Chapter: Unit 3

With the globalization of markets, the tastes and preferences of consumers world-wide are:

A. Converging upon a global norm.
B. So different that they can be ignored by international organizations.
C. Becoming similar to the tastes and preferences of American consumers.
D. Being encouraged by multinational organizations to become increasingly similar.
Answer» A. Converging upon a global norm.

The main advantage of a differentiation strategy in international markets lies in that:

A. The focus is taken away from price.
B. Imitators cannot reduce margins.
C. It enables brand stretching and extension.
D. Consumers in foreign markets pay less for the same product.
Answer» A. The focus is taken away from price.

Simple Global strategy is used in

A. High geographically concentrated strategy & low coordination of activities
B. Low geographically concentrated strategy & high coordination of activities
C. Any of them
D. none
Answer» A. High geographically concentrated strategy & low coordination of activities

The correct components of the 7-S framework are:

A. Shared values, synergy, systems, strategy, style, staff and structure.
B. Structure, strategy, shared values, style, staff, skills and systems.
C. Strategy, synergy, shared value, standardization, skills, staff and structure.
D. Standards, strategy, style, staff, skills, systems and security.
Answer» B. Structure, strategy, shared values, style, staff, skills and systems.

Most international trade today is classified as trade in

A. Agricultural products
B. Services
C. Manufactured products
D. Dairy products
Answer» C. Manufactured products

Export Promotion Organization undertake export marketing communication by-

A. Advertising
B. Sales promotion
C. Public relations
D. All above
Answer» D. All above

Exports in India are promoted by-

A. India Trade Promotion Organization
B. Export development authority
C. Export Promotion Councils
D. All above
Answer» D. All above

Innovations tend to take place in

A. Hot countries
B. Moderate countries
C. Cold countries
D. none
Answer» A. Hot countries

This channel decision is related to the number of middlemen at a particular point or step in the distribution channel.

A. Channel length
B. Channel width
C. Number of channels
D. none
Answer» B. Channel width

Innovations tend to take place in

A. Hot countries
B. Moderate countries
C. Cold countries
D. all
Answer» A. Hot countries

An agent located near production sources who is hired by a client to buy new products there is known as a(n)

A. Buying agent
B. Resident buyer
D. Drop shipper
Answer» B. Resident buyer

This merchant intermediary does not take possession of the goods purchased.

A. Export merchant
B. Export drop shipper
C. Export distributor
D. all
Answer» B. Export drop shipper

This intermediary takes title to the products it handles.

A. Buying agent
C. Export broker
D. Trading company
Answer» D. Trading company

When compared to a trading company, an EMC

A. Has more diverse product lines
B. Is more likely to take ownership to merchandise
C. Offers less services
D. Is larger and better financed
Answer» C. Offers less services

This intermediary is in the best position to overcome problems related to financing and antitrust restrictions.

B. Webb Pomerene association
C. Export trading company
D. all of the above
Answer» C. Export trading company

The dominant form of the international transportation of merchandise is

A. Air
B. Sea
C. Land
D. all of the above
Answer» B. Sea

Freight forwarders do not perform this function.

A. Packing advice
B. Freight rate quotation
C. Preparation of customs documents
D. Product pricing
Answer» D. Product pricing

An association of ocean carriers which join to establish common rules with regard to freight rates and shipping conditions is

A. Conference line
B. Independent line
C. Tramp line
D. Chartered line
Answer» A. Conference line

Members of this group charge identical shipping rates. conference line

A. Independent line
B. Tramp line
C. Chartered line
D. all of the above
Answer» A. Independent line

This carrier has adopted a dual rate system.

A. Conference line
B. Independent line
C. Tramp line
D. Chartered line
Answer» A. Conference line

Marine cargo insurance applies to shipments by

A. Air
B. Sea
C. Mail
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The freight forwarder does not specialize in

A. Traffic operations
B. Government export regulations
C. Overseas import regulations
D. Financing
Answer» D. Financing

For high unit-value, low-turnover specialty goods, a manufacturer can -----------its distribution channel

A. Shorten & narrow
B. Expand & extend
C. Stretch &enlongate
D. all of the above
Answer» A. Shorten & narrow

Advertising slogans are often proved to be the most effective mean of_____________ to one or more aspects of a product or products. Select correct option:

A. Drawing attention
B. Marketing communication
C. Publicity
D. Sales promotion
Answer» D. Sales promotion

Which of the following is NOT a media of advertising?

A. Direct selling
B. Newspaper
C. Radio
D. Television
Answer» A. Direct selling

Which of the following is NOT a part of marketing communication mix?

A. Telemarketing
B. Public relations
C. Sales promotion
D. Advertising
Answer» C. Sales promotion

Which of the following statement is TRUE about publicity?

A. Publicity is a tool of direct selling
B. Publicity is a tool of public relations
C. Publicity is a tool of sales promotion
D. Publicity is a tool of advertising
Answer» D. Publicity is a tool of advertising

Which of the following is NOT a sales promotion technique?

A. Coupons
B. Telephone survey
C. Sample
D. Contests
Answer» B. Telephone survey

IMC stands for what?

A. Internal marketing communication
B. Integrated marketing communication
C. Integrated managing company
D. Internal marketing communit
Answer» B. Integrated marketing communication

What are the companies doing from the following options as a result of an explosion of more focused media that better match today’s targeting strategies?

A. More narrowcasting and less broadcasting
B. Less broadcasting and more narrowcasting
C. Less narrowcasting and broadcasting
D. More narrowcasting and broadcasting
Answer» D. More narrowcasting and broadcasting

Which of the following advertising is used heavily for creating a primary demand when introducing a new product in the market?

A. Persuasive advertising
B. Informative advertising
C. Comparative advertising
D. Institutional advertising
Answer» C. Comparative advertising

All of the following are the logistics functions EXCEPT?

A. Order processing
B. Warehousing
C. Inventory management
D. Retailing
Answer» C. Inventory management

This channel decision is related to the number of middlemen at a particular point or step In the distribution channel.

A. channel length
B. channel width
C. number of channels
D. all of the above
Answer» A. channel length

A product with a low-price image requires .....distribution.

A. intensive
B. selective
C. exclusive
D. all of the above
Answer» B. selective

Ricoh's U.S. copier dealers do not compete with each other because each has its own territory. This type of distribution is

A. intensive
B. exclusive
C. selective
D. all of the above
Answer» A. intensive

This is not a characteristic of Japanese distribution channels.

A. multiple layers of wholesalers
B. few small retailers
C. retailers placing frequent but small orders
D. close personal relationships between wholesalers and retailers
Answer» B. few small retailers

Japan’s keiretsu system does not have this characteristic.

A. cross-ownership of equity
B. close ties to the group’s main bank
C. product-market ties with the other firms in the group
D. limited diversification
Answer» B. close ties to the group’s main bank

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Japan’s keiretsu system?

A. cross ownership
B. lack of bank's involvement
C. product-market ties among members
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

This service of the U.S. Department of Commerce provides a custom overseas search to A U.S. manufacturer interested in foreign representation.

A. Export Trading Company Contact Facilitation Service
B. World Traders Data Reports
C. Agent/Distributor Service
D. All of the above
Answer» B. World Traders Data Reports

To reduce the potential compensation obligations under foreign laws on termination of distributors, the exporter should

A. insist on an evergreen contract
B. renew agreements without changing the language of prior texts
C. include "just cause" termination provisions
D. avoid having specific expiration dates
Answer» C. include "just cause" termination provisions

This practice is illegal.

A. gray marketing
B. parallel distribution
C. black market
D. all of the above
Answer» C. black market

This condition will cause the U.S. Customs to refuse issuing an exclusion order to Protect a mark owner from gray marketing.

A. registration of the trademark with the Trademark Office
B. registration of the trademark with the Treasury Department
C. order sought by an independent U.S. firm
D. order sought by a foreign firm
Answer» C. order sought by an independent U.S. firm

When a U.S. firm leaves local managers of its foreign subsidiary alone by assuming that The foreign market is difficult for outsiders to understand, this is a reflection of

A. ethnocentricity
B. polycentricity
C. egocentricity
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Decentralization is likely in the case of

A. ethnocentricity
B. polycentricity
C. geocentricity
D. none of the above
Answer» B. polycentricity

A strong orientation to the host country is known as geocentricity.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

This kind of orientation often results in duplication of effort among overseas subsidiaries.

A. ethnocentricity
B. polycentricity
C. egocentricity
D. none of the above
Answer» B. polycentricity

Polycentricity usually results in uniform marketing.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

When companies believe that, even though countries may differ, the differences can be understood and managed, such firms are

A. ethnocentric
B. polycentric
C. U.S.-centric
D. geocentric
Answer» B. polycentric

A geocentric firm does not identify itself with a particular country.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

These firms allocate corporate resources without regard to national frontiers and do not hesitate making direct investment abroad.

A. ethnocentric firms
B. polycentric firms
C. geocentric firms
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

In terms of the PESTLE analysis, the liberalizing of international trade and tariff regimes could go in which section or sections?

A. Political
B. Legal
C. Political and economic and legal
D. Political and environmental
Answer» C. Political and economic and legal

An 'industry recipe' can be defined as:

A. An accepted pattern of operating and competing
B. A tactic for anticipating a competitor's next move
C. The hidden competences that are difficult to imitate
D. A strategic group
Answer» B. A tactic for anticipating a competitor's next move

Typically, profits are highest in which stage of the industry life-cycle?

A. Introduction
B. Growth
C. Maturity
D. Decline
Answer» A. Introduction

Which of the following industries is least likely to follow the conventional life-cycle model?

A. Software development
B. Coal mining
C. Insurance broking
D. Hairdressing
Answer» A. Software development

Brandenburger and Nalebuff added a sixth force to Porter's Five Forces. It is known as:

A. The threat of substitutes
B. The power of complementors
C. Seller power
D. Government regulation
Answer» A. The threat of substitutes

The Six Forces framework is based on the principle of:

A. Resource-based view
B. Conduct - structure - performance
C. Econometrics
D. Structure - conduct – performance
Answer» D. Structure - conduct – performance

In the Six Forces, the 'threat of new entrants' relates to:

A. Barriers to entry
B. Substitutes
C. Switching costs
D. Buyer power
Answer» D. Buyer power

An industry characterized by irregular patterns of stability, rapid technological change, high uncertainty and global competition can be described as:

A. Hypercompetitive
B. Hyperactive
C. Atypical
D. Co-optive
Answer» D. Co-optive

A situation in which the joint moves of two firms can determine how much money each firm can make or lose can be explained using the story of:

A. The Trojan Horse
B. The Icarus Paradox
C. The Prisoner's Dilemma
D. The Icarus Dilemma
Answer» C. The Prisoner's Dilemma

In the context of environmental analysis, 'munificence' means:

A. The extent to which resources are freely available to support firms in an industry and enable them to grow
B. The extent to which it is diverse
C. The extent to which it is stable or turbulent
D. The extent to which the industry follows the conventional life-cycle stages.
Answer» B. The extent to which it is diverse
Question and answers in Unit 3, Unit 3 multiple choice questions and answers, Unit 3 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Unit 3, Unit 3 MCQs with answers PDF download