310+ Geotechnical Engineering Solved MCQs


The plasticity of fine soils may be assessed by means of

A. Dry strength test
B. Toughness test
C. Dilatancy test
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Sandy clayloam contains highest percentage of sand
B. Silty clayloam contains highest percentage of silt
C. Stiff boulder clay offers maximum shear strength
D. Soft chalk carries least safe load
Answer» B. Silty clayloam contains highest percentage of silt

For general engineering purposes, soils are classified by

A. Particle size classification system
B. Textural classification system
C. High Way Research Board (HRB), classification system
D. Unified soil classification system
Answer» D. Unified soil classification system

Water content of soil can

A. Never be greater than 100 %
B. Take values only from 0 % to 100 %
C. Be less than 0 %
D. Be greater than 100 %
Answer» D. Be greater than 100 %

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Failure plane carries maximum shear stress
B. Failure plane does not carry maximum shear stress
C. Failure plane carries shear stress equal to maximum shear stress
D. None of these
Answer» B. Failure plane does not carry maximum shear stress

The phreatic line in an earth dam may be

A. Circular
B. Elliptical
C. Parabolic
D. A straight line
Answer» C. Parabolic

If the voids of a soil mass are full of air only, the soil is termed as

A. Air entrained soil
B. Partially saturated soil
C. Dry soil
D. Dehydrated soil
Answer» C. Dry soil

On wetting, cohesive soils,

A. Loose permeability
B. Gain shear strength
C. Loose elasticity
D. Decrease their shear strength
Answer» D. Decrease their shear strength

A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92 has moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the degree of saturation, is

A. 95.4 %
B. 95.5 %
C. 95.6 %
D. 95.7 %
Answer» D. 95.7 %

Select the correct range of density index, ID

A. ID > 0
B. ID < 0
C. 0 < ID < 1
D. 0 < ID < 1
Answer» D. 0 < ID < 1

A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92 has moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the void ratio, is

A. 0.858
B. 0.860
C. 0.862
D. 0.864
Answer» C. 0.862

If the specific gravity and voids in soil sample are G and e respectively, the hydraulic gradient i, is

A. (G - 1)/(1 + e)
B. (G + 1)/(1 - e)
C. (1 - G)/(1 + e)
D. (1 + G)/(1 + e)
Answer» A. (G - 1)/(1 + e)

In a flow net

A. Flow lines and equipotential lines cross each other at right angles
B. Fields are rectangles whose length is twice the breadth
C. Smaller the dimensions of the field, smaller will be the hydraulic gradient and velocity of flow through it
D. For homogeneous soil, the curves are smooth and circular
Answer» A. Flow lines and equipotential lines cross each other at right angles

Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the water content of soil?

A. Oven drying method
B. Sand bath method
C. Calcium carbide method
D. Pycnometer method
Answer» A. Oven drying method

The reduction in volume of soil due to squeezing out of water from the voids, is termed

A. Primary consolidation
B. Primary compression
C. Primary time effect
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Uniformity coefficient represents the shape of the particle size distribution curve.
B. For a well graded soil, both uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature are nearly unity.
C. A soil is said to be well graded if it has most of the particles of about the same size
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The water content of soil, which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state, is known as

A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Shrinkage limit
D. Plasticity index
Answer» A. Liquid limit

The specific gravity of Calcite is

A. 2.65
B. 2.72
C. 2.85
D. 2.90
Answer» B. 2.72

The direct shear test suffers from the following disadvantage:

A. Drain condition cannot be controlled
B. Pore water pressure cannot be measured
C. Shear stress on the failure plane is not uniform
D. The area under the shear and vertical loads does not remain constant throughout the test
Answer» C. Shear stress on the failure plane is not uniform

The clay mineral with the largest swelling and shrinkage characteristics is

A. Kaolinite
B. Illite
C. Montmorillonite
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Montmorillonite

The length/diameter ratio of cylindrical specimens used in triaxial test, is generally

A. 1
B. 1.5
C. 2
D. 2.5
Answer» C. 2

The maximum load carried by a pile, when it continues to sink without further increase of load, is known as

A. Ultimate load carrying capacity
B. Ultimate bearing capacity
C. Ultimate bearing resistant
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The seepage exit gradient in a soil is the ratio of

A. Total head to the length of seepage
B. Flow line to slope
C. Head upstream to that at downstream
D. Head loss to the length of the seepage
Answer» D. Head loss to the length of the seepage

Which of the following methods is more suitable for the determination of permeability of clayey soil?

A. Constant head method
B. Falling head method
C. Horizontal permeability test
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Falling head method

A structure is erected on an impervious clay whose thickness is 12 m. Drainage is possible both at upper and lower surfaces. Coefficient of consolidation is 0.015 cm2 per minute. For attaining 50% consolidation with a time factor 0.20, the number of days required

A. 3233
B. 3123
C. 33331
D. 3313
Answer» C. 33331

The ratio of the difference between the void ratio of the soil in its loosest state and its natural void ratio (e) to the difference between the void ratios in the loosest and fully dense state, is generally termed as

A. Degree of density
B. Relativity
C. Density index
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

For determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil, the recommended size of a square bearing plate to be used in load plate test should be 30 to 75 cm square with a minimum thickness of

A. 5 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 15 mm
D. 25 mm
Answer» D. 25 mm

Within the consolidation process of a saturated clay

A. A gradual increase in neutral pressure and a gradual decrease in effective pressure take place and sum of the two is constant
B. A gradual decrease in neutral pressure and a gradual increase in effective pressure take place and sum of the two is constant
C. Both neutral pressure and effective pressure decrease
D. Both neutral pressure and effective pressure increase
Answer» B. A gradual decrease in neutral pressure and a gradual increase in effective pressure take place and sum of the two is constant

An unsaturated 100 cm3 sample of soil weighs 190 g. If its dried weight is 160 g, water content of the soil, is

A. 0.188
B. 0.288
C. 0.388
D. 0.588
Answer» A. 0.188

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. If the ratio of depth to width is less than 2, it is shallow foundation
B. If the ratio of depth to width is more than 2, it is deep foundation
C. If the ratio of the length to width is between 1 and 2, it is spread foundation
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. A maximum value of dry density is obtained at optimum water content
B. At low value of water content most soils tend to be stiff
C. At high water content, the dry density decreases with an increase of water content
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Select the correct statement.

A. Coefficient of compressibility of an over-consolidated clay is less than that of a normally consolidated clay
B. Coefficient of compressibility of an over-consolidated clay is greater than that of a normally consolidated clay
C. Coefficient of compressibility is constant for any clay
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Coefficient of compressibility of an over-consolidated clay is less than that of a normally consolidated clay

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Isotropic consolidation of clay can be obtained in the triaxial apparatus under equal all-round pressure
B. If the present effective stress is the maximum to which the clay has ever been subjected, it is called normally consolidated clay
C. If the present effective stress in the past was more than present effective stress, it is called over-consolidated clay
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Compression of soil occurs rapidly if voids are filled with

A. Air
B. Water
C. Partly with air and partly with water
D. None of these
Answer» A. Air

For better strength and stability, the fine grained soils and coarse grained soils are compacted respectively as

A. Dry of OMC and wet of OMC
B. Wet of OMC and dry of OMC
C. Wet of OMC and wet of OMC
D. Dry of OMC and dry of OMC where OMC is optimum moisture content
Answer» B. Wet of OMC and dry of OMC

Chemical weathering of soil is caused due to

A. Oxidation
B. Carbonation
C. Hydration
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

According to IS : 2720 - 1965, the composition of a dispersing solution used in pipette analysis for determining the size of particles, is

A. sodium-hexametaphosphate 33 g, sodium carbonate 7 g and distilled water one litre
B. sodium-hexametaphosphate 7 g, sodium carbonate 33 g and distilled water one litre
C. sodium-hexametaphosphate 23 g, sodium carbonate 17 g and distilled water one litre
D. None of these
Answer» A. sodium-hexametaphosphate 33 g, sodium carbonate 7 g and distilled water one litre

The minimum depth of building foundations on

A. Sandy soils is 80 cm to 100 cm
B. Clay soils is 90 cm to 160 cm
C. Rocky soils is 5 cm to 50 cm
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The effect of cohesion on a soil is to

A. Reduce both the active earth pressure intensity and passive earth pressure intensity
B. Increase both the active earth pressure intensity and passive earth pressure intensity
C. Reduce the active earth pressure intensity but to increase the passive earth pressure intensity
D. Increase the active earth pressure intensity but to reduce the passive earth pressure intensity
Answer» C. Reduce the active earth pressure intensity but to increase the passive earth pressure intensity

If voids ratio is 0.67, water content is 0.188 and specific gravity is 2.68, the degree of saturation of the soil, is

A. 25 %
B. 40 %
C. 60 %
D. 75 %
Answer» D. 75 %

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. The smaller the size of the pores, the higher the water can rise above the water table
B. Below the water table, the pore water may be static
C. The hydrostatic pressure depends on the depth below the water level
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

A soil mass coated with a thin layer of paraffin weighs 460 g. When immersed, it displaces 299 cc of water. The weight of paraffin is 10 g. If specific gravity of solids is 2.5 and that of paraffin 0.9, the void ratio of soil, is

A. 0.55
B. 0.60
C. 0.65
D. 0.70
Answer» B. 0.60

Select the incorrect statement.

A. Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon the amount and direction of load
B. Bearing capacity of a soil depends on the type of soil
C. Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon shape and size of footing
D. Bearing capacity of a soil is independent of rate of loading
Answer» A. Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon the amount and direction of load

Over-consolidation of soils is caused due to

A. Erosion of over burden
B. Melting of ice sheets after glaciations
C. Permanent rise of water table
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The consistency index of a soil is defined as the ratio of

A. Liquid limit plus the natural water content to the plasticity index of the soil
B. Liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index of the soil
C. Natural water content of a soil minus plastic limit to the plasticity index of the soil
D. Natural water content of a soil plus its plastic limit to the plasticity index of the soil
Answer» B. Liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index of the soil

Which of the following types of soil is transported by gravitational forces?

A. Loess
B. Talus
C. Drift
D. Dune sand
Answer» B. Talus

Soil classification of composite soils, exclusively based on the particle size distribution, is known

A. Particle classification
B. Textural classification
C. High Way Research Board classification
D. Unified soil classification
Answer» B. Textural classification

When the degree of saturation is zero, the soil mass under consideration represents

A. One phase system
B. Two phase system with soil and air
C. Two phase system with soil and water
D. Three phase system
Answer» B. Two phase system with soil and air

Pick up the cohesive soil from the following:

A. Red earth
B. Clay
C. Black cotton soil
D. Compacted ground
Answer» C. Black cotton soil

For proper field control, which of the following methods is best suited for quick determination of water content of a soil mass?

A. Oven drying method
B. Sand bath method
C. Alcohol method
D. Calcium carbide method
Answer» D. Calcium carbide method

The internal molecular attraction of a soil, the cohesion

A. Decreases as the moisture content increases
B. Increases as the moisture content decreases
C. Is more in well compacted clays
D. Depends upon the external applied load
Answer» C. Is more in well compacted clays

Which of the following is a measure of particle size range?

A. Effective size
B. Uniformity coefficient
C. Coefficient of curvature
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Uniformity coefficient

If Nf, Nd and H are total number flow channels, total number of potential drops and total hydraulic head differences respectively, the discharge q through the complete flow is given by (where K is a constant)

A. q = (Nf/Nd)
B. q = KH (Nd/(Nf)
C. q = KH (Nf/Nd)
D. q = KH Nf/Nd)
Answer» C. q = KH (Nf/Nd)

A failure wedge develops if a retaining wall

A. Moves away from the backfill
B. Moves towards the backfill
C. Sinks downwards
D. Stresses equally by vertical and horizontal forces
Answer» A. Moves away from the backfill

The admixture of coarser particles like sand or silt to clay causes

A. Decrease in liquid limit and increase in plasticity index
B. Decrease in liquid limit and no change in plasticity index
C. Decrease in both liquid limit and plasticity index
D. Increase in both liquid limit and plasticity index
Answer» C. Decrease in both liquid limit and plasticity index

A partially saturated sample of soil has a unit weight of 2.0 g/cm3 and specific gravity of soil particles is 2.6. If the moisture content in the soil is 20%, the degree of saturation is

A. 20 %
B. 77 %
C. 92 %
D. None of these
Answer» C. 92 %

The shearing strength of a cohesion-less soil depends upon

A. Dry density
B. Rate of loading
C. Confining pressure
D. Nature of loading
Answer» C. Confining pressure

Sand particles are made of

A. Rock minerals
B. Kaolinite
C. Illite
D. Montmorillonite
Answer» A. Rock minerals

The water content of soil is defined as the ratio of

A. Volume of water to volume of given soil
B. Volume of water to volume of voids in soil
C. Weight of water to weight of air in voids
D. Weight of water to weight of solids of given mass of soil
Answer» D. Weight of water to weight of solids of given mass of soil

A critical hydraulic gradient may occur when

A. Flow is in upward direction
B. Seepage pressure is in upward direction
C. Effective pressure is zero
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following methods is best suited for determination of permeability of coarsegrained soils?

A. Constant head method
B. Falling head method
C. Both the above
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Constant head method

Back fill with a sloping surface exerts a total active pressure Pa on the wall of height H and acts at

A. H/4 above the base parallel to base
B. H/2 above the base parallel to base
C. H/3 above the base parallel to base
D. H/5 above the base parallel to base
Answer» C. H/3 above the base parallel to base

The slope of isochrone at any point at a given time indicates the rate of change of

A. Effective stress with time
B. Effective stress with depth
C. Pore water pressure with depth
D. Pore water pressure with time
Answer» C. Pore water pressure with depth

The ratio of the volume of water present in a given soil mass to the total volume of its voids, is known

A. Porosity
B. Void ratio
C. Percentage voids
D. Degree of saturation
Answer» D. Degree of saturation

A soil has bulk density 2.30 g/cm3 and water content 15 per cent, the dry density of the sample, is

A. 1.0 g/cm2
B. 1.5 g/cm3
C. 2.0 g/cm3
D. 2.5 g/cm3
Answer» C. 2.0 g/cm3

The total active earth pressure due to dry back fill with no surcharge, acts at H/3 above the base of the wall and is directly proportional to

A. H
B. H
C. H2
D. H3
Answer» C. H2

Coefficient of consolidation for clays normally

A. Decreases with increase in liquid limit
B. Increases with increase in liquid limit
C. First increases and then decreases with increase in liquid limit
D. Remains constant at all liquid limits
Answer» A. Decreases with increase in liquid limit

The maximum dry density upto which any soil can be compacted depends upon

A. Moisture content only
B. Amount of compaction energy only
C. Both moisture content and amount of compaction energy
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both moisture content and amount of compaction energy

For determine the specific gravity of soil solids, using a pycnometer of 500 cc., the following data is available : Weight of dry empty pycnometer = 125 g Weight of dried soil and pycnometer = 500 g Weight of dried soil and distilled = 850 g water filled in pycnometer up to top The specific gravity of soil solids, is

A. 2.0
B. 2.25
C. 2.50
D. 2.75
Answer» C. 2.50

If there is no impervious boundary at the bottom of a hydraulic structure, stream lines tend to follow:

A. A straight line
B. A parabola
C. A semi-ellipse
D. A semi-circle
Answer» C. A semi-ellipse

If a cohesive soil specimen is subjected to a vertical compressive load, the inclination of the cracks to the horizontal is

A. 90°
B. 45°
C. 22.5°
Answer» B. 45°

The Westergaard analysis is used for

A. Sandy soils
B. Cohesive soils
C. Stratified soils
D. Clayey soils
Answer» C. Stratified soils

Cohesive soils are generally

A. Plastic and also compressible
B. Elastic and also compressible
C. Plastic but incompressible
D. None of these
Answer» A. Plastic and also compressible

The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the given soil mass, is known

A. Porosity
B. Specific gravity
C. Void ratio
D. Water content
Answer» A. Porosity

The total weight of a pycnometer with water and oven dried soil 20 ( g) is 1600 g. The pycnometer filled with water alone weighs 1500 g. The specific gravity of the soil, is

A. 1.0
B. 1.5
C. 2.0
D. 2.5
Answer» C. 2.0

In the plate loading test for determining the bearing capacity of soil, the size of square bearing plate should be

A. Less than 300 mm
B. Between 300 mm and 750 mm
C. Between 750 mm and 1 m
D. Greater than 1 m
Answer» B. Between 300 mm and 750 mm

If the specific gravity of a soil particle of 0.05 cm diameter is 2.67, its terminal velocity while settling in distilled water of viscosity, 0.01 poise, is

A. 0.2200 cm/sec
B. 0.2225 cm/sec
C. 0.2250 cm/sec
D. 0.2275 cm/sec
Answer» D. 0.2275 cm/sec

The shear strength in plastic undrained clay, is due to

A. Inter-granular friction
B. Internal friction
C. Cohesion
D. None of these
Answer» C. Cohesion

A fully saturated soil is said to be

A. One phase system
B. Two phase system with soil and air
C. Two phase system with soil and water
D. Three phase system
Answer» C. Two phase system with soil and water

If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids in a soil mass, then the values of porosity and voids ratio respectively are

A. 1.0 and 0.0
B. 0.0 and 1.0
C. 0.5 and 1.0
D. 1.0 and 0.5
Answer» C. 0.5 and 1.0

The compressibility of clays is caused due to:

A. Expulsion of double layer water from in between the grains
B. Sliping of particles to new positions of greater density
C. Bending of particles as elastic sheets
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Sedimentation analysis is based on the assumption:

A. Soil particles are spherical
B. Particles settle independent of other particles
C. Walls of the jar do not affect the settlement
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

A pycnometer is used to determine

A. Water content and voids ratio
B. Specific gravity and dry density
C. Water content and specific gravity
D. Voids ratio and dry density
Answer» C. Water content and specific gravity

The vane shear test is used for the in-situ determination of the undrained strength of the intact fully saturated

A. Sands
B. Clays
C. Gravels
D. Highly organic soil
Answer» B. Clays

When the plastic limit of a soil is greater than the liquid limit, then the plasticity index is reported

A. Negative
B. Zero
C. Non-plastic (NP)
D. 1
Answer» B. Zero

Flow net is used for the determination of

A. Quantity of seepage
B. Hydrostatic pressure
C. Seepage pressure
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The inventor of the term soil mechanics, was

A. Kray
B. Dr. Karl Terzaghi
C. Leygue
D. Fellenius
Answer» B. Dr. Karl Terzaghi

Highway Research Board (HRB) classification of soils is based on

A. Particle size composition
B. Plasticity characteristics
C. Both particle size composition and plasticity characteristics
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both particle size composition and plasticity characteristics

Stoke's law does not hold good if the size of particle is smaller than

A. 0.0002 mm
B. 0.002 mm
C. 0.02 mm
D. 0.2 mm
Answer» A. 0.0002 mm

Quick sand is a

A. Type of sand
B. Flow condition occurring in cohesive soils
C. Flow condition occurring in cohesion -less soils
D. Flow condition occurring in both cohesive and cohesion-less soils
Answer» A. Type of sand

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. O.M.C. refers to the moisture corresponding to the maximum point on the moisture content dry density curve
B. The line which shows moisture content dry density relation for soil containing a constant percentage of air voids, is known as air void line
C. The free fall of hammer for compaction is 30.5 cm
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

A saturated soil sample has water content of 40% and specific gravity of soil particles 2.7. The void ratio of the soil, is

A. 0.4
B. 0.52
C. 1.08
D. None of these
Answer» C. 1.08

The total discharge from two wells situated near to each other is

A. Sum of the discharges from individual wells
B. Less than the sum of the discharges from individual wells
C. Greater than the sum of the discharges from individual wells
D. Equal to larger of the two discharges from individual wells
Answer» B. Less than the sum of the discharges from individual wells

A sample of saturated soil has 30% water content and the specific gravity of soil grains is 2.6. The dry density of the soil mass in g/cm3, is

A. 1.47
B. 1.82
C. 1.91
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Compressibility of sandy soils is

A. Almost equal to that of clayey soils
B. Much greater than that of clayey soils
C. Much less than that of clayey soils
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Much less than that of clayey soils

Depending upon the properties of a material, the failure envelope may

A. Be either straight or curved
B. Pass through the origin of stress
C. Intersect the shear stress axis
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The maximum pressure which a soil can carry without shear failure, is called

A. Safe bearing capacity
B. Net safe bearing capacity
C. Net ultimate bearing capacity
D. Ultimate bearing capacity
Answer» A. Safe bearing capacity

In a deposit of normally consolidated clay

A. Effective stress increases with depth but water content of soil and undrained strength decrease with depth
B. Effective stress and water content increase with depth but undrained strength decreases with depth
C. Effective stress and undrained strength increase with depth but water content decreases with depth
D. Effective stress, water content and undrained strength decrease with depth
Answer» C. Effective stress and undrained strength increase with depth but water content decreases with depth

A moist soil sample weighing 108 g has a volume of 60 cc. If water content is 25% and value of G = 2.52, the void ratio is

A. 0.55
B. 0.65
C. 0.75
D. 0.80
Answer» C. 0.75

For slopes of limited extent the surface of slippage, is usually along

A. A parabolic arc
B. An elliptical arc
C. A straight line
D. A circular arc
Answer» D. A circular arc
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