260+ Modern World in Transition Solved MCQs


‘Bills of Rights’ was in the year………………….

A. 1688
B. 1689
C. 1789
D. 1799
Answer» B. 1689

The Bloodless Revolution of 1688 was a great land mark in the constitutional history of…..

A. italy
B. america
C. germany
D. england
Answer» D. england

Bloodless Revolution of …………… resulted in the supremacy of the parliament and gave a blow to Absolute Monarchy in England.

A. 1688
B. 1689
C. 1788
D. 1789
Answer» A. 1688

Bloodless Revolution of ……… marked the end of the struggle between king and parliament.

A. 1688
B. 1689
C. 1699
D. 1788
Answer» A. 1688

The American Revolution or the War of American Independence broke out in the year …….. A.D during the reign of the English King George III and came to a close in 1783 A.D.

A. 1675
B. 1685
C. 1689
D. 1775
Answer» D. 1775

The British conquest of Canada after the Seven Year War reduced the …………………danger and hence the colonies turned against England.

A. german
B. american
C. french
D. spanish
Answer» C. french

The immediate cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party in …………. A.D.

A. 1773
B. 1775
C. 1789
D. 1793
Answer» A. 1773

The colonial army Commanded by ……………..trapped the British army at York Town and forced Lord Cornwallis, the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces to surrender in 1781.

A. vasco da-gama
B. ferdinand magellan
C. george washington
D. john cabot
Answer» C. george washington

The colonial army Commanded by George Washington trapped the British army at York Town and forced………………, the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces to surrender in 1781.

A. john cabot
B. lord cornwallis
C. churchill
D. lord lytton
Answer» B. lord cornwallis

Louis XVI was completely under the control of his beautiful but proud, willful and wicked queen Marie Antoinette who was notorious for her unsympathetic attitude towards the people.

A. louis xiii
B. louis xiv
C. louis xv
D. louis xvi
Answer» D. louis xvi

‘The Social Contract’ was the work of ……………..

A. montesquieu
B. voltaire
C. ferdinand magellan
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains"is the words of ………………..

A. rousseau
B. voltaire
C. lenin
D. karl marx
Answer» A. rousseau

……………….'s most famous work was ‘A Treatise for Toleration’.

A. voltaire
B. condorcet
C. john cabot
D. churchill
Answer» A. voltaire

………………….’s main work was ‘The Spirit of the Laws’ (1753).

A. montesquieu
B. condorcet
C. churchill
D. john cabot
Answer» A. montesquieu

In 1765, ………………published his first work on mathematics entitled Essai sur le calcul intégral, which was very well received, launching his career as a respected mathematician.

A. condorcet
B. turgot
C. ferdinand magellan
D. montesquieu
Answer» A. condorcet

In 1785, ……………..wrote the Essay on the Application of Analysis to the Probability of Majority Decisions, one of his most important works.

A. churchill
B. montesquieu
C. john cabot
D. condorcet
Answer» D. condorcet

Fall of Bastille in the year 14th July ………………

A. 1789
B. 1689
C. 1769
D. 1799
Answer» A. 1789

On 23rd September, ……………, the king was deposed and France became a Republic.

A. 1782
B. 1790
C. 1792
D. 1799
Answer» C. 1792

On 21st January …………. Louis XVI of France was guillotined.

A. 1786
B. 1789
C. 1793
D. 1799
Answer» C. 1793

Guillotine was invented by Ignacio Guillotine, a ………….physician.

A. german
B. american
C. french
D. british
Answer» C. french

…………………… Connected with the reign of terror in France.

A. napoleon
B. robespierre
C. ferdinand magellan
D. voltaire
Answer» B. robespierre

…………….was the child of French Revolution and the hero of France.

A. hitler
B. churchill
C. mussolini
D. napoleon
Answer» D. napoleon

……………was born in the Island of Corsica in Italy on 15th August 1769.

A. napoleon
B. ferdinand magellan
C. john cabot
D. churchill
Answer» A. napoleon

Corsica was captured by ……………..in 1768 A.D.

A. germany
B. france
C. britain
D. america
Answer» B. france

“I was born when my country was dying”. Who said?

A. napoleon
B. john cabot
C. churchill
D. hitler
Answer» A. napoleon

In 1796, when he was 27 years of age, ……………married Josephine, a rich widow of a nobleman.

A. magellan
B. churchill
C. rousseau
D. napoleon
Answer» D. napoleon

In 1804 A.D …………….established the Bank of France which became “the Soundest financial institution of the World”.

A. napoleon
B. ferdinand magellan
C. john cabot
D. churchill
Answer» A. napoleon

……………said, ‘my real glory is not having won 40 battles…..what will endure for ever is my civil code’.

A. napoleon
B. churchill
C. hitler
D. stalin
Answer» A. napoleon

In 1801 A.D ……………..signed an agreement with pope Pius VII known as Concordat.

A. john cabot
B. alexander
C. julius caesar
D. napoleon
Answer» D. napoleon

In the Battle of Waterloo on 12th June 1815 A.D …………was decisively defeated by the Duke of Wellington.

A. napoleon
B. ferdinand magellan
C. john cabot
D. churchill
Answer» A. napoleon

……………was exiled to the Island of St. Helena where he died in 1821 A.D.

A. alexander the great
B. churchill
C. napoleon
D. mussolini
Answer» C. napoleon

Sir Isaac Newton was an …………….physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, inventor, and natural philosopher.

A. german
B. american
C. english
D. african
Answer» C. english

In his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, …………..enunciated his law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion.

A. ferdinand magellan
B. newton
C. churchill
D. voltire
Answer» B. newton

It was with …………….that Wordsworth published the famous Lyrical Ballads in 1798.

A. milton
B. john cabot
C. coleridge
D. dryden
Answer» C. coleridge

………………..'s most famous work, The Prelude (1850), is considered by many to be the crowning achievement of English romanticism.

A. ferdinand magellan
B. wordsworth
C. john cabot
D. p.b.shelly
Answer» B. wordsworth

English Romantic poet ………………was born on October 31, 1795, in London.

A. p
B. shelley b) richard abbey
C. john rowland sandell
D. john keats
Answer» D. john keats

Who the editor of the ‘Examiner’?

A. shelley
B. william wordsworth
C. leigh hunt
D. charles lamb
Answer» C. leigh hunt

…………….was author of the ‘Prometheus Unbound’.

A. p
B. shelley b) karl marx
C. lord byron
D. john cabot
Answer» A. p

………………..was born in Leiden on July 15, 1606.

A. woodrow wilson
B. john cabot
C. rembrandt
D. churchill
Answer» C. rembrandt

The patriots of ……………….set up several secret societies such as ‘Carbonari’ to regain their independence.

A. holland
B. america
C. france
D. italy
Answer» D. italy

Metternich was the chancellor of ………………..

A. holland
B. america
C. austria
D. germany
Answer» C. austria

The unification of Italy was accomplished mostly by the heroic efforts of the Italian patriots supported by the ruler of Sardinia, …………………

A. victor immanuel ii
B. george i
C. charles i
D. metternich
Answer» A. victor immanuel ii

In 1831 A.D. ………………established an organization known as YOUNG ITALY the motto of which was ‘God and people’.

A. joseph mazzini
B. john cabot
C. lenin
D. cavour
Answer» A. joseph mazzini

………………..was “the Master brain” of the Italian Unification.

A. metternich
B. john cabot
C. count cavour
D. woodrow wilson
Answer» C. count cavour

Victor Immanuel II became the king of ………………after the abdication of Charles Albert.

A. rome
B. naples
C. sicily
D. sardinia
Answer» D. sardinia

Napoleon III, the French king helped ……………in her war against Austria which led to the annexation of Lombardy.

A. sardinia
B. parma
C. modena
D. tuscany
Answer» A. sardinia

‘The sword of the Unification’ of Italy was……………..

A. otto von bismarck
B. garibaldi
C. john cabot
D. metternich
Answer» B. garibaldi

…………….was the leader of ‘the Red Shirts’ in Italy.

A. woodrow wilson
B. otto von bismarck
C. metternich
D. garibaldi
Answer» D. garibaldi

By …………… A.D. the whole of Italy except the Papal States and Venetia was united and the ruler of Sardinia.

A. 1860
B. 1867
C. 1789
D. 1798
Answer» A. 1860

In 1866 A.D. Italy received Venetia as a reward for supporting ……………against Austria in the Seven Weeks War.

A. rome
B. prussia
C. austria
D. america
Answer» B. prussia

In 1870 A.D. When Napoleon III, the French king withdrew his army from the Papal States on the wake of the Franco-Prussian War, the Italian army captured ……………and made it the capital of the Unified State of Italy.

A. germany
B. rome
C. austria
D. new york
Answer» B. rome

In 1800 Austria was defeated by …………..which combined the German States into the confederation of Rhine.

A. otto von bismarck
B. napoleon
C. john cabot
D. metternich
Answer» B. napoleon

The Congress of Vienna (1815 A.D) changed Germany into a confederation of 39 states under the control of……………..

A. austria
B. germany
C. italy
D. denmark
Answer» A. austria

The teachers and students of the ……………University formed the secret Committee called “BRUSCHEN SHAFI” to preach nationalism.

A. cambridge
B. salerno
C. oxford
D. jena
Answer» D. jena

Metternich, the iron chancellor of …………..crushed the spirit of liberalism and controlled the activities of the patriots and liberal leaders of Germany.

A. hanover
B. austria
C. germany
D. italy
Answer» B. austria

The …………unification preceded the political unification in Germany.

A. economic
B. political
C. social
D. cultural
Answer» A. economic

In 1819 ……………..formed an economic union with 12 states and in 1834 a customs Union or Zolleverein was established by 18 states excluding Austria.

A. prussia
B. saxony
C. bavaria
D. wittenberg
Answer» A. prussia

Metternich had fled to ……………in the midst of mounting opposition.

A. germany
B. denmark
C. england
D. austria
Answer» C. england

On 21st March …………… the Frankfurt Assembly was summoned to take decisions regarding the unification of Germany and to frame a democratic constitution.

A. 1648
B. 1748
C. 1788
D. 1848
Answer» D. 1848

The Frankfurt Assembly decided to exclude Austria from the united Germany and offered the throne of Germany to Frederick William IV of…………………...

A. prussia
B. denmark
C. spain
D. holland
Answer» A. prussia

In ………… A.D. William I became the King of Prussia.

A. 1861
B. 1868
C. 1871
D. 1876
Answer» A. 1861

…………….. thought that only a powerful army could bring fame and glory as well as unity to Germany.

A. woodrow wilson
B. john cabot
C. metternich
D. bismarck
Answer» D. bismarck

Who fixed the straight path of war and not the long and zigzag path of democracy for the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia?

A. bismarck
B. françois noël babeuf
C. john cabot
D. woodrow wilson
Answer» A. bismarck

In 1872 A.D. …………..was made the Chancellor or Prime minister of Germany by William I.

A. churchill
B. metternich
C. woodrow wilson
D. bismarck
Answer» D. bismarck

Who believed that diplomacy without weapons is like music without instruments?

A. woodrow wilson
B. bismarck
C. churchill
D. hitler
Answer» B. bismarck

……………… believed that the great questions of the day are not decided by speeches and resolutions of the majorities but by “Blood and Iron”.

A. woodrow wilson
B. françois noël babeuf
C. metternich
D. bismarck
Answer» D. bismarck

Bismarck resorted to wars to achieve the unification of Germany under Prussia. The first war was with …………in 1864 A.D.

A. austria
B. france
C. germany
D. denmark
Answer» D. denmark

Bismarck made an alliance with ……………with the promise of equal share of spoils of War, and invaded Denmark.

A. austria
B. france
C. germany
D. britain
Answer» A. austria

After a brief War Schleswig was united with …………..and Holstein was given to Austria.

A. canada
B. france
C. africa
D. prussia
Answer» D. prussia

The long awaited War between Austria and ……………began on the question of the division of spoils of the War with Denmark.

A. africa
B. france
C. america
D. prussia
Answer» D. prussia

At the battle of Sadova (1866 A.D) the Austrians were defeated and by the Treaty of Prague, ……………became the leader of the North German confederation.

A. france
B. prussia
C. africa
D. canada
Answer» B. prussia

By the Treaty of Frankfurt in May ……………. A.D. France ceded Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia in addition to a huge was compensation.

A. 1861
B. 1866
C. 1871
D. 1899
Answer» C. 1871

On the 18th January ……….. A.D. the Prussian king William I was proclaimed “Kaiser” (Emperor) in the Hall of Mirrors of the palace of Versailles.

A. 1841
B. 1855
C. 1867
D. 1871
Answer» D. 1871

The Meiji Restoration was a political and social revolution in ……………..in 1866-69.

A. britain
B. japan
C. china
D. america
Answer» B. japan

The Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) developed out of the rivalry between Russia and Japan for dominance in Korea and………………..

A. hunan
B. manchuria
C. quantung
D. peking
Answer» B. manchuria

Theodore Roosevelt was the President of………………..

A. germany
B. usa
C. africa
D. britain
Answer» B. usa

Abraham Lincoln as the President of ……………………

A. america
B. germany
C. africa
D. holland
Answer» A. america

On April 14, ………………Abraham Lincoln the president of America was assassinated by an unemployed actor of the south.

A. 1856
B. 1862
C. 1865
D. 1876
Answer» C. 1865

……………….arose in the late 18th and early 19th century as a reaction to the economic and social changes associated with the Industrial Revolution.

A. nihilism
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. anarchism
Answer» C. socialism

In the 1840s the term ………………..came into use to denote loosely a militant leftist form of socialism.

A. capitalism
B. socialism
C. communism
D. nihilism
Answer» C. communism

In………….., Marx and Engels wrote the famous Communist Manifesto, in which they set forth the principles of what Marx called "scientific socialism."

A. 1748
B. 1828
C. 1838
D. 1848
Answer» D. 1848

Christian socialism was led in ……………by Frederick Denison Maurice and Charles Kingsley.

A. holland
B. germany
C. america
D. england
Answer» D. england

Ferdinand Lassalle was founder of the first workers' party in ………………..(1863).

A. germany
B. america
C. holland
D. abyssinia
Answer» A. germany

In………….., Eduard Bernstein denied the inevitability of class conflict; he called for a revision of Marxism that would allow an evolutionary socialism.

A. 1894
B. 1898
C. 1908
D. 1912
Answer» B. 1898

In………….., Bernstein's chief opponent, Karl Kautsky, insisted that the Social Democratic party adhere strictly to orthodox Marxist principles.

A. germany
B. netherlands
C. latin america
D. america
Answer» A. germany

In ……………..the Fabian Society, founded in 1884, set forth basic principles of evolutionary socialism.

A. belgium
B. germany
C. sweden
D. great britain
Answer» D. great britain

The most momentous split took place in the …………….Social Democratic Labor party, which divided into the rival camps of Bolshevism and Menshevism.

A. french
B. african
C. russian
D. american
Answer» C. russian

It was the revolutionary opponents of gradualism, the Bolsheviks, who seized power in the Russian Revolution of ……………….

A. 1911
B. 1913
C. 1917
D. 1927
Answer» C. 1917

The Paris Commune, functioning between March 18 to May 28 of………………, was spawned by the Franco-Prussian war.

A. 1771
B. 1781
C. 1792
D. 1871
Answer» D. 1871

The Russian Revolution of ……………. was the first successful Communist Revolution of the world.

A. 1903
B. 1907
C. 1917
D. 1927
Answer» C. 1917

The roots of the Russian Revolution lay deep in the despotic old fashioned and oppressive rule of the unpopular Tsar……………….

A. wilhelm liebknecht
B. nicholas ii
C. august bebel
D. peter, the great
Answer» B. nicholas ii

……………….was influenced by the inner circle of the imperial court including the Tsarina and the Holy Devil, Rasputin.

A. nicholas ii
B. charles fourier
C. robert owen
D. peter, the great
Answer» A. nicholas ii

…………….., an extreme sort of liberalism, questioned everything bowed before no authority and aimed at destroying the existing Russian order.

A. nihilism
B. anarchism
C. marxism
D. socialism
Answer» A. nihilism

Whose weapons were books and bombs and the motto was “go among the people”?

A. socialism
B. anarchism
C. marxism
D. nihilism
Answer» D. nihilism

………………was the author of “the Poor” and “Mother”.

A. maxim gorky
B. tolstoy
C. karl marx
D. friedrich engels
Answer» A. maxim gorky

………… was the author of “War and Peace” and “Anna Karina”.

A. william morris
B. churchill
C. turgenev
D. tolstoy
Answer» D. tolstoy

………………was the author of “Fathers and Sons”.

A. woodrow wilson
B. william morris
C. kerensky
D. turgenev
Answer» D. turgenev

………………… was the author of “Crime and punishment”

A. jawaharlal nehru
B. saint-simon
C. louis blanc
D. dostoevsky
Answer» D. dostoevsky

The Mensheviks led by ……………stood for peaceful and constitutional methods to destroy autocracy.

A. churchill
B. woodrow wilson
C. kerensky
D. lenin
Answer» C. kerensky

The Bolsheviks led by …………….stood for Marxian ideas.

A. lenin
B. kerensky
C. woodrow wilson
D. churchill
Answer» A. lenin
Question and answers in Modern World in Transition, Modern World in Transition multiple choice questions and answers, Modern World in Transition Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Modern World in Transition, Modern World in Transition MCQs with answers PDF download