230+ Indian National Movement Solved MCQs


Who was the chief inspirator of the kuka movement?

A. Sant Singh
B. Ram Singh
C. Balak Singh
D. Lal Singh
Answer» B. Ram Singh

Which movement was also known as the Namdhari Mission?

A. Santhal
B. Sanyasin
C. Kuka
D. Satwandi
Answer» C. Kuka

The kuka movement played a prominent role in arousing feelings of patriotism in --------

A. Oudh
B. Bihar
C. Sind
D. Punjab
Answer» D. Punjab

Chand and Bharaeo were ------- of the santhal army

A. Guide
B. captains
C. commander in chief
D. informers
Answer» C. commander in chief

When did the third carnatic war came to an end

A. 1765
B. 1759
C. 1761
D. 1763
Answer» D. 1763

Where did the British establish their first factory in Bengal?

A. Hugli
B. Kasimbazar
C. Burdwan
D. Sutanati
Answer» A. Hugli

The second carnatic war came to an end with the treaty of -------

A. Madra
B. Pondicherry
C. Vienna
D. Paris
Answer» B. Pondicherry

How many carnatic wars were fought between the English and the French?

A. One
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» C. three

What was the period of the dual system of administration in Bengal?

A. 1764-1770
B. 1764-1771
C. 1765 – 1772
D. 1765-1773
Answer» C. 1765 – 1772

When was the second carnatic war fought?

A. 1742-45
B. 1745-48
C. 1752-56
D. 1749- 54
Answer» D. 1749- 54

When did the French establish their control over the Malabar Coast?

A. 1722
B. 1724
C. 1726
D. 1720
Answer» B. 1724

Who wrote the book Indian Mutiny?

A. T.R.Holme
B. S.B.sen
C. C.Raikes
D. G.B.Malleson
Answer» D. G.B.Malleson

Tantia Tope escaped in to the jungles of ------- India in 1859

A. Central
B. southern
C. northern
D. south western
Answer» A. Central

The leader of the revolt at Jhansi was -------

A. Lakshmi bai
B. Bakht khan
C. Tantia Tope
D. Azimullah
Answer» A. Lakshmi bai

What was the number of major famines from 1770 to 1857?

A. 15
B. 10
C. 12
D. 18
Answer» C. 12

Where was the quit India resolution passed by the congress working committee in July 1942

A. wardha
B. Nasik
C. Poona
D. bardoli
Answer» A. wardha

Some hints of congress programme for the quit India movement was given in the paper

A. Harijan
B. Hindu
C. New India
D. states man
Answer» A. Harijan

In 1938 subhash Bose elected president of the congress at its --------- session

A. Lucknow
B. Haripura
C. Faizpur
D. Tripuri
Answer» B. Haripura

Which party decided to carry on the quit India movement in the absence of the congress

A. Congress socialist Party
B. Indian Liberal Party
C. Indian labour Union
D. Swantra Party
Answer» A. Congress socialist Party

The leader of the congress socialist party who played a key role in the quit India movement

A. Jaya Prakash Narayanan
B. J.B. Kripalani
C. P.C. Joshi
D. Gandhi
Answer» A. Jaya Prakash Narayanan

When was Subhas Chandra Bose Born?

A. 1893
B. 1877
C. 1897
D. 1889
Answer» C. 1897

Gandhi went on a fast unto death in the --------- jail on 20 September 1932

A. Yeravada
B. Bhopal
C. Gwalior
D. Nasik
Answer» A. Yeravada

The Indian struggle was the autobiography

A. Subash Chandra Bose
B. Lajpat Rai
C. Annie Besant
D. Desai
Answer» A. Subash Chandra Bose

The Chauri Chaura incidence occurred on ------- 1922

A. 5 February
B. 12 February
C. 12 March
D. 1 April
Answer» A. 5 February

The khilafat committee launched a non co-operation movement on ----- ------- 1920

A. 31 August
B. 4 May
C. 16 October
D. 23 June
Answer» A. 31 August

When was the HRA Founded?

A. September 1923
B. May 1922
C. October 1924
D. December 1925
Answer» C. October 1924

When did the Chittagong armoury raid take place?

A. March 1929
B. April 1930
C. May 1931
D. June 1933
Answer» B. April 1930

Surya Sen was arrested in ------- 1933

A. March
B. June
C. February
D. October
Answer» C. February

The revolutionary who laid down his life after a 63 day fast

A. Surya sen
B. Sachin Sanyal
C. Bhagat Singh
D. Jatin Das
Answer» D. Jatin Das

When in1931 were Bhaagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raj Guru executed

A. 23 March
B. 28 April
C. 2 June
D. 30 May
Answer» A. 23 March

When did Gandhi go to South Africa?

A. 1892
B. 1893
C. 1894
D. 1895
Answer» B. 1893

The Khudai Khidmatgars were also known as -------- shirts

A. Black
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Green
Answer» C. Red

The faizpur session of the congress was held in ------

A. 1936
B. 1931
C. 1933
D. 1934
Answer» A. 1936

Gandhi went to England in ------ 1931 to attend the second round table conference

A. October 1931
B. September 1931
C. November 1931
D. June 1931
Answer» B. September 1931

Where was the Quit India resolution passed?

A. Nagpur
B. Poona
C. Madrass
D. Bombay
Answer» D. Bombay

The INA joined the Japanese army in its march on India from ----

A. Singapore
B. Burma
C. China
D. Bhutan
Answer» B. Burma

Which of the following was the first Indian governor general of India?

A. Rajendra Prasad
B. Radhakrishnan
C. C. Rajagopalachari
D. V.V. Giri
Answer» C. C. Rajagopalachari

Who among the following resorted to guerilla technique of warfare in the revolt of 1857?

A. Nanasaheb
B. Bhakt Khan
C. Kanwar Singh
D. Tantia Topi
Answer» D. Tantia Topi

“Give me blood in turn, I will give you freedom”. Whose words are these?

A. Subhash Chandra Bose
B. Bhagat Singh
C. Arabindo Ghosh
D. Chandrasekhar Azad
Answer» A. Subhash Chandra Bose

Safety valve theory is associated with

A. De Industrialization
B. Industrial Revolution
C. Jallian Wala Bagh Massacre
D. Indian National Congress
Answer» D. Indian National Congress

Drain theory was propounded by

A. Naoroji
B. D.D. Kosambi
C. S.N. Banerji
D. R.C. Dutt
Answer» A. Naoroji

Who was responsible for partition of Bengal?

A. Lord Curzon
B. Warren Hastings
C. Lord Ripon
D. Mayo
Answer» A. Lord Curzon

Which of the following was the secretary of state for India at the time of the foundation of Indian National Congress?

A. Lord cros
B. Lord Elgin
C. Lord Hamilton
D. Lord Morley
Answer» A. Lord cros

Which of the following was the first women president of the Indian national congress?

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Sucheta Kripalani
C. Annie Besant
D. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur
Answer» A. Sarojini Naidu

Which of the following was the year Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal

A. 16th October 1905
B. 26th September 1905
C. 20th April 1905
D. 20th May 1905
Answer» A. 16th October 1905

King Emperor George V visited India in

A. 1911
B. 1909
C. 1912
D. 1913
Answer» A. 1911

Who was the political guru of Gokhale?

A. Ranade
B. Tagore
C. Raja Mohan Roy
D. Ishwar Chandra vidya sagar
Answer» A. Ranade

The first Indian national congress consisted of

A. 65 delegate
B. 72 delegates
C. 76 delegates
D. 80 delegates
Answer» B. 72 delegates

The first split in congress occurred in 1907 at the

A. Surat session
B. Nagpur session
C. Bombay session
D. Lucknow session
Answer» A. Surat session

Which one of the following was not an Extremist Leader?

A. Bipin Chandra Pal
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Aurobindo Ghosh
D. Pherozeshah Mehta
Answer» D. Pherozeshah Mehta

Who formed the gadar party in the United States of America in 1913?

A. Lala Hardayal
B. V.D. Savarkar
C. Madame Gama
D. Madan Lal Hingra
Answer» B. V.D. Savarkar

Who among the following concluded the Treaty of Srirangapatanam with Tipu Sultan?

A. Hasting
B. Cornwallis
C. Dalhousie
D. Wellesley
Answer» A. Hasting

Which of the following was the first proprietary holding of the English in India?

A. Madra
B. Masulipatanam
C. Surat
D. Hariharpur
Answer» A. Madra

What were calicoes?

A. Indigo exported from India
B. cotton exported from India
C. Textile exported from India
D. Precious stones exported from India
Answer» C. Textile exported from India

Which of the following British strong holds were fortified?

A. Bombay
B. Madras
C. Calcutta
D. All the above
Answer» C. Calcutta

The first article in which the English started trading was

A. Indigo
B. Saltpetre
C. Pepper
D. Cotton
Answer» B. Saltpetre

The first carnatic war ended with

A. Treaty of aix la chappale
B. Treaty of Paris
C. Treaty of Ryswick
D. Treaty of Bassein
Answer» A. Treaty of aix la chappale

Which one of the following European wars is associated with the Third Carnatic War?

A. seven years war
B. war of the Austrian succession
C. War of Roses
D. Austro Prussian war
Answer» A. seven years war

The first printing press in India was set up by

A. Portuguese
B. Dutch
C. French
D. English
Answer» A. Portuguese

The first modern arsenal was established at

A. Dindigal
B. Hyderabad
C. Bengal
D. Bombay
Answer» A. Dindigal

Clive returned to Bengal as its Governor in

A. 1764
B. 1765
C. 1766
D. 1767
Answer» B. 1765

The first governor general of Bengal was

A. Lord Clive
B. Lord Warren Hastings
C. Lord Cornwallis
D. Lord John Shore
Answer» B. Lord Warren Hastings

Who said “our island has scarcely produced a man more truly great either in arms or in council

A. John shore
B. Cornwallis
C. Macaulay
D. Ellen borough
Answer» C. Macaulay

After return to Britain, Robert Clive died in 1774 due to

A. a dreadful disease
B. committed suicide
C. was assassinated
D. Died under mysterious circumstances
Answer» B. committed suicide

Which of the following did not hold the governorship of Bengal?

A. Holwell
B. Cartier
C. Vansittart
D. Macaulay
Answer» D. Macaulay

Lord Dalhousie proposed a railway system for the whole country in ---- -----

A. 1853
B. 1859
C. 1869
D. 1880
Answer» A. 1853

When did the English start draining Bengal of her wealth on a larger scale?

A. 1757
B. 1765
C. 1770
D. 1793
Answer» A. 1757

Which one of the following destroyed the peasants’ rights over the land cultivated by them?

A. Riot wari settlement
B. Mahalwari settlement
C. Permanent settlement
D. Annual settlement
Answer» C. Permanent settlement

Permanent settlement was introduced in Bengal and Bihar in 1793 A.D. by

A. Cornwalli
B. John shore
C. Hastings
D. Clive
Answer» A. Cornwalli

With whom did the British government work out the riotwari settlement?

A. Zamindar
B. Cultivators
C. Village communities
D. Muqqadams
Answer» A. Zamindar

Who benefited most by under the British?

A. Money lender
B. Peasant
C. Merchant
D. Zamindar
Answer» A. Money lender

The book “History of British India” was written by

A. James Mill
B. Karl Marx
C. John Marshal
D. Elphinston
Answer» A. James Mill

Who belongs to nationalist school of economic historians?

A. Altekar
B. R.C. Dutt
C. Naoroji
D. Jayaswal
Answer» C. Naoroji

The Berlin revolution started by ---------

A. Ranke
B. Srivastava
C. Majumdar
D. Sardesai
Answer» A. Ranke

------ deals with the history of Indian economy from the Battle of Plassey up to 1900

A. Hunter
B. Smith
C. R.C.Dutt
D. Karl Marx
Answer» C. R.C.Dutt

Who inaugurated the writing of history in a scientific way?

A. Rousseau
B. Ranke
C. Carlyle
D. Collingwood
Answer» B. Ranke

What has been described by V.A.Smith as the monument of Akbars Folly?

A. Revenue policy
B. Marriage relations
C. Din – i- IIahi
D. Rajput policy
Answer» B. Marriage relations

Myth and Reality in Indian History was written by

A. D.D Kosambi
B. R.C. Dutt
C. Bipan Chandra
D. Irfan habib
Answer» A. D.D Kosambi

Who was adopted the Marxian approach in the interpretation of Indian History

A. Ranke
B. Vincent Smith
C. D.Kosambi
D. R.C. Dutt
Answer» C. D.Kosambi

Who defines communalism as “the belief that because a group of people follow a particular religion, they have as a result common social political and economic interests?”

A. Bipin Chandra
B. Irfan Habib
C. Marx
D. William Logan
Answer» A. Bipin Chandra

“Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857” was published by --------

A. R.C. Majumdar
B. K.K. Datta
C. Ray Chaudhari
D. Sardesai
Answer» A. R.C. Majumdar

Where was the Panchayath Raj first introduced?

A. Tamilnadu
B. Gujarat
C. Kerala
D. Rajasthan.
Answer» D. Rajasthan.

The first English factory in India was established at

A. Bombay
B. Surat
C. Hooghly
D. Calcutta.
Answer» B. Surat

Who among the following were the pioneers in opening oceanic trade with India.?

A. English
B. Dutch
C. Portuguese
D. French.
Answer» C. Portuguese

Which of the following congress sessions adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy?

A. Belgaum,1934
B. Culcutta,1928
C. Lahore,1929
D. Karachi, 1930.
Answer» D. Karachi, 1930.

Charles grant was a ............. historian?

A. evangelical
B. subaltern
C. nationalist
D. Marxist.
Answer» A. evangelical

Who the following was an administrative historian?

A. Karl Marx
B. R. Guha
C. William Hunter
D. James Mill.
Answer» C. William Hunter

Who wrote the book, Observation on State and Society?

A. Karl Marx
B. Charles Grant
C. William Hunter
D. James Mill.
Answer» B. Charles Grant

Indian antiquities was a work of ............?

A. Christian Lassen
B. William Hunter
C. Naoroji
D. Nehru.
Answer» A. Christian Lassen

The book entitled Indo-Aryans was authored by?

A. R. Mitra
B. R.C. Dutt
C. Bipan Chandra
D. Irfan Habib
Answer» A. R. Mitra

K.P Jayaswal wrote book entitled ...........?

A. Indian antiquitie
B. Hindu polity
C. Carnaticwars
D. India today.
Answer» B. Hindu polity

India today was considered as an authoritative ......... work?

A. Marxist
B. Nationalist
C. Subaltern
D. English.
Answer» A. Marxist

The Emergence 0f Indian Nationalism was written by ...........?

A. J. Brown
B. Anil Seal
C. Washbrook
D. None of these
Answer» B. Anil Seal

The important Indian subaltern writers are ...............?

A. David Arnold
B. Gyan Pandey
C. Partha Chatterjee
D. Shahid Amin
Answer» B. Gyan Pandey

The subaltern historians focussed on .............?

A. Cultural
B. Subjugated
C. Women
D. Workers.
Answer» B. Subjugated

The neo imperialist historians also known as.............?

A. Cambridge
B. Utilitarian
C. Economic
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Cambridge

The Nehru Report was finalized in -------

A. May 1928
B. June 1928
C. August 1928
D. October 1928
Answer» A. May 1928

Who brought out a daily called new India

A. G
B. Tilak b) Gandhi
C. Annie Besant
D. Bahadur Sapru
Answer» C. Annie Besant

Which was the shortest session of the congress?

A. Belgam
B. Bankipore
C. Haripura
D. Belur
Answer» C. Haripura

Congress leaders attended the last session of the congress

A. 1915
B. 1919
C. 1913
D. 1912
Answer» A. 1915
  • Question and answers in Indian National Movement,
  • Indian National Movement multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Indian National Movement Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Indian National Movement,
  • Indian National Movement MCQs with answers PDF download