210+ Logistic Supply and Chain Management Solved MCQs


TQM means

A. Total quality management
B. Transport quality manageemnt
C. Terminal quay management
D. Total quantity managament
Answer» A. Total quality management

The objective of limited integrated business function stage is

A. Cost cost.
B. Maximisation of profit by sales volume.
C. Core competency.
D. Maximisation of profitable sales volume and cost reduction.
Answer» A. Cost cost.

The objective of internally integrated business function stage is

A. Cost.
B. Maximisation of profit by sales volume.
C. Core competency.
D. Maximisation of profitable sales volume and cost reduction.
Answer» D. Maximisation of profitable sales volume and cost reduction.

The objective of externally integrated business function stage is

A. Cost.
B. Maximisation of profit by sales volume.
C. Core competency.
D. Maximisation of profitable sales volume and cost reduction.
Answer» C. Core competency.

KAIZEN means

A. Complete improvement
B. Collaborative planning and improvement
C. Continous improvement
D. Continous monitoring
Answer» C. Continous improvement

The strategic component of logistical mission

A. reflect the vision of top management.
B. deal with basic services required for delivering of goods.
C. refers to the value-added services offered.
D. reflects the ability of firm to exploit market.
Answer» A. reflect the vision of top management.

The logistical component of logistics mission

A. reflect the vision of top management.
B. deal with basic services required for delivering of goods.
C. refers to the value-added services offered.
D. reflects the ability of firm to exploit market.
Answer» B. deal with basic services required for delivering of goods.

World classic Supply chain Companies

D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The logistics strategic analysis

A. reflects the capability of the management to think beyond the current way.
B. reflects the extent of use of logistical component for competitive advantage.
C. ensures effective implementation of logistics strategy.
D. deals with managing change.
Answer» B. reflects the extent of use of logistical component for competitive advantage.

The department in the shipping company that ensures the seaworthiness of the ship is

A. husbandry department.
B. finance department.
C. technical department.
D. operating department.
Answer» A. husbandry department.

The department that aims to maximize the economic employment of the ship is

A. husbandry department.
B. finance department.
C. technical department.
D. operating department
Answer» D. operating department
Question and answers in Logistic Supply and Chain Management, Logistic Supply and Chain Management multiple choice questions and answers, Logistic Supply and Chain Management Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Logistic Supply and Chain Management, Logistic Supply and Chain Management MCQs with answers PDF download