
340+ Applied Ethics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Kantian ethical position is called:

A. deontology,
B. utilitarianism
C. consequentialism
D. ethical relativism
Answer» A. deontology,

Who makes strong condemnation to casuistry?

A. moore
B. f.h. bradley
C. mackenzie
D. bentham
Answer» B. f.h. bradley

Universal happiness is related with

A. evolutionary theory
B. emotivism
C. utilitarianism
D. cognitivism
Answer» C. utilitarianism

The parents who brought baby form a surrogate is called:

A. genetic parents
B. intended parents
C. traditional parents
D. gestational parents.
Answer» B. intended parents

The issue of commodification of babies is related to:

A. altruistic surrogacy
B. commercial surrogacy
C. independent surrogacy
D. traditional
Answer» B. commercial surrogacy

----------------- argued that surrogacy is an assault to a woman’s dignity and right to autonomy over her body.

A. conservatives
B. sociologists
C. feminists
D. liberalists
Answer» C. feminists

The view of ‘baby producers’ is concerned with:

A. abortion
B. cloning
C. ivf
D. surrogacy
Answer» D. surrogacy

Critics of surrogacy argued that, in surrogacy the baby becomes a mere ----------------- within an economic transaction of a good and a service.

A. entity
B. commodity
C. object
D. instrument
Answer» B. commodity

Rights of the child become pressing issue in -----------------------.

A. surrogacy
B. abortion
C. cloning
D. ivf
Answer» A. surrogacy

Surrogacy which includes a monetary compensation to the surrogate is called:

A. altruistic surrogacy
B. commercial surrogacy
C. gestational surrogacy
D. traditional
Answer» B. commercial surrogacy

--------------------- refers to those surrogacy agreements where the surrogate does not receive monetary compensation.

A. altruistic surrogacy
B. commercial surrogacy
C. gestational surrogacy
D. traditional
Answer» A. altruistic surrogacy

‘Informed consent’ is considered as one of the fundamental principles of

A. legal ethics,
B. medical ethics
C. business ethics
D. media ethics
Answer» B. medical ethics

In India Commercial surrogacy is -------------.

A. legal
B. legal and constitutional right
C. illegal
D. legal and advisable
Answer» C. illegal

In altruistic surrogacy the surrogate is most probably ---------------.

A. close relative
B. unknown woman
C. woman from other nation
D. professional
Answer» A. close relative

---------------------- is the study of appropriate business policies and practices.

A. corporate ethics
B. business ethics
C. business policy
D. corporate analog
Answer» B. business ethics

In the case of Roe v Wade, The United States Supreme Court held that women have a constitutional right to an abortion in the first -------------------of pregnancy

A. four months
B. three months
C. six months
D. two months
Answer» C. six months

Who wrote the book ‘A Theory of Justice’?

A. keats b. p.
B. shelly
C. rudyard kipling
D. john rawls
Answer» D. john rawls

Birth is the most visible possible dividing line between fertilized egg and child- This statement is recommended by:

A. liberalists
B. conservatives
C. feminists
D. pro-life activist
Answer» A. liberalists

Peter Singer identified ------------ as the criteria for antiabortion stand point instead of the criteria of ho*mo sapiens.

A. eccentric value
B. pragmatic value
C. instrumental value
D. intrinsic value
Answer» D. intrinsic value

Which among the following is considered as the standard way of distinguishing between active and passive euthanasia?

A. act versus passion
B. act versus omission
C. act versus commission
D. omission versus
Answer» B. act versus omission

Active euthanasia occurs when the medical professionals --------do something that causes the patient to die.

A. deliberately.
B. passively
C. without intentionally
D. none of these
Answer» A. deliberately.

Which among the following is treated as fourth estate?

A. judiciary
B. media
C. legislature
D. government
Answer» B. media

Which among the following is not a core principle of media ethics?

A. truth and accuracy
B. independence
C. impartiality
D. subjectivity
Answer» D. subjectivity

‘The greatest happiness of the greatest number’ is the motto of:

A. utilitarianism
B. intuitionism
C. emotivism
D. deontology
Answer» A. utilitarianism

Right to Information Act is passed in India on:

A. 2000
B. 2003
C. 2001
D. 2005
Answer» D. 2005

------------------ treated as a one of the core principle of journalism.

A. viability
B. publicity
C. truth
D. sensation
Answer» C. truth

RTI means:

A. right to intelligence
B. right to independence
C. right to information
D. right to
Answer» C. right to information

IPR means:

A. intellectual property right
B. indian property right
C. intellectual privacy right
Answer» A. intellectual property right

The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and claim off as one’s own is called:

A. intellectual theft
B. cyber theft
C. plagiarism
D. hacking
Answer» C. plagiarism

In media culture --------- builds trust and confidence.

A. sensational reporting
B. subjective reporting
C. impartial reporting
D. partial reporting
Answer» C. impartial reporting

----------------- deals the specific ethical principles and standards of media.

A. practical ethics
B. applied ethics
C. journalist ethics
D. media ethics
Answer» D. media ethics

----------------- is considered as a principle of media ethics.

A. bias
B. subjectivity
C. accountability
D. popularity
Answer» C. accountability

----------------- is considered as a one of the fundamental principles of Journalism

A. truth and accuracy
B. subjectivity
C. love and care
D. freewill
Answer» A. truth and accuracy

---------------- treated as a principle of Journalism.

A. subjectivity
B. fairness and impartiality
C. obligation to power
D. none of these
Answer» B. fairness and impartiality

--------------------- is the sign of professionalism and responsible journalism.

A. humanity
B. truth and accuracy
C. independence
D. accountability
Answer» D. accountability

A --------- must possess independent voice regarding political, social and corporate situations.

A. doctor
B. journalist
C. lawyer
D. business man
Answer» B. journalist

The notion ‘Paid news’ is related to:

A. journalism
B. theatre
C. film
D. culture
Answer» B. theatre

Pulitzer prize is related to:

A. business
B. journalism
C. medicine
D. law
Answer» B. journalism

Who is called as the father of Journalism?

A. james augustus hicky
B. m. n. roy
C. joseph pulitzer
D. aguste comte
Answer» C. joseph pulitzer

Who is called as Father of Indian Press?

A. james augustus hicky
B. m. n. roy
C. joseph pulitzer
D. aguste comte
Answer» A. james augustus hicky

Who started Bengal Gazette?

A. james augustus hicky
B. m. n. roy
C. joseph pulitzer
D. tagore
Answer» A. james augustus hicky

Bengal Gazette was started on:

A. 1782
B. 1783
C. 1780
D. 1781
Answer» C. 1780

PCI means:

A. press committee of india
B. press council of india
C. press council international
D. press committee international
Answer» B. press council of india

PCI was established on:

A. 1973
B. 1978
C. 1977
D. 1975
Answer» A. 1973

In India news channels are governed by:

A. pci
B. cbfc
C. bsa
D. nbsa
Answer» D. nbsa

Who is known as Father of Modern Journalism?

A. james augustus hicky
B. walter lippmann
C. joseph pulitzer
D. aguste comte
Answer» B. walter lippmann

Who among the following won two Pulitzer prize?

A. james augustus hicky
B. lippmann
C. pranoy roy
D. aguste comte
Answer» B. lippmann

Who is known as “Most influential Journalist of Twentieth century”?

A. lippmann
B. joseph pulitzer
C. james augustus hicky
D. aguste comte
Answer» A. lippmann

------------------- is the aim of business.

A. service
B. profit making
C. employ satisfaction
D. resource allocation
Answer» B. profit making

--------------------- level of business ethics defines ethical behaviour and assesses the effect of business on society.

A. the company level
B. the individual level
C. the industry level
D. the society level.
Answer» D. the society level.

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