Chapter: Flow Through Pipes

Drag force is affected by__________

A. Cross sectional area and smoothness
B. Rigidity and density
C. Pressure and temperature
D. Mass
Answer» A. Cross sectional area and smoothness
Explanation: Drag force is affected by cross sectional area and smoothness. If it is affected by cross sectional area, then it is called form drag. If it is affected by surface smoothness, then it is called as surface drag.

The lift force acts in _____ to the flow velocity.

A. Perpendicular direction
B. Same direction
C. Opposite direction
D. Different directions
Answer» A. Perpendicular direction
Explanation: The lift force acts in the perpendicular direction to that of the relative flow velocity. It acts in the perpendicular direction with respect to a surrounding fluid flow. Thus, option Perpendicular direction is correct.

Which among the following is the correct formula for drag?

A. D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V2
B. D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V*2
C. D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V/2
D. D = 0.5 * r * V
Answer» A. D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V2
Explanation: The drag force acts in the opposite direction to that of the relative flow velocity. It acts in the opposite direction with respect to a surrounding fluid flow. Thus, the correct option is D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V2.

Which among the following is the correct formula for lift?

A. D = Cl * A * 0.5 * r * V2
B. D = Cl * A * 0.5 * r * V*2
C. D = Cl * A * 0.5 * r * V/2
D. D = 0.5 * r * V
Answer» A. D = Cl * A * 0.5 * r * V2
Explanation: The lift force is a force that acts in the perpendicular direction to that of the relative flow velocity. It acts in the perpendicular direction with respect to a surrounding fluid flow. Thus, the correct option is D = Cl * A * 0.5 * r * V2.
Chapter: Fluid Properties and Flow Characteristics

A flow in which the viscosity of fluid is dominating over the inertia force is called

A. Steady flow
B. Unsteady flow
C. Laminar flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» C. Laminar flow

The celerity (velocity) of a pressure wave in a fluid is given by (where K = Bulk modulus, and ρ = Density of the fluid)

A. K.ρ
B. K/ρ
C. ρ/K
D. None of these
Answer» B. K/ρ

A fluid having no viscosity is known as

A. Real fluid
B. Ideal fluid
C. Newtonian fluid
D. Non-Newtonian fluid
Answer» B. Ideal fluid

In order to avoid tendency of separation at throat in a Venturimeter, the ratio of the diameter at throat to the diameter of pipe should be

A. 1/16 to 1/8
B. 1/8 to 1/4
C. 1/4 to 1/3
D. 1/3 to 1/2
Answer» D. 1/3 to 1/2

Liquids transmit pressure equally in all the directions. This is according to

A. Boyle's law
B. Archimedes principle
C. Pascal's law
D. Newton's formula
Answer» C. Pascal's law

The discharge over a triangular notch is

A. Inversely proportional to H3/2
B. Directly proportional to H3/2
C. Inversely proportional to H5/2
D. Directly proportional to H5/2
Answer» D. Directly proportional to H5/2

A flow whose streamline is represented by a straight line, is called __________ dimensional flow.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» A. One

The body will float if the force of buoyancy is __________ the weight of the liquid displaced.

A. Equal to
B. Less than
C. More than
D. None of these
Answer» C. More than

The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 at

A. 0° C
B. 0° K
C. 4° C
D. 20° C
Answer» C. 4° C

Bulk modulus of a fluid __________ as the pressure increases.

A. Remain same
B. Decreases
C. Increases
D. None of these
Answer» C. Increases

The coefficient of viscosity may be determined by

A. Capillary tube method
B. Orifice type viscometer
C. Rotating cylinder method
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

According to Newton's law of viscosity, the shear stress on a layer of a fluid is __________ to the rate of shear strain.

A. Equal to
B. Directly proportional
C. Inversely proportional
D. None of these
Answer» B. Directly proportional

A vessel of 4 m3 contains oil which weighs 30 kN. The specific weight of the oil is

A. 4.5 kN/m3
B. 6 kN/m3
C. 7.5 kN/m3
D. 10 kN/m3
Answer» C. 7.5 kN/m3

The increase of temperature results in

A. Increase in viscosity of gas
B. No changes in viscosity of liquid
C. Decrease in viscosity of gas
D. Decrease in viscosity of liquid
Answer» D. Decrease in viscosity of liquid

A manometer is used to measure

A. Low pressure
B. Moderate pressure
C. High pressure
D. Atmospheric pressure
Answer» C. High pressure

Which of the following meters is not associated with viscosity?

A. Red wood
B. Say bolt
C. Engler
D. Orsat
Answer» D. Orsat

The specific weight of water in S.I. units is taken as

A. 9.81 kN/m3
B. 9.81 × 103 N/m3
C. 9.81 × 10-6 N/mm3
D. Any one of these
Answer» D. Any one of these

Manometer is used to measure

A. Pressure in pipes, channels etc.
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Very low pressure
D. Difference of pressure between two points
Answer» A. Pressure in pipes, channels etc.

The flow in which conditions do not change with time at any point, is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» C. Steady flow

A nozzle placed at the end of a water pipe line discharges water at a

A. Low pressure
B. High pressure
C. Low velocity
D. High velocity
Answer» D. High velocity

The pressure of fluid due to hammer blow is

A. Directly proportional to density of fluid
B. Inversely proportional to density of fluid
C. Directly proportional to (density)1/2 of fluid
D. Inversely proportional to (density)1/2 of fluid
Answer» C. Directly proportional to (density)1/2 of fluid

In order to measure the flow with a Venturimeter, it is installed in

A. Horizontal line
B. Inclined line with flow upwards
C. Inclined line with flow downwards
D. Any direction and in any location
Answer» D. Any direction and in any location

If mercury in a barometer is replaced by water, the height of 3.75 cm of mercury will be following cm of water

A. 51 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 52 cm
D. 52.2 cm
Answer» A. 51 cm

According to equation of continuity,

A. w1a1 = w2a2
B. w1v1 = w2v2
C. a1v1 = a2v2
D. a1/v1 = a2/v2
Answer» C. a1v1 = a2v2

One poise is equal to

A. 0.1 N-s/m2
B. 1 N-s/m2
C. 10 N-s/m2
D. 100 N-s/m2
Answer» A. 0.1 N-s/m2

When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both sides, the resultant pressure is the __________ of the two pressures.

A. Sum
B. Difference
C. Arithmetic mean
D. Geometric mean
Answer» B. Difference

The mercury does not wet the glass. This is due to the property of the liquid known as

A. Cohesion
B. Adhesion
C. Viscosity
D. Surface tension
Answer» D. Surface tension

When the pressure intensity at a point is more than the local atmospheric pressure, then the difference of these two pressures is called

A. Gauge pressure
B. Absolute pressure
C. Positive gauge pressure
D. Vacuum pressure
Answer» C. Positive gauge pressure

A pipe of length more than double the diameter of orifice fitted externally or internally to the orifice is called a

A. Notch
B. Weir
C. Mouthpiece
D. Nozzle
Answer» C. Mouthpiece

An open tank containing liquid is moving with an acceleration on an inclined plane. The inclination of the free surface of the liquid will be __________ to the acceleration of the tank.

A. Equal to
B. Directly proportional
C. Inversely proportional
D. None of these
Answer» B. Directly proportional

One stoke is equal to

A. 10-2 m2/s
B. 10-3 m2/s
C. 10-4 m2/s
D. 10-6 m2/s
Answer» C. 10-4 m2/s

Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of

A. Surface tension of water
B. Compressibility of water
C. Capillarity of water
D. Viscosity of water
Answer» A. Surface tension of water

The specific gravity of an oil whose specific weight is 7.85 kN/m3, is

A. 0.8
B. 1
C. 1.2
D. 1.6
Answer» A. 0.8

The length of the divergent cone in a Venturimeter is __________ that of the convergent cone.

A. Equal to
B. Double
C. Three to four times
D. Five to six times
Answer» C. Three to four times

The stress-strain relation of the Newtonian fluid is

A. Linear
B. Parabolic
C. Hyperbolic
D. Inverse type
Answer» A. Linear

The viscosity of a liquid __________ its rate of flow through a hole in a vessel.

A. Effects
B. Does not effect
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
Answer» A. Effects

The unit of surface tension is

A. N/m
B. N/m2
C. N/m3
D. N-m
Answer» A. N/m

The units of dynamic or absolute viscosity are

A. Metres² per sec
B. kg sec/meter
C. Newton-sec per meter
D. Newton-sec² per meter
Answer» C. Newton-sec per meter

A flow in which the volume of a fluid and its density does not change during the flow is called _________ flow.

A. Incompressible
B. Compressible
C. Viscous
D. None of these
Answer» A. Incompressible

The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called

A. Specific weight
B. Mass density
C. Specific gravity
D. None of these
Answer» A. Specific weight

The flow of water through the hole in the bottom of a wash basin is an example of

A. Steady flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Free vortex
D. Forced vortex
Answer» C. Free vortex

A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve, is called

A. One-dimensional flow
B. Two-dimensional flow
C. Three-dimensional flow
D. Four-dimensional flow
Answer» B. Two-dimensional flow

The value of coefficient of discharge is __________ the value of coefficient of velocity.

A. Less than
B. Same as
C. More than
D. None of these
Answer» A. Less than

A fluid whose viscosity does not change with the rate of deformation or shear strain is known as

A. Real fluid
B. Ideal fluid
C. Newtonian fluid
D. Non-Newtonian fluid
Answer» B. Ideal fluid

Flow occurring in a pipeline when a valve is being opened is

A. Steady
B. Unsteady
C. Laminar
D. Vortex
Answer» B. Unsteady

The water pressure per metre length on a vertical masonry wall of dam is (where w = Specific weight of the liquid, and H = Height of the liquid)

A. wH/2
B. wH
C. wH2/2
D. wH2/4
Answer» C. wH2/2

Euler's equation in the differential form for the motion of liquids is given by

A. dp/ρ + + v.dv = 0
B. dp/ρ - + v.dv = 0
C. ρ.dp + + v.dv = 0
D. ρ.dp - + v.dv = 0
Answer» A. dp/ρ + + v.dv = 0

An open tank containing liquid is made to move from rest with a uniform acceleration. The angle 0 which the free surface of liquid makes with the horizontal is such that (where a = Horizontal acceleration of the tank, and g = Acceleration due to gravity)

A. tanθ = a/g
B. tanθ = 2 a/g
C. tanθ = a/2g
D. tanθ = a2/2g
Answer» A. tanθ = a/g

A point, in a compressible flow where the velocity of fluid is zero, is called

A. Critical point
B. Vena contracta
C. Stagnation point
D. None of these
Answer» C. Stagnation point

For very great pressures, viscosity of moss gases and liquids

A. Remain same
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. Shows erratic behavior
Answer» D. Shows erratic behavior

The angle of contact in case of a liquid depends upon

A. The nature of the liquid and the solid
B. The material which exists above the free surface of the liquid
C. Both of die above
D. Any one of the above
Answer» C. Both of die above

Water is _________ liquid.

A. A compressible
B. An incompressible
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
Answer» B. An incompressible

The unit of kinematic viscosity in S. I. units is

A. N-m/s
B. N-s/m2
C. m2/s
D. N-m
Answer» C. m2/s

Bernoulli's equation is applied to

A. Venturimeter
B. Orifice meter
C. Pitot tube
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Rain drops are spherical because of

A. Viscosity
B. Air resistance
C. Surface tension forces
D. Atmospheric pressure
Answer» C. Surface tension forces

General energy equation holds for

A. Steady flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. Laminar flow
D. Non-uniform flow
Answer» D. Non-uniform flow

With an increase in size of tube, the rise or depression of liquid in the tube due to surface tension will

A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain unchanged
D. Depend upon the characteristics of liquid
Answer» A. Decrease

Gauge pressure at a point is equal to the absolute pressure __________ the atmospheric pressure.

A. Plus
B. Minus
C. Divide
D. Multiply
Answer» B. Minus

The dynamic viscosity of gases __________ with rise in temperature.

A. Remain unaffected
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. None of these
Answer» B. Increases

The pressure of liquid at throat in a Venturimeter is __________ than that at inlet.

A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Same
D. None of these
Answer» B. Lower

The flow in which the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and direction at every point, for any given instant, is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» B. Uniform flow

The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m3

A. At normal pressure of 760 mm
B. At 4°C temperature
C. At mean sea level
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

If the depth of water in an open channel is greater than the critical depth, the flow is called

A. Critical flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. Tranquil flow
D. Torrential flow
Answer» C. Tranquil flow

The total pressure on the surface of a vertical sluice gate 2 m x 1 m with its top 2 m surface being 0.5 m below the water level will be

A. 500 kg
B. 1000 kg
C. 1500 kg
D. 2000 kg
Answer» D. 2000 kg

A glass tube of small diameter (d) is dipped in fluid. The height of rise or fall in the tube given by (where w = Specific weight of liquid, α = Angle of contact of the liquid surface, and σ = Surface tension)

A. 4wd/σ cosα
B. σ cosα/4wd
C. 4σ cosα/wd
D. wd/4σ cosα
Answer» C. 4σ cosα/wd

Two dimensional flows occurs when

A. The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
B. The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
Answer» D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane

The force per unit length is the unit of

A. Surface tension
B. Compressibility
C. Capillarity
D. Viscosity
Answer» A. Surface tension

One cubic metre of water weighs

A. 100 liters
B. 250 liters
C. 500 liters
D. 1000 liters
Answer» D. 1000 liters

Kinematic viscosity is dependent upon

A. Pressure
B. Distance
C. Density
D. Flow
Answer» C. Density

The Euler's equation for the motion of liquids is based upon the assumption that

A. The fluid is non - viscous, homogeneous and incompressible
B. The velocity of flow is uniform over the section
C. The flow is continuous, steady and along the stream line
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following instrument can be used for measuring speed of a submarine moving in deep sea?

A. Venturimeter
B. Orifice plate
C. Hot wire anemometer
D. Pitot tube
Answer» D. Pitot tube

Property of a fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called

A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Viscosity
D. Compressibility
Answer» B. Cohesion

Which of the following is the unit of kinematic viscosity?

A. Pascal
B. Poise
C. Stoke
D. Faraday
Answer» C. Stoke

A differential manometer is used to measure

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Pressure in pipes and channels
C. Pressure in Venturimeter
D. Difference of pressures between two points in a pipe
Answer» D. Difference of pressures between two points in a pipe

In a venturi-flume, the flow takes place at

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Gauge pressure
C. Absolute pressure
D. None of these
Answer» A. Atmospheric pressure

The normal stress is same in all directions at a point in a fluid

A. Only when the fluid is frictionless
B. Only when the fluid is incompressible and has zero viscosity
C. When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer
D. Irrespective of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer
Answer» C. When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall per unit length is (where w = Specific weight of liquid, and H = Height of liquid)

A. wH
B. wH/2
C. wH2/2
D. wH2/3
Answer» C. wH2/2

Which of the following manometer has highest sensitivity?

A. U-tube with water
B. Inclined U-tube
C. U-tube with mercury
D. Micro-manometer with water
Answer» D. Micro-manometer with water

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve is called two dimensional flow.
B. The total energy of a liquid particle is the sum of potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure energy.
C. The length of divergent portion in a Venturimeter is equal to the convergent portion.
D. A pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of flow at the required point in a pipe.
Answer» C. The length of divergent portion in a Venturimeter is equal to the convergent portion.

Density of water is maximum at

A. 0° C
B. 0° K
C. 4° C
D. 100° C
Answer» C. 4° C

The bulk modulus of elasticity

A. Has the dimensions of 1/pressure
B. Increases with pressure
C. Is large when fluid is more compressible
D. Is independent of pressure and viscosity
Answer» B. Increases with pressure

Kinematic viscosity is equal to

A. Dynamic viscosity/density
B. Dynamic viscosity × density
C. Density/dynamic viscosity
D. 1/dynamic viscosity × density
Answer» A. Dynamic viscosity/density

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is

A. 103 kN/m2
B. 10.3 m of water
C. 760 mm of mercury
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

A glass tube of smaller diameter is used while performing an experiment for the capillary rise of water because

A. It is easier to see through the glass tube
B. Glass tube is cheaper than a metallic tube
C. It is not possible to conduct this experiment with any other tube
D. All of the above
Answer» A. It is easier to see through the glass tube

In an isothermal atmosphere, the pressure

A. Decreases linearly with elevation
B. Remain constant
C. Varies in the same way as the density
D. Increases exponentially with elevation
Answer» C. Varies in the same way as the density

The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a Piezometer tube is

A. Vacuum pressure
B. Gauge pressure
C. Absolute pressure
D. Atmospheric pressure
Answer» B. Gauge pressure

For a perfect incompressible liquid, flowing in a continuous stream, the total energy of a particle remains the same, while the particle moves from one point to another. This statement is called

A. Continuity equation
B. Bernoulli's equation
C. Pascal's law
D. Archimedes’s principle
Answer» B. Bernoulli's equation

Uniform flow occurs when

A. The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
B. The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each pleasure
Answer» C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

At the center line of a pipe flowing under pressure where the velocity gradient is zero, the shear stress will be

A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Zero
D. Could be any value
Answer» D. Could be any value

Piezometer is used to measure

A. Pressure in pipe, channels etc.
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Very low pressures
D. Difference of pressure between two points
Answer» C. Very low pressures

The pressure in the air space above an oil (sp. gr. 0.8) surface in a tank is 0.1 kg/cm". The pressure at 2.5 m below the oil surface will be

A. 2 metres of water column
B. 3 metres of water column
C. 3.5 metres of water column
D. 4 m of water column
Answer» B. 3 metres of water column

The flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» A. One dimensional flow

A moving fluid mass may be brought to a static equilibrium position, by applying an imaginary inertia force of the same magnitude as that of the accelerating force but in the opposite direction. This statement is called

A. Pascal's law
B. Archimedes’s principle
C. D-Alembert's principle
D. None of these
Answer» C. D-Alembert's principle

The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called

A. Specific weight
B. Mass density
C. Specific gravity
D. None of these
Answer» B. Mass density

The velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a Venturimeter

A. Remains constant
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. Depends upon mass of liquid
Answer» C. Decreases

The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance is known as

A. Volumetric strain
B. Volumetric index
C. Compressibility
D. Adhesion
Answer» C. Compressibility
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