
460+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Business Management

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


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TQM focuses on

A. employees
B. customers
C. both a and b
D. none
Answer» C. both a and b

Which Japanese term refers to continuous improvement

A. kaizen
B. kanban
C. seri
D. seito
Answer» A. kaizen

ISO emphasis on

A. prevention
B. inspection
C. rejection
D. all the above
Answer» A. prevention

…….. provides all relevant information needed by the managers at different levels for taking correct decisions

A. mbo
B. mis
C. dbms
D. none
Answer» B. mis

…….. is an internationally recognised Quality Management System

A. iso9001
B. iso14001
C. iso 2014
D. none
Answer» A. iso9001

TQM & ISO both focuses on

A. customer
B. employee
C. supplier
D. all the above
Answer» A. customer

……… is a workflow diagram to bring forth a clearer understanding of a process or series of parallel processes

A. fishbone diagram
B. interrelation graph
C. tree diagram
D. process mapping
Answer» D. process mapping

Where was the TQM emerged?

A. japan
B. germany
C. india
D. america
Answer» A. japan

Tools of TQM ……

A. process maps
B. benchmarking
C. force field analysis
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

………. Is a management philosophy and methodology which was invented by Motorola.

A. tqm
B. tpm
C. 6- sigma
D. none
Answer» C. 6- sigma

Ethics is a system of ……..principles

A. moral
B. guiding
C. value
D. none
Answer» A. moral

…………. Means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals

A. motivation
B. leadership
C. communication
D. none of these
Answer» A. motivation

Maslow’s theory of motivation is …………..

A. theory x and
B. two factor theory
C. achievement theory
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Need Hierarchy theory was developed by …………

A. mc gregor
B. abraham maslow
C. herzberg
D. mc clelland
Answer» B. abraham maslow

According to Need Hierarchy theory, the human needs are ……….

A. limited
B. unpredictable
C. unlimited
D. all of these
Answer» C. unlimited

………… needs are need for survival

A. safety
B. esteem
C. social
D. physiological
Answer» D. physiological

…………… is the need for love and affection

A. safety
B. esteem
C. social
D. physiological
Answer» C. social

The desire to reach the peak of one’s potential is called as ………..

A. self actualization needs
B. safety need
C. esteem need
D. social need
Answer» A. self actualization needs

Two Factor Theory is also known as …………….

A. theory x and y
B. motivation hygiene theory
C. achievement theory
D. none of these
Answer» B. motivation hygiene theory

In ---------type of organization, workers receive instructions from various specialists.

A. line
B. functional
C. informal
D. none
Answer» B. functional

If duties and authority are shown in the organizational structure of the enterprise, then it is called

A. informal delegation
B. formal delegation
C. written delegation
D. none of these
Answer» B. formal delegation

-----------is an example of internal source of recruitment

A. advertisement
B. trade unions
C. employment exchange
D. promotion
Answer» D. promotion

-------- is the process of inducting an employee into the social set up of work.

A. placement
B. induction
C. absorption
D. none of these
Answer» B. induction

-------- is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a job.

A. training
B. induction
C. placement
D. orientation
Answer» A. training

-------- means issuing orders, instructions and commands.

A. directing
B. unity of command
C. authority
D. all of these
Answer» A. directing

--------- is a statement of expected results expressed in quantitative terms for a period

A. plan
B. budget
C. schedule
D. none of these
Answer» B. budget

The word Ethics is derived from Greek word……

A. ethios
B. ethikos
C. ethoes
D. none
Answer» B. ethikos

What is meant by the phrase CSR?

A. corporate social responsibility
B. company social responsibility
C. corporate society responsibility
D. company society responsibility
Answer» A. corporate social responsibility

The goal of corporate governance and business ethics education is to:

A. teach students their professional accountability and to uphold their personal integrity to society.
B. change the way in which ethics is taught to students.
C. create more ethics standards by which corporate professionals must operate.
D. increase the workload for accounting students.
Answer» C. create more ethics standards by which corporate professionals must operate.

The corporate governance structure of a company reflects the individual companies’:

A. cultural and economic system.
B. legal and business system.
C. social and regulatory system.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The four types of social responsibility include:

A. legal, philanthropic, economic, and ethical
B. ethical, moral, social, and economic
C. philanthropic, justice, economic, and ethical
D. legal, moral, ethical, and economic
Answer» A. legal, philanthropic, economic, and ethical

A(n) is a problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual, group, or organization to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong.

A. crisis
B. ethical issue
C. indictment
D. fraud
Answer» B. ethical issue

Which of the following statements best describes Corporate Social Responsibility?

A. a corporation's requirement to make as much profit as possible.
B. a corporation's obligation to society that goes beyond the requirements of the law and economics to take into account the social and environmental impact of its decisions.
C. a corporation's obligation to consider the impact of its decisions on the environment.
D. the duty of care a corporation has to its employees and customers.
Answer» B. a corporation's obligation to society that goes beyond the requirements of the law and economics to take into account the social and environmental impact of its decisions.

The moral case for CSR, i.e. that it is the right thing to do, is justified by which of the following arguments?

A. that the corporation is a creation of society and should therefore serve its needs.
B. that the corporation is a legal creation and therefore cannot be a moral agent.
C. large corporations do not have the power or resources to address society's problems.
D. business decisions will have social and environmental consequences which will be addressed by governments.
Answer» A. that the corporation is a creation of society and should therefore serve its needs.

Which of the following form part of the business case for CSR?

A. better motivated staff reduce operating costs.
B. increased brand value and reputation.
C. the maintenance of the 'licence to operate'.
D. all of the options given.
Answer» D. all of the options given.

The word moral is derived from the Latin word ………

A. moralis
B. morilitic
C. monatic
D. none
Answer» A. moralis

……..ethics is a study of human behaviour as a consequence of beliefs about what is right or wrong.

A. normative
B. meta
C. applied
D. moral
Answer» D. moral

The main purpose of business ethics is to?

A. understanding ethical uncertainities
B. principles and concepts
C. application of practices
D. all of the above
Answer» B. principles and concepts

…………………is primarily concerned with the relationship of business goals and techniques to specifically human ends

A. business ethics
B. code of conduct
C. all of these
D. none
Answer» A. business ethics

…………are the principles, which govern and guide business people to perform business functions

A. business ethics
B. code of conduct
C. all of these
D. none
Answer» A. business ethics

In ………… style of leadership a manager centralizes decision making power in himself

A. autocratic
B. participative
C. free rein
D. none of these
Answer» A. autocratic

……………… leader tries to make the subordinates to feel that they are actually participating in decision making even though he had already taken he decision.

A. participative
B. free rein
C. manipulative autocrat
D. none of these
Answer» C. manipulative autocrat

………………. Leadership gives complete freedom to subordinates

A. authoritarian
B. participative
C. free rein
D. none of these
Answer» C. free rein

Participative leadership is also referred as …………………. leadership

A. democratic
B. consultative
C. ideographic
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

……………. Is vested with the democratic style of leadership

A. negative motivation
B. centralization of authority
C. decentralization of authority
D. one way communication
Answer» C. decentralization of authority

--------- is considered as the primary function of management?

A. organizing
B. planning
C. staffing
D. controlling
Answer» B. planning

MBO stands for?

A. management of business objectives
B. management by objectives
C. managing business operations
D. none of these
Answer» B. management by objectives

-------- is the process of selecting one best alternatives from different alternatives.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. decision making
D. forecasting
Answer» C. decision making

-------- is the process of identifying and grouping of work to be performed

A. organizing
B. staffing
C. division of labour
D. planning
Answer» A. organizing

Operational guides to action is known as

A. policies
B. procedures
C. plan
D. none of these
Answer» B. procedures

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