290+ Biology-Physics-Chemistry (GK) Solved MCQs


The force which tries to bring the body back to its mean position is called

A. deforming force
B. restoring force
C. gravitational force
D. buoyant force
Answer» B. restoring force

In which of the following media will sound travel the fastest?

A. solid
B. both solid and liquid
C. liquid
D. gas
Answer» A. solid

Sound waves in air are _____ waves.

A. longitudinal
B. radio
C. transverse
D. electromagnetic
Answer» A. longitudinal

Sound waves cannot pass through

A. a solid-liquid mixture
B. an ideal gas
C. a liquid-gas mixture
D. a perfect vacuum
Answer» D. a perfect vacuum

Out of the following, which frequency is not clearly audible to the human ear?

A. 30 Hz
B. 30,000 Hz
C. 300 Hz
D. 3000 Hz
Answer» B. 30,000 Hz

The distance between two consecutive crests is L, then the wavelength is given by

A. L/2
B. 2 L
C. 4 L
D. L
Answer» D. L

The frequency of a wave is 5 Hz. It refers to (type of wave)

A. ultrasonics
B. microwaves
C. infrasonics
D. radio waves
Answer» C. infrasonics

A pulse is a wave

A. of high duration
B. of short duration
C. which travels in vacuum only
D. which travels in solids only
Answer» B. of short duration

Sound travels fastest in

A. water
B. steel
C. air
D. kerosene oil
Answer» B. steel

Which of the following types of waves is different from others?

A. Light waves
B. X-rays
C. Radio waves
D. Sound waves
Answer» D. Sound waves

Waves produced by supersonic jet planes are

A. shock waves
B. seismic waves
C. infrasonics
D. none of these
Answer» A. shock waves

Echo is produced due to

A. reflection of sound
B. refraction of sound
C. resonance
D. none of these
Answer» A. reflection of sound

SONAR is based on the principle of

A. echo
B. resonance
C. reverberation
D. any one of the above
Answer» A. echo

The audible range of frequency is

A. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
B. 40 Hz to 40,000 Hz
C. 60 Hz to 60,000 Hz
D. 10 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Answer» A. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz

Which of the following frequencies of sound cannot be heard by human beings?

A. 5 Hz
B. 20 Hz
C. 400 Hz
D. 1000 Hz
Answer» A. 5 Hz

The mirror used in automobiles to see the rear field of view is

A. concave
B. convex
C. plane
D. none of these
Answer» B. convex

The mirror used in search lights is

A. concave
B. convex
C. plane
D. none of these
Answer» A. concave

Shaving mirrors are

A. convex mirrors
B. concave mirrors
C. plane mirrors
D. none of these
Answer» B. concave mirrors

The laws of reflection are true for

A. the plane mirror only
B. the concave mirror only
C. the convex mirror only
D. all reflecting surfaces
Answer» D. all reflecting surfaces

When the object is at focus of a concave mirror, the image is formed at

A. focus
B. centre of curvature
C. within focus
D. infinity
Answer» D. infinity

Which of the following is a non-luminous body?

A. fire
B. sun
C. stars
D. earth
Answer» D. earth

A body which allows most of the light to pass through it is called a

A. transparent body
B. opaque body
C. translucent body
D. none of these
Answer» A. transparent body

During the 19th century, light was considered to be a stream of particles called

A. atoms
B. electrons
C. corpuscles
D. quantas
Answer» C. corpuscles

Who first proposed that light was wave-like in character?

A. Huygens
B. Newton
C. Young
D. Maxwell
Answer» A. Huygens

The screen behind the eye lens is called the

A. iris
B. ciliary muscle
C. retina
D. pupil
Answer» C. retina

The middle vascular coat that darkens the eye chamber and prevents refraction by absorbing the light rays is

A. choroid
B. sclera
C. retina
D. cornea
Answer» A. choroid

The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the

A. sclera
B. cornea
C. iris
D. crystalline lens
Answer» C. iris

The eye lens is a

A. transparent double-convex lens
B. transparent double-concave lens
C. transparent concavo-convex lens
D. none of these
Answer» A. transparent double-convex lens

The eye lens contains a watery liquid called the

A. aqueous humour
B. peroxide
C. vitreous humour
D. none of these
Answer» A. aqueous humour

Long-sightedness is caused by the eyeball being too short. It can be corrected by the use of a

A. convergent lens
B. plane mirror
C. divergent lens
D. none of these
Answer» A. convergent lens

A lens which is thicker in the middles and thinner at the edges is called a _____ lens.

A. convex
B. concave
C. cylindrical
D. none of these
Answer» A. convex

A lens which is thinner at the middles and thicker at the edges is called a _____ lens.

A. convex
B. concave
C. cylindrical
D. none of these
Answer» B. concave

Which of the following lens is used to minimise hypermetropia?

A. convex lens
B. concave lens
C. cylindrical lens
D. none of these
Answer» A. convex lens

Most of the refraction of light takes place in the

A. iris
B. cornea
C. pupil
D. retina
Answer» B. cornea

When the light is very bright,

A. the iris makes the pupil expand
B. the iris makes the pupil contract
C. the iris and the pupil remain as they are
D. none of these
Answer» B. the iris makes the pupil contract

Who discovered by his experiments with glass prisms that white light consists of seven colours?

A. Newton
B. Faraday
C. Maxwell
D. Young
Answer» A. Newton

Autosomes in humans are paired in

A. 21 pairs
B. 24 pairs
C. 22 pairs
D. 16 pairs
Answer» C. 22 pairs

The light which refracts most while passing through a prism is

A. red
B. violet
C. indigo
D. yellow
Answer» B. violet

The planet having the largest number of satellites amongst the following is

A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Mars
Answer» B. Saturn

In the absence of his tone proteins in prokaryotes, the an ioinic charges of each inter nucleotide phosphate in DNA is neutralized by

A. phospholipids
B. polyamines
C. polysaccharides
D. glycelipids
Answer» B. polyamines

Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are collectively termed as

A. endocytosis
B. suspension feeding
C. omnivores
D. mucous trap
Answer» A. endocytosis

Which one of the following is called pacemaker of the heart?

A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Chordae tendinae
D. AV septum
Answer» A. SA node

The life span of human WBCs is normally

A. 12-13 days
B. 80-90 days
C. 100-120 days
D. 20-30 days
Answer» A. 12-13 days

Oxygenated bold is carried by

A. pulmonary vein
B. pulmonary artery
C. hepatic portal vein
D. renal vein
Answer» A. pulmonary vein

The reserve food in fungal cell is

A. glucose
B. fructose
C. glycogen
D. starch
Answer» C. glycogen

Trypanosoma is

A. bacteria
B. fungus
C. algae
D. protozoa
Answer» D. protozoa

Seeds are called the products of sexual reproduction due to

A. it gives rise to new plants
B. formation by fusion of pollen tubes
C. it can survive for longer periods
D. are formed by fusion of gametes
Answer» D. are formed by fusion of gametes

The most essential organ for fertilization is

A. juicy fruit
B. green sepals
C. coloured petals
D. mature ovule
Answer» D. mature ovule

BCG vaccine is used to protect a child from

A. polio
B. plague
C. dengue
D. tuberculosis
Answer» D. tuberculosis

Bulliform cells are present in

A. lower epidermis of monocot leaves
B. upper epidermis of monocot leaves
C. dicot stem
D. upper epidermis of dicot leaves
Answer» A. lower epidermis of monocot leaves

Sebaceous glands are found in

A. dermis of skin of mammals
B. epithelium of intestine of frog
C. epithelium of stomach of frog
D. epidermis of skin mammals
Answer» A. dermis of skin of mammals

One of the most resistant known biological material is

A. lignin
B. hemicelluloses
C. sporopollenin
D. lignocelluloses
Answer» C. sporopollenin

Parthenogenesis is a type of

A. sexual reproduction
B. asexual reproduction
C. budding
D. regeneration
Answer» B. asexual reproduction

Which one of the following is not correct about cathode rays?

A. They are deflected to the positive plate of electromagnetic field
B. The nature of cathode rays does not depend upon the nature of gas taken in the discharge tube
C. The nature of cathode rays depends upon the nature of gas taken in the discharge tube
D. Cathode rays are made up of material particles
Answer» C. The nature of cathode rays depends upon the nature of gas taken in the discharge tube

Cathode rays are produced when high electric voltage is applied to the gas held in a discharge tube at a pressure of about

A. 10-3 atm
B. 10-5 atm
C. 1 atm
D. 100 atm
Answer» A. 10-3 atm

The electronic configuration of chlorine with atomic number 17 is

A. 2, 8, 7
B. 2, 9, 6
C. 2, 10, 7
D. 2, 9, 9
Answer» A. 2, 8, 7

A divalent cation has 10 electrons and 12 neutrons. The atomic number and mass number of the elements are

A. 12, 24
B. 10, 12
C. 11, 25
D. 8, 12
Answer» A. 12, 24

Isotopes differ in the number of

A. electrons
B. protons
C. neutrons
D. nucleons
Answer» C. neutrons

The only elements having no neutron is

A. protium
B. deuterium
C. tritium
D. All of these
Answer» A. protium

-particle are

A. double positive helium nucleus
B. single positive helium nucleus
C. neutral helium atom
D. None of these
Answer» A. double positive helium nucleus

Neutron was discovered by

A. J J Thomson
B. James Chadwick
C. Goldstein
D. Rutherford
Answer» B. James Chadwick

Man made synthetic fibre is

A. wool
B. rayon
C. nylon
D. cotton
Answer» C. nylon

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A. All metals are solid at room temperature
B. All metals are good conductor of heat and electricity
C. All metals from basic oxides
D. All metals possess luster when freshly prepared
Answer» A. All metals are solid at room temperature

Among metals, the poorest conductor of heat is

A. lead
B. tin
C. bismuth
D. mercury
Answer» A. lead

The correct order of electrical conductivity is

A. Al > Au > Cu > Ag
B. Cu > Ag > Al > Au
C. Au > Ag > Al > Cu
D. Ag > Cu > Au > Al
Answer» D. Ag > Cu > Au > Al

Beakers A, B and C contain zinc sulphate, silver nitrate and iron (II) sulphate solutions, respectively. copper pieces are added to each beaker. Blue colour will appear to in case of

A. beaker A
B. beaker B
C. beaker C
D. All the beakers
Answer» B. beaker B

A particle is projected up with an initial velocity of 80 ft/s. The ball will attain height of 96 ft/s from the ground after

A. 2.0 and 3.0 s
B. Only at 3.0s
C. Only at 2.0 s
D. After 1 and 2 s
Answer» A. 2.0 and 3.0 s

A stone is dropped into water from abridge 44.1 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically downward 1 s later. Both strike the water simultaneously. What was the initial speed of the second stone?

A. 12.25 m/s
B. 14.75 m/s
C. 16.23 m/s
D. 17.15 m/s
Answer» A. 12.25 m/s

Which one of the following statements is wrong?

A. Sound travels in straight line
B. Sound travels in the form of waves
C. Sound is a form of energy
D. Sound travels faster in vacuum than in air
Answer» D. Sound travels faster in vacuum than in air

The process of respiration is concerned with

A. liberation of oxygen
B. liberation of carbon dioxide
C. liberation of energy
D. intake of oxygen
Answer» D. intake of oxygen

Cyanobacteria are

A. bacteria
B. virus
C. algae
D. fungi
Answer» C. algae

Which one of the following statements is wrong?

A. Voltmeter should have high resistance
B. Ammeter should have low resistance
C. Ammeter is placed in parallel
D. Voltmeter is placed in parallel across the conductor in a
Answer» C. Ammeter is placed in parallel

A. The resistance of super conductor is zero. B. The super conductor are used for the transmission of electric power.

A. A and B are true
B. A and B are false
C. A is true and B is false
D. A is false and B is false
Answer» C. A is true and B is false

The resistivity of a wire

A. increase with the length of the wire
B. decreases with the area of cross-section
C. decreases with the length and increases with the crosssection of a wire
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Ohm’s law is true

A. for gases at low temperature
B. for metallic conductor
C. for electrolytes when current passes through them
D. for diode when current flows
Answer» B. for metallic conductor

Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?

A. Salivary gland
B. Pituitary gland
C. Thyroid gland
D. Adrenal gland
Answer» A. Salivary gland

Two rods of same material and length have their electric resistance to ratio 1 : 2. When both rods are dipped in water, the correct statement will be

A. A has more loss of weight
B. B has more loss of weight
C. Both have same loss of weight
D. Loss of weight will be in the ratio 1 : 2
Answer» C. Both have same loss of weight

The temperature of the Sun is measure with

A. platinum thermometer
B. gas thermometer
C. pyrometer
D. vapour pressure thermometer
Answer» C. pyrometer

In case of uniform circular motion, which of the following physical quantity do not remain constant?

A. Speed
B. Momentum
C. Kinetic energy
D. Mass
Answer» B. Momentum

Inertia is that property of a body by virtue of which the body is

A. unable to change by itself the state, the rest
B. unable to change by itself the state of uniform motion
C. unable to change by itself the direction of motion
D. unable to change by itself the state of rest and of
Answer» D. unable to change by itself the state of rest and of

A rider on horse back falls when horse starts running all of a sudden because

A. rider is taken back
B. rider is suddenly afraid of falling
C. inertia of rest keeps the upper part of body at rest whereas lower part of the body moves forward with the horse
D. None of the above
Answer» C. inertia of rest keeps the upper part of body at rest whereas lower part of the body moves forward with the horse

A person is standing in a elevator. In which situation, he finds his weight less than actual when

A. the elevator moves upward with constant acceleration
B. the elevator moves downward with constant acceleration
C. the elevator moves upward with uniform velocity
D. the elevator moves downward with uniform velocity
Answer» B. the elevator moves downward with constant acceleration

When the speed of a moving body is doubled

A. its acceleration is doubled
B. its momentum is doubled
C. its kinetic energy is doubled
D. its potential energy is doubled
Answer» B. its momentum is doubled

Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?

A. Souring of milk
B. Rusting of iron
C. Dissolution of sugar in water
D. Digestion of food in our body
Answer» C. Dissolution of sugar in water

The physical state of water at 100°C is

A. solid
B. liquid
C. gas
D. plasma
Answer» C. gas

Which of the following characteristics are associated with gaseous state?

A. Definite shape, compressible, fixed volume
B. Incompressible, fixed shape and size
C. No fixed shape and size, highly compressible
D. Fixed shape, incompressible, closely packed
Answer» C. No fixed shape and size, highly compressible

A gas can be liquefied by

A. lowering the temperature
B. increasing the temperature
C. increasing the pressure
D. increasing the pressure and lowering the temperature
Answer» D. increasing the pressure and lowering the temperature

The term ‘rancidity’ represents

A. acid rain
B. oxidation of fatty food
C. rottening of fruit
D. fading of coloured clothes in the sun
Answer» B. oxidation of fatty food

Evaporation of liquid occur at

A. boiling point
B. fixed temperature lower than the boiling point
C. all temperature
D. None of the above
Answer» C. all temperature

Largest part of the brain of human being is called

A. olfactory lobe
B. cerebral hemisphere
C. corpus callosum
D. optic nerve
Answer» B. cerebral hemisphere

Which part of human brain is more developed in comparison to others?

A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Optic lobes
D. Medulla oblongata
Answer» A. Cerebrum

Hearing is controlled by

A. tyemporal lobes
B. cerebrum
C. hypothalamus
D. parietal lobe
Answer» C. hypothalamus

Example of analogy is

A. wings of bird and butterfly
B. limbs of horse and man
C. wings of bat
D. None of the above
Answer» A. wings of bird and butterfly

Removal of anthers from flowers is the process which is known as

A. emasculation
B. breeding
C. manuring
D. fallowing
Answer» A. emasculation

Improved variety of paddy (rice) is

A. Ranjit
B. Sonalika
C. Ganga 101
D. Pusa 215
Answer» B. Sonalika

Which one of the following crop doesn’t required more nitrogen fertilizers?

A. Maize
B. Paddy
C. Clover (Berseem)
D. Sugarcane
Answer» C. Clover (Berseem)

Which one is used for weeding?

A. Insecticides
B. Weedicides
C. Herbicides
D. Pesticides
Answer» B. Weedicides
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