60+ History of Human Rights Solved MCQs


When did the Indian National Congress adopt the Fundamental Rights Resolution?

A. 1931
B. 1913
C. 1933
D. 1932
Answer» A. 1931

Which mass movement of the Indian National Congress was launched by the Nagpur Session in 1920?

A. civil disobedience movement
B. non-cooperation movement
C. swadeshi movement
D. salt satyagraha
Answer» B. non-cooperation movement

Who was the chairman of the All-Parties Conference met in Delhi to draft a constitution for India in 1928?

A. rajendra prasad
B. ambedkar
C. motilal nehru
D. tejbahadur sapru
Answer» C. motilal nehru

In which year did the British government agree that the framing of the Constitution for India would be 'primarily the responsibility of Indians themselves?

A. 1940
B. 1941
C. 1943
D. 1914
Answer» A. 1940

When did the Cabinet Mission visit India?

A. 1943
B. 1942
C. 1943
D. 1946
Answer» D. 1946

Which article of Indian constitution abolished untouchability?

A. article 11
B. article 17
C. article 13
D. article 15
Answer» B. article 17

Which article of Indian constitution promises to every citizen 'equality before the law or the equal protection of law?

A. article 14
B. article 15
C. article 13
D. article 11
Answer» A. article 14

Name the article of the Constitution constitutes the Direct Principles of State Policy.

A. articles 36 to 51
B. articles 38 to 50
C. articles 36 to 50
D. articles 36 to 42
Answer» A. articles 36 to 51

Which Greek philosopher said, justice, virtue and rights change in accordance with constitutions and circumstances?

A. plato
B. cicero
C. aristotle
D. sophocles
Answer» C. aristotle

Who was Babylonian king issued a set of laws?

A. hammurabi
B. ulpian
C. akhnaton
D. akmenon
Answer» A. hammurabi

Name the author of the work politics?

A. ranke
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. cicero
Answer» B. aristotle

In which year did the English king issue the Magna Carta?

A. 1215
B. 1251
C. 1125
D. 1521
Answer» A. 1215

Which country issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens in 1789?

A. england
B. france
C. u.s.a
D. austria
Answer» B. france

Who used the term ‘human rights’ for the first time?

A. thomas paine
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. thomas aquinas
Answer» A. thomas paine

Which county issued Bill of Rights in the year 1689?

A. poland
B. england
C. u.s.a
D. greece
Answer» B. england

Who issued Four Freedoms?

A. bill clinton
B. woodrow wilson
C. frakline
D. roosevelt d. george washington
Answer» C. frakline

Which organ of the UNO directly concerned with human rights?

A. economic and social council
B. trusteeship council
C. general assembly
D. security
Answer» A. economic and social council

In which year did the UNO establish a commission on the status of women?

A. 1945
B. 1953
C. 1954
D. 1946
Answer» D. 1946

Who devised the term genocide?

A. raphael lemkin
B. banki moon
C. martin luther king
D. woodrow wilson
Answer» A. raphael lemkin

What is meant by apartheid?

A. mercy killing
B. imprisonment
C. segregation
D. atrocities in war
Answer» C. segregation

What is meant by begar ?

A. forced labour
B. torture in prison
C. war atrocities
D. gender discrimination
Answer» A. forced labour

What does article 24 of Indian constitution stand for?

A. elimination of child labour
B. domestic violence
C. dowry
D. untouchability
Answer» A. elimination of child labour

When did the national Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) establish in India?

A. 1995
B. 1992
C. 1993
D. 1996
Answer» C. 1993

What does OAU stand for?

A. organization of african unity
B. oil producing african countries
C. organization of afro- asian countries
D. union of asian countries
Answer» A. organization of african unity

When did The Council of Europe create?

A. 1946.
B. 1947
C. 1954
D. 1949
Answer» D. 1949

What is the area of the jurisdiction of the Council of Europe?

A. inter-state cases and individual applications
B. inter state cases
C. individual applications
D. international cases
Answer» A. inter-state cases and individual applications

When did the ILO become a specialized agency of UNO?

A. 1948
B. 1957
C. 1945
D. 1946
Answer» D. 1946

Which is the Specialized Agency responsible for education, science, including social sciences, and culture within the United Nations system?

A. unesco
B. who
C. amnesty international
D. unicef
Answer» A. unesco

When did the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education entered into force?

A. 1963 .
B. 1962
C. 1961
D. 1965
Answer» B. 1962

Name the UN agencies having special implementation procedures for the protection of human rights within their own fields of competence?

A. unesco &ilo
B. ilo
C. unesco
D. trusteeship council
Answer» A. unesco &ilo

When did The United Nations Centre for Human Rights establish?

A. 1986
B. 1983
C. 1984
D. 1982
Answer» D. 1982

When did the UNO observe international year of women?

A. 1973
B. 1976
C. 1975
D. 1973.
Answer» C. 1975

Which article of Indian constitution prohibits traffic in human beings including children?

A. article 28
B. article 25
C. article 23
D. article 27
Answer» C. article 23

Which article of Indian constitution prohibit Child labour ?

A. article 25
B. article 24
C. article 23
D. article 21
Answer» B. article 24

When was the International year of children observed?

A. 1975
B. 1980
C. 1987
D. 1979
Answer» D. 1979

When was the decade of women observed?

A. 1975—1985
B. 1976-1980
C. 1980-1985
D. 1983-1987
Answer» A. 1975—1985

Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet?

A. geneva
B. switzerland
C. mexico
D. paris
Answer» A. geneva

When was apartheid eradicated in South Africa?

A. 1949.
B. 1994
C. 1947
D. 1948
Answer» B. 1994

The year 1985 was designated as International __________ Year.

A. old
B. children
C. youth
D. women
Answer» C. youth

Which country originally suggested the idea of an international treaty on the rights of the child?

A. poland
B. germany
C. india
D. u.s.a
Answer» A. poland

Which United Nations council selects the members of the Commission on Human Rights?

A. the economic and social council*
B. general assembly
C. trusteeship council
D. none of
Answer» A. the economic and social council*

Who founded Amnesty Internal?

A. banki moon
B. set blatter
C. peter beneson
D. none of them
Answer» C. peter beneson

When did the Amnesty internal form?

A. 1956
B. 1965
C. 1960
D. 1961
Answer» D. 1961

Which organ is the final authority of the Amnesty Internal?

A. international council
B. security council
C. general assembly
D. trusteeship council
Answer» A. international council

Where is the Head quarter of Human Rights Watch?

A. new yor
B. geneva
C. washington
D. helsinki
Answer» A. new yor

When did the Human rights Watch establish?

A. 1987
B. 1997.
C. 1996
D. 1978
Answer» D. 1978

Which country in the world has the largest number of NGOs?

A. usa
B. india
C. canada
D. srilanka
Answer» A. usa

Which is the largest national based NGO in India in the field of human rights?

A. pucl
B. people’s watch
C. help age india
D. action aid india
Answer» A. pucl

Which NGO in the field of human rights was born in the time of emergency in India?

A. puc
B. action aid india
C. amnesty international
D. people’s watch
Answer» A. puc

Which article of Indian constitution prohibits traffic in women?

A. article 11
B. article 23
C. article 20
D. article 13
Answer» B. article 23

Where was the World Conference on Racism held in 2001?

A. durban
B. dublin
C. geneva
D. new york
Answer» A. durban

Which state does Irom sharmila belong to?

A. manipur
B. nagaland
C. assam
D. sikkim
Answer» A. manipur

Which international organization described Irom Sharmila as prisoner of conscience in 2013?

A. human rights watch
B. amnesty international
C. european union
D. unesco
Answer» B. amnesty international

The magazine Chaalaram is association with which country?

A. cambodia
B. thailand
C. india
D. sri lanka
Answer» D. sri lanka

What are the two countries involved in Abu Garib prison torture?

A. india and sri lanka
B. iraq and usa
C. iraq
D. usa
Answer» B. iraq and usa

To which country the organization called Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) belong ?

A. india
B. bangaldesh
C. pakistan
D. nepal
Answer» A. india

Whose name is associated with CJP?

A. teesta setalvad
B. martin luther king
C. aang san suki
D. vandana shiva
Answer» A. teesta setalvad

Which article banned untouchability?

A. article 17
B. article 14
C. article 12
D. article 15
Answer» A. article 17

Who was the civil rights activist delivered the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech?

A. roosevelt
B. martin luther king
C. winston churchill
D. indira gandhi
Answer» B. martin luther king

Whose name is associated with Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955?

A. u thant
B. martin luther
C. martin luther king
D. nelson mandela.
Answer» C. martin luther king
Question and answers in History of Human Rights, History of Human Rights multiple choice questions and answers, History of Human Rights Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for History of Human Rights, History of Human Rights MCQs with answers PDF download