60+ SDM Solved MCQs


The process of planning, analysing, controlling and implementing the activities of sales force is classified as

A. indirect sales management
B. direct sales management
C. sales force management
D. persuasion management
E. one of the above
Answer» C. sales force management

The field sales force is also called as

A. inside sales force
B. outside sales force
C. channel intermediaries
D. none of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» B. outside sales force

The tools of sales promotion that are used to trigger short term customer involvement or to build customer relationships are classified as

A. inbound promotion
B. outbound promotion
C. organizational promotion
D. consumer promotions
E. one of the above
Answer» D. consumer promotions

The step of personal selling process in which the sales person learns about potential buyer before making a call for sale is classified as

A. pre-approach
B. sales nomination
C. qualifying
D. prospecting
E. one of the above
Answer» A. pre-approach

The sales promotion tool through which resellers are persuaded to carry brand, provide shelf space, promote advertising and push to final buyers is classified as

A. point of purchase promotion
B. trade promotion
C. event promotion
D. off deal promotion
E. one of the above
Answer» B. trade promotion

The last step in personal selling process is

A. present and demonstrate
B. follow up
C. closing
D. approach
E. one of the above
Answer» B. follow up

Qualifying a prospect is

A. identical with checking references for an applicant
B. determining which applicant to hire
C. conducting an exit interview
D. determining if a prospect is interested in a product
E. one of the above
Answer» D. determining if a prospect is interested in a product

Which of the following statements about sales force management is true?

A. The sales force is the firm's most direct link to the customer
B. The statement, "The world will beat a path to your door if you build a better mousetrap," reflects how business operates today
C. As organizations implement the marketing concept, they soon realize how important it is to be sales-oriented
D. Personal selling is usually less expensive than advertising
E. one of the above
Answer» A. The sales force is the firm's most direct link to the customer

Which of the following statements about the sales force in the 21st century is true?

A. Sales managers will use a hands-off approach and let the professional salesperson be his or her own boss
B. Transactional exchanges no longer occur
C. Sales management must be smart and nimble and provide technology-centered solutions to support the sales effort
D. Salespeople make little use of the Internet because they realize the importance of the personal touch
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Sales management must be smart and nimble and provide technology-centered solutions to support the sales effort

__________refers to the administration of the personal selling component of a company’s marketing program.

A. Sales management
B. Distribution Management
C. Promotion Management
D. Marketing Management
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Sales management

Choose the correct statement.

A. Marketing management is a broader concept and sales management is a part of marketing management.
B. Sales management is a broader concept and marketing management is a part of marketing management.
C. Marketing management and sales management are equivalent.
D. There is no connection between sales management and marketing management
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Marketing management is a broader concept and sales management is a part of marketing management.

Sales and Distribution Management majorly focuses on the___________ aspect of an organization.

A. Buying
B. Selling
C. Negotiating
D. Producing
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Selling

The oral presentation of a company’s products, or services to one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making a sale is known as ______.

A. Sales Planning
B. Personal Selling
C. Sales & Distribution Management
D. Oral Selling
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Personal Selling

Personal selling is used extensively in ___________ products.

A. Simple and less technical
B. Complex and non-technical
C. Complex and highly technical
D. Simple & highly technical
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Complex and highly technical

Personal selling has ________ communication.

A. One Way
B. Two Way
C. Indirect
D. Direct
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Two Way

Companies engage in sales training to:

A. increase absenteeism and turnover
B. increase selling costs
C. decrease sales volume
D. change or reinforce behavior that makes salespeople more efficient
E. one of the above
Answer» D. change or reinforce behavior that makes salespeople more efficient

The formula N = S/P (1 + T) is for………………

A. Workload
B. Sales potential (or breakdown)
C. Incremental
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Sales potential (or breakdown)

The sales force can play a central role in achieving a marketing orientation strategy, by

A. Maintaining infrequent contact with customer
B. Collecting and disseminating market information
C. Focusing on cutting costs
D. Following the competition's lead
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Collecting and disseminating market information

From management's point of view, what is the advantage of a straight salary compensation plan?

A. With a straight salary plan, selling costs are kept in proportion to sales.
B. The straight salary plan is simple and economical to administer.
C. With a straight salary plan, salespeople have the assurance of positive feedback.
D. A straight salary plan links performance to leadership style.
E. one of the above
Answer» B. The straight salary plan is simple and economical to administer.

The most critical impact to a sales organization affected by down-sizing is that:

A. The sales team is de-motivated
B. The company must recalculate sales budgets
C. The sales workload must be redistributed
D. Customers may change suppliers due to severed relationship with salesperson
E. one of the above
Answer» D. Customers may change suppliers due to severed relationship with salesperson

The three major tasks involved in the implementation stage of the sales management process are:

A. salesforce recruitment and selection, salesforce training, and salesforce motivation and compensation.
B. Developing account management policies, implementing the account management policies, correcting the account management policies.
C. Setting sales objectives, organizing the salesforce, and developing account management policies.
D. Organizing the salesforce, quantitative assessment, and follow-up.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. salesforce recruitment and selection, salesforce training, and salesforce motivation and compensation.

In which method does the net profits will increase when additional salespeople are added, If the increase in the amount of sales revenue exceed the incremental costs?

A. Workload
B. Sales potential (or breakdown)
C. Incremental
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Incremental

An effective sales plan objective should be:

A. Precise, measurable, and time specific.
B. General, measurable, and flexible.
C. Profitable, subjective, and measurable.
D. Precise, profitable, and flexible.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Precise, measurable, and time specific.

If a company chooses to employ its own sales force, the three organizational structures it may use are:

A. Dollar volume, geography, and customer.
B. Geography, customer, and product.
C. Geography, market size, and product.
D. Market size, product, and customer.
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Geography, customer, and product.

Long-term compensation plans:

A. Include bonuses and contests
B. Should be evaluated and modified quarterly
C. Should be well thought out, so that few changes will be needed from year to year
D. Must be developed so that short-term compensation plans will not be necessary
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Should be well thought out, so that few changes will be needed from year to year

…………… is teaching how to do the jobs.

A. Sales personnel
B. Sales target
C. Sales force training
D. Induction
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Sales force training

Which of the following is NOT one of the major factors affecting how compensation is structured for a sales force?

A. wage level in relation to salespeople in other organizations in the industry
B. salesperson's individual wage
C. wage structure for the sales force
D. number of new customers in each sales territory
E. one of the above
Answer» D. number of new customers in each sales territory

Which of the following elements is NOT used for determining the size of a sales force in the workload method?

A. Number of salespeople.
B. Number of customers.
C. Length of an average call.
D. Number of years in sales experience
E. one of the above
Answer» D. Number of years in sales experience

The most frequently used type of compensation plan is a:

A. Straight salary compensation plan.
B. Straight commission compensation plan.
C. Combination compensation plan.
D. Weighted compensation plan.
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Combination compensation plan.

In medium and large firms, one would find the…………….types of organization

A. Line sales organization
B. Line and staff sales organization
C. Functional sales organization
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Line and staff sales organization

______________ is a broad range of activities concerned with efficient movement of finished goods from the end of the production line to the consumer.

A. Physical distribution.
B. Channel of distribution
C. Intensive distribution.
D. None of these.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Physical distribution.

Which of the following is not a non-store retailing?

A. Tele marketing.
B. Direct marketing.
C. Kiosk marketing.
D. Retail chains.
E. one of the above
Answer» D. Retail chains.

In ______________ , manufacturers supply products to a limited number of outlets in the target market.

A. Selective distribution
B. Geographical distribution
C. Intensive distribution.
D. executive distribution.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Selective distribution

Which company is the pioneer in direct marketing?

A. Johnson &Johnson.
B. Eureka Forbes.
C. Avon cosmetics.
D. Cipla.
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Eureka Forbes.

Ensuring the availability of the products and services as and when required by the customers is ______________ utility.

A. Time.
B. Place.
C. Form.
D. Profession
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Time.

The process of moving the raw materials from the place of the suppliers to the place of the producers is known as ______________.

A. Inbound logistics.
B. Outbound logistics
C. Inventory management.
D. Acquisition of raw materials.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Inbound logistics.

The flow of goods from production to consumption is known as ______________.

A. Inbound logistics.
B. Outbound logistics.
C. Process logistics.
D. Reverse logistics
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Outbound logistics.

Marketing is a ______________ function of transferring goods from producers to consumers.

A. Systematic.
B. Commercial.
C. Management.
D. Economic.
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Commercial.

The strategy of using as many outlets as possible is called ______________.

A. Selective distribution.
B. Exclusive distribution
C. Intensive distribution.
D. None of these.
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Intensive distribution.

Which of the following is the largest retail enterprise in the world?

A. K mart.
B. Wal-Mart.
C. Shoppers shop.
D. None of these.
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Wal-Mart.

A ______________ operates multiple retail outlets under common ownership in different cities and towns.

A. Departmental Stores
B. Destination store.
C. Shopping malls.
D. Retail chain.
E. one of the above
Answer» D. Retail chain.

Tele- marketing is a part of ______________.

A. Direct marketing.
B. Social marketing.
C. Viral marketing.
D. Relationship marketing.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Direct marketing.

Direct marketing refers to a communication between the ______________ and ______________ directly.

A. Seller and the buyer.
B. Firm and suppliers
C. Society and target market.
D. price and service.
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Seller and the buyer.

Direct marketing is sometimes called ______________.

A. Self-service.
B. Retail stores.
C. Armchair shopping.
D. None of these.
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Armchair shopping.

The four elements; channels of distribution, transportation, warehousing and inventory constitute ______________.

A. Promotion mix.
B. Marketing mix.
C. Distribution mix.
D. Product mix.
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Distribution mix.

The major disadvantage of a multichannel system is that it is harder to control and it can generate ________.

A. less net profit
B. fewer domestic sales
C. greater conflict
D. inefficiency
E. one of the above
Answer» C. greater conflict

To reduce inventory management costs, many companies use a system called ________, which involves carrying only small inventories of parts or merchandise, often only enough for a few days of operation.

A. limited inventory logistics
B. reduction-inventory management
C. economic order quantity
D. just-in-time logistics
E. one of the above
Answer» D. just-in-time logistics

Today, a growing number of firms now outsource some or all of their logistics to ________.

A. channel members
B. third-party logistics providers
C. intermediaries
D. competitors
E. one of the above
Answer» B. third-party logistics providers

When suppliers, distributors, and customers partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system, they are participating in a ________.

A. value delivery network
B. supply chain
C. demand chain
D. supply and demand chain
E. one of the above
Answer» A. value delivery network

Which of the following is not a key function that intermediaries play in completing transactions?

A. financing
B. negotiation
C. negotiation
D. promotion
E. one of the above
Answer» A. financing

Which of the following is not a typical supply chain member?

A. wholesaler
B. customer
C. reseller
D. producer
E. one of the above
Answer» D. producer

Which of the following is not an area of responsibility for a logistics manager?

A. information systems
B. marketing
C. inventory
D. purchasing
E. one of the above
Answer» B. marketing

Which of the following should be the first step in designing a marketing channel?

A. identifying channel objectives
B. evaluating intermediaries
C. analysing channel alternatives
D. identifying what consumers want from the channel
E. one of the above
Answer» D. identifying what consumers want from the channel

Which of the following transportation modes is used for digital products?

A. rail
B. trucks
C. air
D. the Internet
E. one of the above
Answer» D. the Internet

Which type of product might require a more direct marketing channel to avoid delays and too much handling?

A. high-priced products
B. perishable products
C. lower-priced products
D. products in their decline stage
E. one of the above
Answer» B. perishable products

A channel alternative is described by

A. Types of available business intermediaries
B. Number of intermediaries
C. Responsibilities and terms of each channel member
D. All of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_________ suits best when the producer intends to maintain control on the service level offered by the resellers.

A. Exclusive distribution
B. Selective distribution
C. Intensive distribution
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» A. Exclusive distribution

The best strategy used for snack foods, soft drinks, candies and gum is

A. Exclusive distribution
B. Selective distribution
C. Intensive distribution
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Intensive distribution

When a manufacturer threatens to terminate a relationship or withdraw a resource if intermediaries fail to cooperate it is

A. Channel power
B. Coercive power
C. Reward power
D. Legitimate power
E. one of the above
Answer» B. Coercive power

A conventional marketing channel is formed of

A. Independent producer and wholesaler
B. Wholesaler and retailer
C. Independent producer, wholesaler and retailer
D. None of the above
E. one of the above
Answer» C. Independent producer, wholesaler and retailer
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