90+ Developmental Psychology 1 Solved MCQs


Who is credited with conducting the first systematic study of developmental psychology?

A. charles darwin
B. jean piaget
C. john bowlby
D. lev vygotsky
Answer» A. charles darwin

One among the options is not dominated in the field with their extensive theories of human development.

A. jean piaget
B. lev vygotsky
C. john bowlby
D. b f skinner
Answer» D. b f skinner

The id is the part of our personality which is made up of ……………. drives.

A. basic
B. unconscious
C. instinctual
D. conscious
Answer» C. instinctual

Erik Erikson (1902-1990) proposed a theory of development which emphasized the role of ………………….. .

A. cognitive and behavioural factors in development
B. cognitive factors in development
C. social and cultural factors in development
D. emotional factors in development
Answer» C. social and cultural factors in development

Stages of psychosocial development: industry versus inferiority

A. 6 to 11 years
B. adolescence
C. young adulthood
D. middle adulthood
Answer» A. 6 to 11 years

Stages of psychosocial development: Basic trust versus mistrust

A. 1 to 3 years
B. birth to 1 year
C. 3 to 6 years
D. 6 to 11 years
Answer» B. birth to 1 year

Watson wanted to create an objective science of psychology and he believed that ………………. events should be the focus of the study.

A. experimental
B. directly observable
C. inner mental
D. cognitive
Answer» B. directly observable

Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model of human development include

A. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystems, macrosystem, chronosystem
B. microsystem, mesosystem, ecosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
C. exosystems, microsystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, tetrosystem
D. microsystem, nanosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
Answer» A. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystems, macrosystem, chronosystem

As per Piaget children's ………….. development is progressing through four stages.

A. physical
B. emotional
C. cognitive
D. functional
Answer» C. cognitive

Sensorimotor stage of development is lasting from …………….. of age.

A. birth to about 2 years
B. about 2 to 7 years
C. about 7 to 11 years
D. about 12 to 15 years
Answer» A. birth to about 2 years

Vygotsky emphasis the role of ……………………… in development of a child.

A. cognitive element
B. environment
C. social interaction
D. parents
Answer» C. social interaction

Which is the developmental stage in Eriksons theory represent 1 to 3 years

A. autonomy vs. shame
B. initiative vs. guilt
C. trust vs. mistrust
D. identity vs. identity diffusion
Answer» A. autonomy vs. shame

In which stage of Ericksons development theory an individual develop a sense of mastery over aspects of one's environment, cope with challenges and increase responsibility.

A. autonomy vs. shame
B. initiative vs. guilt
C. trust vs. mistrust
D. identity vs. identity diffusion
Answer» B. initiative vs. guilt

An unconscious reflex action in newborn child i.e., If their palms are touched, they will make a very tight fist which is called as.

A. unconscious reflex
B. reflection action
C. none of the above
D. darwinian reflex
Answer» D. darwinian reflex

Which achievement is considered an important milestone in fine motor development?

A. top-level reaching
B. palmar grasp
C. finger dexterity
D. balancing
Answer» B. palmar grasp

………………. is a decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated exposure to the same stimulus.

A. habituation
B. extinction
C. discrimination
D. negative learning
Answer» A. habituation

Children are born with reflexes that allow them to suck and grasp and they begin to follow objects with their eyes. What are these reflexes known as

A. simple reflexes
B. biological reflexes
C. motor reflexes
D. primary circular reactions
Answer» A. simple reflexes

Piaget’s had a background in Biology. What he called this theoretical framework?

A. emotional epistemology
B. epistemology
C. genetic epistemology
D. social epistemology
Answer» C. genetic epistemology

What was Piaget’s primary interest in human organisms?

A. how knowledge developed
B. how language developed
C. how emotions developed
D. how interpersonal relations developed
Answer» A. how knowledge developed

According Piaget the basic unit with which the cognitive structure is built up is ……………………… .

A. schema
B. accommodation
C. equilibrium
D. assimilation
Answer» A. schema

According to Piaget biologically every living organism would like to remain in the existing state of ………………………… without being disturbed.

A. accommodation
B. disequilibrium
C. assimilation
D. equilibriu
Answer» D. equilibriu

Children of the same age may …………….. in terms of possession of mental abilities

A. differ
B. almost same
C. equal
D. none of the above
Answer» A. differ

Sensory-motor Stage

A. about 2 to 7 years
B. from birth to about 2 years
C. about 7 to 11 years
D. about 12 to 15 years
Answer» B. from birth to about 2 years

Which stage the child begins to utter words to ask for something rather than just reaching out to get it

A. preoperational stage
B. concrete operational stage
C. formal operation
D. sensory motor stage
Answer» A. preoperational stage

His thinking becomes more logical and systematic

A. preoperational stage
B. concrete operational stage
C. formal operation
D. sensory motor stage
Answer» B. concrete operational stage

The developmental stage in which the child is no longer ego-centric in his thinking. He does not think of himself as the centre of the external world and does not perceive the world only from his own standpoint.

A. formal operation
B. sensory motor stage
C. concrete operational stage
D. preoperational stage
Answer» C. concrete operational stage

Generalizations and framing of rules by operating in abstract terms become quite possible at this stage.

A. formal operation stage
B. formal operation
C. sensory motor stage
D. preoperational stage
Answer» D. preoperational stage

Human languages have a ……………………. structure.

A. hierarchical
B. vertical
C. parallel
D. long
Answer» A. hierarchical

The smallest speech units in a language that can be distinguished perceptually.

A. phonemes
B. morphemes
C. grammar
D. prefix
Answer» A. phonemes

…………………………are the smallest units of meaning in a language.

A. phonemes
B. morphemes
C. grammar
D. prefix
Answer» B. morphemes

…………………… is a system of rules that specify how words can be arranged into sentences.

A. syntax
B. semantics
C. morphemes
D. phonemes
Answer» A. syntax

.…………………. is the knowledge, independent of semantics and syntax etc, of what kind of response would be appropriate in a given social situation.

A. semantics
B. pragmatics
C. morphemes
D. syntax
Answer» B. pragmatics

…………………….. is the stage at which the individually meaningless phonemes are assembled to produce meaningful portions of language, called morphemes.

A. semantics
B. morphemes
C. syntax
D. pragmatics
Answer» A. semantics

Attachment theory is the joint work of ……………… and Mary Ainsworth.

A. b f skinner
B. j piaget
C. john bowlby
D. vygotsky
Answer» C. john bowlby

…………….. is a psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans

A. attachment theory
B. emotional theory
C. learning theory
D. developmental theory
Answer» A. attachment theory

Which mostly affects the development of emotional self-regulation?

A. temperament
B. learning
C. perception
D. motivation
Answer» A. temperament

In child-to-adult relationships, the child's tie is called the "attachment" and the caregiver's reciprocal equivalent is referred to as ……………….. .

A. attachment bond
B. care-giving bond
C. relationship bond
D. bonding
Answer» B. care-giving bond

Who is known as the principle attachment figure?

A. father
B. significant others
C. mothers
D. care givers
Answer» C. mothers

……………….. is the anticipation or fear of being cut off from the attachment figure.

A. anxiety
B. stress
C. alarm
D. distress
Answer» A. anxiety

In which stage attachment behaviours such as clinging and following decline and selfreliance increases.

A. early childhood
B. late childhood
C. middle childhood
D. early adulthood
Answer» C. middle childhood

Types of Bowlby’s theory of attachment (Child and caregiver behaviour patterns before the age of 18 months)

A. secure, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & organized
B. secure, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & disorganized
C. safe, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & organized
D. safe, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & disorganized
Answer» B. secure, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & disorganized

In which attachment pattern of Bowlby children show a pattern of alternate aggression and withdrawal?

A. secure
B. avoidant
C. ambivalent/resistant
D. disorganized
Answer» D. disorganized

Who extended the Attachment theory to adult romantic relationships?

A. cindy hazan and phillip shaver
B. j bowlby and mary ainsworth
C. piaget and vygotsky
D. none of them
Answer» A. cindy hazan and phillip shaver

In Freud's view, development is a …………….. process.

A. continuous
B. discontinuous
C. automatic
D. loose
Answer» B. discontinuous

In Freud’s oral developmental stage the pleasure is centered around the ……………..

A. mouth
B. genitals
C. faeces
D. opposite sex
Answer» A. mouth

Freud's theory relied mainly on the use of methods such as

A. free association, empirical testing, dream analysis & introspection
B. free association, dream analysis, case study & empirical testing
C. free association, dream analysis, experiments & testing.
D. free association, dream analysis, case study & introspection
Answer» D. free association, dream analysis, case study & introspection

Who proposed the psychosocial theory?

A. erik erickson
B. vygostky
C. piaget
D. freud
Answer» A. erik erickson

Watson applied ………….. principles of classical conditioning to children's behaviour.

A. skinner’s
B. pavlov\s
C. bandura’s
D. erickson’s
Answer» B. pavlov\s

What is the name of the child whom the classical condioning was tested by J. Watson?

A. albert
B. sultan
C. bob
D. ted
Answer» A. albert

Who proposed the operant conditioning learning theory?

A. pavlov
B. skinner
C. bandura
D. j. watson
Answer» B. skinner

Who among the learning theorist proposed the Modelling principle?

A. pavlov
B. skinner
C. bandura
D. j. watson
Answer» B. skinner

Strength of Bandura's social learning theory is its emphasis on particular aspects of the environment, such as the nature of the ……………. available to children.

A. role models
B. rewards
C. reinforcement
D. rewards and punishment
Answer» A. role models

Which is the correct sequence of stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

A. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
B. sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational
C. preoperational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational
D. preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, concrete operational
Answer» A. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

During which stage of cognitive development do children acquire object permanence?

A. sensorimotor
B. preoperational
C. concrete operational
D. formal operational
Answer» A. sensorimotor

As a child observes, liquid is transferred from a tall, thin tube into a short, wide jar. The child is asked if there is now less liquid in order to determine if she has mastered:

A. the schema for liquids.
B. the concept of object permanence.
C. the concept of conservation.
D. the ability to reason abstractl
Answer» C. the concept of conservation.

Piaget held that egocentrism is characteristic of the:

A. sensorimotor stage.
B. preoperational stage.
C. concrete operational stage.
D. formal operational stage
Answer» B. preoperational stage.

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about abstract propositions is indicative of the stage of:

A. preoperational thought.
B. concrete operations.
C. formal operations.
D. fluid intelligence.
Answer» C. formal operations.

Whose stage theory of moral development was based on how people reasoned about ethical dilemmas?

A. erikson
B. piaget
C. harlow
D. kohlberg
Answer» D. kohlberg

To which of Kohlberg's levels would moral reasoning based on the existence of fundamental human rights pertain?

A. preconventional morality
B. conventional morality
C. postconventional morality
D. generative morality
Answer» C. postconventional morality

Sam, a junior in high school, regularly attends church because his family and friends think he should. Which stage of moral reasoning is Sam in?

A. preconventional
B. conventional
C. postconventional
D. too little information to tell
Answer» B. conventional

In preconventional morality, the person:

A. obeys out of a sense of social duty.
B. conforms to gain social approval.
C. obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.
D. follows the dictates of his or her conscience.
Answer» C. obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.

According to Erikson, the central psychological challenges pertaining to adolescence, young adulthood, and middle age, respectively, are:

A. identity formation; intimacy; generativity.
B. intimacy; identity formation; generativity.
C. generativity; intimacy; identity formation.
D. intimacy; generativity; identity formation.
Answer» A. identity formation; intimacy; generativity.

In Erikson's theory, individuals generally focus on developing during adolescence and then during young adulthood.

A. identity; intimacy
B. intimacy; identity
C. basic trust; identity
D. identity; basic trust
Answer» A. identity; intimacy

After a series of unfulfilling relationships, 30-year-old Carlos tells a friend that he doesn't want to marry because he is afraid of losing his freedom and independence. Erikson would say that Carlos is having difficulty with the psychosocial task of:

A. trust versus mistrust.
B. autonomy versus doubt.
C. intimacy versus isolation.
D. identity versus role confusion. 65. what is the response pattern of securely attached children in the strange situationwhen their mothers return?
Answer» C. intimacy versus isolation.

Motor development in babies develops in a proximodistal fashion. This is best described as:

A. from nearest to the center of the body to the farthest from the center
B. from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet
C. from the farthest from the center to the nearest to the center
D. from the bottom of the body to the top of the body
Answer» A. from nearest to the center of the body to the farthest from the center

According to Sigmund Freud, what is the correct order of the five psychosexual stages of development?

A. oral, anal, phallic, early, genital
B. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
C. anal, phallic, latency, genital, oral
D. genital, oral, latency, phallic, ana
Answer» B. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Authoritative parents can best be defined as:

A. parents who befriend their children and do not use discipline
B. parents who are less controlling and behave with a more accepting attitude
C. parents who try to control the behavior of their children in accordance with a set standard of conduct
D. supportive parents who discuss their rules and policies with their children
Answer» D. supportive parents who discuss their rules and policies with their children

Which of the following is NOT one of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?

A. conventional
B. unconventional
C. postconventional
D. preconventional
Answer» B. unconventional

According to the cognitive developmental perspective of development, the child is ______ and development is _____.

A. passive, continuous
B. active, continuous
C. passive, discontinuous
D. active, discontinuous
Answer» D. active, discontinuous

Which of the following statements about the heritability of temperament is TRUE?

A. temperament is only influenced by genetic factors
B. temperament is not influenced by genetic factors
C. heritability is demonstrated by mz twins being more similar than dz twins
D. heritability is demonstrated by mz twin and dz twins being equally similar in
Answer» C. heritability is demonstrated by mz twins being more similar than dz twins

By what age do children typically succeed on false-belief and appearance reality problems?

A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 8 years
Answer» C. 5 years

Which of the following comparisons between Piaget and Kohlberg’s theories of moral judgement is TRUE:

A. both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to rules and authority figures
B. both agreed on the number of stages individuals passed through before achieving mature moral reasoning
C. both agreed that all normal individuals advance to the highest level of moral reasoning
D. piaget believed that development of moral reasoning was continuous, whereas kohlberg believed it was discontinuous
Answer» A. both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to rules and authority figures

At what age do children begin to differentiate between others’ emotional distress and their own?

A. 3-12 months
B. 6-14 months
C. 9-18 months
D. 2 years
Answer» B. 6-14 months

The realization that all sets of a particular number of objects (e.g. 5) have something in common is referred to as:

A. numerical equality
B. numerical inequality
C. subitising
D. counting commonalities
Answer» A. numerical equality

Piaget believed that young infants’ failure to reach for a hidden object indicated that they:

A. were no longer interested in the object
B. were unaware of the existence of the object
C. were unable to reach the object
D. were unable to uncover the object
Answer» B. were unaware of the existence of the object

At what age do children typically develop gender identity (the ability to label each correctly)?

A. 1 -1/2 years
B. 2-1/2 years
C. 3-1/2 years
D. 6 years
Answer» B. 2-1/2 years

Which of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages characterizes adolescence?

A. industry vs. inferiority
B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. identity vs identity diffusion
D. initiative vs guilt
Answer» C. identity vs identity diffusion

The rooting reflex occurs when a:

A. newborn\s foot is tickled.
B. newborn\s cheek is touched.
C. newborn hears a loud noise.
D. newborn makes eye contact with his or her caregiver.
Answer» B. newborn\s cheek is touched.

In Piaget's theory, conservation is to egocentrism as the stage is to the stage.

A. sensorimotor; formal operational
B. formal operational; sensorimotor
C. preoperational; sensorimotor
D. concrete operational; preoperational
Answer» D. concrete operational; preoperational

In Piaget's stage of concrete operational intelligence, the child acquires an understanding of the principle of:

A. conservation.
B. deduction.
C. attachment.
D. object permanence.
Answer» A. conservation.

In a 1998 movie, a young girl finds that a gaggle of geese follows her wherever she goes because she was the first “object” they saw after they were born. This is an example of:

A. conservation.
B. imprinting.
C. egocentrism.
D. basic trust.
Answer» B. imprinting.

The developmental theorist who suggested that securely attached children develop an attitude of basic trust is:

A. piaget.
B. harlow.
C. vygotsky.
D. erikson.
Answer» D. erikson.

Which of the following was not mentioned in the text as a criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

A. it does not account for the fact that the development of moral reasoning is culture- specific.
B. postconventional morality appears mostly in educated, middle-class persons.
C. the theory is biased against the moral reasoning of people in communal societies such as china.
D. the theory is biased in favor of moral reasoning in men
Answer» A. it does not account for the fact that the development of moral reasoning is culture- specific.

In Erikson's theory, individuals generally focus on developing during adolescence and then during young adulthood.

A. identity; intimacy
B. intimacy; identity
C. basic trust; identity
D. identity; basic trust
Answer» A. identity; intimacy

Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity?

A. erikson\s psychosocial theory
B. vygotsky\s sociocultural theory
C. piaget\s cognitive development theory
D. kohlberg’s theory of moral development
Answer» B. vygotsky\s sociocultural theory

Jean Piaget defined egocentrism as:

A. the belief that young adults don\t listen to their parents
B. the idea that preschool children cannot see things from another\s point of view
C. the understanding that young children cannot learn outside of a structured classroom
D. the idea that young children are selfish and grow out of it over time
Answer» B. the idea that preschool children cannot see things from another\s point of view

Monica is extremely neat and orderly. She cannot stand it when people touch things on her desk. She also has a problem lending money to even her closest friends. Freud would say she is stuck in what psychosexual stage?

A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. latency
Answer» B. anal

According to Erik Erikson, what is one major conflict teenagers deal with during the identity versus role confusion stage of psychosocial development?

A. finding a more purposeful life as an adult
B. achieving personal satisfaction
C. reflecting on previous life challenges
D. finding intimacy by developing loving relationships
Answer» A. finding a more purposeful life as an adult

According to Erik Erikson, as a young adult you are most interested in developing:

A. initiative
B. integrity
C. trust
D. intimacy
Answer» D. intimacy

As children begin their elementary school years, they enter Erikson's stage of:

A. trust versus mistrust
B. autonomy versus doubt
C. initiative versus guilt
D. industry versus inferiority
Answer» D. industry versus inferiority

Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive developmental theory of Piaget and the moral developmental theory of Kohlberg?

A. both theories stress the importance of changes in thinking in their stages.
B. both believe personality is formed in the first 5 years.
C. both theories stress the importance of the third stage in the developmental process.
D. both developed a life span theory and had eight stages.
Answer» A. both theories stress the importance of changes in thinking in their stages.

According to social learning theory, gender identity is I. A process which occurs when young children unconsciously identify with the same-sex parent. II. A result of being positively reinforced for acting in ways that conform to male and female roles. III. Learned through observing and imitating role models like their parents.

A. i only
B. ii only
C. iii only
D. ii and iii only
Answer» D. ii and iii only

Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity?

A. erikson\s psychosocial theory
B. vygotsky\s sociocultural theory
C. piaget\s cognitive development theory
D. kohlberg\s theory of moral development
Answer» B. vygotsky\s sociocultural theory

Which of the following reflexes is not a reflex infants enter the world equipped with?

A. sucking
B. swallowing
C. stepping
D. licking
Answer» D. licking

Temperament is best defined as:

A. personality traits inherited from biological parents
B. learned behavioral tendencies of a young child
C. physical and emotional characteristics of a newborn child and young infant
D. psychological and physiological personality traits a young child models from his
Answer» D. psychological and physiological personality traits a young child models from his
Question and answers in Developmental Psychology 1, Developmental Psychology 1 multiple choice questions and answers, Developmental Psychology 1 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Developmental Psychology 1, Developmental Psychology 1 MCQs with answers PDF download