460+ Modern Western Philosophy Solved MCQs


The view that knowledge is attained through sense experience is called:

A. Idealism
B. Positivism
C. Rationalism
D. Empiricism
Answer» D. Empiricism

Which among the following is the characteristic of Modern Philosophy

A. A revolt against authority and tradition
B. Demand for freedom in thought, feeling, and action
C. Scientific
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who authored ‘Essay on Human Understanding’

A. Rene Descartes
B. John Locke
C. Immanuel Kant
D. David Hume
Answer» B. John Locke

Modern philosophy began in

A. Renaissance
B. The Enlightenment
C. The idealistic period
D. Natural Science Period
Answer» A. Renaissance

The father of modern western philosophy

A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Descartes
D. Spinoza
Answer» C. Descartes

Descartes advocated the philosophy of:

A. Pluralism
B. Empiricism
C. Dualism
D. Idealism
Answer» C. Dualism

Descartes is a

A. skeptic
B. empiricist
C. rationalist
D. All of the above
Answer» C. rationalist

The concept of innate ideas is put forward by:

A. Spinoza
B. Leibniz
C. Kant
D. Descartes
Answer» D. Descartes

…………. Is advocated theory of interactionism

A. Descartes
B. Pre-established harmony
C. Berkeley
D. Kant
Answer» A. Descartes

According to Descartes, the Absolute substance refers to:

A. God
B. Mind
C. Matter
D. Mind and Matter
Answer» A. God

According to Descartes, the idea of God is :

A. Adventitious
B. fictitious
C. Demonstrative
D. Innate
Answer» D. Innate

Which one of the following views is held by Descartes?

A. Mind and body are the two substances which exist independently of each other
B. Mind is the only substance and matter is only a fiction
C. Mind is the only substance and matter is only a fiction
D. Matter is the only substance and mind is one of its modes of existence
Answer» A. Mind and body are the two substances which exist independently of each other

Which one of the following statements adequately sums up Descartes’ philosophy?

A. Mind and matter are two aspects of the same reality
B. The world is made of two radically different kinds of substance, mind and matter.
C. Matter alone is real and mind is only an illusion.
D. Mind creates matter
Answer» B. The world is made of two radically different kinds of substance, mind and matter.

Which one of the following types of substances is NOT admitted by Descartes?

A. Infinite and uncreated
B. Perpetually changing
C. Finite and spiritual
D. Finite and material
Answer» B. Perpetually changing

In order to escape …………………, Descartes has introduced the idea of God

A. Spiritualism
B. Solipsism
C. Empiricism
D. Dualism
Answer» B. Solipsism

The rationalist philosopher …………. wants to give philosophy a stable character like mathematics.

A. Descartes
B. Kant
C. Spinoza
D. Leibnitz
Answer» A. Descartes

.......... defines substance as “ an existent thing which requires nothing but itself in order to exist”.

A. Spinoza
B. Locke
C. Descartes
D. Hume
Answer» C. Descartes

Descartes claims God as the …………..substance, and mind and matter as ……… substance.

A. absolute , created
B. absolute, finite
C. Only, created
D. created, absolute
Answer» A. absolute , created

Descartes suggests ……………… as absolute substance

A. God
B. Mind
C. Soul
D. All of these
Answer» A. God

Which one of the following statements is NOT supported by Descartes?

A. Mind and matter are independent substance
B. Mind and matter are two separate substances alongside God.
C. Mind and matter are inter-related to one another
D. Mind and matter are both identical
Answer» D. Mind and matter are both identical

The doctrine of Occassionalism advocated by

A. Descartes
B. Malebranche
C. Spinoza
D. Leibnitz
Answer» B. Malebranche

Which one of the following statements is entitled by Descartes’ cogito ergo sum?

A. Only I exist
B. Only God exists
C. I exist while I think
D. Only matter exists
Answer» C. I exist while I think

Descartes recognizes mind and matter as ……. substances which are created by God.

A. Absolute
B. Relative
C. Neutral
D. Real
Answer» B. Relative

Descartes suggests mind and matter are ………..

A. Opposed on each other
B. Dependent on each other
C. Independent of each other
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Opposed on each other

Descartes advocates …………..by admitting mind and matter as two substances

A. Dualism
B. Individualism
C. Rationalism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Dualism

To solve mind and body problem, Descartes has introduced ……….

A. Mind Body Dualism
B. Psycho-physical Interactionism
C. Occassionalism
D. Psycho-physical parallelism
Answer» B. Psycho-physical Interactionism

Which among is NOT included Descartes three kinds of ideas

A. Innate Ideas
B. Complex Ideas
C. Factitious Ideas
D. Adventitious Ideas
Answer» B. Complex Ideas

Descartes argues against trusting the senses on the grounds that ………

A. They never directly deceive him
B. They sometimes deceive him
C. God allows sensory deception
D. Sense perception is indubitable
Answer» B. They sometimes deceive him

Descartes declares that he is …………

A. A body
B. a dream
C. a thing that thinks
D. a thing that cannot exist
Answer» C. a thing that thinks

Descartes reasons that the very fact that he is thinking shows that ……

A. He does not exist
B. He is not being deceived
C. He exists
D. He is dreaming
Answer» C. He exists

The view that we consist of two distinct substances (body and mind) and that these two interact is known as ………

A. Functionalism
B. Identity theory
C. Substance dualism
D. Materialism
Answer» B. Identity theory

Descartes believed that interaction between body and mind took place in ……

A. Ectoplasm
B. the brain stem
C. the pineal gland
D. the nervous system
Answer» C. the pineal gland

Descartes says that the chief characteristic of physical things is that …..

A. They cannot be measured
B. Science can study them
C. They do not have extension
D. They have extension
Answer» D. They have extension

Which of the following do Cartesian dualists reject?

A. That minds and bodies exist
B. That mind and bodies can exist independently of each other
C. That minds exist in time
D. That mind exist in space
Answer» D. That mind exist in space

According to Descartes, knowledge is

A. Power
B. Unattainable
C. Certain
D. Fleeting
Answer» C. Certain

For Descartes, cogito ergo sum is

A. A proof for the existence of God
B. An indubitable truth
C. An obvious falsehood
D. A way to make money
Answer» B. An indubitable truth

Which claim did Descartes use to establish the certainty of his own existence?

A. To be is to be perceived
B. I think, therefore I am
C. Nothing exists except bodies in motion
D. Every created thing has both mental and physical properties.
Answer» B. I think, therefore I am

What was clarity and distinctness a mark of, for Rene Descartes?

A. God
B. Goodness
C. Truth
D. Rationality
Answer» C. Truth

Who authored the book Discourse on Method ?.

A. Descartes
B. Spinoza
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Hegel
Answer» A. Descartes

Which book authored Rene Descartes

A. Critique of Pure Reason
B. Ethics
C. Meditations on First Philosophy
D. The Principles of Human Knowledge
Answer» C. Meditations on First Philosophy

Descartes uses the method of doubt to cast doubt on

A. The existence of the external world
B. The existence of God
C. The existence of dream
D. The existence of demons
Answer» A. The existence of the external world

Spinoza equates substance with ------- and --------

A. Qualities, God
B. Nature, God
C. Nature, Soul
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Nature, God

By admitting only God, Spinoza fails to explain plurality, diversity, motion and change of the …..

A. Individual souls
B. Objects of the world
C. Empirical world
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Objects of the world

Which one of the following statements is associated with Spinoza?

A. Mind and body are two independent entities in perfect harmony with each other.
B. Mind and body interact and there is a causal relation between the two.
C. Mind and body are not two independent substances but are two parallel manifestations of the same reality.
D. Mind is an epiphenomenon of the body
Answer» C. Mind and body are not two independent substances but are two parallel manifestations of the same reality.

Which one of the following statements is true, according to Spinoza?

A. Substance can exist outside of God
B. Substance and God are independent realities
C. There can be no substance outside of God
D. Substance and God are imaginary.
Answer» C. There can be no substance outside of God

By ‘mode’ Spinoza means that which

A. Is in itself and is conceived through itself
B. Exists in itself
C. Is a being that is absolutely infinite
D. Exists through something other than itself
Answer» D. Exists through something other than itself

What is true of Spinoza’s parallelism?

A. It explains the mental by the physical
B. It explains the physical by the mental
C. It is double aspect theory accepting both the mental and physical realms as manifestations of the same substance.
D. It accepts the mental and the physical as two stages of evolution.
Answer» C. It is double aspect theory accepting both the mental and physical realms as manifestations of the same substance.

Spinoza claims substance is …………. and ………………

A. Many, finite
B. One, infinite
C. Many, limited
D. One, limited
Answer» B. One, infinite

By ………….. Spinoza understands that which is in itself and which is conceived by means of itself.

A. Matter
B. Body
C. Substance
D. Attribute
Answer» C. Substance

............ points out that if Descartes, definition of substance is to be strictly adhered to, there can be only one substance, i.e., God.

A. Spinoza
B. Hume
C. Locke
D. Berkeley
Answer» A. Spinoza

According to Spinoza, body and mind

A. Are causally independent
B. interact with each other
C. are parallel to each other
D. are providentially synchronized by God
Answer» C. are parallel to each other

The view that one may consider God both as Naturanaturans and Natruanaturata is maintained by:

A. Thomas Aquinas
B. Spinoza
C. Leibnitz
D. Berkeley
Answer» B. Spinoza

The fundamental property of substance is known as:

A. Modes
B. Attribute
C. Thought
D. Extension
Answer» B. Attribute

…….. declares that there are no substances other than God.

A. Spinoza
B. Kant
C. Hume
D. Locke
Answer» A. Spinoza

Who declares that there are no substances other than God

A. Spinoza
B. Kant
C. Hume
D. Locke
Answer» A. Spinoza

Spinoza is an advocate of

A. Dualism
B. Pantheism
C. Materialism
D. Empiricism
Answer» B. Pantheism

What did Benedict Spinoza think a person is

A. a mode of God/Nature
B. an immaterial mind
C. a physical body
D. an immaterial mind in a physical body.
Answer» A. a mode of God/Nature

‘There can only one substance which is causasui (cause of itself) and this single substance must be identified with the universe a whole. This unique all inclusive totality is therefore God or Nature’ whose statement?

A. Hegel
B. Marx
C. Hume
D. Spinoza
Answer» D. Spinoza

The position of psycho-physical parallelism is advocated by:

A. Descartes
B. Spinoza
C. Leibniz
D. Locke.
Answer» B. Spinoza

God according to Leibniz is:

A. Central Monad
B. Queen Monad
C. Soul Monad
D. Monad of Monads
Answer» D. Monad of Monads

Monadology is the famous work of:

A. Descartes
B. Spinoza
C. Leibniz
D. Berkeley
Answer» C. Leibniz

A monad is explained as:

A. Physical atom
B. Unit of force
C. Matter
D. Mind
Answer» B. Unit of force

Leibniz advocated the theory of:

A. Interactionism
B. Pre-established harmony
C. Parallelism
D. Monism
Answer» B. Pre-established harmony

Doctrine of monads is advocated by:

A. Spinoza
B. Leibniz
C. Berkeley
D. Hume
Answer» B. Leibniz

For Leibnitz, monad is windowless because

A. It is absolutely free from external influence
B. It is extended
C. It is composite body
D. It is something material
Answer» A. It is absolutely free from external influence

…………. Admits innumerable monads or spiritual atoms

A. Leibnitz
B. Hume
C. Berkeley
D. Locke
Answer» A. Leibnitz

.............. thinks that substance is to be defined by active force

A. Spinoza
B. Hume
C. Descartes
D. Leibnitz
Answer» D. Leibnitz

The monads are …… and everything is potential or implicit in it

A. Very strong
B. active
C. Windowless
D. None of these
Answer» C. Windowless

Which among is NOT correct regarding monads

A. Windowless
B. Spiritual
C. Perceive each other
D. Active force
Answer» C. Perceive each other

Leibnitz defines substance or ‘monad’ as

A. Active force
B. physical object
C. mental object
D. none of these
Answer» A. Active force

Every monad is a …… of the universe which generates the images of things by its own activity

A. Clear aspect
B. definite explanation
C. Living mirror
D. none of these
Answer» C. Living mirror

Leibnitz philosophy is

A. Monistic
B. Dualistic
C. Pluralistic
D. Materialistic
Answer» C. Pluralistic

Which among the following is NOT applicable to Leibnitz

A. God is the creator of harmony
B. Extension is real
C. The monads are eternal and can be destroyed only by miracle on the part of God.
D. No monad has any part and therefore is truly indivisible.
Answer» B. Extension is real

Leibnitz claims that there is only a …….. between soul and body, instituted by God

A. Complete substance
B. Complete correspondence
C. Complete interactionism
D. All of these
Answer» B. Complete correspondence

Mind is a ‘tabula rasa’ according to:

A. Berkeley
B. Locke
C. Descartes
D. Spinoza
Answer» B. Locke

John Locke rejected the concept of:

A. Substance
B. Innate Ideas
C. Experience
D. Primary Qualities
Answer» B. Innate Ideas

There must be an unknown and unknowable substratum which supports the existence of ……….. qualities

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Basic
D. Both primary and secondary
Answer» A. Primary

The secondary properties of substance are known as ………….

A. Modes
B. Attribute
C. Relative property
D. Substance
Answer» A. Modes

Which one of the following according to Locke is correct description of substance?

A. Substance is spiritual in nature
B. Substance has both real and nominal essences.
C. Substance is a known locus of qualities.
D. Substance is the cause of the world
Answer» C. Substance is a known locus of qualities.

Locke suggests that mind knows directly the ……. and not the objects themselves.

A. Sensations
B. Ideas of the object
C. Qualities
D. none of the above
Answer» B. Ideas of the object

Which one of the following according to Locke justifies the distinction between primary and secondary qualities?

A. God has created primary qualities
B. Secondary qualities are given in experience
C. Primary qualities and secondary qualities are logically different
D. Primary qualities are objective while secondary qualities are subjective
Answer» D. Primary qualities are objective while secondary qualities are subjective

John Locke has divided the qualities of things into ……… and ……..

A. A priori, a posteriori
B. Empirical, intuitive
C. Primary, secondary
D. All of these
Answer» C. Primary, secondary

As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensation or …….

A. Perception
B. Reflection
C. Thinking
D. None of these
Answer» B. Reflection

Which one of the following is true of Locke’s view of substance?

A. Substance is the sum of qualities
B. Substance is the substratum of qualities
C. Substance is the sum of ideas.
D. Substance is the logical construction of sense data
Answer» A. Substance is the sum of qualities

Which one of the following arguments is advance by Locke for the rejection of innate ideas?

A. If there were innate ideas, then all human beings would be identical
B. If there were innate ideas then we should find them expressed in infants and untutored savages.
C. If there were innate ideas then there must be a God who generates them
D. If there were innate ideas than human beings should be eternal.
Answer» B. If there were innate ideas then we should find them expressed in infants and untutored savages.

Which one of the following is the correct definition of secondary qualities, according to Locke?

A. Secondary qualities are nothing in the objects themselves but powers to produce sensations in us by their primary qualities.
B. Secondary qualities are those which are imposed on the external objects by human mind.
C. Secondary qualities are those that vary according to variations in conditions of perception
D. Secondary qualities are those whose ideas are not exact resemblances of qualities of objects.
Answer» A. Secondary qualities are nothing in the objects themselves but powers to produce sensations in us by their primary qualities.

Which among the following is NOT Locke’ view of ideas

A. The mind is active in the reception of simple ideas
B. The mind becomes active, when we get complex ideas
C. Simple ideas are directly known as the contents of actual experience
D. All ideas originate with and from experience
Answer» A. The mind is active in the reception of simple ideas

An example for secondary quality

A. colour
B. figure
C. extension
D. solidity
Answer» A. colour

An example for primary quality

A. colour
B. taste
C. Sound
D. number
Answer» D. number

A …………. is one which ‘being in itself uncompounded, contains in it nothing but one uniform appearance or conception in the mind and is no distinguishable into different ideas’. In other words it is an unanalyzable simple datum of knowledge.

A. Simple Idea
B. Complex Idea
C. Mode
D. Reflection
Answer» A. Simple Idea

Empiricism is the epistemological theory that the only source of knowledge about the external world is

A. Reason
B. intuition
C. logic
D. sense experience
Answer» D. sense experience

The philosophical position of Berkeley is known as:

A. Subjective Idealism
B. Innate Ideas
C. Realism
D. Absolute Idealism
Answer» A. Subjective Idealism

‘To be is to be perceived’ according to:

A. Berkeley
B. Locke
C. Hume
D. Hegel
Answer» A. Berkeley

Who claims that only mind and their ideas exist

A. Spinoza
B. Berkeley
C. Locke
D. Kant
Answer» B. Berkeley

Berkeley asserts that existing and perceiving are

A. One and the same thing
B. Both nonexistent
C. Two distinct things
D. Imaginary
Answer» A. One and the same thing

Berkeley insists that heat and cold are …..

A. Illusions
B. physical object
C. Only things existing apart from our minds
D. Only sensations existing in our minds
Answer» D. Only sensations existing in our minds

What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied the existence of matter?

A. There are no unperceived tables and chairs.
B. There are no tables and chairs
C. Tables and chairs are really just swarms of particles in motion
D. Everything, including tables and chairs, is an illusion.
Answer» A. There are no unperceived tables and chairs.

What was Berkeley’s explanation for the fact that things like rocks and trees seem to continue to exist even when humans don’t perceive them?

A. They are material objects, so naturally they can exist unperceived.
B. Appearances are deceiving. In fact such things do cease to be when we no longer perceive them
C. Being partly mental, they continue to exist because they can perceive themselves.
D. God always perceives them.
Answer» D. God always perceives them.

Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because

A. All qualities are subjective
B. Only secondary qualities are subjective
C. Qualities are created by God
D. Qualities inhere in substances
Answer» A. All qualities are subjective

As all beings are particular things, so all ideas are particular ideas, is said by

A. Locke
B. Berkeley
C. Descartes
D. Kant
Answer» B. Berkeley
Question and answers in Modern Western Philosophy, Modern Western Philosophy multiple choice questions and answers, Modern Western Philosophy Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Modern Western Philosophy, Modern Western Philosophy MCQs with answers PDF download