
60+ Asian Philosophy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) , Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) , Indian Administrative Service (IAS) .


Sun Yat Sen argues that, ‘it is easy to act, but difficult to----------------

A. say
B. think
C. know
D. explain
Answer» C. know

Mao Tes Tung in his ------------------advocated the synthesis of theory and practice in revolutionary behaviour.

A. ‘on practice’
B. ‘book of changes’
C. . ‘yi jing’
D. none of these
Answer» A. ‘on practice’

Mao Tes Tung in his ‘On Practice’ advocated the synthesis of ------------- --------in revolutionary behaviour

A. knowledge and theory
B. knowledge and life
C. theory and practice
D. theory and law
Answer» C. theory and practice

In Arabic philosophy active intellect is often described as :

A. ethical entity
B. material entity
C. psychological entity
D. transcendent immaterial entity
Answer» D. transcendent immaterial entity

Al-Frabi accepts that, the immediate notion of beauty is visual and more closely related to the--------------.

A. imagination
B. reason
C. intuition
D. sensations
Answer» D. sensations

Who accepts that, the immediate notion of beauty is visual and more closely related to the sensations?

A. al- frabi
B. avicenna
C. averroes
D. al-gazel
Answer» A. al- frabi

According to Al- Frabi, ---------------is the most perfect thing.

A. love
B. soul
C. god
D. nature
Answer» C. god

“Ahura Mazda literally means:

A. ‘the wise lord’
B. ‘the perfect god’
C. ‘the powerful god’
D. ‘the absolute’
Answer» A. ‘the wise lord’

Ahura Mazda the term is created for referring the God by:

A. zoroaster
B. buddha
C. al-farabi
D. confucius
Answer» A. zoroaster

Ahura Mazda represent :

A. all mighty
B. personified god
C. protector
D. good creator
Answer» D. good creator

Ahriman represent the:

A. soul
B. goodness
C. evil
D. none of these
Answer» C. evil

According to Zoroastrianism, ---------------is the source of all good in the world.

A. rahiman
B. ahirman
C. ahriman
D. ohrmazd
Answer» D. ohrmazd

Who argues that, the rational soul is indestructible since it is simple and so cannot break up into parts?

A. al- frabi
B. avicenna
C. averroes
D. al-gazel
Answer» B. avicenna

Avicenna argues that, the rational soul is ------------------

A. constuctable
B. diminishable
C. destructible
D. indestructible
Answer» D. indestructible

Who argues that, there is no need for God to bring us back to life in the next world after we have died in this world?

A. al- frabi
B. avicenna
C. averroes
D. al-gazel
Answer» C. averroes

Yin represents:

A. light
B. bright
C. dark
D. none of these
Answer» C. dark

Yang represents:

A. light
B. shade
C. dark
D. dullness
Answer» A. light

Tao is the origin and the principle of :

A. soul
B. matter
C. being
D. experience
Answer» C. being

In Taoism------------- is considered as is both all beings and all possible beings.

A. yin
B. yang
C. wu
D. tao
Answer» D. tao

According to Neo Confucianism ----- is the principle describes the mode of being of everything possible.

A. qi
B. li
C. wu
D. tao
Answer» B. li

According to Neo Confucianism ----- is the principle which brings some of the possible things into actuality.

A. qi
B. li
C. wu
D. tao
Answer» A. qi

Who is called as Master Kong?

A. confucius
B. kukai
C. laozi
D. hakuin ekaku
Answer» A. confucius

‘The ruler has the sanction of Heaven if he is righteous, and it has been taken away from him if he behaves badly’. Who proposed this view?

A. confucius
B. kukai
C. laozi
D. hakuin ekaku
Answer» A. confucius

------------ treated as the well written book of Confucius.

A. ‘on practice’
B. ‘book of changes’
C. spring and autumn annals
D. ’yi jing’
Answer» C. spring and autumn annals

According to Mao Zedong, -------is the only constant phenomenon in this universe.

A. soul
B. matter
C. permanence
D. change
Answer» D. change

Which book helped Mao Zedong to make the idea that, change is the only constant phenomenon in this universe?

A. ‘on practice’
B. ‘book of changes’
C. on theory’
D. ‘thus capital’
Answer» B. ‘book of changes’

Koan means:

A. puzzles
B. analogies
C. parables
D. similes
Answer» A. puzzles

In Zen Buddhisn which sect advocated the use of koan in referring a sudden enlightenment?

A. sot
B. b. tendai
C. rinzai
D. shingon
Answer» C. rinzai

According to Confucius, li is a combination of-----------------.

A. power and knowledge
B. justice and wisdom
C. morality and etiquette
D. right and courage
Answer» C. morality and etiquette

According to Confucius, li means:.

A. excellent
B. wisdom
C. justice
D. propriety
Answer» D. propriety

Laozi or Lao Tzu is also known as :

A. divine master
B. divine kong
C. master kong
D. old master
Answer» D. old master

‘Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do you’ – this slogan is also known as :

A. the golden rule of confucianism
B. the golden rule of taoism
C. the golden rule of zen
D. the golden rule of zoroastrianism
Answer» A. the golden rule of confucianism

‘In order to establish myself, I establish others: in order to enlarge myself, I enlarge others’- this principle is propounded by:

A. confucius
B. kukai
C. laozi
D. hakuin ekaku
Answer» A. confucius

Rejection of the notion of gentleman by high birth is considered as the most revolutionary aspects of :

A. confucius.
B. laozi
C. mao
D. kukai
Answer» A. confucius.

Hadith means:

A. saying of the prophet
B. saying of the master
C. saying of the leader
D. saying of the god
Answer» A. saying of the prophet

Which school of Japan preached the doctrine of Three Truths?

A. tendai
B. jodo
C. shingon
D. zen
Answer» A. tendai

Which are the three truths emphasised in Tendai tradition?

A. the emptiness, the temporary and the middle
B. the emptiness, the action and the permanent
C. the emptiness, the temporary and the permanent
D. none of these
Answer» A. the emptiness, the temporary and the middle

Ikhwan al-Safa can be translates as:

A. brethren of divine
B. brethren of soul
C. brethren of purity
D. brethren of god
Answer» C. brethren of purity

In Islamic tradition kalam means;

A. philosophy
B. ethics
C. ontology
D. theology
Answer» D. theology

Pure Land movement is related with:

A. chinese philosophy
B. arabic philosophy
C. japanese philosophy
D. zoroastrian philosophy
Answer» C. japanese philosophy

Rinzai Zen was introduced by :

A. confucius
B. kukai
C. laozi
D. eisai
Answer» D. eisai

Rinzai Zen advocated the principle of ------------------ enlightenment.

A. sudden
B. gradual
C. slow
D. calm
Answer» A. sudden

-------------------- is the most important Confucianist emphasised Confucius’ philosophy of benevolence.

A. xunzi
B. mencius
C. mao
D. dogen
Answer» B. mencius

--------------- is the central concept of ‘Dao de jing’.

A. li and ren
B. fa and de
C. yin and yang
D. none of these
Answer» C. yin and yang

According to Zoroastrian philosophy, death enters the world with :

A. sprit
B. rahiman
C. evil
D. angra mainyu
Answer» D. angra mainyu

According to Zoroastrian philosophy Angra Mainyu means:

A. perfect god
B. good creator
C. evil spirit
D. good protector
Answer» C. evil spirit

Who is considered as the best of earliest logician from Arab world?

A. al- frabi
B. avicenna
C. averroes
D. al-gazel
Answer» A. al- frabi

Al- Farabi is also known as :

A. iban rushd
B. abunaser
C. abusalim
D. iban sina
Answer» B. abunaser

Who holds full Arabic translation of world classics and their major Hellenistic commentaries on the traditional time?

A. al kindi
B. averroes
C. al frabi
D. matta lbin
Answer» C. al frabi

Much of the responsibility for the separation between Islamic theology and philosophy may be attributed to:

A. al kindi
B. averroes
C. matta lbin
D. al frabi
Answer» D. al frabi

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