180+ Introduction to Philosophical Methods Solved MCQs


intellectual midwifery is the theory of knowledge put forward by:

A. plato
B. thales
C. comte
D. socrates
Answer» D. socrates

——— is a Skeptic.

A. david hume
B. emmanuel kant
C. hegel
D. none of these
Answer» A. david hume

The metaphysical view that there are many realities is known as

A. dualism
B. pluralism
C. monism
D. non-dualism
Answer» B. pluralism

The theory that holds reason as the source of knowledge is

A. idealism
B. rationalism
C. empiricism
D. none of the above
Answer» B. rationalism

Inborn ideas are known as:

A. adventitious ideas
B. factitious ideas
C. innate ideas
D. a b&c
Answer» C. innate ideas

The Philosophy of Hegel is known as

A. phenomenal idealism
B. personal idealism
C. objective idealism
D. absolute idealism
Answer» D. absolute idealism

The founder of Positivism is

A. saint simon
B. c. s pierce
C. august comte
D. francis bacon
Answer» C. august comte

The author of Novum Organum is

A. rene descartes
B. lemnitzer
C. john dewey
D. francis bacon
Answer» D. francis bacon

Metaphysics is the work of

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. thales
Answer» C. aristotle

Early Skepticism is also known as

A. pyrrhonism
B. positivism
C. materialism
D. idealism
Answer» A. pyrrhonism

The Greek word Pragma means

A. truth
B. act or deed
C. utility
D. beauty
Answer» B. act or deed

The author of Republic

A. socrates
B. descartes
C. plato
D. hume
Answer» C. plato

The metaphysical view that there is one ultimate reality is called

A. dualism
B. pluralism
C. monism
D. none of these
Answer» C. monism

According to the modern scientists matter is

A. light
B. energy
C. illusion
D. all of these
Answer» B. energy

——— is a Greek atomist

A. democritus
B. xenophanes
C. xenophon
D. zeno
Answer» A. democritus

epistemology studies

A. origin and nature of knowledge
B. validity of knowledge
C. extend of knowledge
D. a, b &c
Answer» D. a, b &c

The two branches of Metaphysics are

A. religion and theology
B. rationalism and empiricism
C. ontology and cosmology
D. materialism and spiritualism
Answer» C. ontology and cosmology

The three distempers of learning according to. Francis Bacon are:

A. mind, body and god
B. ideas, experience and thought.
C. fantastical, contentious and delicate
D. tribe, cave and theatre
Answer» C. fantastical, contentious and delicate

Philosophy is concerned with

A. the irrational
B. beauty
C. the ideal
D. experimentation
Answer» C. the ideal

Ethics is a ——-

A. positive science
B. normative science
C. descriptive science
D. none of these
Answer» B. normative science

———- seeks to clarify and refine the process of knowing

A. epistemology
B. axiology
C. metaphysics
D. ethics
Answer» A. epistemology

The Latin word ——— is the root of rationalism

A. sophia
B. reason
C. ratio
D. experiential
Answer» C. ratio

———— insists on a a priori knowledge.

A. positivism
B. empiricism
C. rationalism
D. none of these
Answer» C. rationalism

———— was written by Kant

A. novum organum
B. republic
C. critique of pure reason.
D. politics
Answer» C. critique of pure reason.

Ontology deals with

A. matter
B. knowledge
C. being
D. none of these
Answer» C. being

The method of Kant was

A. dialectic
B. critical
C. speculative
D. conversational
Answer» B. critical

True knowledge is

A. prama
B. aprama
C. pramana
D. prameya
Answer» A. prama

Berkeley argues that all knowledge is derived from

A. impression
B. ideas
C. axioms
D. postulates
Answer» B. ideas

———— helps in getting correct knowledge through anumana

A. vyapti
B. paksha
C. sadhya
D. badha
Answer» A. vyapti

The words of a trustworthy person is known as

A. satya
B. dharma
C. aptavakya
D. linga
Answer» C. aptavakya

In Philosophy, what is an argument?

A. debate
B. verbal persuasion
C. rational justification
D. opposition
Answer» C. rational justification

The method of philosophy is

A. rational reflection
B. dogmatism
C. emperical study
D. revelation
Answer» A. rational reflection

———— is a materialist

A. gautama
B. hegel
C. marx
D. spinoza
Answer» C. marx

The author of Advancement of Learning

A. karl marx
B. thomas hobbes
C. francis bacon
D. kant
Answer» C. francis bacon

A theory is a conclusion, where as a method is a

A. style
B. manner
C. inference
D. procedure
Answer» D. procedure

Philosophy is the root and science is the

A. fruit
B. branch
C. nourishment
D. stem
Answer» A. fruit

Who said ? Philosophy is the Science of sciences

A. plato
B. voltaire
C. august’s comte
D. russell
Answer» C. august’s comte

Bacon recommended ———— method to attain correct knowledge

A. inductive
B. intuitive
C. mathematical
D. doubt
Answer» A. inductive

Questions of philosophy are———— ones

A. causal
B. systematic
C. inconsistent
D. dogmatic
Answer» B. systematic

———— said “whatever is. Clearly and distinctly perceived is true”

A. locke
B. berkeley
C. descartes
D. none of these
Answer» C. descartes

According to Skepticism knowledge is ———-

A. certain
B. possible
C. uncertain
D. none of these
Answer» C. uncertain

Cosmology was the characteristic of——— Philosophers.

A. ionian
B. cartesian
C. scholastic
D. all these
Answer» A. ionian

For Idealism ——— is primary

A. mind
B. body
C. perception
D. sense experience
Answer» A. mind

The problem of Universals was first introduced into philosophy by:

A. aquinas
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. berkeley
Answer» C. plato

“Tabula rasa” is the term coined by:

A. john locke
B. kant
C. socrates
D. spinoza
Answer» A. john locke

The author of Meditations is

A. leibniz
B. patanjali
C. descartes
D. kannada
Answer» C. descartes

The only pramana accepted by Carvakas:

A. inference
B. comparison
C. verbal testimony
D. perception
Answer» D. perception

Nyaya syllogism has ——— statements

A. one
B. five
C. three
D. two
Answer» B. five

The two Heterodox schools in Indian Philosophy are:

A. nyaya and vaisesika
B. buddhism and jainism
C. sankhya and yoga
D. purva and uttaramimamsa
Answer» B. buddhism and jainism

The father of philosophy :

A. descartes
B. thales
C. aristotle
D. francis bacon
Answer» B. thales

Who said “ Two things fill me with awe and wonder the starry heavens above and the Moral law within”.

A. karl marx
B. bertrand russell
C. kant
D. david hume
Answer» C. kant

A Treatise of Human Nature is the work of:

A. karl popper
B. david hume
C. john dewey
D. john locke
Answer» B. david hume

The most original contribution of Americans thought at the end of nineteenth century:

A. pragmatism
B. positivism
C. empiricism
D. rationalism
Answer» A. pragmatism

According to Kant genuine knowledge appears in the form of——— judgements.

A. analytic
B. synthetic
C. synthetic a posteriori
D. synthetic a priori
Answer» D. synthetic a priori

Who is known as Cartesian dualist?

A. august comte
B. rene descartes
C. st. thomas aquinas
D. derrida
Answer» B. rene descartes

Who is the father of modern philosophy?

A. descartes
B. spinoza
C. hobbes
D. leibniz
Answer» A. descartes

————is a Subjective idealist

A. hegel
B. kant
C. plato
D. berkeley
Answer» D. berkeley

The three main divisions of Philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, and ———

A. axiology
B. sociology
C. anthropology
D. cosmology
Answer» A. axiology

A logical sentence is called ———

A. proposition
B. syllogism
C. preposition
D. clause
Answer» A. proposition

The study of philosophy stimulates

A. dogmatism
B. critical thinking
C. blind faith
D. all these
Answer» B. critical thinking

Descartes was a ———thinker

A. emperical
B. rational
C. materialistic
D. idealistic
Answer» B. rational

Which American mathematician philosopher laid the foundation of Pragmatism

A. william james
B. j. dewey
C. c.s pierce
D. spinoza
Answer» C. c.s pierce

The Problem of Knowledge was written by ———

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. a.j ayer
D. collingwood
Answer» C. a.j ayer

Spinoza’s method is known as———

A. axiomatic
B. theoretical
C. geometrical
D. doubt
Answer» A. axiomatic

The study of the origin and development of the universe is known as———

A. ontology
B. cosmology
C. zoology
D. sociology
Answer» B. cosmology

Who said ? “God is dead”

A. schopenhauer.
B. sartre
C. popper
D. nietzsche
Answer» D. nietzsche

Who is the father of existentialism?

A. soren kierkegaard.
B. camus
C. sartre
D. heidegger
Answer» A. soren kierkegaard.

——— Introduced the term Aesthetics

A. kant
B. hegel
C. baumgarten
D. aristotle
Answer» D. aristotle

Socratic method is

A. skeptical
B. conceptual
C. conversational
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The theory of understanding is explained in transcendental ———

A. analytic.
B. synthetic
C. aesthetic
D. pragmatic
Answer» A. analytic.

Know thyself is the maxim of ———

A. plato
B. zeno
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» C. socrates

Phaedros is the Work of ————

A. heraclitus
B. aristophanes
C. plato
D. anaxagoras
Answer» C. plato

Corgito ergo sum means:

A. i doubt therefore i am
B. i think therefore i am
C. i see therefore i am
D. i question therefore i am .
Answer» B. i think therefore i am

Leibniz was a ——— thinker

A. english
B. french
C. german
D. american
Answer» C. german

Plato was the teacher of ———

A. georgias
B. socrates
C. aristotle
D. protogoras
Answer» C. aristotle

———— is an Empiricist

A. locke
B. berkeley
C. hume
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The doubt of Descartes should not be confused with ———

A. skepticism
B. solipsism
C. idealism
D. intuitionism
Answer» A. skepticism

Locke is a ———

A. idealist
B. phenomenologist
C. critical realist
D. representative realist
Answer» D. representative realist

The Skepticism of Descartes is known as ———

A. pure skepticism
B. phenomenal skepticism
C. methodological skepticism
D. none of these
Answer» C. methodological skepticism

Who said “ Accept nothing as true which we do not perceive clearly and distinctly

A. descartes
B. spinoza
C. leibniz
D. kant
Answer» A. descartes

——— explained the world with the theory of Monads

A. democritus
B. st. anselm
C. leibniz
D. william james
Answer» C. leibniz

——— is said to be the origin of Philosophy

A. greed
B. wonder
C. fear
D. none of these
Answer» B. wonder

The mind body relationship theory of Descartes is known as———

A. psycho physical parallelism
B. interactionism
C. pre established harmony
D. none of these
Answer» B. interactionism

———— rejected Metaphysics as meaningless

A. logical positivists
B. rationalists
C. idealists
D. spiritualists
Answer» A. logical positivists

——— means knowledge that follows some other knowledge

A. pratyaksa
B. upamana
C. sabda
D. anumana
Answer» D. anumana

The invariable concomitance between hetu and sadhya is known as

A. vyapati
B. paksa
C. linga
D. none of these
Answer» A. vyapati

The Pramana for knowing the nonexistence of a thing is

A. anumana
B. upamana
C. arthapathi
D. anupalabdhi
Answer» D. anupalabdhi

Agama comes under ———

A. sabha
B. pratyaksa
C. anumana
D. upasana
Answer» A. sabha

According to Indian epistemology the person who knows is ———

A. premeya
B. pramatha
C. prama
D. aprama
Answer» B. pramatha

In Nyaya syllogism the statement to be proved is known as ———

A. pratinja
B. major premise
C. udaharana
D. nigamana
Answer» A. pratinja

——— is known as queen Science

A. mathematics
B. physics
C. philosophy
D. psychology
Answer» C. philosophy

The author of Discourse of the method is ———

A. sartre
B. descartes
C. malebranche
D. hobbes
Answer» B. descartes

The author of Prince is ———

A. machiavelli
B. plato
C. bruno
D. aristotle
Answer» A. machiavelli

In India Philosophy is known as ———

A. brahma vidya
B. atmabodha
C. darshana
D. yogavidya
Answer» C. darshana

The philosophy of God is called———

A. theology
B. religion
C. philology
D. all of these
Answer» A. theology

The proponent of Advaitha Vedanta is———

A. ramanuja
B. madhvacharya
C. jaimini
D. sankara
Answer» D. sankara

The philosopher seeks to harmonise the ideals of Truth, Good and ———

A. love.
B. god
C. beauty.
D. knowledge
Answer» C. beauty.

Henri Bergson advocated———

A. intuitionism
B. empiricism
C. apriorism
D. sensationalism
Answer» A. intuitionism

——— says “Understanding makes Nature “.

A. bergson
B. herbert spencer
C. kant.
D. lamarck
Answer» C. kant.

Dialectical materialism is the theory of———

A. hegel
B. marx
C. nietzsche
D. schopenhauer
Answer» B. marx
Question and answers in Introduction to Philosophical Methods, Introduction to Philosophical Methods multiple choice questions and answers, Introduction to Philosophical Methods Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Introduction to Philosophical Methods, Introduction to Philosophical Methods MCQs with answers PDF download