Chapter: Fundamentals of Organisational Behaviour

___ is the science or study of individual human behaviour.

A. Chemistry
B. Psychology
C. Computers
D. Mathematics.
Answer» B. Psychology

___ is the study of the human race and culture.

A. Sociology
B. Ergonomics
C. Political science
D. Anthropology.
Answer» D. Anthropology.

The model(s) of Organizational Behavior is (are):

A. Autocratic
B. Custodial
C. Supportive
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees

A. Autocratic model
B. Custodial model
C. Supportive Model
D. Collegial Model
Answer» C. Supportive Model

Forces affecting organizational behavior are

A. People
B. Environment
C. Technology
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

In present context, challenges for OB are

A. Employee expectation
B. Workforce diversity
C. Globalization
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Employee expectation

Organisational behavior is

A. A science
B. An art
C. A science as well as an art
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A science as well as an art

The study of organization behavior has certain basic assumptions. They are

A. An industrial enterprise is an organization of people
B. These people must be motivated to work effectively
C. The goals of the employee and the employer may not necessarily coincide
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following frameworks is used in the development
of the overall model of OB?

A. The cognitive framework
B. The behavioristic framework
C. The social learning framework
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Organisational behavior is a field of study backed by a body of
associated with growing concern for people at workplace

A. Theory
B. Research
C. Application
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The field of organizational behavior examines such questions as the nature of leadership, effective team development, and

A. Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals
B. Organisational control; conflict management
C. Motivation of individuals; planning
D. Planning; development
Answer» A. Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals

The feild of organizational behavior is primarily concerned with

A. The behavior field of The of individual and groups
B. How resources are effectively managed
C. Control processes and interactions between organizations, external context
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic model of OB

A. Obedience
B. Authority
C. Power
D. Dependence on boss
Answer» C. Power

s the science or study of individual human behavior.

A. Chemistry
B. Psychology
C. Computers
D. Mathematics.
Answer» B. Psychology

The study of Organizational Behavior is categorized into Micro and Macro OB:) Micro OB
deals with ___ and ___.

A. Individual & groups
B. Groups & teams
C. Teams and individuals
D. organizations and departments,
Answer» A. Individual & groups

___ is the study of the human race and culture.

A. Sociology
B. Ergonomics
C. Political science
D. Anthropology.
Answer» D. Anthropology.

explains learning of reflex behavior.

A. Classical Conditioning
B. Operant Conditioning
C. Social learning
D. Cognitive Learning
Answer» A. Classical Conditioning

Social learning is an extension of

A. Cognitive learning
B. Operant learning
C. Classical conditioning
D. Programmed learning
Answer» B. Operant learning

."______________ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group effort

A. Organization
B. Leadership
C. Behavior
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Organization

everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution
theory states that the behavior shows ______________

A. Consensus
B. Similarity
C. Reliability
D. Consistency
Answer» A. Consensus

Which of the following OB topics is not central to managing employees' fears about

A. Emotion
B. Motivation
C. Communication
D. work design
Answer» A. Emotion

Basis of "Collegial Model of OB is

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» D. Partnership

_____________ leader is self confident and can attract followers by his great influence

A. Charismatic
B. Autocratic
C. Laissez-faire
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» A. Charismatic

. Organization Behavior is

A. An interdisciplinary approach
B. A humanistic approach
C. Total system approach
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

A study of human behavior in organizational settings is

A. Individual behavior
B. Group behavior
C. Organizational behavior
D. None of these
Answer» A. Individual behavior

Organization Behavior Applied science

A. Normative science
B. Pessimistic approach
C. Optimist approach
D. None of them
Answer» A. Normative science

.The subject of organizational culture has been most influenced by which behavioural science discipline

A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. social psychology
D. political science
Answer» A. Anthropology

Managerial orientation of "Autocratic Model" of OB is

A. Authority
B. Money
C. Support
D. Teamwork
Answer» A. Authority

Employees needs met by Collegial Model is

A. Subsistence
B. Security
C. Status and Recognition
D. Self-actualization
Answer» D. Self-actualization

______________ is not a process tools for TQM systems

A. process flow analysis
B. histograms
C. plier
D. control charts
Answer» C. plier

______________ is about supplying customers with what they want when they want it.

Answer» D. JIT

.TQM stands for ______________

A. Total Quality Management
B. Total Quantity Management
C. Total Qualitative Management
D. To question management
Answer» A. Total Quality Management

Deming’s 4 step cycle for improvement is______________

A. plan, do, check, act
B. schedule, do, act, check
C. do, act, check, monitor
D. plan, control, act, sustain
Answer» A. plan, do, check, act

In Six Sigma, a ______________ is defined as any process output that does not meet
customer specifications

A. error
B. cost
C. quality
D. defect
Answer» D. defect

Quality practices must be carried out ______________
at the start of the project

A. throw-out the life of the project
B. at the end of the project
C. no need to carry out quality practices
D. all
Answer» A. throw-out the life of the project

Quality circles work best if employees are initially trained in ______________

A. Group dynamics
B. Motivation principles
C. Communications
D. All of the three. (Not sure)
Answer» D. All of the three. (Not sure)

Quality Trilogy includes

A. Quality planning
B. quality improvement
C. quality control
D. All the three
Answer» D. All the three

QFD stands for ______________-

A. Quantity for deployment
B. Quality for deployment
C. Quality function deployment
D. Quality for decision
Answer» C. Quality function deployment

Which of the following is not an alternative name of quality circle?

A. Human resources circle
B. Productivity circle
C. Excellence circle
D. Loss circle
Answer» A. Human resources circle

.Quality circle _______ job involvement.

A. Neglects
B. Demotes
C. Promotes
D. Accuser
Answer» D. Accuser

Quality circles _______ problem solving capability.

A. Create
B. Delete
C. Stop
D. Eradicates
Answer» A. Create

. fourteen points frameworks for quality and productivity improvement was suggested by

A. Crosby
B. Ishikawa
C. Deming
D. Juan
Answer» D. Juan

. Janjua’s Quality trilogy emphasizes the roles of quality planning, quality control and

A. Quality Definition
B. Quality enhancement
C. Quality improvement
D. quality maintenance
Answer» C. Quality improvement

. Quality Circles members are ______________

A. Paid according to their contribution to quality
B. External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools
C. Always machine operators
D. None of the three
Answer» B. External consultants designed to provide training in the use of Quality tools

. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning ______________
continuous improvement

A. Just-in-time (JIT)
B. a fishbone diagrams
C. setting standards
D. None o
Answer» A. Just-in-time (JIT)

. Quality management includes forming and directing a team of people to achieve a
qualitative goal within an effective cost and time frame that results in ______________

A. a project completed in shortest possible time.
B. a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.
C. an award-winning product that brings public recognition to the project
D. an innovative project that establishes qualification of the project team
Answer» B. a product or service that conforms to the required specifications.

. DMAIC is ______________

A. develop, multiply, analyze, improve, check
B. define, multiply, analyze, improve, control
C. define, measure, analyze, improve, control
D. define, manufacture, analyze, improve, control
Answer» C. define, measure, analyze, improve, control
Chapter: Attitude, Value and Motivation

Who has given the hierarchy of needs hierarchy theory of motivation? Sol:

A. Abraham Maslow
B. David McClelland
C. Victor Vroom
D. Frederick Herzberg
Answer» A. Abraham Maslow

How many levels are there in Needs Hierarchy theory of motivation? Sol:

A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Answer» B. 5

Which among the following is the highest level need under Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation?

A. A:)Safety and Security Needs
B. Social Needs
C. Self-esteem Needs
D. Self Actualization Needs
Answer» D. Self Actualization Needs

Which among the following is the lowest level need under Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation?

A. A:)Physiological Need
B. Safety and Security Needs
C. Social Needs
D. Self-esteem Needs
Answer» A. A:)Physiological Need

.Name the motivation theory that is based on Satisfaction-progression? Sol:

A. Alderfer – ERG theory
B. Maslow – hierarchy of needs theory
C. Herzberg – Two factor theory
D. Skinner’s reinforcement theory
Answer» D. Skinner’s reinforcement theory

According to Maslow’s need hierarchy theory motivation, the lower level of human needs emanates from _____

A. A:)Need of maintaining a given economic level
B. Needs like food, clothing, shelter, air, water
C. Need of individuals to associate, belong with others
D. Need for power, self respect, autonomy, self confidence,
Answer» B. Needs like food, clothing, shelter, air, water

Which among the following theories can be considered as an extension of Maslows’ Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation?

A. A:)Alderfer – ERG theory
B. Maslow – hierarchy of needs theory
C. Herzberg – Two factor theory
D. Skinner’s reinforcement theory
Answer» A. A:)Alderfer – ERG theory

Which among the following is not a deficiency need that arises due to deprivation? Sol:

A. Physiological Need
B. Safety and Security Needs
C. Social Needs
D. Self Actualization Needs
Answer» D. Self Actualization Needs

Who propounded X and Y theory of motivation Sol:

A. Maslow
B. F. Herzberg
C. Alderfer
D. Mc Gregor
Answer» D. Mc Gregor

______________ leadership emphasize on rules and regulation in an organization Sol:

A. Democratic
B. Autocratic
C. Laissez-faire
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» D. Bureaucratic

Process or administrative theory of organization is being given by Sol:

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. Max Weber
Answer» B. Henry Fayol

Basis of "Autocratic Model of OB is Sol:

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» B. Power

Which one of the following need is not coming under Mc Clelland theory of motivation? Sol:

A. Need for achievement
B. Need for affiliation
C. Need for actualization
D. Correct
Answer» D. Correct

An attitude can be inferred from a person’s: Sol:

A. Cognition
B. Affect
C. Behavior
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which theory of attitudes does not involve a cognitive component? Sol:

A. Cognitive dissonance theory
B. Balance theory
C. of planned behaviour
D. Classically conditioned attitudes
Answer» D. Classically conditioned attitudes

A person has two important attitude, those attitudes are likely to be: Sol:

A. Mutually consistent
B. Accessible
C. Persistent over time
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who propounded the Need's Theory Sol:

A. Frederick Herzberg
B. Alderfer
C. Abraham Harold Maslow
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Abraham Harold Maslow

The two factor theory is based on which factors? Sol:

A. Hygiene and behavioural
B. Safety and self - esteem
C. Self - actualisation and status quotient
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Hygiene and behavioural

Which of the following is a need that motivates human behaviour as per the achievement
motivation theory?

A. Power
B. Affiliation
C. Achievement
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is a need that motivates human behaviour as per the achievement motivation theory?

A. Power
B. Affiliation
C. Achievement
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_________ and ___________ came out with a comprehensive theory of motivation called
the performance - satisfaction model.

A. Festinger and Heider
B. Jacques and Patchen
C. Porter and Lawler
D. Weick and Adams
Answer» C. Porter and Lawler

Which among the following is the correct order of Maslows’ Need Hierarchy Theory of
Motivation starting from lower to higher level need?

A. Social Needs, Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs
B. Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs
C. Self-Actualization Needs , Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs
D. Safety and Security Needs, Physiological Need, Social Needs, Self Actualization Needs, Self-esteem Needs
Answer» B. Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs

management is what a manager does. Sol:

A. Peter F Drucker
B. Terry
C. Louis Allan
D. Hendry Fayol
Answer» C. Louis Allan

The Practice of Management written by __________. Sol:

A. Peter F Drucker
B. Terry
C. Louis Allan
D. Hendry Fayol
Answer» A. Peter F Drucker

The first man who advocated the view that the management should and can be taught is. Sol:

A. harold Koontz
B. Terry
C. Louis Allan
D. Hendry Fayol
Answer» D. Hendry Fayol

Early theories concentrate on what motivates individuals in their work. They include: Sol:

A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
B. Herzberg’s hygiene and motivator factors
C. Both A&B
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Both A&B

It is argued that individuals are motivated differently, and the strength of their motivation depends on a variety of factors, such as:

A. Needs, personality
B. Perceptions about whether more effort will result in achieving goals
C. Rewards and expectations about whether the rewards for achieving the goals will actually meet the individual’s needs.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

If a person has two important attitudes, those attitudes are likely to be: Sol:

A. Mutually consistent
B. Accessible
C. Persistent over time
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which people tend to have the strongest attitudes? Sol:

A. Young adults
B. Middle-aged adults
C. Older adults
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which people make riskier decisions? Sol:

A. Individuals
B. Group members at the beginning of a discussion
C. Group members after a discussion
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

What is one difference between cognitive dissonance theory and balance theory? Sol:

A. Balance theory does not relate to consistency
B. Cognitive dissonance theory does not relate to cognition
C. Cognitive dissonance theory does not concern relationships between people
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Cognitive dissonance theory does not concern relationships between people

When are people more likely to learn selectively? Sol:

A. During incidental learning
B. During intentional learning
C. During active learning
D. Both B and C
Answer» A. During incidental learning

Which group is more likely to show selective attention? Sol:

A. Repressors
B. Sensitizers
C. Extroverts
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Repressors

People are more selective about exposure to content when: Sol:

A. Dissonance is decreased
B. An attitude is personally important
C. Sequentially arriving information increases commitment
D. Both B and C
Answer» D. Both B and C

Dissonance can be described as: Sol:

A. A motivational state
B. A state of arousal
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Answer» C. Both A and B

Cognitive dissonance research has mostly focused on: Sol:

A. Attitude change
B. Behaviour change
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Answer» A. Attitude change

What is one similarity between classic attitudes research and newer social cognition

A. Metatheories
B. Theories of cognition
C. Methods from cognitive psychology
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Metatheories

Why was social cognition research initially spurned by traditionalist researchers Sol:

A. It did not include enough of an affective component
B. It did not involve enough of a behavioural component
C. It was thought to be redundant with cognitive psychological research
D. It was thought to be redundant with attitudes research
Answer» A. It did not include enough of an affective component

Which among the following is the correct order of Maslows’ Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation starting from lower to higher level need?

A. Safety and Security Needs, Physiological Need, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs
B. Social Needs, Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs
C. Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs
D. Self-Actualization Needs , Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs
Answer» C. Physiological Need, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Self-esteem Needs, SelfActualization Needs

Which among the following is not a deficiency need that arises due to deprivation? Sol:

A. Safety and Security Needs
B. Social Needs
C. Self-esteem Needs
D. Self-Actualization Needs
Answer» D. Self-Actualization Needs

According to Maslow’s need hierarchy theory motivation, the lower level of human needs emanates from _____

A. Need of maintaining a given economic level
B. Needs like food, clothing, shelter, air, water
C. Need of individuals to associate, belong with others
D. Need for power, self-respect, autonomy, self-confidence,
Answer» B. Needs like food, clothing, shelter, air, water

Which among the following is the lowest level need under Need Hierarchy Theory of

A. Physiological Need
B. Safety and Security Needs
C. Social Needs
D. Self-esteem Needs
Answer» A. Physiological Need
Chapter: Personality

One trait that dominates a personality so much that it influences nearly everything a person does is

A. Global Trait
B. Cardinal Trait
C. Specific trait
D. Central Trait
Answer» B. Cardinal Trait

The method of science requires that independent observers must:

A. verify data
B. state a hypothesis in a form that can be tested
C. derive a hypothesis from theory
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Talkative vs. silent; frank, open vs. secretive; adventurous vs. cautious; sociable vs. reclusivethese
traits describe which dimension of personality?

A. Agreeableness
B. Conscientiousness
C. Extraversion
D. Culture
Answer» C. Extraversion

Approximately how many trait words for personality are there in the English language?

A. 18,000
B. 1,000
C. 10,000
D. 500
Answer» A. 18,000

Who is the pioneer that proposed the 16 basic dimensions of normal personality and devised a
questionnaire (16PF) to measure them?

A. Carl Jung
B. Raymond Cattell
C. Julian Rotter
D. Gordon Allport
Answer» B. Raymond Cattell

When analyzing a past president to describe his personality by coding letters or speeches he has
written, you are using a process called

A. Big Five
B. content analysis
C. personality assumptions
D. Implicit Personality Theory
Answer» B. content analysis

The best known lexical research on terms relevant to personality was conducted by whom and how
many terms were compiled in this study?

A. Sheldon/3
B. Ancient Greeks/4
C. Allport/17,953
D. Gordon/5
Answer» C. Allport/17,953

During psychology you are falling asleep. You know last night you only got three hours of sleep; therefore you have a valid reason. The person sitting in front of you is sleeping also. You automatically think that they are lazy and really dont care about the class. This is an example of

A. Halo effect
B. Implicit Personality Theory
C. Observer bias
D. stereotype
Answer» C. Observer bias

Positive correlations (from 0.01 to 1.00) indicate that, as one factor goes ________, the other
factor goes __________.

A. down, up
B. up, down
C. up, up
D. both a and b
Answer» C. up, up

Which strategy IMPROVES the reliability of a research design?

A. make the test shorter
B. standardize all circumstances under which the test is administered, including instructions.
C. delete all items from the test that do not correlate with the other items.
D. b and c only
Answer» D. b and c only

Which of the statements below are FALSE?

A. Since Personality psychology has competing viewpoints, it is considered a paradigm.
B. Science judges the truth of statements based on the empirical methoD:)
C. Personality encompasses diverse qualities of individuals (E:)g., biology, social influences, childhood experiences, etC:))
D. Science demands that hypotheses be discarded if they are not confirmed by observation.
Answer» A. Since Personality psychology has competing viewpoints, it is considered a paradigm.
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