140+ Design Studio Solved MCQs


A _________ covers topics of general interest for a specific geographic area.

A. magazines
B. news papper
C. telivision
D. radeo
Answer» B. news papper

What is the process and product of imagination?

A. design
B. film
C. visual effects
D. magazines
Answer» A. design

Graphic design is a cousin of _______ industry.

A. animation
B. film
C. visual effects
D. advertising
Answer» D. advertising

Who captuared the photograph of “Civil War” for Harpers Weekley?

A. mathew brady
B. salvador dali
C. john lennon
D. annie leibovitz
Answer» A. mathew brady

In 1870’s in New york city who created “Stark black and white engravings of life” for harpers weekley?

A. salvador dali
B. winslow homer
C. pickaso
D. leana do davingi
Answer» B. winslow homer

In which format magazines exists in?

A. print and publishing
B. print and broadcasting
C. broadcasting
D. telecasting
Answer» A. print and publishing

Readers depends on the news papper for _______?

A. specialised information
B. various information
C. new information
D. day to day news
Answer» D. day to day news

What is “M.P.A” stands for?

A. magazine publisher of australia
B. magazine publisher of africa
C. magazine publishers of america
D. magazine publisher of argentina
Answer» C. magazine publishers of america

In 1982, who offered an expansion for magazines?

A. magazine publishers of india
B. magazine publishers of itally
C. magazine publishers of europe
D. magazine publishers of america
Answer» D. magazine publishers of america

How many countries the “Modern Plastics” magazine publishing?

A. 110 countries
B. 5 countries
C. 10 countries
D. 20 countries
Answer» A. 110 countries

Which medium is more comfortable than any other medium?

A. telivision
B. magazine
C. radeo
D. news papper
Answer» B. magazine

“A magazine is a tangible enduring companion , a friend that you can enjoy at Home, Work, Traveling anywhere at all” Whose words is this?

A. magazine publishers of america
B. magazine publishers of india
C. magazine publishers of europe
D. magazine publishers of itally
Answer» A. magazine publishers of america

Which is the magazine won the top awards from the Catholic Press Association in 1984?

A. time
B. news week
C. catholic rural life
D. harpers weekley
Answer» C. catholic rural life

In which year wood magazine launched in?

A. 1985
B. 1999
C. 2005
D. 2012
Answer» A. 1985

What is the main challenge for a magazine editor?

A. the magazine defferent from each issues.
B. to keep the concistancy of the magazine.
C. to keep the design concistantley.
D. to keep the style of the magazine
Answer» A. the magazine defferent from each issues.

Which is the magazine “Amoco Oil Company” produsing?

A. speed
B. auto week
C. adventure road
D. fast track
Answer» C. adventure road

Which is the biggest magazine advertisers?

A. coco cola
B. nike
C. fast track
D. automotive manufactures
Answer» D. automotive manufactures

Which is the magazine get topest advertising income?

A. time warner
B. vogue
C. soldier of fortune
D. scibner’s
Answer» A. time warner

Which is the magazine fills its add pages with National Rifle Association,
Military Book of the Month Club and Wesson Firearms insted of
cigarette ads?

A. vogue
B. soldier of fortune
C. scibner’s
D. life
Answer» B. soldier of fortune

In which year Magazines appeared in America?

A. 1899
B. 1980
C. 1741
D. 1999
Answer» C. 1741

When was the most fascinating eras in magazine hystory?

A. after world war ii
B. after world war i
C. before world war ii
D. before world war i
Answer» A. after world war ii

How many factors have had an on going impact on the magazine industry?

A. 10
B. 50
C. 2
D. 5
Answer» D. 5

In 1800 the litaracy rate in America is _____ %?

A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 90%
Answer» B. 75%

In mid ninteenth which was the most popular magazine in America?

A. the ladies home journel
B. glamour college
C. ms
D. godey’s lady’s
Answer» D. godey’s lady’s

What is the main part in a visual communication?

A. design
B. logo
C. font
D. line art
Answer» A. design

“ Good design is Good business “ Whose words is this?

A. mathew brady
B. salvador dali
C. thomas watson jr
D. john lennon
Answer» C. thomas watson jr

In which period graphic design spread to all corners of the united states?

A. in sevantees
B. in eightees
C. in nintees
D. mid of sevantees
Answer» C. in nintees

In a communication business , for branding what is the serios issue?

A. money
B. language
C. designs
D. font
Answer» B. language

Something that is produced to function and exists in reality is called ______?

A. product
B. design
C. offset
D. logo
Answer» A. product

A ______ has meaning beyond functionality and exists in peopel’s mind?

A. logo
B. design
C. brand
D. product
Answer» C. brand

The way in which a brand is expressed visually and verbally is called _____?

A. brand versatality
B. brand identity
C. brand defferenciation
D. brand uniqueness
Answer» B. brand identity

Is the brand unique from other of its kind is called?

A. identity
B. negligen’s
C. defferentiation
D. relevance
Answer» C. defferentiation

Is the brand current with the times is called?

A. defferentiation
B. brand identity
C. esteem
D. relevance
Answer» D. relevance

Does the brand delived consistently is called?

A. reputation
B. defferentiation
C. brand identity
D. esteem
Answer» D. esteem

How well do consumers know the brand is called?

A. defferentiation
B. brand identity
C. reputation
D. esteem
Answer» C. reputation

Which was the magazine Hystorians conciderd as the best magazine for children ever published?

A. st. nicholus
B. keyboard
C. people
D. family times
Answer» A. st. nicholus

When was the “Readers digest “ premium issue published in?

A. june 1922
B. august 1922
C. september 1922
D. february 1922
Answer» D. february 1922

How many articles contines in the premium issue of the “Readers digest “?

A. 5 articles
B. 10 articles
C. 31 articles
D. 3 articles
Answer» C. 31 articles

What was the caption of “Life “ magazines premium issue?

A. life ends
B. new life
C. good life
D. life begins
Answer» D. life begins

When was the “Life “magazines premium issue published in?

A. january 23 - 1936
B. november 23 - 1936
C. february 23 - 1936
D. march 23 - 1936
Answer» B. november 23 - 1936

Which was the magazine won the “ National magazine award “in 1997 for the article ‘ into thin air’?

A. outside
B. life
C. vanity fair
D. rolling stone
Answer» A. outside

In 1997 which was the article won the “ National magazine award “ for Outside magazine?

A. driving mr. albert
B. portrayal of women
C. little rock, arkansas
D. into thin air
Answer» D. into thin air

Which was the magazine won the first annual “ National magazine award “ for skillful editing , imagination and integrity?

A. vanity fair
B. look magazine
C. outside
D. life
Answer» B. look magazine

When was the “ National magazine award “ for skillful editing , imagination and integrity starte in?

A. in1999
B. in 1966
C. in 1997
D. in 1992
Answer» B. in 1966

Which was the most successful feminist magazine for all time?

A. the ladies home journel
B. glamour college
C. godey’s lady’s
D. ms
Answer» D. ms

Which was the first American women’s magazine to place a black woman on the cover?

A. collier’s magazine
B. glamour college
C. ms
D. godey’s lady’s
Answer» B. glamour college

Which was the magazine won the “ National Magazine Award “in 1998 for the article ‘ Driving Mr Albert’?

A. folio
B. outdoor life
C. harper’s
D. better homes
Answer» C. harper’s

In 1998 which was the article won the “ National magazine award “ for Harper’s?

A. driving mr albert
B. portrayal of women
C. little rock, arkansas
D. into thin air
Answer» A. driving mr albert

When was the ‘Poz’ magazine launched in?

A. april 1999
B. april 1992
C. april 1994
D. april 1997
Answer» C. april 1994

Which was the sister publication of “Poz” magazine?

A. folio
B. life
C. latina
D. mamm
Answer» D. mamm

Knowingly publishin something false or with a reckless disregard for the truth is called?

A. adjacency
B. advertorial
C. actual malica
D. blueline
Answer» C. actual malica

An advertisement placed on the page next to an article about a similar subject is called?

A. adjacency
B. advertorial
C. actual malica
D. false light
Answer» A. adjacency

Taking an editorial stand on issues is called?

A. adjacency
B. advertorial
C. actual malica
D. advocacy journalism
Answer» D. advocacy journalism

Final page of Film, including all text and art is called?

A. editing
B. compositing
C. final out
D. layout
Answer» B. compositing

The design of the magazine’s name is called ?

A. fond
B. cover line
C. logo
D. caption
Answer» C. logo

A page proof that shows all type and art and is produced on light sensitive paper in blue inc is called?

A. bleed
B. cover line
C. blue line
D. byline
Answer» C. blue line

A graphic element that extends past the edge of the page is called?

A. bleed
B. cover line
C. blue line
D. byline
Answer» A. bleed

What is called Identification of the author of the article ?

A. cover line
B. blue line
C. byline
D. false light
Answer» C. byline

A short title or teaser that appears on the cover of a magazineis called _______?

A. blue line
B. byline
C. false light
D. cover line
Answer» D. cover line

Who is the artist illustrated ‘The Ladies Home Journel ‘s‘ cover of september 1904?

A. maxfield parrish
B. roy lichtenstein
C. milton glaser
D. norman rockwell
Answer» A. maxfield parrish

The’ International Harvestor Mark’ designed by______?

A. paul rand
B. raymond leowy
C. morton goldsholl
D. r.j. reynold
Answer» B. raymond leowy

Who did develop the symbols used in transportation?

A. landor and associates
B. gianninoto associates
C. rca
D. american institute of graphic arts
Answer» D. american institute of graphic arts

Which type symbols use either the company name or its initials in a unique and distinct designes?

A. typographic
B. abstract
C. descriptive
D. a combination of these
Answer» A. typographic

What is the word meaning of ‘Swastika’?

A. all for alone
B. all for one
C. all for two
D. none of these
Answer» B. all for one

Doves are associated with______?

A. agressiveness
B. righteousness and courage
C. softness and feminity
D. none of these
Answer» C. softness and feminity

Who designed’ The Abstract Chase Manhattan Bank ‘symbol ?

A. chermayeff & geismar
B. paul rand
C. charles stewart
D. r.j. reynold
Answer» A. chermayeff & geismar

Who designed ”Elsie the Bordon Cow”?

A. charles stewart
B. gianninoto associates
C. morton goldsholl
D. raymond leowy
Answer» B. gianninoto associates

What is the use of branding marks?

A. to identify brand
B. to identify service
C. to identify ownerships
D. none of these
Answer» C. to identify ownerships

Who created the ‘stagecoach symbol of the wells fargo bank, created oved twenty years’?

A. lander and associates
B. gianninoto associates
C. american institute of graphic arts
D. none of these
Answer» A. lander and associates

During the sixties many corporations adopted _______ type symbols?

A. typographic
B. descriptive
C. abstract
D. a combination of these
Answer» C. abstract

The ‘motrola mark’ designed by?

A. morton gold soll
B. gianninoto associates
C. rca
D. r.j reynold
Answer» A. morton gold soll

Who were create the hevi struss mark?

A. lander and associates
B. gianninoto associates
C. rca
D. none of these
Answer» A. lander and associates

Whar are the symbols of ‘Bank Of America”?

A. dove and a parrot
B. parrot and an eagle
C. cow and an eagle
D. dove and an eagle
Answer» D. dove and an eagle

“We put the Eagle into the logo to symboliye leadership. It indicates that
the bank is taking amore aggressive roll in the market place” who told

A. paul land
B. george nelson
C. bud jarrin
D. charles stewart
Answer» D. charles stewart

The IBM designed by_____?

A. paul rand
B. saulbass & associates
C. landor & associates
D. lippincott & margulies
Answer» A. paul rand

Who designed the “ Public Broadcasting system” typographic symbols?

A. reymond loewy
B. herb lubacin
C. bud jerrin
D. gerald stahl
Answer» B. herb lubacin

The designer ‘Nash Hernandez’ used seagulls and a nautical theme reminiscent of Fisherman’s wharf . in which design?

A. sanfrancisco & french bread
B. publi broadcasting system
C. newyork life insurance
D. exxon
Answer» A. sanfrancisco & french bread

Who are the designers of RCA symbol?

A. charmayeff & geismar
B. george nelson & company
C. lippincott & margulies
D. saulbass & associates
Answer» C. lippincott & margulies

Mothed & Child, A master head of ______?

A. readers digest publication
B. visual graphics cord
C. curtiss publication
D. none of these
Answer» C. curtiss publication

The herb lubalin, a designer for over forty years created which based type designs?

A. typographic
B. descriptive
C. abstract
D. a combination of these
Answer» A. typographic

How many cocors the kodak package makes effective use for?

A. two
B. five
C. four
D. six
Answer» A. two

The standard size for letterhead in the United States is _______?

A. 8 ½ by 11 inches
B. 7 ¼ by 10 ½ inches
C. 4 ¼ by 3 ½ inches
D. 10 by 3 ½ inches
Answer» A. 8 ½ by 11 inches

A thumbnail size is ?

A. ½ to 1 inch in size
B. 1 to 1 ½ inch in size
C. 1 to 2 inch in size
D. 1 to 3 inch in size
Answer» A. ½ to 1 inch in size

A desired image acquired and communicated by the company to the public throught visual communications it is called ______?

A. identity system
B. symbol
C. corporate identity
D. compatible typography
Answer» C. corporate identity

Impenetrability, Distinction nobility, Elegance, Darkness these are which color positive association?

A. red
B. black
C. green
D. white
Answer» B. black

The black color taste is ____?

A. rich
B. light
C. berry flavour
D. spicy
Answer» A. rich

The physical effects of Orange color is ____?

A. cool, soothing, restful
B. calming, quieting
C. warmth : resembles the light of a fireplace or a baker’s oven
D. coldness,dirt
Answer» C. warmth : resembles the light of a fireplace or a baker’s oven

Decay, Mold, Envy, Jealousy.. these are which color’s negative associations?

A. white
B. blue
C. green
D. orange
Answer» C. green

The red color taste are

A. peppery,spict
B. flavour ful, ripe sweet
C. fresh, slightly spicy pine, lemon lime
D. berry flavour, sweet
Answer» B. flavour ful, ripe sweet

Fot the “Saturday Evening Post” How many covers illustrated Norman Richwell?

A. 300
B. 100
C. 250
D. 275
Answer» A. 300

Which was the magazine Norman Richwell illustrated 300 covers?

A. the ladies home journal
B. vogue
C. saturday evening post
D. bazaar
Answer» C. saturday evening post

Who illustrated the “Surrialistic bridal” in the cover of June 1- 1939’s vogue magazine?

A. maxfield parrish
B. norman richwell
C. salvador dali
D. roy lichtenstein
Answer» D. roy lichtenstein

Which was the magazine illustrated by Salvador Dali in June 1 -1939?

A. bazaar
B. the ladies home journal
C. vogue
D. rolling stone
Answer» C. vogue

A small design device at the end of each article is called?

A. kerning
B. duotint
C. dingbat
D. cylinder
Answer» C. dingbat

The figurative cutting away of portions of a photo to enhance or refine the photo’s message is called _______?

A. cropping
B. insert
C. offset
D. logo
Answer» A. cropping

Metal plate that contins all the magazine’s material being by the rotogravure process is called ______?

A. wells
B. screen
C. grid
D. cylinder
Answer» D. cylinder

The words that provide information about an image or its context is called _______?

A. halftone
B. kicher
C. negligence
D. cutline
Answer» D. cutline

Cutline is otherways called ______?

A. plates
B. caption
C. high gloss
D. kerning
Answer» B. caption

Easily quantified audience characterstics such as age, income, or geographic location is _________?

A. analycis
B. halftone
C. demographics
D. kenring
Answer» C. demographics

Which is called a black and white photograph over which spot color has been added as a solid bloch?

A. duotint
B. dull coat
C. duotone
D. dingbat
Answer» A. duotint
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