390+ Business Communication Solved MCQs


The communication cycle, the process of re translation of signals into ideas is called

A. encoding.
B. decoding.
C. response.
D. feedback.
Answer» B. decoding.

If each line in the inside address is started after leaving a small gap, it is known as

A. block form.
B. correct form.
C. indented form.
D. address form.
Answer» C. indented form.

The inside address should be written

A. below the salutation
B. above the heading.
C. above the salutation.
D. above the date.
Answer» C. above the salutation.

Reports from the subordinates to the superiors take the form of

A. upward communication.
B. downward communication.
C. face-to-face communication.
D. visual communication.
Answer» A. upward communication.

Pictures, slides, films fall under

A. body languages.
B. audio-visual communication.
C. reporting.
D. visual communication.
Answer» B. audio-visual communication.

Realizing the potential of the self is part of the

A. communication development.
B. language development.
C. skill development.
D. personality development.
Answer» D. personality development.


A. comes above inside address.
B. begins at left hand margin of the letter.
C. comes at the end of the letter.
D. comes in body of the letter.
Answer» B. begins at left hand margin of the letter.


A. a french term meaning gentlemen
B. used in singular.
C. is a title like doctor
D. many.
Answer» A. a french term meaning gentlemen

A memo is an example for

A. internal communication.
B. external communication.
C. lateral communication.
D. written communication.
Answer» A. internal communication.

Gestures is an example for

A. body language.
B. grammar.
C. speeches.
D. written.
Answer» A. body language.

Communication over telephone is an example for

A. oral communication
B. audio-visual communication.
C. internal communication.
D. written.
Answer» A. oral communication

The term “communis” derived from ___word.

A. greek.
B. latin.
C. chinese.
D. english.
Answer» B. latin.

Communication means ___information, feeling and thoughts, with others.

A. to receive.
B. exchange of.
C. conveying.
D. all the above.
Answer» B. exchange of.

Grapevine communication is associated with _____communication.

A. formal
B. informal
C. horizontal
D. vertical.
Answer» B. informal

Lateral communication is between

A. superior and subordinate.
B. same cadre of personal.
C. subordinate and superior.
D. among all.
Answer» B. same cadre of personal.

Audio Visual communication combines

A. auditory only.
B. visual only.
C. both auditory & visual.
D. written.
Answer» C. both auditory & visual.

Communication problems otherwise known as

A. enquire.
B. barriers.
C. encoding.
D. decoding.
Answer» B. barriers.

Posters fall under _______communication.

A. oral.
B. visual.
C. written.
D. spoken.
Answer» B. visual.

Informal communication is otherwise known as ______ communication.

A. grapevine.
B. lateral.
C. visual.
D. horizontal.
Answer» A. grapevine.

Horizontal communication flows through _______

A. face-to-face discussion.
B. telephonic talk.
C. periodical meeting.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Face-to-face communication is a ______

A. visual communication.
B. direct conversation.
C. oral communication
D. written.
Answer» B. direct conversation.

Physical Barriers to communication are ______

A. time and distance.
B. interpretation of words.
C. denotations.
D. connotations.
Answer» A. time and distance.

___ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation.

A. consensus.
B. horizontal.
C. vertical.
D. meaning.
Answer» A. consensus.

Information must be

A. accurate, complete, clear.
B. inaccurate, incomplete.
C. irregular.
D. clear.
Answer» A. accurate, complete, clear.

Effective advice_____

A. is both man-oriented and work oriented.
B. is given in the workers interest.
C. promotes understandings.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

All the media available can be broadly classified into _____groups.

A. two.
B. three.
C. four.
D. five
Answer» C. four.

Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass___and mass_____

A. publicity & education.
B. policies & political.
C. save & store.
D. publicity& policies.
Answer» A. publicity & education.

_____ communication is the most popular means of transmitting message.

A. written
B. oral.
C. visual.
D. face-to-face.
Answer» B. oral.

On the _____ it is possible to get immediate feedback

A. letter.
B. telephone.
C. e-mail.
D. fax.
Answer» B. telephone.

Which of the following is correct?

A. on my address.
B. to my address.
C. in my address.
D. the my address.
Answer» B. to my address.

When Respected Sir is the salutation the appropriate complimentary clause is ____

A. yours sincerely.
B. yours faithfully.
C. yours affectionately.
D. yours lovingly.
Answer» A. yours sincerely.

Appropriate salutation for an application is ______

A. my dear sir.
B. sir.
C. dear sir.
D. sir mr. x.
Answer» B. sir.

Margin to a letter is like _____

A. frame of a picture.
B. evidence for the communication.
C. engine to a machine
D. boarder
Answer» A. frame of a picture.

Conciseness means _______

A. brevity.
B. courtesy.
C. coherence.
D. convincing.
Answer» B. courtesy.

Date of the letter shall be placed in the ______hand corner of a letter.

A. left.
B. right.
C. both (1 & 2).
D. anywhere in a letter.
Answer» C. both (1 & 2).

Verification of the performance of communication is associated with______

A. communication audit.
B. communication training.
C. communication feedback.
D. communication process.
Answer» D. communication process.

A group discussion of a real life situation with in a training environment is ____

A. discussion.
B. listening.
C. case study meth
Answer» A. discussion.

Bad Listeners will make ______communication

A. good.
B. bad.
C. excellent.
D. rather favourable.
Answer» B. bad.

Post script appears in a letter___

A. in the beginning.
B. in the middle.
C. at the end
Answer» C. at the end

One of the major drawbacks of the grapevine is that it may spread ____news which may sometimes prove harmful even to the employees.

A. baseless.
B. good.
C. urgent.
D. secret
Answer» D. secret

The possibility of misunderstanding at any step _____

A. brain drain.
B. output.
C. channel.
D. medium.
Answer» A. brain drain.

The information the receiver gets is called ____

A. message.
B. output.
C. input.
D. source.
Answer» A. message.

------- is the Sources of information

A. old files.
B. observation.
C. meeting.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Information about its products is ____information.

A. external.
B. internal.
C. planning.
D. deciding.
Answer» B. internal.

A business letter serves as a record for ____-reference.

A. past.
B. present.
C. future.
D. both (2) & (3).
Answer» D. both (2) & (3).

____ is the essential aspect of communication

A. enclosure.
B. letter.
C. telephone.
D. feedback.
Answer» D. feedback.

Correctness implies____

A. giving correct facts.
B. at an appropriate time.
C. in a suitable.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

_____Communication is unsuitable for lengthy message.

A. oral.
B. written.
C. vertical.
D. audio visual.
Answer» A. oral.

“Communication is something so simple and difficult that we can never put it in simple words”- says___

A. t.s.matthews.
B. peter.f.drucker.
C. newman.
D. james
Answer» A. t.s.matthews.

Listening helps to make __effective.

A. communication
B. oral communication
C. both a & b
D. report
Answer» A. communication

Communication in an organization should ideally flow____

A. from top to bottom.
B. from bottom to top.
C. both ways.
D. horizontally.
Answer» C. both ways.

The official record of the proceeding of a meeting is known as ____

A. agenda.
B. minutes.
C. prospectus.
D. report.
Answer» B. minutes.

The participants of a board meeting are _____

A. member.
B. directors.
C. member and directors.
D. outsiders
Answer» B. directors.

Minutes of resolutions is only resolutions ___

A. recorded.
B. development.
C. decision-making.
D. authenticated.
Answer» A. recorded.

An informal report is usually in the form of a _____communication.

A. person to person
B. prescribed form.
C. regular intervals.
D. authoritative.
Answer» A. person to person

List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as ____

A. resolution.
B. minutes.
C. invoice.
D. agenda
Answer» D. agenda

An Agenda prepared in connection with ____

A. meeting.
B. business tours.
C. exhibition.
D. personal notes.
Answer» A. meeting.

_____is a communication which contains the decision of the higher authority of the organization.

A. amendment.
B. resolution.
C. debate.
D. minutes.
Answer» B. resolution.

A report prepared in a prescribed form and presented according to an established procedure is ____report

A. formal.
B. informal.
C. statutory.
D. general.
Answer» A. formal.

____is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the meeting.

A. minutes.
B. resolution.
C. invitation.
D. agenda.
Answer» D. agenda.

The minute books are the ____book of the company.

A. subsidiary.
B. statutory.
C. obligatory.
D. secondary.
Answer» B. statutory.

____and testimonials are important because they express the opinion of others the applicant’s suitability for a position.

A. references.
B. qualification.
C. service certificate.
D. letters.
Answer» A. references.

Organization Theory is written by _____

A. william scott.
B. newman & summer
C. matthews.
D. james.
Answer» A. william scott.

A circular is a form of ____

A. oral communication.
B. face-to-face communication.
C. group communication.
D. visual communication.
Answer» C. group communication.

Dunning letters are also called ____

A. collection letters.
B. letter of credit.
C. compliant letters.
D. suggestion letters.
Answer» A. collection letters.

In................. speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates something more than what the actual words state.

A. formal communication
B. informal communication
C. meta communication
D. none of these
Answer» C. meta communication

Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.

A. discriminative listening
B. biased listening
C. evaluative listening
D. appreciative listening
Answer» A. discriminative listening

In ............. , the receiver holds preconceived notions, which shape the way a receiver decodes the sender's message.

A. discriminative listening
B. biased listening
C. evaluative listening
D. appreciative listening
Answer» B. biased listening

.......is also referred to as critical/judgmental listening

A. discriminative listening
B. biased listening
C. evaluative listening
D. appreciative listening
Answer» C. evaluative listening

--------------- takes place when you listen to only those things that you want to hear or to those that you interested

A. discriminative listening
B. biased listening
C. selective listening
D. appreciative listening
Answer» C. selective listening

In .................. form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the boss of his boss.

A. chain
B. circular
C. inverted v
D. wheel
Answer» C. inverted v

............ Involves how we arrange personal space and what we arrange in it

A. kinesics
B. proxemics
C. time language
D. paralanguage
Answer» B. proxemics

..................... is the study of body physical movements.

A. kinesics
B. proxemics
C. time language
D. paralanguage
Answer» A. kinesics

It involves how we say something in different pitch, tone and voice modulation such as slow or fast.

A. kinesics
B. proxemics
C. time language
D. paralanguage
Answer» D. paralanguage

................. are our body parts especially arms, legs, hands and head convey meaning.

A. gestures
B. proxemics
C. time language
D. paralanguage
Answer» A. gestures

Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known as:

A. hand-outs
B. cue-cards
C. attention grabbers
D. none of these
Answer» B. cue-cards

Different components of the presentation that attract the attention of audience are:

A. hand-outs
B. cue-cards
C. attention grabbers
D. none of these
Answer» C. attention grabbers

Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentationis:

A. hand-outs
B. cue-cards
C. attention grabbers
D. none of these
Answer» A. hand-outs

Which of the following is / are multipurpose presentation?

A. training
B. political arena
C. entertainment
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is /are not multipurpose presentation?

A. informative
B. entertainment
C. training
D. all of these
Answer» A. informative

Our purpose in a ------------ presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. image building
D. multipurpose
Answer» B. persuasive

Our purpose in a ---------- presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action.

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. image building
D. decision making
Answer» D. decision making

We can define a presentation as an oral activity using visual electronic aids (such as LCD projectors) to discuss new ideas and information with a specific audience in an impressive and convincing manner.

A. group discussion
B. presentation
C. group interview
D. all the above.
Answer» B. presentation

---------- presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the presenter or presenters share their expertise, and information is exchanged.

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. image building
D. decision making
Answer» A. informative

Evaluation Parameters of Group discussion includes:

A. personality
B. communication
C. leadership
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

-------------- is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and opinions about a topic, issue, problem or situation among members of a group who share certain common objectives.

A. presentation
B. group discussion
C. group interview
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A................ focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history

A. functional resume
B. mini resume
C. combination resume
D. chronological resume
Answer» A. functional resume

A --------- starts by listing your work history, with the most recent position listed first.

A. functional resume
B. mini resume
C. combination resume
D. chronological resume
Answer» D. chronological resume

Curriculum vitae is known as-

A. personal profile
B. personal data sheet
C. qualification sheet
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

-------- are used by an organisation as a means of having written records of established practices such as instructions on how to undertake specific tasks and work policies.

A. manuals
B. memos
C. letters
D. all the above
Answer» A. manuals

............. are usually the least formal method of written communication within the workplace and will usually include various notices or information relating to welfare and safety issues;

A. manuals
B. memos
C. letters
D. circulars
Answer» A. manuals

--------------- is also known as Non-directed interview.

A. structured
B. unstructured
C. depth
D. exit
Answer» B. unstructured

Formal Interview is also known as.............

A. planned interview
B. unstructured interview
C. group interview
D. none of these
Answer» A. planned interview

A ----------- letter should be organized like sales letter

A. resume
B. curriculum vitae
C. application letter
D. all the above
Answer» C. application letter

A ----------- is also known as a ’cover letter’

A. resume
B. curriculum vitae
C. application letter
D. sales letter
Answer» C. application letter

------------ is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.

A. hand-outs
B. curriculum vitae
C. application letter
D. sales letter
Answer» C. application letter

A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have for the particular job for which you are applying.

A. resume
B. curriculum vitae
C. application letter
D. hand-outs
Answer» A. resume

A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours and affiliations.

A. resume
B. curriculum vitae
C. application letter
D. hand-outs
Answer» B. curriculum vitae

------------ is an assigned communication for a purpose and for specific receiver or reader.

A. report
B. memos
C. letters
D. circulars
Answer» A. report

Business Letters that please the receiver are called

A. good news letter
B. praising letter
C. routine letter
D. all the above.
Answer» A. good news letter
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