210+ Waste Water Treatment Solved MCQs


Which of the following option is incorrect about the sludges?

A. Sludges are soft, loose and slimy precipitate
B. They are non-adherent deposits and can be easily removed
C. Formed generally at heated portions of the boiler
D. Can be removed by blow down operation
Answer» C. Formed generally at heated portions of the boiler

The propulsion of water into steam drum by extremely rapid, almost explosive boiling of water at the heating surface is called ___________

A. Foaming
B. Priming
C. Corrosion
D. Caustic embrittlement
Answer» B. Priming

The phenomenon during which the boiler material becomes brittle due to accumulation of caustic substances is known as ___________

A. Foaming
B. Priming
C. Corrosion
D. Caustic embrittlement
Answer» D. Caustic embrittlement

Foaming is caused by the formation of ___________

A. Acids
B. Alcohols
C. Oils and alkalis
D. Ketones
Answer» C. Oils and alkalis

The term ‘Sullage’ refers to:

A. Fresh wastewater
B. Septic wastewater
C. Wastewater from kitchen, laundry
D. Toxic wastewater
Answer» C. Wastewater from kitchen, laundry

Wastewater can become septic by the loss of:

A. Dissolved oxygen content
B. Carbon content
C. Organic compounds
D. Water content
Answer» A. Dissolved oxygen content

Which one of the below is not an attribute of drinking water?

A. Aesthetics
B. Economic
C. Safety
D. Source
Answer» D. Source

The extent of water treatment depends on how many factors?

A. 5
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

What is added to the water treatment tank to settle the colloidal particles?

A. Alum
B. Alum and lime
C. Lime
D. Potash
Answer» B. Alum and lime

Disinfection of water in our country is mainly done by ____________

A. Oxygenation
B. Hydration
C. Chlorination
D. Filtration
Answer» C. Chlorination

Which minerals and in what form are present in ground water?

A. Fe & Mn in Ferrous and Manganous
B. Fe & Cu in Ferric and Cupric
C. Fe & Mn in Ferric and manganous
D. Cu & Mn in Cuprous and manganous
Answer» A. Fe & Mn in Ferrous and Manganous

How many types of wastewater treatment plants are there based on the type of wastewater?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3
Answer» D. 3

On how many conditions does the intervention of wastewater depend on?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 6
D. 4
Answer» B. 7

The surface water quality is affected by _______ and infiltration from rainfall.

A. Precipitation
B. Run off
C. Wetlands
D. Farming
Answer» B. Run off

_________ are constructed for water supply, electricity generation, recreation, irrigation and others.

A. Swimming pools
B. Ponds
C. Reservoirs
D. Tanks
Answer» C. Reservoirs

What is the next step after water abstraction in wastewater treatment?

A. Supply to consumers
B. Treatment
C. Combine with stormwater
D. Supply to receiving body
Answer» B. Treatment

Which of the following requires aesthetically pleasant water?

A. Domestic use
B. Industrial use
C. Irrigation
D. Aquaculture
Answer» B. Industrial use

The addition of substances or energy forms that directly or indirectly alter the nature of the water body is called?

A. Water contamination
B. Water pollution
C. Sanitation
D. Water treatment
Answer» B. Water pollution

What is the type of pollution where the pollutants reach the water body in points called?

A. Point-source pollution
B. Diffuse pollution
C. Point-source contamination
D. Diffuse contamination
Answer» A. Point-source pollution

What percentage of solids does wastewater contain?

A. 0.5%
B. 5%
C. 0.1%
D. 1%
Answer» C. 0.1%

What is the growth of huge amounts of algae and other aquatic plants leading to the deterioration of the water quality called?

A. Eutrophication
B. Algae growth
C. Nitrification
D. Denitrification
Answer» A. Eutrophication

The optimum temperature for bacterial activity is in what range?

A. 25-35 degree Celsius
B. 50 degree Celsius
C. 20 degree Celsius
D. 40 degree Celsius
Answer» A. 25-35 degree Celsius

The fluoride concentration for prevention of dental caries is ____________

A. 1mg/l
B. 2mg/l
C. 3mg/l
D. 4mg/l
Answer» A. 1mg/l

In which process, the fluoride content of water is raised?

A. Chlorination
B. Fluoridation
C. Defluoridation
D. Flocculation
Answer» B. Fluoridation

Which of the following is not used as a fluoride compound?

A. Sodium fluoride
B. Sodium silico fluoride
C. Hydrofluosilicic acid
D. Sodium fluro carbonate
Answer» D. Sodium fluro carbonate

Which of the following is the pure compound?

A. Sodium fluoride
B. Sodium silico fluoride
C. Hydrofluosilicic acid
D. Sodium fluro carbonate
Answer» A. Sodium fluoride

As far as safer handling is considered, which of the following is used for fluoridation?

A. Sodium fluoride
B. Sodium silico fluoride
C. Hydrofluosilicic acid
D. Sodium fluro carbonate
Answer» C. Hydrofluosilicic acid

What happens when water contains 8-20 ppm of fluoride concentration?

A. Blue baby disease
B. Crippling fluorosis
C. Dental fluorosis
D. Mottling of teeth
Answer» B. Crippling fluorosis

The process of reducing the fluoride content from water is called _____

A. Chlorination
B. Fluoridation
C. Defluoridation
D. Flocculation
Answer» C. Defluoridation

Which of the following is not used for defluoridation?

A. Calcium phosphate
B. Copper sulfate
C. Alum
D. Bone charcoal
Answer» B. Copper sulfate

At which temperature, the bone is calcinated during defluoridation with calcium phosphate?

A. 100-200oC
B. 200-300oC
C. 400-600oC
D. 500-800oC
Answer» C. 400-600oC

One cubic metre of bone can treat how much quantity of water containing 3.5 ppm of fluoride?

A. 10m3
B. 100m3
C. 1000m3
D. 10000m3
Answer» B. 100m3

Which material is used in contact filters for the removal of fluorides?

A. Calcium phosphate
B. Copper sulfate
C. Synthetic tri-calcium phosphate
D. Bone charcoal
Answer» C. Synthetic tri-calcium phosphate

Which material is used for removing fluorides from hard water containing 3ppm of fluorides?

A. Lime
B. Copper sulfate
C. Synthetic tri-calcium phosphate
D. Bone charcoal
Answer» A. Lime

Fluorex is a special mixture of ____________

A. Di-calcium phosphate and carbon
B. Tri-calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite
C. Di-calcium phosphate and phosphoric acid
D. Tri-calcium phosphate and carbon
Answer» B. Tri-calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite

Which of these materials is not added to iron for improving its oxidation resistance?

A. Nickel
B. Chromium
C. Aluminum
D. Silicon
Answer» D. Silicon

How much chromium is required to provide oxidation resistance for use over 1000oC?

A. 1%
B. 6%
C. 12%
D. 17%
Answer» D. 17%

Molybdenum with hydrogen can be used up to ________

A. 1000oC
B. 1500oC
C. 2000oC
D. 4000oC
Answer» B. 1500oC

% chromium mixed with ______ can be used up to 1100oC.

A. Nickel
B. Chromium
C. Aluminum
D. Silicon
Answer» A. Nickel

Which of these metals does not require alloying for oxidation resistance?

A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Aluminum
D. Molybdenum
Answer» C. Aluminum

_________ is used to prevent duralumin from corrosion.

A. Iron
B. Kynal
C. Titanium
D. Alclad
Answer» D. Alclad

Galvanized ion is made by dipping low carbon steel in molten zinc at ________

A. 100oC
B. 150oC
C. 200oC
D. 450oC
Answer» D. 450oC

Which of these is not a way to prevent intergranular corrosion?

A. Reduction of carbon level
B. Quenching
C. Addition of carbide forming elements
D. Reduction of alloying elements
Answer» D. Reduction of alloying elements

Dezincification of brass is prevented by addition of ________

A. Nickel
B. Zinc
C. Arsenic
D. Tungsten
Answer» C. Arsenic

Season-cracking can be prevented by cold-working of brass at _________

A. 15oC
B. 100oC
C. 300oC
D. 550oC
Answer» C. 300oC

How can caustic embrittlement be avoided?

A. Addition of nickel
B. Increasing potential
C. Decreasing carbon
D. Adding tannins
Answer» D. Adding tannins

A grit chamber is usually installed ______ primary sedimentation tanks.

A. Before
B. After
C. In between
D. In
Answer» A. Before

At what velocity will the particles settle down?

A. 0.5 m/s
B. 0.3 m/s
C. 0.1 m/s
D. 0.25 m/s
Answer» B. 0.3 m/s

Grit chambers are constructed to prevent their accumulation in _______

A. Sedimentation tank
B. Sludge digesters
C. Coagulation tank
D. Sand filter
Answer» B. Sludge digesters

What is the cleaning period for manual grit chambers?

A. 3 days
B. 5 days
C. 48 hours
D. 1 week
Answer» D. 1 week

Grit chamber is similar to which of the following?

A. Screening unit
B. Sedimentation tank
C. Coagulation tank
D. Sand bed
Answer» B. Sedimentation tank

What is the specific gravity of settleable particles in the grit chamber?

A. 2.98
B. 2.56
C. 2.65
D. 2.89
Answer» C. 2.65

Stoke’s law holds good for Reynolds’s number ______

A. Less than 1
B. Equal to 1
C. Greater than 1
D. Nearer to 1
Answer» A. Less than 1

What is the horizontal velocity considered for grit chamber?

A. 0.25-0.4m/sec
B. 0.6-0.9 m/sec
C. 1-2 m/sec
D. 3-4m/sec
Answer» A. 0.25-0.4m/sec

What is the detention time considered for aerated grit chamber?

A. 5-6 mins
B. 2-5 mins
C. 1-2 mins
D. 3-4 mins
Answer» B. 2-5 mins

Which of these is not a grit removal equipment installed in the aerated grit chamber?

A. Screw conveyers
B. Tubular conveyers
C. Jet pumps
D. Communitors
Answer» D. Communitors

What is the amount of air supplied for these grit chambers?

A. 1-2 m3/m.min
B. 0.2-0.5 m3/m.min
C. 0.5-0.8 m3/m.min
D. 0.8-1 m3/m.min
Answer» B. 0.2-0.5 m3/m.min

At what depth are the air diffusers placed in the grit chamber?

A. 0.6-0.9 m
B. 1-2 m
C. 0.1-0.4m
D. 0.45-0.6 m
Answer» D. 0.45-0.6 m

What is the amount of grit quantities captured by the aerated grit chamber?

A. 0.004-0.20 m3/103.m3
B. 0.25 m3/103.m3
C. <0.004 m3/103.m3
D. 0.5 m3/103.m3
Answer» A. 0.004-0.20 m3/103.m3

Usually while designing what is the range of the width of the aerated grit chamber assumed?

A. 0.5-2 m
B. 8-10 m
C. 2.5-7.0m
D. 12m
Answer» C. 2.5-7.0m

Usually while designing what is the range of length of the aerated grit chamber assumed?

A. 7.5-20
B. 4-6 m
C. 25 m
D. 50 m
Answer» A. 7.5-20

Usually while designing what is the range of depth of the aerated grit chamber assumed?

A. 0.5-2 m
B. 8-10 m
C. 2-5 m
D. 12 m
Answer» C. 2-5 m

Aerated grit chambers are usually designed to remove particles in which range of size?

A. 0.1mm diameter
B. 0.35 mm diameter
C. 0.21 mm diameter
D. 0.41 mm diameter
Answer» C. 0.21 mm diameter

Activated sludge process degrade organics and _________

A. Improve nutrients
B. Remove nutrients
C. Remove odour
D. Remove taste
Answer» B. Remove nutrients

What is required to keep the activated sludge suspended?

A. Carbon-dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Ammonia
Answer» C. Oxygen

What does the bacterium use to grow?

A. Oxygen
B. Organic pollutants
C. Water
D. Carbon-dioxide
Answer» B. Organic pollutants

________ combines aeration basin and secondary clarifier into single unit.

A. Primary clarifier
B. Aerobic unit
C. Sequential batch reactor
D. Secondary clarifier
Answer» C. Sequential batch reactor

What does SBR stand for?

A. Secondary batch reactor
B. Sequential biological reactor
C. Secondary biological reactor
D. Sequential batch reactor
Answer» D. Sequential batch reactor

SBR operates as ________ process.

A. Batch
B. Continuous
C. Semi-continuous
D. Discontinuous
Answer» A. Batch

When the aeration system shuts off, the basin begins to perform as a ______

A. Primary clarifier
B. Secondary clarifier
C. Anaerobic unit
D. Aeration unit
Answer» B. Secondary clarifier

_______ provides the dual purpose of providing DO and mixing of the mixed liquor and wastewater.

A. Flocculation
B. Aeration
C. Sedimentation
D. Clarification
Answer» B. Aeration

Ion-exchange resin is ____________

A. Linear
B. Low molecular weight
C. Organic polymer with porous structure
D. Soluble
Answer» C. Organic polymer with porous structure

Which of the following ion get released from the cation exchange column?

A. H+
B. Na+
C. K+
D. Ca+2
Answer» A. H+

Which of the following ion get released from the anion exchange column?

A. CO3-2
B. OH–
C. Cl–
D. SO4-2
Answer» B. OH–

Ion-free water coming out from the exchanger is known as ____________

A. Potable water
B. Disinfected water
C. Coagulated water
D. Demineralised water
Answer» D. Demineralised water

Which of the following statement is incorrect about the demineralised water?

A. It is as pure as distilled water
B. It is very good for use in high pressure boilers
C. It is fit for domestic use
D. It can be made either by distillation or by using cation and anion exchangers
Answer» C. It is fit for domestic use

The exhausted cation exchange column is regenerated by passing a solution of ____________

A. Dil. HCl
B. Dil. NaCl
C. Conc. HCl
D. Conc. NaCl
Answer» A. Dil. HCl

The exhausted anion exchange column is regenerated by passing a solution of ____________

A. Dil. KOH
B. Conc. KOH
C. Conc. NaOH
D. Dil. NaOH
Answer» D. Dil. NaOH

In ion-exchange process, the capital cost is _________ and the operational expenses are ______________

A. Low, high
B. High, low
C. High, high
D. Low, low
Answer» C. High, high

The residual hardness in ion-exchange process is ____________

A. 0-2 ppm
B. 5-10 ppm
C. 10-15 ppm
D. 20-30 ppm
Answer» A. 0-2 ppm

How many oxygen atoms are present in the ozone?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

_______ is produced by subjecting oxygen to high electric voltage.

A. Carbon-monoxide
B. Carbon-dioxide
C. Pure oxygen
D. Ozone
Answer» D. Ozone

Which of the following can be inactivated using ozone?

A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Protozoa
D. All microbes
Answer» C. Protozoa

Which of these is not an advantage of Ozonation?

A. Reaction with bacteria
B. Organics degradation
C. Equipment costs
D. Chemicals
Answer» C. Equipment costs

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Ozonation?

A. Chemicals
B. Costs
C. Energy
D. Fire hazard
Answer» A. Chemicals

Which of the following is not removed by Ozonation?

A. Iron
B. Manganese
C. Magnesium
D. Bacteria
Answer» C. Magnesium

What is the maximum time required for ozone degradation?

A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
Answer» B. 30 minutes

What is the average ozone concentration created during Ozonation?

A. 1000 mg/l
B. 5000 mg/l
C. 10000 mg/l
D. 15000 mg/l
Answer» C. 10000 mg/l

Which of the following is not correct regarding Ozonation?

A. Does not requires chemicals
B. Eliminates bad taste
C. Eliminates odour
D. Operational costs are low
Answer» D. Operational costs are low

What is the colour of ozone?

A. Violet
B. White
C. Grey
D. Colourless
Answer» D. Colourless

Ozone is formed by the interaction of _______

A. UV or O2
B. O and O2
C. O and UV
D. O2 and CO
Answer» A. UV or O2

In which year was the structure of ozone determined?

A. 1865
B. 1875
C. 1885
D. 1895
Answer» A. 1865

In which year was the ozone named?

A. 1829
B. 1839
C. 1849
D. 1859
Answer» B. 1839

At what pH ozonation is carried out?

A. 8
B. 9
C. 11
D. 7
Answer» A. 8

Photo catalysis uses which of the following methods to produce free radicals?

A. UV rays
B. UV + TiO2
C. Ozone + UV
D. TiO2
Answer» B. UV + TiO2

How is the electrical requirement for the ozonation process expressed mathematically?

A. EE/O =EEt/ Vlog(Ci-Cf)
B. EE/O =EEt/ (Ci-Cf)
C. EE/O =EEt Vlog(Ci-Cf)
D. EE/O =EEt(Ci-Cf)
Answer» A. EE/O =EEt/ Vlog(Ci-Cf)

What are the byproducts of the breakdown of the organic compounds by UV rays?

B. CO2 + H2O
C. H2CO3 and water
D. CO + H2O
Answer» B. CO2 + H2O

In what range is the EE/O present in order to reduce one log of reduction?

A. 0-20 KWH
B. 20-265 KWH
C. 265-365 KWH
D. 365-650 KWH
Answer» B. 20-265 KWH

Primary sludge includes __________

A. Total suspended solids
B. Suspended solids
C. Removable solids
D. Settleable solids
Answer» D. Settleable solids

Which of the following methods are used in rural communities?

A. Aerobic digestion
B. Mechanical dewatering
C. Dewatering
D. Composting
Answer» D. Composting
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