190+ Environmental Studies in Islam and Human Rights Solved MCQs


When was Universal Declaration of Human rights adopted

A. 10 December 1948
B. 10 December 1949
C. 15 December 1948
D. 15 December 1948
Answer» A. 10 December 1948

How many articles do the Universal Declaration of Human rights have?

A. 31
B. 30
C. 40
D. 40
Answer» B. 30

How many countries are in the Commission on Human rights

A. 53
B. 51
C. 40
D. 41
Answer» A. 53

When is the International Human rights day

A. 10 December
B. 11 December
C. 15 December
D. 17 December
Answer» A. 10 December

The rights to freedom of expression and freedom of religion are

A. Limited rights
B. absolute rights
C. Qualified rights
D. Absolute rights
Answer» B. absolute rights

The six freedoms of Indian citizens have been included in

A. Article 10
B. article 19
C. article 16
D. article 18
Answer» B. article 19

Generally rights are classified in to civil and

A. Political rights
B. economical rights
C. social rights
D. cultural rights
Answer» A. Political rights

Fundamental rights are

A. Justifiable
B. unjustifiable
C. acceptable
D. none of these
Answer» A. Justifiable

Which article of UDHR ensures the right to family

A. Article 17
B. article 18
C. article 16
D. article 30
Answer» C. article 16

Right to resistance is

A. Political right
B. social right
C. economical right
D. behavioural right
Answer» A. Political right

Article 1 0f ICCPR ensures

A. Right of self-determination
B. right to live
C. freedom of education
D. freedom of marriage
Answer» C. freedom of education

Article 6 of ICCPR deals with

A. Right to education
B. right to marriage
C. right to life
D. right to trial
Answer» A. Right to education

In which article of ICCR protected the child rights

A. Article 24
B. article 23
C. article 16
D. article 4
Answer» A. Article 24

Child rights are protected in the article of UDHR

A. 25 (2)
B. 16
C. 16 25 (1)
D. none of above
Answer» A. 25 (2)

The year of 1995 was designated as the International year for

A. Tolerance
B. peace
C. education
D. women
Answer» B. peace

The year 1985 was designated as

A. Aged
B. youth
C. children
D. women
Answer» A. Aged

What is the most Human rights treaty adopted by General assembly

A. Protection of all migrant workers
B. protection of rights of aged
C. protection of rights of women
D. none of these
Answer» A. Protection of all migrant workers

Right to freedom of speech and expression includes

A. Freedom of press
B. right to education
C. right to marriage
D. right against defamation
Answer» C. right to marriage

Cultural and educational rights do not include the provisions of

A. Minorities have the right to protection
B. Minorities can preserve their language script,law and culture
C. Minorities cannot setup educational institutional
D. Governments will not discriminates while giving grants to Minority institutions
Answer» B. Minorities can preserve their language script,law and culture

The headquarter of UN located at

A. New Delhi
B. New York
C. Geneva
D. Hague
Answer» B. New York

The protection of Human rights Act in India was enacted in the year

A. 1995
B. 1993
C. 1994
D. 1996
Answer» C. 1994

Right to Education guaranteed under article

A. 14
B. 19
C. 21 A
D. 21
Answer» A. 14

Human rights were divided in to

A. Three generations
B. four generations
C. six generations
D. two generations
Answer» D. two generations

Who proposed the division of Human rights into different generations

A. Nehru
B. Kennedy
C. Bill Clinton
D. Karel Vasak
Answer» A. Nehru

The second Bill of rights were proposed by

A. Franklin D Roosevelt
B. Churchill
C. Karel Vasak
D. none of these
Answer» B. Churchill

Magna Carta was signed in the year

A. 1216
B. 1215
C. 1217
D. 1218
Answer» A. 1216

Petition of rights was in

A. 1628
B. 1632
C. 1629
D. 1630
Answer» C. 1629

Solidarity rights include

A. First category of Human rights
B. second category of Human rights
C. third category of Human rights
D. none of above
Answer» A. First category of Human rights

ICCPR signed in the year

A. 1976
B. 1978
C. 1977
D. 1980
Answer» A. 1976

ICCPR is in accordance with

A. Article 49
B. article 30
C. article 16
D. article 4
Answer» C. article 16

How many parties are there in ICCPR

A. 178
B. 174
C. 173
D. 17
Answer» A. 178

When was Human rights Council Established?

A. 2006
B. 2007
C. 2008
D. 2009
Answer» A. 2006

Which is the largest and most complex subsidiary body of UN

A. Economic and social council
B. security council
C. political council
D. none of above
Answer» A. Economic and social council

UN Economic and social council was founded in

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1948
D. 1949c
Answer» A. 1945

Which is the sixth principal organ of UN

D. none of these
Answer» A. ECOSOC

Who was the seventy fifth president of ECOSOC

A. Monna Juul
B. Trump
C. Netha nyahu
D. none of these
Answer» A. Monna Juul

The number of members in ECOSOC

A. 10
B. 54
C. 51
D. 11
Answer» C. 51

How many experts have the UN Committee of on the elimination of Racial discrimination

A. 10
B. 12
C. 18
D. 17
Answer» A. 10

One of the oldest monitoring body of UN

D. none of these
Answer» C. CEDAW

The number of general recommendations of CERD

A. 30
B. 29
C. 31
D. 40
Answer» A. 30

The Committee on racial discrimination against women is adopted in the year

A. 1979
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1982
Answer» A. 1979

The number of experts in the Committee on Economic and Social cultural rights

A. 18
B. 17
C. 16
D. 15
Answer» B. 17

Where is the headquarter of Committee on Economic and Social cultural rights

A. New York
B. Geneva
C. Turkey
D. America
Answer» C. Turkey

Indian Constitution has borrowed the preamble from

A. Italian Constitution
B. Canadian Constitution
C. French Constitution
D. Constitution of USA
Answer» A. Italian Constitution

International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural right adopted in the year

A. 1966
B. 1977
C. 1968
D. 1967
Answer» D. 1967

How many members are there in the Human rights committee

A. 13
B. 16
C. 10
D. 18
Answer» A. 13

The Human rights committee is

A. UN expert body
B. States parties
D. UN political body
Answer» A. UN expert body

Human rights council is

A. UN political body
B. UN expert body
C. States parties
D. none of above
Answer» B. UN expert body

Commission on Human rights is a

A. UN expert body
B. UN political body
D. UN Human rights treaty body
Answer» C. ICCPR

The idea of concurrent list in the Indian Constitution is taken from

A. Ireland
B. Canada
C. Australia
D. Japan
Answer» A. Ireland

Human rights committee is established by

A. Article 28 of ICCPR
B. Article 16 of ICCPR
C. Article 18 of ICCPR
D. Article 14 of ICCPR
Answer» B. Article 16 of ICCPR

The functions of Human rights committee are outlined in the part

A. II of Constitution
B. IV constitution
C. V constitution
D. 1 of constitution
Answer» C. V constitution

Human rights committee meets

A. Two times in a year
B. one time in a year
C. three time in a year
D. five time in a year
Answer» A. Two times in a year

Constitution of India is

A. Federal in nature
B. central in nature
C. provincial in nature
D. none of above
Answer» A. Federal in nature

The constitution of India was adopted by Indian constituent Assembly on

A. 26 th November 1949
B. 26 th December 1949
C. 26 th October 1949
D. 26 th August 1949
Answer» A. 26 th November 1949

Constitution of India came into effect on

A. 26 th January 1950
B. 26 th March 1950
C. 26 th April 1950
D. 27 th January 1951
Answer» C. 26 th April 1950

Which article of Constitution of India high lights right to equality

A. Article 1-13
B. Article 2- 5
C. Article 14-18
D. Article 20
Answer» B. Article 2- 5

Which Article of Constitution of India prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion,caste,race and sex

A. Article 14
B. Article 15
C. Article 10
D. Article 9
Answer» D. Article 9

Which Article is related with Un touch ability

A. Article 20
B. Article 19
C. Article 18
D. Article 17
Answer» A. Article 20

How many Article were there originally in Constitution of India

A. 395
B. 397
C. 403
D. 413
Answer» C. 403

Fundamental rights in India are guaranteed by it through

A. The right to equality
B. Right against exploitation
C. right to constitutional remedies
D. education and cultural rights
Answer» B. Right against exploitation

How many fundamental rights are there in Indian Constitution

A. Eight
B. six
C. nine
D. ten
Answer» D. ten

Who is the father of fundamental rights

A. Gandhi
B. Patel
C. Nehru
D. B.R Ambedkar
Answer» A. Gandhi

What is the article of 17 of Indian Constitution

A. Abolition of untouchability
B. right to equality
C. right to education
D. right to property
Answer» B. right to equality

The fundamental duties in the constitution of India were adopted from

A. Canadian constitution
B. Russian constitution
C. American constitution
D. French constitution
Answer» A. Canadian constitution

Indian constitution is

A. Quasi federal
B. Unitary
C. Presidential
D. Federal
Answer» C. Presidential

The Indian constitution has been divided into

A. 16 chapters
B. 24 chapters
C. 25 chapters
D. 22 chapters
Answer» A. 16 chapters

The fundamental right that aims at the abolition of social distinction is the right

A. To equality
B. to property
C. against exploitation
D. to freedom
Answer» C. against exploitation

Preamble means

A. The preface of book
B. the head of body
C. introduction especially that of an act of parliament stating its aim and objectives
Answer» B. the head of body

Right to speedy trial is

A. Legal act
B. constitutional right
C. Fundamental right
D. Directive principle of State policy
Answer» A. Legal act

The directive principle of State policy are the guidelines

A. For framing laws for the Government
B. for framing laws for the supreme court
C. for framing laws for the company
D. none of these
Answer» B. for framing laws for the supreme court

Fundamental rights are defined in part

A. Part II of Constitution
B. Part III Constitution
C. Part IV Constitution
D. none of these
Answer» A. Part II of Constitution

Fundamental duties are defined in the part

A. Part IV of constitution
B. part II of constitution
C. part III of constitution
D. none of these
Answer» C. part III of constitution

Directive principles of state policy embodied in part

A. Part II of Constitution
B. part III Constitution
C. part IV of Constitution
D. none of above
Answer» B. part III Constitution

Total number of schedule in the constitution is

A. 8
B. 12
C. 10
D. 2
Answer» C. 10

Women’s suffrage means

A. Right to marry
B. right to divorce
C. right to vote
D. right to property
Answer» A. Right to marry

Which is the act protect women from Domestic Violence

A. Act 2005
B. Act 2002
C. Act 2001
D. 2004
Answer» B. Act 2002

Which is the Act prohibits the giving or taking of dowry

A. Act of 1967
B. 1961
C. 1960
D. 1987
Answer» A. Act of 1967

What is the article related with prohibition of practice of human trafficking in India

A. Article 23 (1)
B. 24(1)
C. 39 (1)
D. 16(2)
Answer» A. Article 23 (1)

What are the three ‘’3Ps’’ related to the child right

A. Provision, protection and participation
B. provision , pupil and protection
C. provision ,participation and playing
D. none of these
Answer» C. provision ,participation and playing

Which Article of Constitution relates to the minority

A. Article 2
B. Article 10
C. Article 30
D. Article 14
Answer» C. Article 30

Minority rights day is

A. December 8
B. December 10
C. December 18
D. December 2
Answer» A. December 8

The National Commission for Minorities established in

A. 1992
B. 1991
C. 1995
D. 1994
Answer» A. 1992

The UDHR , Article 27 , recognizes

A. Share in scientific advancement and its benefits
B. equality
C. right to live
D. right to trial
Answer» A. Share in scientific advancement and its benefits

Who is the Chairperson of National Human rights Commission

A. Judge of Supreme court
B. Judge of High court
C. Prime minster
D. Chief minister
Answer» C. Prime minster

How many members are in National Human Rights Commission

A. 6
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8
Answer» A. 6

Which is the World’s first charter of Human rights

A. Cyrus Cylinder
B. Magna Carta
C. Bill of rights
D. none of above
Answer» A. Cyrus Cylinder

The Kerala State Human rights Commission constituted on

A. December 11 1998
B. December11 1999
C. December 11 2000
D. December 11 2002
Answer» C. December 11 2000

Who was the first Chairperson of Kerala State Human rights Commission

A. Mal hotra
B. Pinarayi Vijay an
C. M.M.Pareed Pillai
D. none of these
Answer» C. M.M.Pareed Pillai

The number of permanent members of UN Security Council

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 4

The number of non-permanent members of UN Security Council

A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
Answer» B. 10

UN Charter was signed on

A. 24 th June 1945
B. 26 th June 1945
C. 24 th July 1945
D. 26 th July 1945
Answer» C. 24 th July 1945

Which is the executive arm of UN

A. General Assembly
B. Commission
C. Secretariat
D. Council
Answer» A. General Assembly

Who is the head of UN Secretariat

A. Secretary General
B. President
C. Vice president
D. none of above
Answer» D. none of above

The Chief spokesman of UN

A. President
B. General
C. Admiral
D. Secretary General
Answer» D. Secretary General

How many Articles does the Universal Declaration of Human rights contain

A. 40
B. 29
C. 31
D. 30
Answer» A. 40

How many countries are members of the Commission on Human rights

A. 53
B. 54
C. 55
D. 56
Answer» D. 56

How many Human rights treaty bodies are there?

A. 8
B. 5
C. 4
D. 6
Answer» D. 6

The Article 23-24 related to

A. equality
B. freedom
C. education
D. exploitation
Answer» D. exploitation

Environmental Protection Act was declared in the year

A. 1988
B. 1985
C. 1986
D. 1987
Answer» C. 1986
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