
200+ Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) , Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) .


Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is chiefly remembered for :

A. His role in writing the Constitution of free India
B. Uplifting the Dalits
C. Embracing Buddhism
D. None of the above
Answer» A. His role in writing the Constitution of free India

The first Law Minister of the Government of India:

A. K.P.S. Menon
B. Dr: Bhimrao Ambedkar
C. Sardar Vallabai Patel
D. Subhash C. Kashyap
Answer» B. Dr: Bhimrao Ambedkar

The Draft Constitution of India contains:

A. 315 Articles and 8 Schedules
B. 345 Articles and 18 Schedules
C. 215 Articles and 8 Schedules
D. 415 Articles and 9 Schedules
Answer» A. 315 Articles and 8 Schedules

Under the Presidential system of America, ---------- is the chief head of the Executive.

A. The Prime Minister
B. The President
C. The king
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The President

Under the Draft Constitution of India, the President occupies the same position as ----- under the English Constitution.

A. The King
B. The Prime-minister
C. The President
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The King

A ------- must satisfy two conditions: (1) It must be stable and (2) It must be responsible

A. Democratic executive
B. Totalitarian ruler
C. Tyrant
D. Dictator
Answer» A. Democratic executive

The two essential characteristics of a Unitary constitution are:

A. The supremacy of Central Polity and the absence of subsidiary sovereign polities
B. The Supremacy of subsidiary sovereign polities and the absence of Central Polity
C. The supremacy of both the central and the subsidiary polities
D. The absence of both the central and the subsidiary polities
Answer» A. The supremacy of Central Polity and the absence of subsidiary sovereign polities

The Dual Polity under the Draft Constitution consists of---------

A. The Union at the Centre and the States at the periphery
B. The States at the Centre and the Union at the periphery
C. The Union at the Centre alone
D. The States functioning as independent sovereign units
Answer» A. The Union at the Centre and the States at the periphery

The American Polity is a -------

A. Dual Polity with a Dual Citizenship
B. Dual Polity with a Single Citizenship
C. Single Polity with a Single Citizenship
D. Dual Polity with a Single Citizenship
Answer» A. Dual Polity with a Dual Citizenship

The Indian Polity is a--------

A. Dual Polity with a Dual Citizenship
B. Dual Polity with a Dual Citizenship
C. Single Polity with a Single Citizenship
D. Dual Polity with a Single Citizenship
Answer» C. Single Polity with a Single Citizenship

In normal times, the Draft Constitution of India is framed to work as though it was-----

A. Unitary System
B. Federal System
C. Unitary as well as Federal System
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Unitary System

In order to overcome the issues of rigidity and legalism, the Draft Constitution of India follows----------

A. The American Constitution
B. The Australian Constitution
C. The British Constitution
D. The African Constitution
Answer» B. The Australian Constitution

The President of the Indian Union, under the Parliamentary system is --------

A. Both the head of the State and the head of the executive
B. Not bound by the advice of the Parliament
C. The head of the State, but not the head of the executive
D. None of the above
Answer» C. The head of the State, but not the head of the executive

The Non-Parliamentary system tends to be---------

A. Both stable and responsible
B. More stable than responsible
C. More responsible than stable
D. Neither stable nor responsible
Answer» B. More stable than responsible

The Parliamentary System tends to be ------

A. Both stable and responsible
B. More stable than responsible
C. More responsible than stable
D. Neither responsible nor stable
Answer» C. More responsible than stable

In a ---------------------Constitution, the Central polity as well as subsidiary polities exist side by side.

A. Unitary
B. Federal
C. Rigid
D. Flexible
Answer» B. Federal

The Draft Constitution has the characteristics of ------------

A. The Unitary polity
B. The Federal Polity
C. Neither the Unitary nor the Federal polity
D. Both the Unitary and the Federal polity
Answer» D. Both the Unitary and the Federal polity

Which among the following are the unique features of the Indian Polity?

A. Single judiciary; Uniformity in fundamental laws, and a Common All India Civil Service
B. Double judiciary; Dual Citizenship and a State Civil Service
C. Double Polity; Double judiciary and single citizenship
D. Single Polity; Dual citizenship and a State Civil Service
Answer» A. Single judiciary; Uniformity in fundamental laws, and a Common All India Civil Service

The oldest Constitution still in force is that of --------

A. Massachusetts
B. India
C. Britain
D. Australia
Answer» A. Massachusetts

The largest written Constitution is that of --------

A. India
B. Britain
C. America
D. Australia
Answer» A. India

Who is the author of the work “Parliament of India-Myths and Realities”

A. Ambedkar
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Subhash C. Kashyap
D. Neera Chandoke
Answer» C. Subhash C. Kashyap

“Salient Features of Constitution” is a Chapter from :

A. Parliament of India-Myths and Realities
B. History of Parliament of India
C. Delinking Religion and Politics
D. Our Constitution: An Introduction to India’s Constitution and Constitutional Laws
Answer» D. Our Constitution: An Introduction to India’s Constitution and Constitutional Laws

Which among the following statements, is true:

A. Indian Constitution is an unwritten Constitution
B. Indian Constitution is a rigid Constitution
C. Indian constitution is neither federal nor unitary
D. Indian Constitution is a blend of written and unwritten; rigid and flexible; federal
Answer» D. Indian Constitution is a blend of written and unwritten; rigid and flexible; federal

Fundamental duties were added to the Indian Constitution by the ---------

A. 42nd Amendment
B. 76th Amendment
C. 43rd amendment
D. None of the above
Answer» A. 42nd Amendment

Which among the following is not included in the Fundamental Rights

A. Right to Equality
B. Right against Exploitation
C. Right to freedom of Religion
D. Right to private property
Answer» D. Right to private property

What does the word “Franchise” mean?

A. A statutory right to vote
B. Population
C. Sovereignty
D. A statutory right to equality
Answer» A. A statutory right to vote

The legal phrase “Ultra vires” means:

A. Beyond the scope of legal power
B. Within the purview of law
C. Ignorance of law
D. Among other things
Answer» A. Beyond the scope of legal power

Which among the following proposed a federal government at the centre and provincial governments with a large measure of autonomy

A. Wood’s Despatch
B. Charter Act
C. Pitt’s India Act
D. Government of India Act 1935
Answer» D. Government of India Act 1935

Fundamental duties are included under Articles

A. 51A
B. 229
C. 227
D. 275
Answer» A. 51A

The classic example of a federal constitution is

A. The U.S. Constitution
B. The Indian Constitution
C. The Constitution of U.K
D. The Australian Constitution
Answer» A. The U.S. Constitution

The Classic example of unitary constitution is

A. The U.S Constitution
B. The Indian Constitution
C. The Constitution of U.K
D. The Australian Constitution
Answer» C. The Constitution of U.K

Which among the following statements is true

A. The Indian Constitution is a Federal one
B. The Indian Constitution is a Unitary one
C. The Indian Constitution is neither Unitary nor Federal
D. It is difficult to put our Constitution in any strict mould of a federal or unitary type
Answer» D. It is difficult to put our Constitution in any strict mould of a federal or unitary type

Who said that rigidity and legalism were the two serious weakness of federalism?

A. Ambedkar
B. Gandhiji
C. Madan Mohan Malavya
D. Subhash C. Kashyap
Answer» A. Ambedkar

Under article------ the Union Parliament in India can invade the State List

A. 249
B. 275
C. 44
D. 42
Answer» A. 249

The Directive Principles of our State Policy was inspired by:

A. The Irish model
B. The Australian Model
C. The British model
D. The American model
Answer» A. The Irish model

-------------are guidelines to the central and the state governments to bear in mind while framing laws and policies

A. Directive principles of State Policy
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Fundamental Duties
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Directive principles of State Policy

Fundamental Duties were added to the Constitution by the 42nd amendment in the year:

A. 1970
B. 1977
C. 1996
D. 1976
Answer» C. 1996

Who is the author of “Beyond Secularism”

A. Neera Chandoke
B. Subhash. C. Kashyap
C. Bertrand Russel
D. Ambedkar
Answer» A. Neera Chandoke

The extract “Why is Secularism Important for India” is taken from:

A. Beyond Secularism
B. Contemporary India: Economy; Society and Politics
C. Mapping Histories
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Contemporary India: Economy; Society and Politics

In the West the concept of Secularism means:

A. The sphere of politics and that of religion is separated
B. The state will not adopt a religion as the state religion
C. No one shall be discriminated against on the grounds of religious affiliation
D. All the above
Answer» A. The sphere of politics and that of religion is separated

Two-nation theory was an ideology propounded by:

A. Muhammed Ali Jinnah
B. Subhash C. Kashyap
C. Neera Chandoke
D. Mauntbatten
Answer» A. Muhammed Ali Jinnah

The western conception of secularism is a ----------------------

A. Total rejection of religion from the sphere of politics
B. Politicization of religion
C. Equal treatment of all religion
D. All the above
Answer» A. Total rejection of religion from the sphere of politics

Indian concept of secularism implies

A. Total rejection of religion from sphere of politics
B. Politicization of religion
C. Equal treatment of all religion
D. All the above
Answer» C. Equal treatment of all religion

The doctrine of “Sarva dharma samadbhava” in Indian secularism is a contribution of :

A. Nehru
B. Ambedkar
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Vatmiki
Answer» C. Mahatma Gandhi

The doctrine of “Dharma nirapekshata” in Indian secularism is associated with

A. Nehru
B. Gandhiji
C. Ambedkar
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Nehru

The doctrine of “Sarva Dharma Samadbhava” implies:

A. All religions should be treated equally
B. State would not be influenced by religious considerations in policy making
C. Religion should be separated from politics
D. All the above
Answer» A. All religions should be treated equally

The doctrine of “Dharma Nirapekshata” implies:

A. All religion should be treated equally
B. State would not be influenced by religious considerations in policy making
C. Religion should be separated from politics
D. None of the above
Answer» B. State would not be influenced by religious considerations in policy making

The concept of secularism is derived from:

A. Freedom movement
B. The principles of democratic equality
C. Religious equality
D. Religious fanaticism
Answer» B. The principles of democratic equality

Which among the following components do the concept of secularism that emerged in India possesses:

A. The State will not attach itself to any one religion
B. All citizens are granted the freedom of religious belief
C. The minorities will not be discriminated against
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

What is Vinayak Damodars Sarvarkar’s name associated with?

A. Two-nation theory
B. Drain theory
C. Die-hard theory
D. Hindutva
Answer» D. Hindutva

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