390+ Banking and Insurance Solved MCQs


A co-operative bank is established for the interest of

A. Members involved
B. Public
C. Lower status in the society
D. Investors
Answer» A. Members involved

A cheque is an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the

A. Fixed Deposit A/c
B. Drawer‟s A/c
C. Loan A/c
D. Recurring Deposit A/c
Answer» B. Drawer‟s A/c

Which of the following is not the function of RBI?

A. Acting as banker to the government
B. Keeping of foreign exchange reserve
C. issuing of one rupee notes and coins
D. regulating credit in the country
Answer» C. issuing of one rupee notes and coins

The accounting year of the Reserve bank of India come from?

A. 1st july – 1st june
B. 1st April – 30th March
C. 1st July – 30th June
D. 1st January – 31st December
Answer» C. 1st July – 30th June

What is the most widely used tool of monetary policy?

A. issuing of notes
B. open market operations
C. Discount rate
D. none of these
Answer» B. open market operations

Co-operative banks which work at metropolitan level are called as?

A. District central Co-operative bank
B. State co-operative bank
C. Primary Urban Co-operative Bank
D. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
Answer» D. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies

Which committee recommended the set-up of Regional Rural Banks?

A. Nayak Committee
B. AP Shah Committee
C. Narsimhan Committee
D. Rangarajan Committee
Answer» C. Narsimhan Committee

Which of the following is not the function of commercial banks:

A. issuing currency
B. transfer of funds
C. credit creation
D. all the above
Answer» A. issuing currency

Payment of cheque can be stopped by

A. beneficiary
B. drawer of cheque
C. Nominee
D. all the above
Answer» B. drawer of cheque

________is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month.

A. Equated Monthly Instalment
B. Primary Lending Rates
C. Deposit Rates
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Equated Monthly Instalment

Quantitative Credit control does not include:

A. Bank rate
B. RBI directives
C. Cash reserve ratio
D. Open market operations
Answer» B. RBI directives

The RBI was nationalized in

A. 1948
B. 1949
C. 1950
D. 1951
Answer» B. 1949

Currency notes of Rupee 1 and its subsidiary coins are issued by the

A. Reserve Bank of India
B. State Bank of India
C. Ministry of Finance, Government of India
D. Securities and Exchange Board of India
Answer» C. Ministry of Finance, Government of India

Extending credit facilities to farmer and small-scale industrial units is the main purpose of

A. Development banks
B. EXIM bank
C. Cooperative bank
D. Commercial bank
Answer» C. Cooperative bank

In order to inject money into the economy, RBI

A. Raises CRR
B. Lowers CRR
C. Raises SLR
D. Sells in the open market
Answer» B. Lowers CRR

Cooperative banks has three-tier structure, at the top, there is

A. Primary Credit Society
B. Central Cooperative Bank
C. State Cooperative Bank
D. None of the above
Answer» C. State Cooperative Bank

A cheque dated subsequent to the date of its issue is

A. Post dated cheque
B. Blank cheque
C. Crossed cheque
D. Account payee cheque
Answer» A. Post dated cheque

Which banks which accept deposits from the public and lend them mainly to commerce for short periods?

A. Commercial Bank
B. Industrial Bank
C. Agricultural Bank
D. Central Bank
Answer» C. Agricultural Bank

The person or company who bears the risk of providing money at the end of a period of time or losses due to accident are known as

A. insurer
B. insured
C. insurance
D. none of the above
Answer» A. insurer

The person or company which gets compensation at the end of the period of time for loss due to accident is called

A. insurer
B. insured
C. insurance
D. none of the above
Answer» B. insured

Which of the following is not an importance or necessity of Insurance?

A. Reduction of risk
B. Supply of capital
C. Employment opportunity
D. Increase of business expenses
Answer» D. Increase of business expenses

Risk may be

A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Both
D. None
Answer» C. Both

Objective Risk is defined as the relative variation of

A. Actual loss from expected loss
B. Expected loss from actual loss
C. Expected profit from actual loss
D. Actual loss from expected profit
Answer» A. Actual loss from expected loss

Uncertainty based on a person‟s mental condition or state of mind is

A. Objective Risk
B. Subjective Risk
C. Both
D. None of the Above
Answer» B. Subjective Risk

Which of the following are the types of Risks

A. Financial and non financial risk
B. Static and dynamic risk
C. Pure and Speculative Risk
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The principle functions of an insurance contract are

A. To define the risk that is to be transferred
B. To state the conditions under which the contract applies
C. To explain the procedure for settling losses
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

Insurance principle does not include

A. Principle of indemnity
B. Principle of utmost good faith
C. Principle of knowledge
D. Principle of insurable interest
Answer» C. Principle of knowledge

___________is the oldest form of insurance

A. Motor insurance
B. Marine insurance
C. Fire
D. Life
Answer» B. Marine insurance

Life insurance made its first appearance in England in the

A. 14th century
B. 15th century
C. 16th century
D. 17th century
Answer» C. 16th century

Risk may be:

A. objective
B. subjective
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

The General Insurance Business Nationalization Act was passed in

A. 1952
B. 1972
C. 1962
D. 1982
Answer» B. 1972

Life Insurance Corporation of India headquarter is in

A. Delhi
B. Chennai
C. Guwahati
D. Mumbai
Answer» D. Mumbai

Insurance works on the principle of

A. Sharing of losses
B. Probabilities
C. Large numbers
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

The principle of _______ensures that an insured does not profit by insuring with multipleinsurers.

A. Subrogation
B. Contribution
C. Indemnity
D. All of the Above
Answer» B. Contribution

Insurance is meant to

A. Prevent specified events
B. Prevent damage to assets from specified events
C. Compensate for losses from specified events
D. Rebuild the assets lost because of specified events
Answer» C. Compensate for losses from specified events

Insurance compensate losses

A. By replacing the original asset
B. To the full extent of lost income
C. Only to the extent of insured amount
D. All the above
Answer» C. Only to the extent of insured amount

Insurance is necessary because

A. Assets depreciate over time and through usage
B. Assets may be damaged by external causes
C. Assets require regular maintenance
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Assets may be damaged by external causes

Insurance works on the principle of

A. Sharing
B. Probabilities
C. Large numbers
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Insurance works on the principle of

A. Trust
B. Sharing
C. Randomness
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The amount of insurance depends on

A. Peril
B. The risk
C. Neither the peril nor the risk
D. Both the peril and the risk
Answer» D. Both the peril and the risk

Insurance benefits replace

A. All physical losses in full
B. All physical losses partially
C. The monetary losses in full
D. The monetary losses, but only to some extent.
Answer» D. The monetary losses, but only to some extent.

A human being

A. Is an economic asset
B. Is an income earning asset
C. Is a perishable asset
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

_________ is a contract between two insures i.e. original insurer and another insurer.

A. Insurance
B. Reinsurance
C. Policy
D. Premium
Answer» B. Reinsurance

The spreading of losses incurred by the few over the entire group is called

A. pooling
B. pulling
C. contribution
D. joining
Answer» A. pooling

Freight insurance is under

A. life insurance
B. marine insurance
C. fire insurance
D. other miscellaneous
Answer» B. marine insurance

Insurance principle does not include

A. principle of indemnity
B. principle of utmost good faith
C. principle of knowledge
D. principle of subrogation
Answer» C. principle of knowledge

The term „Risk‟ includes:

A. Damage to machinery and property
B. Impact on the health or life of a person
C. Leakage of toxic products into the atmosphere
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

________ means the transfer of all the rights and remedies available to the insured in respect of the subject matter to the insurer after indemnity has been effected.

A. Subrogation
B. Indemnity
C. Contribution
D. none
Answer» A. Subrogation

The IRDA stands for

A. . Insurance Regulatory and Development Activity.
B. . Insurance Reconstruction and Development Activity.
C. . Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
D. . Insurance Regulatory and Department Activity.
Answer» C. . Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.

Virtual banking is also called

A. Internet Banking
B. Home banking
C. Mobile banking
D. None of these
Answer» A. Internet Banking

Role and importance of insurance includes:

A. Insurance provides security and safety
B. Re-adjustments needs
C. Key Man Indemnification
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The valid contract, according to Section 10 of Indian Contract Act 1872, must have the following essentialities

A. Agreement
B. Legal consideration
C. Legal object
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

For regulation and development of the insurance sector of the country the Government has formed:

B. Reserve Bank of India
C. Insurance Regulatory and development Authority
D. General Insurance Corporation.
Answer» C. Insurance Regulatory and development Authority

When was Life Insurance sector nationalised?

A. 1947
B. 1951
C. 1956
D. 1959
Answer» C. 1956

When was Oriental Life Insurance Company established?

A. 1818
B. 1821
C. 1833
D. 1815
Answer» A. 1818

The term „ Risk‟ includes:

A. Damage to machinery and property
B. Impact on the health of life of a person
C. Leakage of toxic products in the atmosphere
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

IRDA was constituted by which of the following committee‟s recommendations

A. Singh Committee
B. Malhotra Committee
C. Sahota Committee
D. None of these
Answer» B. Malhotra Committee

The following are the types of life insurance products:

A. Term Insurance
B. Whole life Insurance
C. Endowment policy
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

Insurance which provides cover for losses or damages that could occur to goods in transit on sea, rail, road or air is known as

A. Cargo Insurance
B. Hull Insurance
C. Rail Insurance
D. Marine Insurance
Answer» A. Cargo Insurance

An insurance which is concern with the carrier of goods

A. Cargo Insurance
B. Hull Insurance
C. Road Insurance
D. Marine Insurance
Answer» B. Hull Insurance

For the purpose of insurance, motor vehicle are classified into ___Categories

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Answer» B. Three

Third party claims are covered under Section ____ of the Motor Vehicle Act, which empowers the State Government to set up a Tribunal to adjudicate on the third party claims

A. Sec 165
B. Sec 175
C. Sec 185
D. Sec 187
Answer» A. Sec 165

Which one is not feature of the contract of fire Insurance?

A. It is personal in nature
B. Cause of fire is immaterial
C. Covers losses as a whole
D. None of the Above
Answer» D. None of the Above

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India is a

A. Public sector company
B. Private sector company
C. Partnership Company
D. Joint venture
Answer» A. Public sector company

The policy which cover against bodily injury resulting in death or disablement arising from an accident that has been caused by external violent and visible means is:

A. Personal accident insurance
B. Burglary Insurance
C. Burglary and house breaking insurance
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Personal accident insurance

As per the Insurance Act, every insurance has to prepare at the end of financial year?

A. Balance sheet
B. P/L account
C. Revenue A/c for each class of Insurance business
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Freight insurance is under

A. Life insurance
B. Marine
C. Fire
D. Motor
Answer» B. Marine

The minimum sum insured under Fire insurance is

A. Rs. 1 crore
B. Rs. 2 crore
C. Rs. 3 crore
D. Rs. 4 crore
Answer» A. Rs. 1 crore

General Insurance does not include:

A. Travel Insurance
B. Health Insurance
C. Home insurance
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Life Insurance underwriting is mainly concerned with

A. Age
B. Health history
C. Mortality
D. Marital status
Answer» C. Mortality

____________caters specifically to the transportation of goods or merchandise packed or in bulk and shipped either by sea, air or land.

A. Hull insurance
B. Cargo insurance
C. Liability insurance
D. Business insurance
Answer» B. Cargo insurance

Motor insurance provides insurance cover to

A. Private vehicles
B. Commercial Vehicles
C. Motor cycles
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

In insurance the risk is

A. certain
B. uncertain
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer» B. uncertain

Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. A life insurance policy is a contract, enforceable in a court of law
B. A life insurance policy is not required to be stamped
C. Both the statements are correct
D. Both the statements are wrong
Answer» A. A life insurance policy is a contract, enforceable in a court of law

Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. The principle of utmost good faith applies only to life insurance
B. The principle of utmost good faith applies only to non-medical cases
C. The principal of utmost good faith is operative only for two years
D. All the above statements are incorrect
Answer» D. All the above statements are incorrect

The principle of utmost good faith is meant to protect the interest of

A. The insurer
B. The community of policyholders
C. The shareholders
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The community of policyholders

The principle of utmost good faith is important to ensure

A. That the premium charged is correct
B. That no one gets an undue advantage
C. That there is no adverse selection
D. All the three factors mentioned above
Answer» D. All the three factors mentioned above

Which of the following risks are insurable?

A. Speculative
B. Economic
C. Sure to happen
D. All the above
Answer» B. Economic

Insurable interest is

A. Defined in the Insurance Act
B. Defined in the Contract Act
C. Defined by IRDA
D. Not defined in any written law
Answer» D. Not defined in any written law

In case of life insurance, insurable interest should exist

A. At the inception of policy
B. At the time of claim
C. At the time of every renewal of premium payment
D. All the above occasions
Answer» A. At the inception of policy

In the case of life insurance, the principle of insurable interest operates

A. In the same way as in marine insurance
B. In the same way as fire insurance
C. In the same way as in motor insurance
D. Differently than in other forms of insurances.
Answer» D. Differently than in other forms of insurances.

The term 'Assurance' refers to ___________

A. Life Insurance business
B. Fire insurance business
C. Motor Vehicle insurance
D. Marine insurance
Answer» A. Life Insurance business

The central office of LIC of India is located at ________

A. Mumbai
B. New Delhi
C. Bangalore
D. Chennai
Answer» A. Mumbai

Under ________ insurance, loss of profit policy is called as consequential loss policy

A. Marine
B. Property
C. Fire
D. Life
Answer» C. Fire

Health insurance can be availed by people aged between ______ and ______

A. 10 and 100
B. 7 and 75
C. 5 and 75
D. 10 and 70
Answer» C. 5 and 75

________ was the first Indian Insurance Company

A. Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd.
B. Bombay Insurance Society Ltd.
C. Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
D. General Insurance Corporation
Answer» A. Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd.

Which of the following insurance contract is not based on the principle of indemnity.

A. Fire insurance
B. Marine insurance
C. Life insurance
D. All
Answer» C. Life insurance

Marine insurance may cover loss or damage to the ________

A. Ship
B. Cargo
C. Any other subject of Marine adventure
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

When a banker collects cheques, dividend warrants, bills or other services on behalf of the customer, the banker the banker acts as an__________

A. Principal
B. Agent
C. Bailor
D. Bailee
Answer» B. Agent

Motor insurance provides insurance cover to

A. Private Vehicles
B. Commercial Vehicles
C. Motorcycles
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Marine insurance may cover loss or damage to the

A. Ship
B. Cargo
C. Any other subject of Marine adventure
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Hull insurance is a type of

A. Motor insurance
B. Fire insurance
C. Marine insurance
D. Miscellaneous insurance
Answer» C. Marine insurance

Freight insurance is under

A. Life insurance
B. Marine insurance
C. Fire insurance
D. Other miscellaneous insurance
Answer» B. Marine insurance

A marine insurance is a contract of

A. Increment
B. Indemnity
C. Maturity
D. None
Answer» B. Indemnity

Fire insurance came into existence after the Great Fire of London in

A. 1666
B. 1866
C. 1686
D. 1687
Answer» A. 1666

Property insurance may not include

A. Burglary
B. Fidelity
C. Insolvency
D. Sickness
Answer» D. Sickness

Crop insurance covers the risks of

A. Natural fire
B. Storm
C. Drought
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these
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