290+ Biology-Physics-Chemistry (GK) Solved MCQs


Which gland is not associated with human alimentary canal?

A. salivary glands
B. adrenal gland
C. liver
D. pancreas
Answer» B. adrenal gland

In humans, bile juice is secreted by

A. pancreas
B. small intestine
C. esophagus
D. liver
Answer» D. liver

An enzyme which can only act in acidic medium is

A. pepsin
B. trypsin
C. rennin
D. amylase
Answer» A. pepsin

The part of digestive system where no digestion occurs

A. duodenum
B. esophagus
C. stomach
D. mouth
Answer» B. esophagus

Which of the following animals has no need for a gall bladder?

A. horse
B. lion
C. dog
D. human
Answer» A. horse

About how much saliva does a person produce each day?

A. 100 ml
B. 250 ml
C. 500 ml
D. 1500 ml
Answer» D. 1500 ml

Saliva has the enzyme

A. pepsin
B. ptyalin
C. trypsin
D. rennin
Answer» B. ptyalin

Curdling of milk in the stomach is due to the action of

A. pepsin
B. rennin
D. rennin
Answer» B. rennin

Pepsinogen is secreted by

A. gastric glands
B. intestinal glands
C. chief cells
D. parietal cells
Answer» C. chief cells

Pancreas has

A. only endocrine cells
B. only one type of cell, the same functioning both in an exocrine and endocrine fashion
C. two types of cells-exocrine and endocrine
D. only exocrine cells
Answer» C. two types of cells-exocrine and endocrine

Largest gland in human body is

A. liver
B. pancreas
C. pituitary
D. thyroid
Answer» A. liver

Grana refers to

A. glycolysis of glucose
B. by-product of photosynthesis
C. stacks of thylakoids
D. stacks of quantasomes
Answer» C. stacks of thylakoids

A specific function of light energy in the process of photosynthesis is to

A. activate chlorophyll
B. split water
C. synthesis glucose
D. reduce CO2
Answer» A. activate chlorophyll

ATP formation during photosynthesis is known as

A. phosphorylation
B. photophosphorylation
C. oxidative phosphorylation
D. substrate level phosphorylation
Answer» B. photophosphorylation

Dark reaction in photosynthesis is called so because

A. it does not require light energy
B. cannot occur during daytime
C. occurs more rapidly at night
D. it can also occur in darkness
Answer» A. it does not require light energy

Which of the following is connected with transport of water in plants?

A. phloem
B. xylem
C. epidermis
D. cambium
Answer» B. xylem

The ultimate cause for movement of water against gravity in a tree is

A. osmosis
B. imbibitions
C. transpiration
D. photosynthesis
Answer» C. transpiration

Which of the following is not an example of a selectively permeable membrane?

A. plasma lemma
B. cell Wall
C. mitochondrial membrane
D. chloroplast membrane
Answer» B. cell Wall

Which of the following is responsible for guttation?

A. root pressure
B. transpiration
C. photosynthesis
D. osmosis
Answer» A. root pressure

Phenyl mercuric acetate

A. reduces transpiration rate
B. reduces photosynthesis
C. kills the plant
D. reduce respiration
Answer» A. reduces transpiration rate

Which of the following has no blood but respires?

A. earthworm
B. hydra
C. cockroach
D. fish
Answer» A. earthworm

Which type of respiratory organs are present in spiders and scorpions?

A. book lungs
B. gill books
C. gills
D. lungs
Answer» A. book lungs

At high altitude, RBCs of human blood will

A. increase in number
B. decrease in number
C. decrease in size
D. increase in size
Answer» A. increase in number

Vocal cords occur in

A. pharynx
B. glottis
C. bronchial tube
D. larynx
Answer» D. larynx

Which one of the following structures closes the respiratory passage during ingestion of food?

A. larynx
B. epiglottis
C. hard palate
D. soft palate
Answer» B. epiglottis

The covering of lungs is called

A. pericardium
B. pleural membrane
C. perichondrium
D. peritoneum
Answer» B. pleural membrane

The narrowest and most numerous tubes of lungs are termed as

A. bronchus
B. alveoli
C. bronchioles
D. hilum
Answer» C. bronchioles

The exchange of gases in a mammal takes place is

A. trachea
B. bronchioles
C. bronchi
D. alveoli
Answer» D. alveoli

Volume of air inspired and expired with each normal breath is called

A. tidal volume
B. inspiratory capacity
C. total lung capacity
D. residual volume
Answer» A. tidal volume

Tidal volume of air in a normal healthy man during inspiration is about

A. 300 – 400 ml
B. 500 – 700 ml
C. 900 – 1000 ml
D. 100 – 250 ml
Answer» B. 500 – 700 ml

The maximum possible volume of air, which can be inspiration, is called as

A. tidal air volume
B. vital lung capacity
C. complemental air volume
D. total lung capacity
Answer» B. vital lung capacity

Percentage of O2 present in inhaled air in man is about

A. 21%
B. 78%
C. 1%
D. 43%
Answer» A. 21%

Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by

A. leucocytes
B. erythrocytes
C. thromobocytes
D. blood plasma
Answer» B. erythrocytes

Asthma is a respiration disease caused due to

A. infection of trachea
B. infection of lungs
C. bleeding into pleura cavity
D. spasm in bronchial muscles
Answer» D. spasm in bronchial muscles

Mountain sickness results due to

A. anaemic hypoxia
B. arterial hypoxia
C. lack of sufficient RBCs
D. lack of sufficient WBCs
Answer» B. arterial hypoxia

Which one of the following is the most common type of transpiration?

A. stomatal
B. lenticular
C. foliar
D. cuticular
Answer» A. stomatal

The process of the escape of liquid from the tip of uninjured leaf or through hydathodes is called

A. transpiration
B. guttation
C. evapo-transpiration
D. evaporation
Answer» B. guttation

In a closed circulatory system, blood is completely enclosed within

A. the skeleton
B. sinuses
C. vessels
D. hearts
Answer» C. vessels

The smallest blood vessel in the body is a

A. capillary
B. artery
C. vena cava
D. vein
Answer» A. capillary

Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in the

A. bone marrow
B. thymus
C. arterial walls
D. lymph nodes
Answer» A. bone marrow

An erythrocyte lives for approximately

A. one week
B. one month
C. four months
D. one year
Answer» C. four months

The abnormal increase in the total RBC count is referred to as

A. pneumonia
B. polycythemia
C. leucopenia
D. anaemia
Answer» B. polycythemia

The life span of human WBC is normally

A. 12–13 days
B. 80-90 days
C. 100-120 days
D. 20-30 days
Answer» A. 12–13 days

The function of vitamin K is in

A. regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism
B. blood clotting
C. respiration
D. carbohydrate metabolism
Answer» C. respiration

Oxygenated blood is carried by

A. pulmonary vein
B. pulmonary artery
C. hepatic portal vein
D. renal vein
Answer» A. pulmonary vein

In mammals, oxygenated blood enters the heart at the

A. right atrium
B. left atrium
C. right ventricle
D. left ventricle
Answer» B. left atrium

Which chamber of the heart has the thickest muscular walls

A. right atrium
B. left atrium
C. right ventricle
D. left ventricle
Answer» D. left ventricle

When the right ventricle of heart contracts, the blood goes to

A. all parts of the body
B. Pulmonary arteries
C. aorta
D. lungs
Answer» D. lungs

The tricuspid valve occurs between the

A. right auricle and right ventricle
B. pulmonary aorta
C. carotico-systemic aorta and left ventricle
D. left ventricle
Answer» A. right auricle and right ventricle

Typical ‘lub-dub’ sound heard in heartbeat are due to

A. closing of bicuspid and tricuspid valves
B. closing of semilunar valves
C. closure of bicuspid-tricuspid valves followed by semilunar valves
D. blood under pressure through aorta
Answer» C. closure of bicuspid-tricuspid valves followed by semilunar valves

What is blood pressure?

A. the pressure of blood on the heart muscle
B. the pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries and veins
C. the pressure of blood on the walls of veins only
D. the pressure of blood on the walls of arteries only
Answer» B. the pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries and veins

Which one of following is called pace maker of the heart?

A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Chordae tendianae
D. AV septum
Answer» A. SA node

Blood groups in man were discovered by

A. Mendel
B. Francis Nelson
C. S. Miller
D. Landsteiner
Answer» D. Landsteiner

Rh factor was discovered by

A. William Harvey
B. Landsteiner
C. Robert Hook
D. C. De Duve
Answer» B. Landsteiner

Rh factor is named after

A. Drosophila
B. a Monkey
C. a Rat
D. a Man
Answer» B. a Monkey

Excretion means

A. removal of substances present in excess
B. formation of those substances that have some role in the body
C. removal of such substances that have never been part of the body
D. all of the above
Answer» A. removal of substances present in excess

A mammal excretes nitrogen in the form of

A. ammonium ions
B. amino acids
C. urea
D. uric acid
Answer» C. urea

Kidneys are not only organs of excretion. Their work is supplemented by

A. liver
B. heart
C. large intestine
D. skin
Answer» A. liver

The basic unit of a vertebrate kidney is the

A. ureter
B. nephron
C. malpighian tubule
D. islets of Langerhans
Answer» B. nephron

The two kidneys lie

A. at the level of ovaries
B. at the same level
C. left kidney at a higher level than the right one
D. right kidney at a higher level than the left one
Answer» C. left kidney at a higher level than the right one

Function of glomerulus in mammalian kidney is

A. reasbsorption of salts
B. urine formation through blood filtration
C. urine collection
D. all of the above
Answer» B. urine formation through blood filtration

The reabsorption of glucose in a nephron occurs in

A. loop of Henle
B. first half of proximal tubule
C. distal convoluted tubule
D. proximal part of collecting ducts
Answer» B. first half of proximal tubule

Strongest cartilage is

A. hyaline cartilage
B. fibrous cartilage
C. elastic cartilage
D. none of the above
Answer» B. fibrous cartilage

Striated muscles are found in

A. gallbladder
B. wall of bladder
C. leg muscles
D. lungs
Answer» C. leg muscles

Strongest muscle in the body is present in

A. arm
B. jaw
C. thigh
D. neck
Answer» C. thigh

Axial skeleton in man is made up of

A. 126 bones
B. 100 bones
C. 103 bones
D. 80 bones
Answer» D. 80 bones

Skull of man is made up of

A. 10 bones
B. 22 bones
C. 30 bones
D. 24 bones
Answer» B. 22 bones

Longest bone is that of

A. humerus
B. stapes
C. femur
D. radio-ulna
Answer» C. femur

In man ribs are attached to

A. calvicle
B. ileum
C. sternum
D. scapula
Answer» C. sternum

The smallest bone in mammals is

A. septomaxillary
B. dentary
C. femur
D. stapes
Answer» D. stapes

The longest cell in the body of an animal is

A. osteocytes
B. neuron
C. chromatophores
D. lymph corpuscles
Answer» B. neuron

Which cell stops dividing after birth?

A. glial cells
B. epithelium
C. liver
D. neuron
Answer» D. neuron

The largest number of cells bodies of neurons in our body is found in

A. brain
B. spinal cord
C. tongue
D. retina
Answer» A. brain

Which part of human brain is more developed in comparison of others?

A. cerebrum
B. cerebellum
C. optic lobes
D. medulla oblongata
Answer» A. cerebrum

Which part of mammalian brain controls the muscular co-ordination?

A. cerebrum
B. cerebellum
C. corpus callosum
D. medulla oblongata
Answer» B. cerebellum

There are how many pairs of spinal nerves in a human

A. 8
B. 12
C. 25
D. 31
Answer» D. 31

There are how many pairs of cranial nerves in a human?

A. 8
B. 12
C. 25
D. 31
Answer» B. 12

Pituitary gland is found in

A. around trachea
B. gonad
C. pancreas
D. brains
Answer» D. brains

Which of the hormones is responsible for the emotional state such as fear and anger and causes rise of blood pressure and rate of heartbeat?

A. insulin
B. adrenaline
C. progesterone
D. thyroxine
Answer» B. adrenaline

The main function of plasma membrane is to

A. maintain cell shape and size
B. control of all cellular activity
C. regulate the flow of materials into and out of the cell
D. store cell material
Answer» C. regulate the flow of materials into and out of the cell

Function of a Centriole is

A. formation of spindle fibers
B. formation of nucleolus
C. initiation of cell division
D. formation of cell plate
Answer» A. formation of spindle fibers

Functional activities of a cell are controlled by

A. nucleus
B. nucleolus
C. mitochondria
D. cytoplasm
Answer» A. nucleus

Study of Algae is called

A. phycology
B. mycology
C. dendrology
D. mycology
Answer» A. phycology

Which of the following is a non-poisonous snake?

A. cobra
B. python
C. viper
D. krait
Answer» B. python

Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?

A. typhoid
B. cholera
C. influenza
D. diphtheria
Answer» C. influenza

DTP vaccine is given to infants to immunize them against

A. diphtheria, pneumonia and typhoid
B. diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus
C. diarrhea, pneumonia and tuberculosis
D. diphtheria, whooping cough and typhoid
Answer» B. diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus

Jaundice is a disease of

A. kidney
B. pancreas
C. liver
D. duodenum
Answer» C. liver

Male mosquito does not carry malarial parasite because:

A. it is too small to bite man.
B. it lacks the modified mouth parts
C. malarial parasites cannot reproduce in them.
D. female mosquito is more deadly
Answer» B. it lacks the modified mouth parts

Continuous fever, headache, slow pulse, pain in the stomach, rose colored ashes are the major symptoms of

A. plague
B. typhoid
C. mumps
D. measles
Answer» D. measles

Bark of which plant yields famous drug of malaria?

A. cinchona
B. quercus
C. betula
D. eucalyptus
Answer» A. cinchona

Deficiency of vitamin C causes

A. rickets
B. beriberi
C. scurvy
D. night blindness
Answer» C. scurvy

If there were no ultraviolet rays reaching the earth, human should suffer from deficiency of

A. fatty acids
B. essential amino acids
C. vitamin D
D. vitamin E
Answer» C. vitamin D

Smog is a combination of

A. fire and water
B. smoke and fog
C. water and smoke
D. air and water
Answer» B. smoke and fog

Sound becomes a hazardous noise pollution if its level is a above

A. 30 Db
B. 120 dB
C. 80 dB
D. 150 Db
Answer» C. 80 dB

Maximum threat to the world is from (among the following)

A. global warming
B. ozone hole
C. water pollution
D. soil erosion
Answer» B. ozone hole

Which of the following is the symbol of the metal that occurs in liquid form at ordinary temperature?

A. Na
B. Sn
C. Pb
D. Hg
Answer» D. Hg

Which of the following is least compressible?

A. gas
B. liquid
C. solid
D. none of these
Answer» C. solid

Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. rusting of iron
B. converting water into steam
C. making curd from milk
D. heating coal
Answer» B. converting water into steam

Atomicity of Phosphorous is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Answer» C. 4

The number of atoms present in a molecule of an element is known as its

A. valency
B. atomicity
C. chemical Formula
D. symbol
Answer» B. atomicity
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