210+ Building Construction Solved MCQs


In wooden stairs, the thickness of tread is adopted as

A. 28 mm
B. 38 mm
C. 48 mm
D. 58 mm
Answer» B. 38 mm

Brick nogging type of partition wall is constructed by

A. laying bricks as stretchers in cement mortar
B. laying bricks as headers in cement mortar
C. reinforcing the brick wall with iron straps
D. brick work built within a frame-work of wooden members
Answer» D. brick work built within a frame-work of wooden members

The pointing which is extensively used in brick work and stone masonry face work, is

A. flush poining
B. struck pointing
C. V-grooved pointing
D. tuck pointing
Answer» A. flush poining

A grillage foundation can be treated as a deep foundation.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

A retaining wall is commonly required in the construction of

A. hill roads
B. masonry dams
C. wing walls
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

In order to protect the beam against corrosion, a minimum cover of

A. 50 mm
B. 100 mm
C. 150 mm
D. 200 mm
Answer» B. 100 mm

The damp-proof course

A. may be horizontal or vertical
B. should be continuous
C. should be good impervious material
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

When the pile is required to penetrate beds of hard soil or soft rock to reach its required depth, the best method od driving the pile is by

A. drop hammer
B. steam hammer
C. water jets
D. boring
Answer» D. boring

A wateright structure constructed in connection with excavations for foundations of bridges, piers etc., is known as

A. caisson
B. cofferdam
C. well foundation
D. raft foundatio
Answer» A. caisson

The heading bond is usually used for

A. half brick wall
B. one brick wall
C. one and half brick wall
D. two brick wall
Answer» B. one brick wall

The higher water cement ratio in concrete results in

A. a weak mix
B. a stronger mix
C. better workable mix
D. less bleeding
Answer» C. better workable mix

The type of truss commonly used for spans varying from 5 to 9 metre is

A. queen post truss
B. king post truss
C. mansard truss
D. composite truss
Answer» B. king post truss

The size of a step commonly adopted for residential buildings is

A. 250 mm x 160 mm
B. 270 mm x 150 mm
C. 300 mm x 130 mm
D. 350 mm x 100 mm
Answer» A. 250 mm x 160 mm

The type of masonry in which the stones of irregular size and shapes are used and there are no regular courses, is known as

A. uncoursed rubble masonry
B. coursed rubble masonry
C. random rubble masonry
D. dry rubble masonry
Answer» A. uncoursed rubble masonry

A type of flooring made with special aggregate of marble chips mixed with white and coloured cement, is called

A. granolithic flooring
B. terrazzo flooring
C. mosaic flooring
D. asphalt flooring
Answer» B. terrazzo flooring

In stairs, the soffit is

A. a vertical portion of a step providing a support to the tread
B. a straight step having a parallel width of tread
C. the under surface of a stair
D. the angle which the line of nosing of the stair makes with the horizontal
Answer» C. the under surface of a stair

The failure of foundation of a building is due to

A. withdrawl of subsoil moisture
B. unequal settlement of soil
C. lateral escape of the supporting material
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The filling in cavities with cement slurry is known as

A. coping
B. beam-filling
C. grouting
D. gunniting
Answer» C. grouting

The slump commonly adopted for concrete for columns is

A. 25 to 50
B. 50 to 100
C. 75 to 175
D. 175 to 200
Answer» C. 75 to 175

In a brick nogging type of partition wall the vertical wooden members are called

A. noggings
B. studs
C. sills
D. templates
Answer» B. studs

A series of steps without any platform, break or landing in their direction, is called

A. riser
B. tread
C. flight
D. nosing
Answer» C. flight

The distance between the flanges of the beams in steel grillage foundation should not be more than twice the width of flange.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

Pre-cast concrete piles are usually

A. reinforced concrete only
B. plain or reinforced concrete
C. reinforced concrete or pre-stressed concrete
D. plain, reinforced concrete or pre-stressed concrete
Answer» C. reinforced concrete or pre-stressed concrete

The brick flooring may be done with bricks

A. laid flat
B. set at right angle to the walls
C. laid on edge arranged in herring-bone fashion
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The vertical members which support the door frame are called

A. reveals
B. styles
C. posts
D. jambs
Answer» D. jambs

A type of cast-in-situ pile which has an enlarged base and a corrugated stem, is

A. simplex pile
B. Franki pile
C. vibro-pile
D. Raymond pile
Answer» B. Franki pile

The type of foundation most suitable for brideges is

A. pier foundation
B. raft foundation
C. pile foundation
D. strap foundation
Answer» C. pile foundation

The cement which is commonly used in all types of structures and require no special consideration, is called

A. rapid hardening cement
B. normal setting cement
C. quick setting cement
D. white cement
Answer» B. normal setting cement

The depth of arch is the

A. vertical distance between the springing line and the highest point on the intrados
B. vertical distance between the springing line and the highest point on the extrados
C. perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados
D. horizontal distance between the supports
Answer» C. perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados

In residential building, the average value of stair width is

A. 600 mm
B. 700 mm
C. 800 mm
D. 900 mm
Answer» D. 900 mm

The process of filling up all mail holes, cracks etc. with putty is known as

A. knotting
B. priming
C. stopping
D. finishing
Answer» C. stopping

Coping is defined as a

A. horizontal course of masonry projecting from the face of the wall
B. horizontal moulded projection provided ner the top of a building
C. covering placed on the exposed top of an external wall
D. triangular shaped portion of masonry at the end of a sloped roof
Answer» C. covering placed on the exposed top of an external wall

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The cavity should start near the ground level.
B. The cavity should terminate near eaves level in case of sloping roof.
C. The cavity should terminate near coping in case of flat roof with parapet wall.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The pitch of stair should never exceed

A. 20?
B. 25?
C. 30?
D. 40?
Answer» D. 40?

In a stretching bond

A. all the bricks are laid as headers
B. all the bricks are laid as stretchers
C. the arrangement of bricks is similar to English bond
D. the bonding bricks are laid at any angle other than zero or ninety degrees
Answer» B. all the bricks are laid as stretchers

For ordinary Portland cement, the initial setting time should not be more than

A. 30 minutes
B. 1 hour
C. 5 hours
D. 10 hours
Answer» D. 10 hours

Corbel is the extension of one or more course of bricks from the

A. face
B. back
Answer» A. face

The intermediate support of an arch is known as pier.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

If the water-cement ratio is low, the strength of the mix is high.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The flooring made with small pieces of broken tiles of china glazed or of marble arranged in different pattern, is known as

A. asphalt flooring
B. mosaic flooring
C. terrazo flooring
D. granolithic flooring
Answer» B. mosaic flooring

Which of the following foundation is used for weaker soil?

A. Column footing
B. Grillage footing
C. Raft footing
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A tomparary structure constructed in a river for excluding water from a given site to enable the building operation to be performed on dry surface, is called

A. caisson
B. cofferdam
C. well foundation
D. raft foundatio
Answer» B. cofferdam

The minimum depth of foundation for the load bearing wall of a building is restricted to

A. 600 mm
B. 700 mm
C. 800 mm
D. 900 mm
Answer» D. 900 mm

A pitched roof in which rafters slope to one side only is called

A. lean-to roof
B. Pent roof
C. Aisle roof
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

When two or more footings are connected by a beam, it is called

A. beam footing
B. combined footing
C. strap footing
D. mat footing
Answer» C. strap footing

A type of bond in a brick masonry in which each course consists of alternate headers and stretchers, is called

A. English bond
B. Flemish bond
C. stretching bond
D. heading bond
Answer» B. Flemish bond

The diameter of the drilled piles should not exceed

A. 200 mm
B. 400 mm
C. 600 mm
D. 800 mm
Answer» C. 600 mm

The dampness on roof may be due to

A. use of porous materials
B. insufficient lap of covering material
C. bad workmanship in plumbing
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados of an arch, is called

A. pitch of an arch
B. depth of an arch
C. width of an arch
D. thickness of an arch
Answer» B. depth of an arch

For D.P.C. at plinth level, the commonly adopted material is

A. bitumen sheeting
B. plastic sheeting
C. mastic asphalt
D. cement concrete
Answer» D. cement concrete

The projections which help in securing the head of a door frame to the masonry, are called

A. reveals
B. stops
C. horns
D. styles
Answer» C. horns

In a flat arch, the skew back is made to rest in an inclined position so as to make an angle of

A. 30?
B. 40?
C. 50?
D. 60?
Answer» D. 60?

The vertical distance between the upper surface of the successive treads is known as 'going of step'.

A. True
B. False
Answer» B. False

Fender piles are

A. used to function as retaining walls
B. used to protect concrete deck or other water front structures from the abrasion or impact
C. driven at an inclination to resist large horizontal inclined forces
D. driven in granular soil with the aim of increasing the bearing capacity of the soil
Answer» B. used to protect concrete deck or other water front structures from the abrasion or impact

The arch consisting of fully dressed stones, is called

A. axed arch
B. gauged arch
C. ashlar arch
D. roubble arch
Answer» C. ashlar arch

A wall built to resist the pressure of earth filling, is known as

A. breast wall
B. retaining wall
C. parapet wall
D. duttress
Answer» D. duttress

The window used with the object of providing light and air to the enclosed space below the roof, is called

A. dormer window
B. corner window
C. bay window
D. clerestorey window
Answer» A. dormer window

A fine aggregate is one whose particles are of size

A. 4.75 mm
B. below 4.75 mm
C. 6.75 mm
D. above 6.75 mm
Answer» B. below 4.75 mm

The horizontal members of wood or steel used to support the common rafter of a sloping roof, are called

A. purlins
B. cleats
C. hip rafters
D. valley rafters
Answer» A. purlins

The vibro-expanded pile

A. increases
B. decreases
Answer» A. increases

For the pre-cast reinforced concrete piles, the quality of concrete recommended is

A. M 100 to M 150
B. M 150 to M 200
C. M 200 to M 250
D. M 250 to M 300
Answer» B. M 150 to M 200

The sill in a wooden partition wall is the

A. vertical
B. lower horizontal
C. upper horizontal
D. intermediate horizontal
Answer» B. lower horizontal

A retaining wall may be built in

A. dry stone masonry
B. stonemasonry
C. plain cement concrete
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A brick which is half as wide as a full brick, is called

A. king closer
B. mitred closer
C. bevelled closer
D. queen closer
Answer» D. queen closer

A horizontal layer of bricks laid in mortar is known as

A. course
B. stretcher
C. header
D. closer
Answer» A. course

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The retaining wall should be structurally capable of resisting the earth pressure applied to it.
B. The section of the wall should be so proportioned that it will not overturn by the lateral pressure.
C. The weight of the retaining wall and the force resulting from the earth pressure should not stress its foundation to a value greater than safe bearing capacity of the soil.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because it

A. undergoes volumetric changes with the change of atmospheric conditions
B. swells excessively when wet
C. shrinks excessively when dry
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In axed brick arches, the joints of the arch are not of uniform thickness.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

The maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of

A. hard rocks
B. black cotton soil
C. dry, coarse sandy soil
D. fine sandy soil
Answer» A. hard rocks

The maximum load on the wooden pile should not exceed

A. 50 kN
B. 100 kN
C. 150 kN
D. 200 kN
Answer» D. 200 kN

For a building on the side of a busy street where the ordinary scaffolding will obstruct the traffic on road, the type of scaffolding provided is

A. brick layer's scaffold
B. mason's scaffold
C. steel scaffold
D. needle scaffold
Answer» D. needle scaffold

The type of pointing in which the mortar is first pressed into the raked joint and then finished off flush with the face of the bricks or stones is called

A. flush poining
B. struck pointing
C. V-grooved pointing
D. tuck pointing
Answer» A. flush poining

In designing a stair, the product of going (in cm) and the rise (in cm) should be equal to

A. 300
B. 350
C. 400
D. 450
Answer» C. 400

The brick flooring is used in

A. workshops
B. godowns
C. verandahs
D. none of these
Answer» B. godowns

In English bond, the queen's closer should be placed next to the quoin header.

A. Yes
B. no
Answer» A. Yes

In a queen post truss,

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. six
Answer» A. two

Hearting is the portion of a

A. wall not exposed to weather
B. brick cut across the width
C. wall between facing and backing
D. brick cut in such a manner that its one long face remains uncut
Answer» C. wall between facing and backing

In rough brick arches, the joints at the extrados are wider than those at the intrados.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

Weep holes are provided in the retaining walls to drain off the water from the filling behind.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

In a sloping roof, the inclined wooden members laid from the ridge to the caves are known as

A. hip rafters
B. jack rafters
C. common rafters
D. valley rafters
Answer» C. common rafters

The inner surface of an arch is called

A. extrados
B. intrados
C. crown
D. voussoir
Answer» B. intrados

The minimum depth of foundation for buildings on clays is

A. 0.2 to 0.4 m
B. 0.4 to 0.6 m
C. 0.6 to 0.9 m
D. 0.9 to 1.6 m
Answer» D. 0.9 to 1.6 m

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The part of the wall on which the arch rests, is called abutment.
B. Soffit is the under surface of an arch
C. Crown is the highest point of the intrados
D. all of the above
Answer» C. Crown is the highest point of the intrados

The damp-proof course for the two leaves of the cavity wall is laid separately although at the same level.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

A type of bond in a brick masonry consisting of alternate course of headers and stretchers, is called

A. English bond
B. Flemish bond
C. stretching bond
D. heading bond
Answer» A. English bond

The length of pre-cast concrete piles varies from

A. 3 m to 4.5 m
B. 4.5 m to 10 m
C. 4.5 m to 20 m
D. 4.5 m to 30 m
Answer» D. 4.5 m to 30 m

A bond consisting of heading and stretching courses so arranged that one heading course comes after several stretching courses, is called

A. raking bond
B. dutch bond
C. facing bond
D. heading bond
Answer» C. facing bond

The best spacing of timber piles from centre to centre is

A. 600 mm
B. 700 mm
C. 800 mm
D. 900 mm
Answer» D. 900 mm

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. A combined footing is so proportioned that the centre of gravity of the supporting area is in line with the centre of gravity of the two column loads.
B. A combined rectangular footing is provided where loading condition is such that either the two columns are equally loaded or the interior column carries greater load.
C. A trapezoidal shaped footing is provided under any condition of loading.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The window usually provided near the main roof of a room and opens above the adjoining verandah, is called

A. dormer window
B. corner window
C. bay window
D. clerestorey window
Answer» D. clerestorey window

The width of landing should be

A. equal to
B. less than
C. greater than
Answer» C. greater than

The brick laid with its length parallel to the face of the wall is called a

A. course
B. stretcher
C. header
D. closer
Answer» B. stretcher

For walls thicker than 1

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

A horizontal member of a frame employed to sub-divide a window opening horizontally is called

A. sill
B. mullion
C. transom
D. horn
Answer» C. transom

The angle which the line of nosing of the stair makes with the horizontal, is called

A. riser
B. flier
C. soffit
D. pitch or slope
Answer» D. pitch or slope

The coefficient of friction between the concrete and soil is

A. 0.20 to 0.25
B. 0.25 to 0.30
C. 0.30 to 0.35
D. 0.35 to 0.50
Answer» C. 0.30 to 0.35

In a raking bond,

A. all the bricks are laid as headers
B. all the bricks are laid as stretchers
C. the arrangement of bricks is similar to English bond
D. the bonding bricks are laid at any angle other than zero or ninety degrees
Answer» D. the bonding bricks are laid at any angle other than zero or ninety degrees

Pile foundations are used where the good bearing capacity is available near the ground.

A. True
B. False
Answer» B. False

In constructing concrete partition wall, the concrete mixture usually adopted is

A. M 100
B. M 150
C. M 200
D. M 250
Answer» B. M 150

In horizontal D.P.C. at plinth level, the thickness of cement concrete of 1 : 2 : 4 mix, is kept as minimum of 400 mm.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct
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