Chapter: Unit 1

Industrial relations, in India has been a

A. Fire fighting function
B. Fire-stroking function
C. All the above
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Fire fighting function

The popular approaches to industrial relations are

A. Unitary approach
B. Pluralistic approach
C. Marxist approach
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

In general, managers tend to see employee relations in terms of which of the following activities

A. Creating and maintaining employee motivation
B. Obtaining commitment form the workforce
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b
Answer» C. Both a and b

Which of the following are the major all India employer’s associations

D. Only a and b
Answer» D. Only a and b

Government everywhere followed the laissez-faire policy till

A. a.18th Century
B. 19th Century
C. 20th Century
D. 16th Century
Answer» D. 16th Century

Employee associations that constitute one of the stakeholders in industrial relations are popularly known as

A. Federations
B. Confederations
C. Trade Unions
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Trade Unions

The major actors of industrial relations include

A. Workers and their organizations
B. Employers and their organizations
C. Government
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The structure of trade unions in India can be classified into

A. 4 types
B. 8 types
C. 3 types
D. 5 types
Answer» A. 4 types

Which all problems do trade unions face?

A. Small size of unions
B. Poor financial position
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b
Answer» C. Both a and b

Which frame of reference views the natural state of organizations as one of harmony and co-operation?

A. Pluralism
B. Unitarism
C. Radical
D. none
Answer» A. Pluralism

The analogy of a 'football team' refers to which frame of reference?

A. Unitarism.
B. Radical.
C. Pluralism.
D. none
Answer» A. Unitarism.

In explaining why employees join unions, what term is used to describe employee dissatisfaction with their work situation?

A. The rational choice explanation.
B. The frustration-aggression thesis.
C. Interactionist explanation.
D. none
Answer» C. Interactionist explanation.

Which parties are generally considered to be the main actors in the employment relationship? Select all that apply.

A. Managers.
B. Academics.
C. The state.
D. Employees.
Answer» D. Employees.

Unionized workers have traditionally received higher wages than their non-unionized counterparts. What phrase is normally used to describe this phenomenon?

A. The representation gap.
B. Union wage premium.
C. Sword of justice effect.
D. The shock effect.
Answer» C. Sword of justice effect.

Employees in the workplace often talk of 'us' and 'them'. Which frame of reference does this reflect?

A. Unitarism.
B. Pluralism.
C. Radical.
D. none
Answer» A. Unitarism.

What is meant by the term 'union density'?

A. The total number of workers who are union members.
B. The proportion of workers who are union members.
C. The number of workers whose pay is set by collective bargaining.
D. The proportion of workers who are not members of a trade union.
Answer» C. The number of workers whose pay is set by collective bargaining.

Which of the following is not typically a component of partnership agreement?

A. Legitimacy of employees rights' to be informed.
B. Sharing success with employees.
C. Commitment to information and consultation.
D. Commitment to high levels of pay.
Answer» B. Sharing success with employees.

Which of the following regions have the highest rate on union membership?

A. North America.
B. Europe.
C. China.
D. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.
Answer» C. China.

Many factors are driving change, but none is more important than the rise of:

A. Internet technologies.
B. women in the workforce.
C. human resource professionals.
D. cultural diversity.
Answer» C. human resource professionals.

The challenge, opportunity, and also the frustration of creating and managing organizations frequently stem from the _____ problems that arise within them.

A. people-related
B. union
C. legal
D. upper management
Answer» A. people-related

Which of the following is a retention responsibility of the line management?

A. Compensation and benefits
B. Performance feedback to subordinates
C. Management and organizational development
D. Face-to-face resolution of conflict
Answer» A. Compensation and benefits

There is a substantial and growing body of research evidence showing a strong connection between how firms _____ and the economic results they achieve.

A. select board members
B. educate their management staff
C. manage their people
D. diversify their product line
Answer» D. diversify their product line

According to the text, quality of work life is defined in terms of:

A. employee perceptions of their well-being at work.
B. the level of productivity achieved by employees.
C. objective indices of employee well-being at work.
D. the degree to which an organization adopts Japanese managerial principles.
Answer» C. objective indices of employee well-being at work.

The feeling workers have when they are not able to control the work environment is:

A. Meaninglessness
B. Normlessness
C. Mindlessness
D. Powerlessness
Answer» A. Meaninglessness

Variance control, boundary location, work group organization, management support, design process, and quality of work life are components:

A. Social pathological theory
B. Sociotechnical system theory
C. Polarization of work theory
D. Quality of work theory
Answer» D. Quality of work theory

Broad-based efforts at automating mechanical processes and systems began in the:

A. 1950s
B. 1960s
C. 1970s
D. 1980s
Answer» C. 1970s

Who has given the systems Theory of Industrial Relation?

A. Elton Mayo
B. Karl Marx
C. John Dunlop
D. Roethilsberger
Answer» C. John Dunlop

Who has coined the term Industrial Democracy?

A. Karl Marx
B. Sydney and Beatrice Webbs
C. Peter F. Drucker
D. John Dunlop
Answer» C. Peter F. Drucker

A System of Industrial Relations were social and labour issues are discussed between Trade Unions and Management at enterprise level is:

A. Bipartism
B. Tripartism
C. Social Dialogue
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Tripartism

Bain and Clegg (1974) argue that industrial relations are concerned with:

A. the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship in unionised firms, regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
B. the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship in nonunionised firms, regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
C. the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
D. none of the above
Answer» A. the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship in unionised firms, regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured

Mainstream school of industrial relations is underpinned by a philosophy that is

A. Pluralist
B. Unitarist
C. non-interventionist
D. radical
Answer» C. non-interventionist

A criticism of the industrial relations perspective is that it:

A. is too heavily in favour of trade unions
B. focuses primarily on the institutions of job regulation and conflict resolution to the exclusion of all else
C. is anti-trade union
D. ignores legal influences on the employment relationship
Answer» B. focuses primarily on the institutions of job regulation and conflict resolution to the exclusion of all else

Which of the following is usually not an objective of industrial relations?

A. Connectedness
B. Collective wisdom
C. Conflict prevention
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Identify the major actor of industrial relations from the following

A. Employers
B. Unions
C. Government
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

That the authority rests solely with the management with no right to anyone to challenge it is the basis of the

A. Pluralist approach
B. System approach
C. Unitary approach
D. Social action approach
Answer» C. Unitary approach

The balance of power is not vested with any one group; rather, it is maintained between the parties to the industrial relations.” This is the essence of the

A. Pluralist approach
B. System approach
C. Unitary approach
D. Social action approach
Answer» A. Pluralist approach

That the behaviour, actions and role of the individuals are primarily shaped by the cultures of the society is the basic assumption in the

A. Pluralist approach
B. System approach
C. Unitary approach
D. Social action approach
Answer» B. System approach

Which of the following approaches assumes that the understanding of industrial relations requires an understanding of the capitalized society?

A. Marxist approach
B. Gandhian approach
C. Human relations approach
D. Giri approach
Answer» A. Marxist approach

Organizations are made up of people and the success of management lies in its dealings with these people.” This is the fundamental of the

A. Marxist approach
B. Gandhian approach
C. Human relations approach
D. Giri approach
Answer» B. Gandhian approach

Which of the following approaches assumes that voluntary negotiations between employers and employees are a means of settling disputes?

A. Marxist approach
B. Giri approach
C. Human relations approach
D. Gandhian approach
Answer» C. Human relations approach

Which of the following approaches insists on investigating the underlying trends and patterns in the cause and effect of industrial disputes?

A. Gandhian approach
B. Giri approach
C. Industrial sociology approach
D. Pluralist approach
Answer» B. Giri approach

Productivity bargaining is considered as a classic example of the

A. Oxford school approach
B. Giri approach
C. Human relations approach
D. Gandhian approach
Answer» A. Oxford school approach

Storey (2001) distinguishes between two variants of HRM, which are:

A. soft and hard
B. manipulative and consensual
C. traditional and innovative
D. none of the above
Answer» A. soft and hard

Which of the following is NOT one of the five shared properties of social exchange relationships given in your text?

A. costs and benefits
B. unvoiced expectations and obligations
C. procedural justice
D. unequal power
Answer» C. procedural justice

Schein (1980) draws attention to the existence of three types of contract in the employment relationship, which are:

A. formal. informal and psychological
B. legal, illegal and taken-for-granted
C. high-trust, low-trust and transactional
D. close, distant and exchanges
Answer» A. formal. informal and psychological

Who are the actors of Industrial Relations?

A. Workers and their organisations
B. Employers and their organisations
C. Government and the role of the State
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Employees in the workplace often talk of 'us' and 'them'. Which frame of reference does This reflect?

A. Pluralism.
B. Radical.
C. Unitarism.
D. None
Answer» A. Pluralism.

According to the three tiered model of industrial relations, the workplace level within the New Deal industrial relations system gave

A. employers more control in the absence of labor contracts.
B. unions and employees greater uniformity and fairness in workplace administration.
C. society more instability because the system advocated conflictual settlements.
D. line supervisors more power in personnel decision making processes.
Answer» A. employers more control in the absence of labor contracts.

Industrial relations cover the following area(s)

A. Collective bargaining
B. Labour legislation
C. Industrial relations training
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Under unitary approach, industrial relation is grounded in

A. Mutual co-operation
B. Individual treatment
C. Team work and shared goals
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Pluralistic approach perceives ______ as legitimate representative of employee interests

A. Trade unions
B. Management
C. Board of Directors
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Trade unions

In Marxist approach, concerns with wage related disputes are

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Not considered
Answer» B. Secondary

For the Marxists, all strikes are

A. Political
B. Social
C. Legislative
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Political

Which of the following is (are) not acceptable to Marxists?

A. Enterprise bargaining
B. Employee participation
C. Co-operative work culture
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Elton Mayo and his team believed in the positive nature of

A. Managers
B. Management
C. Employees
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Employees

Which of the following department has major interest in harmonious industrial relations

B. Production
C. Finance
D. Marketing
Answer» A. HR

Characteristics of Industrial Relations do not include:

A. Industrial Relations are outcome of employment relationship in an industrial enterprise.
B. Industrial Relations promote the skills and methods of adjustment and co-operation with each other.
C. Industrial Relations create complex rules and regulations to maintain cordial relations.
D. Industrial Relations system creates an environment of distrust and conflict.
Answer» D. Industrial Relations system creates an environment of distrust and conflict.

Who are not the Actors of Industrial Relations?

A. Workers and their organisations
B. Employers and their organisations
C. Community and cultural associations
D. Government and the role of the State
Answer» C. Community and cultural associations

Which of the following trends in the employment relations in the new economic era is not correct?

A. Declining stability and security
B. Declining labour intensity
C. No shift from contract of service to contract of service
D. Declining mutual commitment
Answer» C. No shift from contract of service to contract of service

Assertion (A): Labour Welfare is relative to time and space. Reason (R): It shall be universal and perpetual.

A. Assertion and Reason are right.
B. Assertion is wrong and Reason is right.
C. Both Assertion and Reason are wrong.
D. Assertion is right but its explanation given in Reason is wrong.
Answer» A. Assertion and Reason are right.

Who are not the actors according to Dunlop’s framework of industrial relations system?

A. Managers and their representatives
B. Workers and their organisations
C. Specialized government agencies
D. Communities and their associations
Answer» D. Communities and their associations

According to whom ‘Conflict is necessary but it can be and needs to be managed and resolved’.

A. Unitarists
B. Pluralists
C. Classicalists
D. Modernists
Answer» A. Unitarists

Who has propounded the theory that “Industrial Conflict is a part of the broader social conflict between classes and used to explain fundamental historical process of change and development in human society”?

A. Frank Tannenbaum
B. Adam Smith
C. Karl Marx
D. G.D.H. Cole
Answer» C. Karl Marx

In which year the two consultative machinery Indian Labour Conference and Standing Labour Committee were constituted in India?

A. 1941
B. 1942
C. 1947
D. 1951
Answer» D. 1951

Identify the functions of Joint Management Council:

A. Information sharing
B. Consultative
C. Administrative
D. All the above
Answer» B. Consultative

By which amendment the provisions of Workers’ Participation in Management was incorporated in the Indian Constitution?

A. 41
B. 42
C. 43
D. 44
Answer» B. 42
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