390+ Banking and Insurance Solved MCQs


The Imperial Bank was renamed:

A. Reserve Bank of India
B. State Bank of India
C. Bank of Hindustan
D. Punjab National Bank
Answer» B. State Bank of India

Imperial Bank was formed in ________ by the amalgamation of three presidency banks – the Bank of Bengal, the Bank of Bombay, and the Bank of Madras:

A. 1921
B. 1934
C. 1949
D. 1955
Answer» A. 1921

The Regional Rural Banks were set up in the year

A. 1974
B. 1975
C. 1976
D. 1977
Answer» B. 1975

14 of the major private sector banks in India were nationalized in the year:

A. 1969
B. 1970
C. 1979
D. 1980
Answer» A. 1969

The 2nd nationalization of six private banks was made in the year:

A. 1969
B. 1970
C. 1979
D. 1980
Answer» D. 1980

In which year was the Banking Regulation Act passed?

A. 1949
B. 1955
C. 1959
D. 1969
Answer» A. 1949

The card by which you cannot buy a product is:

A. Credit card
B. ATM card
C. Debit card
D. Smart card
Answer» B. ATM card

Each Regional Rural Bank is sponsored by:

A. a private sector bank
B. a public sector bank
C. cooperative bank
D. none of the above
Answer» B. a public sector bank

The first Indian bank known as “The bank of Hindustan” was started in

A. 1770
B. 1771
C. 1772
D. 1773
Answer» A. 1770

Usually, in public sector banks, government holdings are more than

A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 55%
Answer» B. 50%

Regional Rural Banks (RRB‟s) were established in

A. 1965
B. 1955
C. 1975
D. 1985
Answer» C. 1975

___________is a central bank of a country. It acts as a leader of the money market.

A. Commercial bank
C. Development bank
Answer» B. RBI

Non-schedule Bank have a paid up capital and reserves of aggregate value of less than

A. 2 lakhs
B. 3 lakhs
C. 4 lakhs
D. 5 lakhs.
Answer» D. 5 lakhs.

Internet Banking is also known as

A. e-banking
B. virtual banking
C. both a and b
D. None of them.
Answer» C. both a and b

Bank classifications according to law are

A. Private Bank
B. Scheduled bank
C. Non-scheduled bank
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer» D. Both (b) and (c)

The first public bank was

B. Rural Bank
D. Bank of Venice
Answer» D. Bank of Venice

Modern Banking in India originated during the

A. 16th Century
B. 18th Century
C. 17th Century
D. 19th Century
Answer» B. 18th Century

The largest and oldest bank still in existence is the

A. Bank of Baroda
B. Reserve Bank of India
C. State Bank of India
D. Axis Bank
Answer» C. State Bank of India

In 1969 how many large banks of India does the government nationalized?

A. 14
B. 20
C. 17
D. 8
Answer» A. 14

The previous name of S.B.I which existed during the British rule was

A. Bank of Bengal
B. Bank of Calcutta
C. Bank of Bombay
D. Imperial Bank of India
Answer» C. Bank of Bombay

NABARD stands for

A. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
B. National Agriculture Bank and Rural Development
C. National Allied Bank for Regional Development
D. National Bank for Agriculture and Regional Development
Answer» A. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Public sector bank is a bank where the central government owned more than

A. 60% shares
B. 50% shares
C. 25% shares
D. 49% share
Answer» B. 50% shares

Which one of this is a private sector bank

A. Canara Bank
B. Indian Overseas Bank
C. Punjab National Bank
D. Induslnd Bank
Answer» D. Induslnd Bank

Which one of this is not a function of Mobile Banking

A. Balance Enquiry
B. Cash Withdrawal
C. Fund transfer
D. Bill Payment
Answer» B. Cash Withdrawal

NABARD was set up in the year

A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1984
Answer» B. 1982

RRB was set up in the year

A. 1945
B. 1935
C. 1975
D. 1976
Answer» C. 1975

Cooperative Banks in India have a

A. two-tier system
B. three-tier system
C. four-tier system
D. five-tier system
Answer» B. three-tier system

ATM can be used for

A. cash withdrawal
B. account enquiry
C. statement of account
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Coins are issued by

C. Public sector banks
D. Government of India
Answer» D. Government of India

Internet Banking refers to

A. operation of account through internet
B. opening of account through ATM
C. Both a) and b)
D. None of above
Answer» A. operation of account through internet

Who can open bank account?

A. Indian citizen
B. Non-resident of Indian
C. illiterate
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The first Indian bank is known as

A. Bank of Hindustan
B. Bank of Madras
C. Bank of Calcutta
D. Bank of Bombay
Answer» A. Bank of Hindustan

The first Indian bank known as „The Bank of Hindustan‟ was set up in

A. 1894
B. 1880
C. 1798
D. 1770
Answer» D. 1770

Imperial Bank of India was nationalised in _______.

A. 1949
B. 1955
C. 1959
D. 1969
Answer» B. 1955

What is Scheduled Bank in India?

A. It is included in the 11 Schedule of Banking Regulation Act.
B. It is Included in the 11 Schedule of Consitution.
C. It is included in the 11 Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act.
D. None of these
Answer» C. It is included in the 11 Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act.

Which is the largest private sector bank in India

A. HDFC Bank
B. Axis Bank
D. Kotak Mahindra
Answer» A. HDFC Bank

The type of card that can be issued by the government to the farmers to meet their cultivation needs and non-farm requirement is

A. Kisan Credit Card
B. ATM Card
C. Kisan Vikas Card
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Kisan Credit Card

Which is the largest public sector bank in India

A. State Bank of India
B. Bank of Baroda
C. Canara Bank
D. Indian Overseas Bank
Answer» A. State Bank of India

If the account of a customer shows a credit balance, the banker will be:

A. Creditor
B. Debtor
C. Debtor and Creditor
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Debtor

Overdraft facilities are allowed in

A. Saving account
B. Fixed account
C. Current account
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Current account

The purpose of the crop loan is to facilitate the agriculturists to carry on:

A. Allied activities
B. Irrigation only
C. Seasonal agricultural operations
D. None
Answer» C. Seasonal agricultural operations

Industrial banks are specialised financial institutions established by government to:

A. Meet short term credit needs of the farmers
B. Provide Cash Credit and Overdraft facilities
C. Meet long term finance requirements of industries
D. Provide necessary training to farmers
Answer» C. Meet long term finance requirements of industries

Which of the following is known as a Savings Bank Account opened with a commercial bank with zero balance or very minimal balance?

A. Current account
B. No-frills account
C. Fixed deposit account
D. Recurring account
Answer» B. No-frills account

Deposits mobilised by the banks are utilised for:
i. loans and advances
ii. investment in government and other approved securities in fulfilment of liquidity stipulation
iii. investment in commercial paper, shares, debentures up to stipulated ceilings

A. only (i)
B. both (ii) and (iii)
C. All the above
D. None of the above
Answer» C. All the above

A banker is obliged to keep the affairs of his customer secret except under special circumstances such as:

A. Where disclosure is requested by a third party
B. Where another banker requires the information
C. Where disclosure is made with the consent of the customer
D. where disclosure is requested by the customer‟s employer
Answer» C. Where disclosure is made with the consent of the customer

Right of lien is the right of a creditor

A. To sell the goods and securities of the customer in his possession
B. To retain in his possession goods and securities and not the right to sell
C. To appropriate a customer‟s debt
D. none of the above
Answer» B. To retain in his possession goods and securities and not the right to sell

Overdraft facilities are allowed in

A. current a/c only
B. savings a/c only
C. fixed deposit only
D. recurring deposit only
Answer» A. current a/c only

A kind of deposit where depositor is required to deposit a fixed amount at regular intervalfor a specific period is

A. term deposit
B. saving deposit
C. fixed deposit
D. recurring deposit
Answer» D. recurring deposit

When a banks make an advance to lump sum, the whole of which is withdrawn in cashimmediately by the borrowers who undertakes to repaid it in installments, it is called

A. Cash credit
B. loan
C. Home loan
D. Personal loan
Answer» B. loan

The Kisan credit card (KCC) is valid for normally a period of _____years subject to annual review

A. 6 years
B. 7 years
C. 8 years
D. 9 years
Answer» C. 8 years

Credit for the purchase of Farm equipment & machinery for agriculture operations

A. Land purchase
B. Farm mechanization
C. Minor irrigation
D. Land development
Answer» B. Farm mechanization

Which type of deposits gives highest rate of interest?

A. Current deposit
B. Fixed deposit
C. Recurring deposit
D. None
Answer» B. Fixed deposit

Which bank deals with short-term credit

A. Agricultural B
B. Commercial B
C. Industrial B
D. None
Answer» B. Commercial B

Which one of the following is the most important relationship between banker & customer?

A. Debtor & Creditor
B. Bailee&Bailor
C. Agency & Principal
D. Trustee & Beneficiary
Answer» A. Debtor & Creditor

Which one of this is not a function of commercial bank?

A. Accepting deposits
B. Real Estate Development
C. Paying bills
D. Safety Box Deposit
Answer» B. Real Estate Development

Maximum amount of interest can be procured from

A. Savings/Demand Deposit A/c
B. Recurring Deposit A/c
C. Current A/c Deposit
D. Fixed Deposit A/c
Answer» D. Fixed Deposit A/c

There is no interest on deposit in this type of account

A. Current A/c
B. Concurrent A/c
C. Recurring A/c
D. Solvency A/c
Answer» A. Current A/c

IDBI stand for

A. International Debit Bank Incorporate
B. Industrial Debit Bank of India
C. Intensive Development Bank of India
D. Industrial Development Bank of India
Answer» D. Industrial Development Bank of India

When a customer Deposits money with a bank, the customer becomes a

A. Borrower
B. Lender
C. Agent
D. Subsciber
Answer» B. Lender

When the customer borrows money from the bank, the bank becomes the

A. Debtor
B. Trustee
C. Creditor
D. Underwriter
Answer» C. Creditor

Overdraft facility can be enjoyed in which account

A. Fixed Deposit A/c
B. Demand Deposit A/c
C. Recurring Deposit A/c
D. Current A/c Deposit
Answer» D. Current A/c Deposit

Overdraft withdrawal is a

A. Short term loan
B. Medium term loan
C. Long term loan
D. Grant in aid
Answer» A. Short term loan

A kind of deposit where depositor is required to deposit a fixed amount at regular interval for a specific period is

A. term deposit
B. recurring deposit
C. savings deposit
D. fixed deposit
Answer» D. fixed deposit

What types of deposits earn higher interest rate?

A. current account
B. savings account
C. Fixed deposit
D. none of these
Answer» C. Fixed deposit

In recurring deposits,

A. a fixed sum is deposited every month
B. period of deposit is a fixed tenure
C. interest is paid at FDR rate
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Interest on saving deposits is paid

A. every month
B. quarterly
C. half yearly
D. yearly
Answer» C. half yearly

The banker customer relationship in credit card payment is

A. creditor-debtor
B. debtor-creditor
C. agent principle
D. principle-agent
Answer» B. debtor-creditor

The credit policy of bank does not consists of?

A. lending policies
B. quality control
C. loan product mix
D. advertising of loan products
Answer» D. advertising of loan products

The relationship between RBI and the Bank maintaining the currency chest is that of?

A. debtor and creditor
B. principle and agent
C. bailor and bailee
D. none of these
Answer» B. principle and agent

------ is the rate at which the central bank rediscounts the bills of commercial banks

A. Bank Rate Policy
B. Central bank rate
C. Credit rate
D. None of these
Answer» A. Bank Rate Policy

___________is a kind of deposit where depositor is required to deposit a fixed amount of money every month for a specific period of time

A. Term deposit
B. Recurring deposit
C. Savings deposit
D. Fixed deposit
Answer» B. Recurring deposit

When a customer deposits money with a bank, the customer becomes a lender and the bank become a__________

A. Trustees
B. Custodian
C. Borrower
D. agent
Answer» C. Borrower

Different types of advances are

A. Loans, cash credit and overdraft
B. Bill discounted and purchased
C. Both (i) and (ii)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (i) and (ii)

Overdraft facilities are allowed in

A. Current account only
B. Savings account only
C. Fixed deposit only
D. Recurring deposit only
Answer» A. Current account only

The primary relationship between a banker and customer starts from the time

A. when customer visits that bank
B. when customer opens account
C. when customer visits that bank to made queries
D. All of the above
Answer» B. when customer opens account

Which of the following are the special relationship of banker and customer:

A. Banker‟s obligation to honour cheques
B. Banker lien
C. Bankers duty to maintain secrecy of customer‟s accounts
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

______________ is the right of a person to retain the property of another person in his possession untill the debt from that owner of that property is repaid

A. Lien
B. Retainment
C. Retrenchment
D. Libel
Answer» A. Lien

The right of set-off customers account can be exercised only by a

A. Creditors
B. Debtors
C. Banker
D. Customer
Answer» A. Creditors

The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India currently is:

A. Raghuram G. Rajan
B. Urjit Patel
C. Shaktikanta Das
D. NirmalaSitharaman
Answer» C. Shaktikanta Das

The main objective of the Reserve Bank of India is:

A. accept deposits from the public
B. give loans and advances
C. maintain price stability
D. provide remittance facilities
Answer» C. maintain price stability

Two types of Commercial banks have been stipulated by Section_______ of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934:

A. 42(6)(b)
B. 24(6)(b)
C. 42(6)(a)
D. 24 (6)(a)
Answer» C. 42(6)(a)

Quantitative measure for credit control by the RBI includes:

A. Discriminatory Interest Rate
B. Ceiling on Credit
C. Cash Reserve Ratio
D. Directives
Answer» C. Cash Reserve Ratio

There are three parties to a bank draft:

A. The drawer bank branch, The drawee bank branch, The payee
B. The drawee bank branch, the payee, the purchaser of the draft
C. The payee, the purchaser of the draft, the drawer bank branch
D. The drawer bank branch, the drawee bank branch, the purchaser of the draft
Answer» A. The drawer bank branch, The drawee bank branch, The payee

The legal obligation to honour cheques is subject to:

A. The cheque being post-dated
B. The cheque being drawn on another bank
C. The cheque being drawn by the depositor
D. The cheque being drawn on the account where there is insufficient balance
Answer» C. The cheque being drawn by the depositor

When the cash reserve ratio (CRR) is increased by the RBI, it will:

A. Increase the supply of money in the economy
B. Decrease the supply of money in the economy
C. No impact on the supply of money in the economy
D. Initially increase the supply but later on decrease automatically.
Answer» B. Decrease the supply of money in the economy

Agency services rendered by a bank to its customers as their agent include:

A. Receipt of deposits
B. Act as executors of wills
C. Issue letters of credit
D. Purchase foreign exchange
Answer» B. Act as executors of wills

Currency notes of Rupee 1 and its subsidiary coins are issued by the

C. Ministry of Finance, Government of India
D. Securities & Exchange Board of India.
Answer» C. Ministry of Finance, Government of India

14th Major commercial banks were nationalized in 19th July

A. 1959
B. 1969
C. 1979
D. 1989
Answer» B. 1969

_________is an instrument which is used for transfer of funds

A. Cheque book
B. Demand draft
C. Pass book
D. None
Answer» B. Demand draft

___________are the banks whose main objectives is to provide financial assistance to economically weaker sections of the society.

A. Co-operative B
B. Commercial B
C. Industrial B
D. Development B
Answer» A. Co-operative B

The RBI commenced its operation from 1st April

A. 1955
B. 1925
C. 1935
D. 1945
Answer» C. 1935

Which bank has given the instructions to the commercial banks regarding the immediate credit of outstation cheque?

B. Central Bank
C. World Bank
D. All of the above
Answer» A. RBI

Payment of cheque can be stopped by

A. Beneficiary
B. Nominee
C. Drawer of cheque
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Drawer of cheque

Bank draft is issued by

A. Private Sector Bs
B. Regional Rural Bs
C. Public sector Bs
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A Central Bank is the sole authority for

A. Printing and Issuing currency note
B. Lending to public
C. Accepting deposits from customer
D. Issuing cheques
Answer» A. Printing and Issuing currency note

The head of the Reserve Bank of India is called

A. Chairman
B. President
C. Governor
D. Councillor
Answer» C. Governor

One of the main aim of a Central Bank is to control inflation, what does „inflation‟ mean?

A. Saving income
B. Increase export
C. Maintain foreign currency
D. Rising Price
Answer» D. Rising Price

What is bank rate?

A. Rate at which a Central Bank lends money to Central Government
B. Rate at which a Central Bank lends money to commercial banks
C. Rate at which a Central Bank lends money to State Government
D. Rate of Interest at which a Central Bank accepts deposits from Commercial Banks
Answer» B. Rate at which a Central Bank lends money to commercial banks

Commercial Bank as the name suggest is a bank functioning for

A. Social welfare
B. Public interest
C. Profit motive
D. Growth of industry
Answer» C. Profit motive

Commercial Banks make money available to public by

A. A.T.M
B. Honouring cheques
C. Issuing money on demand from Savings A/c
D. giving out loan
Answer» D. giving out loan
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