190+ Industrial and Company Law Solved MCQs


Section 2(1)(d) of the Employees Compensation Act, 1923 defines dependant as to mean any of the following relatives of a deceased employee :

A. A widow
B. A minor legitimate son
C. An unmarried daughter
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Disablement which reduces the earning capacity of a workman in any employment in which he was engaged at the time of the accident is known as

A. Total disablement
B. Temporary partial disablement
C. Permanent partial disablement
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Temporary partial disablement

An unlooked for mishap or untoward event which is not expected or designed is known as-

A. Personal injury
B. Accident
C. Occupational Disease
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Accident

The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 provides compensation for-

A. Death
B. Total Disablement
C. Partial disablement
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between _____ connected with employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or with the connections of labour, of any persons.

A. Employers and employers
B. Employers and workmen
C. Workmen and workmen
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The objective of the Industrial Disputes Act is

A. To prevent illegal strikes
B. To promote measures for securing and preserving good relations between the employers and the employees
C. To provide relief to workmen in matters of lay-offs, retrenchment, wrongful dismissals
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A __________ is the weapon used by workmen to force the employer to agree to their demands.

A. Strike
B. Lock-out
C. Lay-off
D. Retrenchment
Answer» A. Strike

The duty of the Works Committee shall be-

A. To promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and workmen.
B. To comment upon matters of their common interest and concern.
C. Endeavour to compose any material difference of opinion in respect of such matters.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Under Employees Compensation Act, employer shall not be liable to pay compensation in respect of any injury which does not result in the total or partial disablement of the workman for a period exceeding _______days;

A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 2
Answer» A. 3

Under Employees Compensation Act, employer shall not be liable to pay compensation in respect of any injury not resulting in death or permanent total disablement caused by an accident :

A. Under the influence of drink or drugs
B. Due to the willful disobedience of the workman to an order expressly given or to a rule expressly framed for the purpose of securing the safety of workmen
C. Due to the willful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or other device he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing the safety of workman
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

An appeal shall lie to the High Court from the following orders of Commissioner:

A. Awarding as compensation a lump-sum
B. Awarding interest or penalty
C. Refusing to allow redemption of half-monthly payment
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Employee under Sec, 2 (1) (n) means:

A. A railway servant
B. A seaman
C. Captain of an aircraft
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The first enactment dealing with the settlement of industrial dispute was:

A. Trade Disputes Act, 1929
B. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
C. Employers‟ & Workmen‟s Disputes Act, 1860
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Employers‟ & Workmen‟s Disputes Act, 1860

Lay off is not caused by:

A. Shortage of coal
B. A cessation of work
C. The accumulation of stocks
D. The breakdown of machinery
Answer» B. A cessation of work

Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between__________ connected with employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or with the connections of labour, of any persons.

A. Employers & employees
B. Workmen & workmen
C. employers & workman
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The essentials of a lock out are:

A. Temporary closing of a place of employment
B. Failure or refusal or inability to give employment
C. A concerted refusal to continue to work
D. None of these
Answer» A. Temporary closing of a place of employment

As per _________ of Employees Compensation Act,1923 minor means a person who has attained the age of 18 years:

A. Section 2(f)
B. Section 2(ff)
C. Section 2(g)
D. Section 2(h)
Answer» B. Section 2(ff)

A personal injury includes:

A. psychological.
B. physiological.
C. insanity.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

Section 8 of Employees Compensation Act states that compensation for death and lump sum payment due to a woman or a person under a legal disability must be deposited with

A. The appropriate government.
B. The State Government
C. The Central Govenment
D. The Commissioner
Answer» D. The Commissioner

The Labour Court shall consist of _____ person(s).

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» A. One

An interim or a final determination of any industrial dispute or of any question relating there to by any Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal is.. .

A. Report
B. Judgement
C. Award
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Award

Within how many days should an appeal be filed to the High Court as per the Employee‟s Compensation Act, 1923?

A. Within 15 days of order being passed
B. Within 20 days of order being passed
C. Within 45 days of order being passed
D. Within 60 days of order being passed
Answer» D. Within 60 days of order being passed

Which was the first enactment that dealt with the settlement of industrial disputes?

A. Employers and Workmen‟s Disputes Act, 1850
B. Employers‟ and Workmen‟s Disputes Act,1860
C. Trade Disputes Act, 1860
D. Trade Disputes Act,1929
Answer» B. Employers‟ and Workmen‟s Disputes Act,1860

Which of the following types of strikes is not called „primary strikes‟?

A. Stay-in
B. Tool-down
C. Pen-down
D. Go-slow
Answer» D. Go-slow

The name of which of the following legislations has been recently changed?

A. Workmens‟ CompensationAct
B. Employees‟ State Insurance Act
C. Maternity Benefit Act
D. Payment of Gratuity Act
Answer» A. Workmens‟ CompensationAct

Which of the following statements relating to the Employees‟ Compensation Act is not correct?

A. This Act has a link with the Workmen‟s Compensation Act
B. This act is the outcome of the amendment that was made to the Workmen‟s Compensation Act
C. This act does not have any provision relating to temporary disablement of workmen
D. This act has a provision relating to permanent partial disablement
Answer» C. This act does not have any provision relating to temporary disablement of workmen

The Employees‟ Compensation Act came into force on:

A. 1stJanuary, 1924
B. 1st July, 1924
C. 1st August, 1924
D. 1st December, 1924
Answer» B. 1st July, 1924

The objective Employees‟ Compensation Act is:

A. To settle disputes between State government and business firms
B. To provide compensation to corporate bodies
C. To promote peace and harmony between the workers
D. To provide workmen and/or their dependents some relief in case of accidents arising in the course of employment and causing either death or disablement of workmen
Answer» D. To provide workmen and/or their dependents some relief in case of accidents arising in the course of employment and causing either death or disablement of workmen

Anemployer is liable to pay compensation:

A. If personal injury is caused to a workman by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment.
B. If a workman employed in any employment contracts any disease, specified in the Act as an occupational disease peculiar to that employment.
C. If the injury does not result in the total or partial disablement of the workman for a period exceeding three days
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

“Dependant" under the Employees Compensation Act means

A. Any of the relatives of the deceased like widow,widower,minor,parent.
B. Any of the work friends
C. Any member of the Board of Directors
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Any of the relatives of the deceased like widow,widower,minor,parent.

According to the Employees‟ Compensation Act,compensation must be given

A. Where permanent total disablement results from the injury
B. Where permanent partial disablement results from injury
C. Where death results from the injury
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A Commissioner for Employee's Compensation is appointed by

A. Corporate Body
B. Board of Directors
C. State Government
D. None of the above
Answer» C. State Government

Disablement which incapacitates an employee for all work which he was capable of performing at the time of the accident is called

A. Total Disablement
B. Partial Disablement
C. Temporary Partial Disablement
D. Permanent Partial Disablement
Answer» A. Total Disablement

The rules regarding distribution of compensation was provided in __________ of Employees Compensation Act, 1923

A. Section 6
B. Section 7
C. Section 8
D. Section 9
Answer» C. Section 8

The minimum amount of compensation for permanent total disablement according to section 4 (b) of Employees Compensation Act, 1923 was

A. Rs1,10,000/-
B. Rs1,20,000/-
C. Rs1,30,000/-
D. Rs1,40,000/-
Answer» D. Rs1,40,000/-

Which one of them is among no industry

A. Agricultural farms
B. A Municipality
C. A college with pharmacy
D. University
Answer» D. University

_________is a sum of money given by the employer to the employee at the end of his service.

A. Gratuity
B. Salary
C. Wages
D. Bonus
Answer» A. Gratuity

_______means closing of a place of employment, or suspension of work, or refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him.

A. Lay-off
B. Lock out
C. Retrenchment
D. Strike
Answer» B. Lock out

The failure, refusal or inability of an employer to provide employment to a workman whose name is included in the muster rolls of the industrial establishment and who has not been retrenched is known as

A. Lay-off
B. Lock out
C. Retrenchment
D. Strike
Answer» A. Lay-off

Closure means the permanent closing down of a place of employment or part thereof.

A. Lay-off
B. Lock out
C. Retrenchment
D. Closure
Answer» D. Closure

Children who have not completed his _____________ year shall not be required or allowed to work in any factory.

A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
Answer» C. 14

_____ shall fix the minimum rates of wages payable to employees employed in a scheduled employment.

A. The Appropriate Government
B. The State Government
C. The Central Government
D. The employer
Answer» A. The Appropriate Government

As per the Factories Act, 1948, young person means a person who is

A. a child
B. an adolescent
C. Either (a) or (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer» C. Either (a) or (b)

The appropriate government shall review the minimum rates of wages at such intervals not exceeding

A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years
Answer» D. 5 years

No adult worker shall be allowed to work in a factory for more than

A. 48 hours in any week
B. 46 hours in any week
C. 47 hours in any week
D. 44 hours in any week
Answer» A. 48 hours in any week

No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any factory-

A. For more than three and a half in any day.
B. For more than four and a half in any day.
C. For more than five and a half in any day.
D. For more than six and a half in any day.
Answer» B. For more than four and a half in any day.

If in a scheduled employment, minimum rates need not be fixed until the number reaches-

A. 500
B. 1000
C. 1500
D. 2000
Answer» B. 1000

Different rates of wages may be fixed for-

A. Different scheduled employment
B. Different classes of work in the same scheduled employment
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

The first Factories Act in India was passed in:

A. 1911
B. 1922
C. 1881
D. 1934
Answer» C. 1881

Section ________ of the Factories Act contains the provisions relating to the safety of the workers:

A. 11 to 20
B. 42 to 50
C. 21 to 41
D. 1 to 10
Answer» A. 11 to 20

Provisions for first-aid appliances is under

A. Safety
B. Welfare
C. Health
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Welfare

In factories, all latrine and urinal accommodation shall be of prescribed sanitary types wherein more than ________ workers are ordinarily employed:

A. 200
B. 500
C. 250
D. 200
Answer» C. 250

In a scheduled employment, minimum rates need not be fixed until the number of workers reaches :

A. 1000
B. 500
C. 100
D. 200
Answer» A. 1000

The appropriate Government may fix a minimum rates of wages for:

A. A minimum time rate
B. Overtime rate
C. A minimum piece rate
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The fixation or revision of minimum rate of wages shall come into force on the expiry of ________ from the date of the issues of notification:

A. 6 months
B. 3 months
C. 2 months
D. 12 months
Answer» B. 3 months

The appropriate Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint _____________ to exercise functions of a Labour Commissioner:

A. Any Commissioner of Workmen‟s Compensation
B. Certain officers of the Central Government
C. Certain officers of the State Government
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The minimum wages payable under minimum Wages Act shall be paid in

A. Cash
B. Kind
C. Both
D. None
Answer» A. Cash

Adolescent means a person who has completed his____year of age but has not completed his eighteenth year.

A. 12
B. 14
C. 15
D. 18
Answer» B. 14

Which one of the following is not an appropriate Government in relation to any scheduled employment?

A. The Central Government
B. The Railway Administration
C. The Municipal Administration
D. The State Government
Answer» C. The Municipal Administration

Under Section 20(1) of the Minimum Wages Act , which of the following, may the Appropriate Government appoint as an authority to hear and decide cases related to payment of wages?

A. Any commissioner for Workmen‟s Compensation
B. Any officer of the Central Government exercising functions as Labour Commissioner for any region
C. Any officer of the State Government
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

Section 2(1)(d) of the Employees Compensation Act, 1923 defines dependant as to mean any of the following relatives of a deceased employee :

A. A widow
B. A minor legitimate son
C. An unmarried daughter
D. All of the above
Answer» A. A widow

Disablement which reduces the earning capacity of a workman in any employment in which he was engaged at the time of the accident is known as

A. Total disablement
B. Temporary partial disablement
C. Permanent partial disablement
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

An unlooked for mishap or untoward event which is not expected or designed is known as-

A. Personal injury
B. Accident
C. Occupational Disease
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Occupational Disease

The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 provides compensation for-

A. Death
B. Total Disablement
C. Partial disablement
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Partial disablement

The Minimum Wages Act came into force on:

A. 15th March,1948
B. 15th January,1948
C. 31st March,1960
D. 15th March,1960
Answer» A. 15th March,1948

The Factories Actcame into force on:

A. 1st April 1949
B. 15th March,1976
C. 5th June 2000
D. 1st September 1998
Answer» A. 1st April 1949

Statutory Minimum wage is fixed under

A. Payment Wages Act,1936
B. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
C. Minimum Wages Act,1948
D. Workmen‟s Compensation Act,1923
Answer» C. Minimum Wages Act,1948

Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 the appropriate government shall fix the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in an employment specified in

A. Schedule I, Part I, II and the employments and added under section
B. Schedule I part II
C. 27Schedule I part I
D. Schedule I and II
Answer» A. Schedule I, Part I, II and the employments and added under section

As per Factories Act, "child" means a person who has not completed his _____ years of age

A. 18th
B. 21st
C. 15th
D. 14th
Answer» C. 15th

Which of the following statements relating to the Factories Act is not true?

A. There is a provision in the Act relating to the constitution of a Managing Committee for the management of the canteen.
B. There is a provision in the Act regarding the setting up of a safety committee.
C. The Act does not have a provision relating to the setting up of welfare committee.
D. The Act has a provision relating to the establishment of a Grievance Committee.
Answer» D. The Act has a provision relating to the establishment of a Grievance Committee.

Which of the following is not a method for fixing Minimum Wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?

A. Notification Method
B. Committee Method
C. Bargaining Method
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Bargaining Method

The maximum daily hours of work in a day with normal wage allowed in factories is

A. 11 hours
B. 9 hours
C. 8 hours
D. 10 hours
Answer» B. 9 hours

Minimum wages Act came into force in India on

A. 11thMarch, 1984
B. 15thMarch, 1948
C. 17thMarch, 1948
D. 27thMarch, 1948
Answer» B. 15thMarch, 1948

The term wages under Minimum Wages Act, 1984 includes

A. Provident fund
B. Travelling allowance
C. Gratuity payable on discharge
D. House rent allowance
Answer» D. House rent allowance

The minimum wages fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1984 must be revised at least once in

A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 7 years
Answer» C. 5 years

The Factories Act, 1948 came into force on

A. 1st April, 1949
B. 2nd April, 1949
C. 3rd April, 1949
D. 4th April, 1949
Answer» A. 1st April, 1949

______means any engine, motor or other appliance which generates or otherwise provides power.

A. Plant
B. Prime mover
C. Hoist
D. Striking Gear
Answer» B. Prime mover

It is the duty of the ___________to enforce the provision of the Factories Act and other industrial laws

A. Occupier
B. Promoter
C. Factory inspectors
D. Employer/Owner
Answer» C. Factory inspectors

Provisions regarding the welfare of workers was mention in _________of the Factories Act, 1948

A. section 20-32
B. section 30 to 40
C. section 42 to 50
D. section 52 to 62
Answer» C. section 42 to 50

In every factory where __________are employed, a room shall be provided for the use of children of such women.

A. more than 10 women
B. more than 20 women
C. more than 30 women
D. more than 40 women
Answer» C. more than 30 women

_________ contains rules, regulations and bye-laws regarding the internal management of companies.

A. Memorandum of Association
B. Articles of Association
C. Prospectus
D. Certificate of Incorporation
Answer» B. Articles of Association

The total face value of the shares which the company is authorized to issue by its Memorandum of Association is

A. Nominal capital
B. Issued capital
C. Subscribed capital
D. Paid up capital
Answer» A. Nominal capital

A company can borrow money and if so to what extent, are matters depending upon the interpretation of the two documents which is-

A. Memorandum and Articles of Association
B. Company Act and Memorandum of Association
C. Company Act and Articles of Association
D. Prospectus and Company Act
Answer» A. Memorandum and Articles of Association

To be appointed as a director in a company, a person must have

A. Qualification shares
B. Been a District Judge for not less than three years
C. Been a shareholder in the company for not less than three years
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Qualification shares

The Memo and Articles are ____________, which may be inspected by anybody at the office of the Registrar of Companies.

A. Shareholder Documents
B. Company Documents
C. Public Documents
D. Director Documents
Answer» C. Public Documents

Any rule in the articles of the association contrary to the memorandum is ____________.

A. Invalid
B. Void
C. Valid
D. Voidable
Answer» A. Invalid

The company must be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, and the ___________ must be obtained.

A. Prospectus
B. Certificate of Commencement of Business
C. Statement in lieu of Prospectus
D. Certificate of Incorporation
Answer» D. Certificate of Incorporation

A document which shows on the face of it, that the company has borrowed a certain sum of money from the holder thereof upon certain terms and conditions is known as-

A. Equity shares
B. Debentures
C. Mortgage
D. Preference Shares
Answer» B. Debentures

The companies incorporated under a special charter by a monarch are:

A. Chartered companies
B. Registered companies
C. Statutory companies
D. incorporated companies
Answer» A. Chartered companies

When a company has control over another company it is known as:

A. Controlled company
B. Subsidiary company
C. Holding company
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Holding company

The fundamental conditions upon which alone the company is allowed to be incorporated is contained in:

A. Articles of association
B. Memorandum of Association
C. Certificate of incorporation
D. Certificate of commencement of business
Answer» B. Memorandum of Association

A document which shows that a company has borrowed a certain sum of money is:

A. Articles of association
B. Memorandum of Association
C. Certificate of incorporation
D. Prospectus
Answer» D. Prospectus

The maximum amount which a company is authorised to raise by issue of shares and upon which it pays the stamp and registration fee is :

A. Issued capital
B. Called up capital
C. Subscribed capital
D. Nominal or registered capital
Answer» D. Nominal or registered capital

Who can be members of a company?

A. Minor
B. Partnership firms
C. Trustees
D. Hindu undivided families
Answer» D. Hindu undivided families

Companies that have implied powers to borrow, even without any specific power to do so in their memorandum or articles are:

A. Private companies
B. Public companies
C. Non trading companies
D. Trading companies
Answer» D. Trading companies

Debentures that are not negotiable instruments are:

A. Registered debentures
B. Bearer Debentures
C. Redeemable debentures
D. Secured debentures
Answer» A. Registered debentures

Any invitation issued to the public inviting it to deposit money with the company or to take share or debentures of the company such invitation may be in the form of a document or a notice, circular, advertisement etc is known as

A. Prospectus
B. Documents
C. Promotion
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Prospectus

The number of members of a private Company is limited to

A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 250
Answer» C. 200

A subsidiary company can be a member of the holding company also.

A. True
B. False
C. undefined
D. either (a) or (b)
Answer» B. False

A person who has control over the affairs of the company, directly or indirectly whether as a shareholder, director or otherwise

A. Promoter
B. Manager
C. Owner
D. None of the Above
Answer» A. Promoter
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