
340+ Applied Ethics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


The book ‘Social Responsibilities of the Businessman ‘ is written by :

A. M Bayles
B. Kant
C. Chodoff P
D. Howard Bowen
Answer» D. Howard Bowen

Killing someone for the sake of mercy to relieve great suffering is -----

A. Murder
B. Suicide
C. Euthanasia
D. Abortion
Answer» C. Euthanasia

The Nazi Euthanasia programe was not motivated by the concern for :

A. The suffering
B. The Germans
C. The deceived relatives
D. None of these
Answer» C. The deceived relatives

The notion of free market is associated with -------- business

A. Macro
B. Micro
C. Traditional
D. Molar
Answer» B. Micro

The first objective of business is ------------

A. Economic
B. Social
C. Welfare
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer» A. Economic

Allowing the patient to die by withholding treatment is -------------- euthanasia

A. Active
B. Voluntary
C. Non voluntary
D. Passive
Answer» B. Voluntary

---------- makes statements about ethics or ethical statements without using ethical words

A. Meta ethics
B. Meta physics
C. Meta language
D. logic
Answer» A. Meta ethics

Taking a direct action designed to kill the patient is ------------euthanasia

A. Passive
B. Active
C. Non voluntary
D. Voluntary
Answer» B. Active

The dictionary meaning of Euthanasia is -------

A. Suicide
B. Murder
C. Gentle and easy death
D. none of these
Answer» C. Gentle and easy death

Who denied the possibility of ethics providing an universal rule and canon for every possible case?

A. Moore
B. F.H. Bradley
C. J.S. Mill
D. Bentham
Answer» B. F.H. Bradley

---------- is a reasonable extension of the ethical principles in the actual circumstances of the moral life.

A. Conduct
B. Customs
C. casuistry
D. Good
Answer» C. casuistry

Who calls casuistry is the goal of ethical investigation:

A. G. E. Moore
B. F.H. Bradley
C. J.S. Mill
D. Bentham
Answer» A. G. E. Moore

--------- argued that, ethical theories have no effect on particular moral decisions in practice.

A. Moore
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Mackenzie
D. Bentham
Answer» C. Mackenzie

‘The greatest happiness of the greatest number’ is related with:

A. Utilitarianism
B. Intuitionism
C. Emotivism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Utilitarianism

The -------------------- theory of ethics have produced a slackening of moral efforts in this age.

A. Intuitionist
B. emoitivist
C. utilitarianist
D. evolutionary
Answer» D. evolutionary

Whose life and ethical practice leads to the founding of University College, London

A. Moore
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Bentham
D. Mackenzie
Answer» C. Bentham

Rule of----------are the most important among the rules of ethics in present century..

A. Eugenics
B. Intuitionism
C. motivism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Eugenics

--------- claims to be a practical as well as a theoretical science

A. Eugenics
B. Intuitionism
C. emotivism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Eugenics

----------- is the attempt to apply ethical principles to the case of doubt in our practical experience

A. Conduct
B. Customs
C. casuistry
D. Good
Answer» C. casuistry

Who makes strong condemnation to casuistry?.

A. Moore
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Mackenzie
D. Bentham
Answer» B. F.H. Bradley

Among these who has regarded ethics as a practical subject

A. J.S. Mill
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Mackenzie
D. None of these
Answer» A. J.S. Mill

‘Moral end is the preservation of life in the individual life or in the race’- This view is related with:

A. Evolutionary theory
B. Emotivism
C. Utilitarianism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Evolutionary theory

Intuitionism is described by

A. G. E. Moore
B. Sidgwick
C. J.S. Mill
D. Bentham
Answer» B. Sidgwick

Universal happiness is related with

A. Evolutionary theory
B. Emotivism
C. Utilitarianism
D. None of these
Answer» C. Utilitarianism

---------- is always more influential than moral theory

A. Applied ethics
B. Normative ethics
C. Practical ethics
D. Meta Ethics
Answer» C. Practical ethics

Who among them is not regarded ethics as a practical subject?.

A. Plato
B. St. Thomas Aquinas
C. Bradley
D. J. S. Mill
Answer» C. Bradley

----------- had a deep interest in the practical applications of ethics.

A. Plato
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Mackenzie
D. None of these
Answer» A. Plato

----------- regarded ethics as a practical subject.

A. St. Thomas Aquinas
B. F.H. Bradley
C. Mackenzie
D. None of these
Answer» A. St. Thomas Aquinas

‘lesser breeds without the law’ Who wrote this ?

A. Keats
B. P.B. Shelly
C. Rudyard Kipling
D. Oscar Wild
Answer» C. Rudyard Kipling

The principle of equality should be considered as

A. Practical action
B. affirmative action
C. negative action
D. none of these
Answer» B. affirmative action

Who wrote the book ‘A Theory of Justice’?

A. Keats
B. P.B. Shelly
C. Rudyard Kipling
D. John Rawls
Answer» D. John Rawls

Range property- this term is related with: .

A. Keats
B. P.B. Shelly
C. Rudyard Kipling
D. John Rawls
Answer» D. John Rawls

Rawls suggests, the property of -------------------- is a property that virtually all humans possess

A. personality
B. amoral personality
C. moral personality
D. individuality
Answer» C. moral personality

By ‘moral personality’ Rawls does not mean --------------------------

A. good person
B. good man
C. good personality
D. morally good personality
Answer» D. morally good personality

Rawls says, a moral person, must have a sense of

A. wisdom
B. freedom
C. duty
D. justice
Answer» D. justice

Rawls maintains that ------------is the basis of human equality

A. trust worthy personality
B. moral personality
C. individual freedom
D. justice
Answer» B. moral personality

‘Contract’ approach to justice is related with:

A. Hobbes
B. Russell
C. Rawls
D. Plato
Answer» C. Rawls

The ------------ sees ethics as a kind of mutually beneficial agreement

A. contract tradition
B. freedom tradition
C. individual tradition
D. none of these
Answer» A. contract tradition

The contract tradition sees -------- as a kind of mutually beneficial agreement

A. aesthetics
B. charity
C. duty
D. ethics
Answer» D. ethics

The people of European descent are superior to those of other races- This is an example for:

A. Sexist claim
B. religious claim
C. racist claim
D. none of these
Answer» C. racist claim

The women as emotionally deeper and more caring, but also less rational, less aggressive, and less enterprising than men – This is an example for:

A. Sexist claim
B. religious claim
C. racist claim
D. none of these
Answer» A. Sexist claim

The fact that humans differ as individuals, not as races or sexes- Among these who agree with this assertion?.

A. Hobbes
B. Eysenck
C. Rawls
D. Plato
Answer» B. Eysenck

The principle of -------------------- may be a defensible form of the principle that all humans are equal

A. Equal consideration of freedom
B. equal consideration of choice
C. equal consideration of interests
D. none of these
Answer» C. equal consideration of interests

Who published the article ‘How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?

A. Hobbes
B. Eysenck
C. Rawls
D. Arthur Jensen
Answer» D. Arthur Jensen

Who was accused of spreading racist propaganda and likened to Hitler?

A. Hobbes
B. Eysenck
C. Rawls
D. Arthur Jensen
Answer» D. Arthur Jensen

---------------- shows the opposition to the idea that there are biological factors behind male dominance.

A. Sexist
B. Initial feminist
C. Racist
D. Anthropologist
Answer» B. Initial feminist

Initial feminist shows the opposition to the idea that there are biological factors behind -----------------

A. male dominance.
B. male aggression
C. male freedom
D. male violence
Answer» A. male dominance.

The --------------- of the feminist movement agree with the idea that biological differences between the sexes are influential

A. second wave
B. first wave
C. third wave
D. fifth wave
Answer» A. second wave

The second wave of the feminist movement agree with the idea that biological differences between the sexes are ------------

A. controversial
B. not influential
C. influential
D. none of these
Answer» C. influential

Equal status does not depend on intelligence- who shows agreement with this view?

A. Hobbes
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Rawls
D. Arthur
Answer» B. Thomas Jefferson

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