310+ Geotechnical Engineering Solved MCQs


A retaining wall 6m high supports a backfill with a surcharge angle of 10°. The back of the wall is inclined to the vertical at a positive batter angle of 5°. If the angle of wall friction is 7°, then the resultant active earth pressure will act at a distance of 2 m above the base and inclined to the horizontal at an angle of

B. 10°
C. 12°
D. 17°
Answer» C. 12°

The minimum water content at which the soil just begins to crumble when rolled into threads 3 mm in diameter, is known

A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Shrinkage limit
D. Permeability limit
Answer» B. Plastic limit

The minimum water content at which the soil retains its liquid state and also possesses a small shearing strength against flowing, is known

A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Shrinkage limit
D. Permeability limit
Answer» A. Liquid limit

'Drift' is the material picked up, mixed, disintegrated, transported and redeposited by

A. Wind
B. Gravitational force
C. Glaciated water
D. All the above
Answer» C. Glaciated water

The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called

A. Air content
B. Porosity
C. Percentage air voids
D. Voids ratio
Answer» B. Porosity

The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of soil solids in a given soil mass, is known

A. Porosity
B. Specific gravity
C. Void ratio
D. Water content
Answer» C. Void ratio

The specific yield of soil depends upon

A. Compaction of stratum
B. Distribution of pores
C. Shape and size of particles
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The hydrometer method of sedimentation analysis differs from the pipette analysis mainly in

A. The principle of test
B. The method of taking observations
C. The method of preparation of soil suspension
D. All of the above
Answer» B. The method of taking observations

Degree of saturation of a natural soil deposit having water content 15%, specific gravity 2.50 and void ratio 0.5, is

A. 50 %
B. 60 %
C. 75 %
D. 80 %
Answer» C. 75 %

Cohesionless soil is

A. Sand
B. Silt
C. Clay
D. Clay and silt
Answer» A. Sand

At liquid limit, all soils possess

A. Same shear strength of small magnitude
B. Same shear strength of large magnitude
C. Different shear strengths of small magnitude
D. Different shear strengths of large magnitude
Answer» A. Same shear strength of small magnitude

The ratio of the weight of given volume of soil solids to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at the given temperature, is known

A. Porosity
B. Specific gravity
C. Void ratio
D. Water content
Answer» B. Specific gravity

If the water table rises upto ground surface, then the

A. Effective stress is reduced due to decrease in total stress only but pore water pressure does not change
B. Effective stress is reduced due to increase in pore water pressure only but total stress does not change
C. Total stress is reduced due to increase in pore water pressure only but effective stress does not change
D. Total stress is increased due to decrease in pore water pressure but effective stress does not change
Answer» B. Effective stress is reduced due to increase in pore water pressure only but total stress does not change

A coarse-grained soil has a voids ratio 0.75, and specific gravity as 2.75. The critical gradient at which quick sand condition occurs, is

A. 0.25
B. 0.50
C. 0.75
D. 1.00
Answer» D. 1.00

The shear strength of a soil

A. Increases with an increase in the normal stress
B. Is proportional to the cohesion of the soil
C. Is generally known as the strength of the soil
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Total number of stress components at a point within a soil mass loaded at its boundary is

A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 16
Answer» C. 9

The ratio of the undrained strength in the undrained state to the undrained strength, at the same water content, in the remoulded state, is called the sensivity of the clay. Its value for quick clays is

A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 20
Answer» D. 20

The ultimate consolidation settlement of a soil is

A. Directly proportional to the voids ratio
B. Directly proportional to the compression index
C. Inversely proportional to the compression index
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Directly proportional to the compression index

The ratio of settlement at any time 't' to the final settlement, is known as

A. Co-efficient of consolidation
B. Degree of consolidation
C. Consolidation index
D. Consolidation of undisturbed soil
Answer» B. Degree of consolidation

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. In hydrometer method, weight W d per ml of suspension is found directly
B. In pipette analysis, weight Wd per ml of suspension is found indirectly
C. In pipette analysis, weight Wd per ml of suspension is found directly
D. None of these
Answer» C. In pipette analysis, weight Wd per ml of suspension is found directly

Unconfmed compressive strength test is

A. Undrained test
B. Drained test
C. Consolidated undrained test
D. Consolidated drained test
Answer» A. Undrained test

For shear strength, triaxial shear test is suitable because

A. It can be performed under all three drainage conditions
B. Precise measurement of the pore pressure and volume change during the test is possible
C. Stress distribution on the failure plane, is uniform
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The zero atmospheric pressure is at

A. Sea level
B. Water table
C. Phreatic surface
D. Both (B) and (C) of the above
Answer» D. Both (B) and (C) of the above

Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq and Nr are functions of

A. Cohesion only
B. Angle of internal friction only
C. Both cohesion and angle of internal friction
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Angle of internal friction only

'Loess' is silty clay formed by the action of

A. Water
B. Glacier
C. Wind
D. Gravitational force
Answer» C. Wind

Rise of water table in cohesion-less soils upto ground surface reduces the net ultimate bearing capacity approximately by

A. 25 %
B. 50 %
C. 75 %
D. 90 %
Answer» B. 50 %

A decrease in water content results in a reduction of the volume of a soil in

A. Liquid state
B. Plastic state
C. Semi solid state
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

In non-cohesive soil in passive state of plastic equilibrium

A. Major principal stress is horizontal
B. Minor principal stress is vertical
C. Major principal stress is vertical
D. Minor and major principal stresses are equally inclined to the horizontal
Answer» B. Minor principal stress is vertical

A soil has a bulk density of 22 kN/m3 and water content 10 %. The dry density of soil is

A. 18.6 kN/m3
B. 20.0 kN/m3
C. 22.0 kN/m3
D. 23.2 kN/m3
Answer» B. 20.0 kN/m3

If the sand in-situ is in its densest state, then the relative density of sand is

A. Zero
B. 1
C. Between 0 and 1
D. Greater than 1
Answer» B. 1

If dry density, water density and specific gravity of solids of a given soil sample are 1.6 g/cc, 1.84 g/cc and 2.56 respectively, the porosity of the soil sample, is

A. 0.375
B. 0.370
C. 0.380
D. 0.390
Answer» A. 0.375

The property of a soil which permits water to percolate through it, is called

A. Moisture content
B. Permeability
C. Capillarity
D. None of these
Answer» B. Permeability

Toughness index is defined as the ratio of

A. Plasticity index to consistency index
B. Plasticity index to flow index
C. Liquidity index to flow index
D. Consistency index to liquidity index
Answer» B. Plasticity index to flow index

A moist soil sample of volume 60 cc. weighs 108 g and its dried weight is 86.4 g. If its absolute density is 2.52, the degree of saturation is

A. 54 %
B. 64 %
C. 74 %
D. 84 %
Answer» D. 84 %

The hydraulic head that would produce a quick condition in a sand stratum of thickness 1.5m, specific gravity 2.67 and voids ratio 0.67 is equal to

A. 1.0 m
B. 1.5 m
C. 2.0 m
D. 3 m
Answer» B. 1.5 m

The factor which affects the compaction, is

A. Moisture content
B. Compacting content
C. Method of compaction
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

In a consolidated drained test on a normally consolidated clay, the volume of the soil sample during shear

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unchanged
D. First increases and then decreases
Answer» A. Decreases

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The rise of the ground surface due to frost action is called frost heave
B. The freezing of water is accompanied by a volume increase of 9%
C. Below freezing point, higher soil suction develops
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The maximum value of effective stress in the past divided by the present value is defined as over consolidation ratio (OCR). The O.C.R. of an over consolidated clay is

A. Less than 1
B. 1
C. More than 1
D. None of these
Answer» C. More than 1

A 300 mm square bearing plate settles by 15 mm in a plate load test on a cohesive soil when the intensity of loading is 0.2 N/mm². The settlement of a prototype shallow footing 1 m square under the same intensity of loading is

A. 15 mm
B. 30 mm
C. 50 mm
D. 167 mm
Answer» C. 50 mm

The effective size of particles of soil is denoted by

A. D10
B. D20
C. D30
D. D60
Answer» A. D10

If S, L and R are the arc length, long chord and radius of the sliding circle then the perpendicular distance of the line of the resultant cohesive force, is given by

A. a = S.R/ L
B. a = L.S/R
C. a = L.R/S
D. None of these
Answer» A. a = S.R/ L

Uniformity coefficient of a soil is

A. Always less than 1
B. Always equal to 1
C. Equal to or less than 1
D. Equal to or greater than 1
Answer» D. Equal to or greater than 1

The fluid generally used for grouting is

A. Cement and water mix
B. Clay suspension
C. Sodium silicate
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The total and effective stresses at a depth of 5 m below the top level of water in a swimming pool are respectively

A. Zero and zero
B. 0.5 kg/cm² and zero
C. 0.5 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm²
D. 1.0 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm²
Answer» B. 0.5 kg/cm² and zero

Time factor for a clay layer is

A. A dimensional parameter
B. Directly proportional to permeability of soil
C. Inversely proportional to drainage path
D. Independent of thickness of clay layer
Answer» B. Directly proportional to permeability of soil

The critical exist gradient of seepage water in soils, is

A. Directly proportional to the voids ratio
B. Inversely proportional to the specific gravity
C. Directly proportional to the specific gravity
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

In the triaxial compression test, the application of additional axial stress (i.e. deviator stress) on the soil specimen produces shear stress on

A. Horizontal plane only
B. Vertical plane only
C. Both horizontal and vertical planes
D. All planes except horizontal and vertical planes
Answer» D. All planes except horizontal and vertical planes

For a clay slope of height of 10 m, the stability number is 0.05, = 2.0 t/m3, C = 2.5 t/m2, the critical height of the slope of the soil, is

A. 4.0 m
B. 12.5 m
C. 25.0 m
D. 15.0 m
Answer» C. 25.0 m

Allowable bearing pressure for a foundation depends upon

A. Allowable settlement only
B. Ultimate bearing capacity of soil only
C. Both allowable settlement and ultimate bearing capacity
D. None of above
Answer» C. Both allowable settlement and ultimate bearing capacity

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The property of a soil that enables it to become stiff in a relatively short time on standing is called thixotropy
B. The ratio of shear strength in natural state to the remoulded shear strength under undrained conditions is called degree of sensitivity
C. The difference between the undisturbed shear strength and remoulded shear strength is known remoulding loss
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Voids ratio of a soil mass can

A. Never be greater than unity
B. Be zero
C. Take any value greater than zero
D. Take values between 0 and 1 only
Answer» C. Take any value greater than zero

If the cohesive force (c), is 1.5 t/m2, the density ) of the soil is 2.0 t/m3, factor of safety (F) is 1.5 and stability factor (Sn) is 0.05, the safe height of a slope is

A. 5 metres
B. 8 metres
C. 10 metres
D. 12 metres
Answer» C. 10 metres

If the plasticity index of a soil mass is zero, the soil is

A. Sand
B. Silt
C. Clay
D. Clayey silt
Answer» A. Sand

Coulomb's wedge theory assumes that

A. Back fill is dry, cohesionless, homogeneous and isotropic
B. Slip surface is the plane which passes through the heel of the wall
C. Position and direction of the resultant earth pressure are known
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Due to a rise in temperature, the viscosity and the unit weight of the percolating fluid are reduced to 60% and 90% respectively. If other things remain constant, the coefficient of permeability

A. Increases by 25 %
B. Increases by 50 %
C. Increases by 33.3 %
D. Decreases by 33.3 %
Answer» B. Increases by 50 %

Transporting and re-depositing soils, is done by

A. Water
B. Glacier
C. Gravity
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

For a loose sand sample and a dense sand sample consolidated to the same effective stress

A. Ultimate strength is same and also peak strength is same
B. Ultimate strength is different but peak strength is same
C. Ultimate strength is same but peak strength of dense sand is greater than that of loose sand
D. Ultimate strength is same but peak
Answer» C. Ultimate strength is same but peak strength of dense sand is greater than that of loose sand

The void ratio of a soil sample decreases from 1.50 to 1.25 when the pressure is increased from 25 tonnes/m2 to 50 tonnes/m2, the coefficient of compressibility is

A. 0.01
B. 0.02
C. 0.05
D. 0.001
Answer» A. 0.01

The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30° is

A. 1/3
B. 3
C. 1
D. 1/2
Answer» B. 3

If the degree of saturation of a partially saturated soil is 60%, then air content of the soil is

A. 40 %
B. 60 %
C. 80 %
D. 100 %
Answer» A. 40 %

Which one of the following statements is true?

A. Clays are more porous than sands
B. Pressure of organic matter in a soil decreases the bearing capacity of the soil
C. Aluminous cement is used for foundations in soils with chemical deposits
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

According to IS classification, the range of silt size particles is

A. 4.75 mm to 2.00 mm
B. 2.00 mm to 0.425 mm
C. 0.425 mm to 0.075 mm
D. 0.075 mm to 0.002 mm
Answer» D. 0.075 mm to 0.002 mm

Pick up the clay soil group which does not swell when wet from the following:

A. Kaolinite group
B. Mite group
C. Vermiculite group
D. Montrorillonite group
Answer» B. Mite group

Coefficient of consolidation of a soil is affected by

A. Compressibility
B. Permeability
C. Both compressibility and permeability
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both compressibility and permeability

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. When water table is above the base of a footing, the dry weight m should be used for soil below water table
B. When water table is located somewhat below the base of a footing, the elastic wedge is partly of moist soil and partly of submerged soil, and a suitable reduction factor is used
C. When water table is just at the base of the footing, no reduction factor is used
D. None of these
Answer» B. When water table is located somewhat below the base of a footing, the elastic wedge is partly of moist soil and partly of submerged soil, and a suitable reduction factor is used

Select the incorrect statement. Effective angle of shearing resistance

A. Increases as the size of particles increases
B. Increases as the soil gradation improves
C. Is limited to a maximum value of 45°
D. Is rarely more than 30° for fine grained soil
Answer» C. Is limited to a maximum value of 45°

The relationship between void ratio (e) and porosity ratio (n) is:

A. n = (1 + e )/(1 - e)
B. e = (1 + n)/(1 - e)
C. n = e/(1 - e)
D. e = n/(1 - n)
Answer» D. e = n/(1 - n)

Relative density of a compacted dense sand is approximately equal to

A. 0.4
B. 0.6
C. 0.95
D. 1.20
Answer» C. 0.95

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. To an agriculturist, soil is the substance existing on the earth's surface, which grows and develops plants
B. To a geologist, soil is the material in a relatively thin surface zone within which roots occur, and rest of the crust is termed as rock irrespective of hardness
C. To an engineer, soil is the unaggregated and uncemented deposits of minerals and organic particles covering the earth's crust
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Inorganic soils with low compressibility are represented by

Answer» C. ML

In a triaxial compression test when drainage is allowed during the first stage (i. e. application of cell pressure) only and not during the second stage (i.e. application of deviator stress at constant cell pressure), the test is known as

A. Consolidated drained test
B. Consolidated undrained test
C. Unconsolidated drained test
D. Unconsolidated undrained test
Answer» B. Consolidated undrained test

The specific gravity of quartz, is

A. 2.65
B. 2.72
C. 2.85
D. 2.90
Answer» A. 2.65

In hydrometer analysis for a soil mass

A. Both meniscus correction and dispersing agent correction are additive
B. Both meniscus correction and dispersing agent correction are subtractive
C. Meniscus correction is additive and dispersing agent correction is subtractive
D. Meniscus correction is subtractive and dispersing agent correction is additive
Answer» C. Meniscus correction is additive and dispersing agent correction is subtractive

The capillary rise of water

A. Depends upon the force responsible
B. Increases as the size of the soil particles increases
C. Decreases as the size of the soil particles decreases
D. Is less in wet soil than in dry soil
Answer» A. Depends upon the force responsible

The value of compression index for a remoulded sample whose liquid limit is 50% is

A. 0.028
B. 0.28
C. 036
D. 0.036
Answer» B. 0.28

Fine sand possesses

A. Good plasticity
B. Limited plasticity
C. Reasonable plasticity
D. Clay
Answer» D. Clay

Coarse grained soils are best compacted by a

A. Drum roller
B. Rubber tyred roller
C. Sheep's foot roller
D. Vibratory roller
Answer» D. Vibratory roller

According to Atterberg, the soil is said to be of medium plasticity if the plasticity index PI is

A. 0 < PI < 7
B. 7< PI < 17
C. 17 < PI <27
D. PI > 27
Answer» B. 7< PI < 17

The coefficient of curvature for a well graded soil, must be between

A. 0.5 to 1.0
B. 1.0 to 3.0
C. 3.0 to 4.0
D. 4.0 to 5.0
Answer» B. 1.0 to 3.0

A normally consolidated clay settled 10 mm when effective stress was increased from 100 kN/m² to 200 kN/m². If the effective stress is further increased from 200 kN/m² to 400 kN/m², then the settlement of the same clay is

A. 10 mm
B. 20 mm
C. 40 mm
D. None of the above
Answer» A. 10 mm

The lateral earth pressure on a retaining wall

A. Is equal to mass of the soil retained
B. Proportional to the depth of the soil
C. Proportional to the square of the depth of the soil
D. Proportional to the internal friction of the soil
Answer» D. Proportional to the internal friction of the soil

If the permeability of a soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is

A. Gravel
B. Sand
C. Silt
D. Clay
Answer» B. Sand

A compacted soil sample using 10% moisture content has a weight of 200 g and mass unit weight of 2.0 g/cm3. If the specific gravity of soil particles and water are 2.7 and 1.0, the degree of saturation of the soil is

A. 11.1 %
B. 55.6 %
C. 69.6 %
D. None of these
Answer» B. 55.6 %

Which of the following soils has more plasticity index?

A. Sand
B. Silt
C. Clay
D. Gravel
Answer» C. Clay

The liquid limit and plastic limit exist in

A. Sandy soils
B. Silty soils
C. Gravel soils
D. Clay soils
Answer» D. Clay soils

For determining the moisture content of a soil sample, the following data is available Weight of container = 260 g, Weight of soil sample and = 320 g container, Weight of soil sample (dried) and = 310 g container. The moisture content of the soil sample, is

A. 15 %
B. 18 %
C. 20 %
D. 25 %
Answer» C. 20 %

For a homogeneous earth dam 50 m high having 2 m free broad, a flow net was constructed and the results were : Number of potential drops = 2.4 Number of flow channels = 0.4. If co - efficiency of permeability of the dam material is 3 × 10-3 cm3/sec, the discharge per metre length of dam, is

A. 12 × 10- 5 m3/sec
B. 24 × 10-3 m3/sec
C. 6 × 10-5 m3/sec
D. 24 × 10- 5 m3/sec
Answer» D. 24 × 10- 5 m3/sec

The soil which contains finest grain particles, is

A. Coarse sand
B. Fine sand
C. Silt
D. Clay
Answer» D. Clay

The minimum centre to centre distance of friction piles of 1 m diameter, is

A. 2 m
B. 2 m to 3 m
C. 3 m to 4 m
D. 5 m
Answer» C. 3 m to 4 m

When drainage is permitted under initially applied normal stress only and full primarily consolidation is allowed to take place, the test is known as

A. Quick test
B. Drained test
C. Consolidated undrained test
D. None of these
Answer» C. Consolidated undrained test

The liquidity index is defined as a ratio expressed as percentage of

A. Plastic limit minus the natural water content, to its plasticity index
B. Natural water content minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index
C. Natural water content plus its plastic limit to its plasticity index
D. Liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index
Answer» B. Natural water content minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index

Number of piles required to support a column, is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

According to the Indian Standards the specific gravity is the ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water at a temperature of

A. 17°C
B. 23°C
C. 27°C
D. 30°C
Answer» C. 27°C

Maximum size of clay particles is:

A. 0.002 mm
B. 0.04 mm
C. 0.06 mm
D. 0.08 mm
Answer» A. 0.002 mm

The compression resulting from a long term static load and consequent escape of pore water, is known as

A. Compaction
B. Consolidation
C. Swelling
D. None of these
Answer» B. Consolidation

Minimum size of the particles of silt soil, is

A. 0.002 mm
B. 0.04 mm
C. 0.06 mm
D. 0.08 mm
Answer» A. 0.002 mm

The ultimate Settlement of a soil is directly proportional to:

A. Depth of the compressible soil strata
B. Compressive index
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

A pile is being driven with a drop hammer weighing 1800 kg and having a free fall of 1.00 m. If the penetration with last blow is 5 mm, the load carrying capacity of the pile, -according to the Engineering News formula, is

A. 100 tonnes
B. 50 tonnes
C. 20 tonnes
D. 10 tonnes
Answer» D. 10 tonnes

Water formed transported soil is

A. Alluvial
B. Marine
C. Lacustrine
D. Loess
Answer» D. Loess
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