stait during the period of

A. Murat I
B. Bayazid I
C. Muhamed I
D. Muhamed II
Answer» D. Muhamed II

Fall of Trananda took place in

A. 1491
B. 1492
C. 1493
D. 1494
Answer» B. 1492

The Ottoman Sulthan who give the shelter to the Jews and Muslims of Spain, after the fall of Tranada.

A. Mehmet II
B. Bayazid II
C. Bayazid I
D. Sulaiman I
Answer» B. Bayazid II

The ruler who assumed the title of ‘Sulthan’ instead of Beg and Ans Amir.

A. Orkhan
B. Murat I
C. Murat II
D. Bayazid I
Answer» B. Murat I

The Sulthan who defeated Shah Ismail, the Safarid ruler of Persia

A. Oiman
B. Orkhan
C. Murat I
D. Salim I
Answer» D. Salim I

The Ottoman ruler who known as the Magnificient.

A. Mehmet II
B. Murat I
C. Sulaiman I
D. Salim I
Answer» C. Sulaiman I

The Ottoman Sulthan who became the master of three ocean

A. Mehmet II
B. Selim I
C. Sulaiman Qanuni
D. Murat I
Answer» C. Sulaiman Qanuni

The Mughal emperor, who had the friendly relationship with Sulaiman

A. Humayun
B. Akbar
C. Jahangir
D. Shajahan
Answer» B. Akbar

The Sulthan who replaced the old Janisares by the western type of military troop

A. Mehmet I
B. Sulaiman I
C. Salim I
D. Salim II
Answer» D. Salim II

The Ottoman ruler who killed by the Janisaries

A. Sulaiman I
B. Salim II
C. Sulaiman Qaunmi
D. Bayazid I
Answer» B. Salim II

The Sultan who introduced the reform movement ‘Tomzimat’

A. Mahmud I
B. Salim II
C. Salim I
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The Janisary corps abolished in the year

A. 1825
B. 1826
C. 1827
D. 1828
Answer» B. 1826

The Sulthan who known as the antoiratic ruler of Ottoman empire

A. Mahmud I
B. Salim II
C. Abdul Hamid I
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

How many seiges are the city of Constantinople befor 1453

A. 7
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Answer» D. 20

The first Muslim ruler, who initiated the preparations of cannons, with enermous size firing stone balls from one mile distance

A. Murat I
B. Mehmet II
C. Boyazd I
D. Orkan
Answer» B. Mehmet II

The siege of Constatinople by Mehmet II commenced by

A. 8th April 1493
B. 6th April 1453
C. 10th April 1453
D. 11th April 1453
Answer» B. 6th April 1453

Constantinople was captured on

A. May 30 1453
B. May 12 1453
C. May 29 1453
D. May 10 1453
Answer» C. May 29 1453

The seige of Constanitnople lasted up to

A. 50 days
B. 49 days
C. 57 days
D. 52 days
Answer» C. 57 days

Who moved the Ottoma capital from Edirne to Constantinople

A. Mehmet II
B. Orkhan
C. Salim I
D. Bayazd II
Answer» A. Mehmet II

Who built the great palace Topaki

A. Mehmet II
B. Orkhan
C. Selim I
D. Bayazed II
Answer» A. Mehmet II

Who known as tghe ‘Law GiVer’ in the Ottoman history

A. Mehmet I
B. Sulaiman
C. Baazad I
D. Musat I
Answer» B. Sulaiman

The Sultan who introduced the consumer in Ottoma empire

A. Mehmet I
B. Mehmet II
C. Sulaiman I
D. Musat I
Answer» C. Sulaiman I

Who banned the Millet system of the Ottomic empire

A. Sulaiman I
B. Sulaiman II
C. Salim III
D. Mahmud II
Answer» D. Mahmud II

The Sulthan who introduced the policy that ‘all people in the Ottmoman empire as the Ottoman’

A. Sulaiman I
B. Mehmet II
C. Murat I
D. Mahmud II
Answer» D. Mahmud II

The imperial artistic group called Ahl - i - Hiref exited in the reign of

A. Mehmet I
B. Mahmud I
C. Sulaiman II
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The Ottoma Sulthan who keep the pay roll register in the court for the offices, the artists and craftman

A. Mahmud II
B. Salim III
C. Sulaiman I
D. Orkhan
Answer» C. Sulaiman I

Author of Multaqa - al abhur

A. Sulaiman I
B. Qairdin Pasha
C. Bayazid II
D. Ibrahim al Hatabhi
Answer» D. Ibrahim al Hatabhi

The content of the work ‘Multaqa - al - abhur’

A. Slave system
B. Mehmet II accession
C. Marriage system
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Gerogens Aminithus, the Greek scholar lived in the court of

A. Mehmet II
B. Salim III
C. Sulaiman I
D. Murat I
Answer» C. Sulaiman I

The great poet who lived in the court of Sulaiman I

A. Ahmed Nada Ifandi
B. Fazuli
C. Baki
D. Ibrahim al Halabi
Answer» A. Ahmed Nada Ifandi

Ottoma architecture was synthesis of

A. Persian
B. Mamluke of Byzantine
C. Sarasanic
D. Mamluk
Answer» B. Mamluke of Byzantine

Topkapi palace built in

A. 1460
B. 1465
C. 1463
D. 1453
Answer» B. 1465

The UNESCO has declared Topkapi as world heritage site in

A. 1985
B. 1980
C. 1979
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1985

Crimean war took place in

A. 1850 - 51
B. 1853 - 56
C. 1858 - 60
D. 1857 - 58
Answer» B. 1853 - 56
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