Chapter: Managing IO Operations

What error will be generated on using incorrect specifier for the datatype being read?

A. compile error
B. run-time error
C. logical error
D. no error
Answer» B. run-time error

What is the prototype of scanf function?

A. scanf("controlstring",arg1,arg2,arg3,….,argn);
B. scanf("control string", variable list);
C. scanf(" varible list,", control string);
D. scanf("arg1,arg2,arg3,….,argn", control string);
Answer» A. scanf("controlstring",arg1,arg2,arg3,….,argn);

What is the meaning of the following C statement? scanf("%[^\n]s", ch);

A. read all character except new line
B. read all characters
C. read only new line character
D. syntax error
Answer» A. read all character except new line

What is the qualifying input for the type specifier G?

A. floating point numbers
B. floating point numbers in exponential format
C. floating point numbers in the shorter of exponential format
D. not a type specifier
Answer» C. floating point numbers in the shorter of exponential format

scanf() is a predefined function in______header file.

A. stdlib. h
B. ctype. h
C. stdio. h
D. stdarg. h
Answer» C. stdio. h

What does the C statement given below says? scanf("%7s",ch);

A. read string with minimum 7 characters.
B. read string with maximum 7 characters
C. read string exactly to 7 characters
D. read string with any number of characters
Answer» B. read string with maximum 7 characters
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