Chapter: Unit 2

Purpose of planning is is to ensure optimum utilisation human and ...........

A. Economic resources
B. activities
C. goal
D. objective
Answer» A. Economic resources

According to George Terry"...... is Selecting and relating of facts and using and formulation of propose day activities"

A. Planning
B. organising
C. directing
D. controlling
Answer» A. Planning

Planning premises provide......... For planning and action.

A. way
B. framework
C. correct
D. effective
Answer» B. framework

Contingency planning is useful if primary plans.....

A. Fails
B. available
C. schedule
D. none of these
Answer» A. Fails

Day today work standards can be decided in........

A. Strategic planning
B. tactical planning
C. contingency planning
D. operational planning
Answer» D. operational planning

Planning establishes standard for........

A. Directing
B. forecasting
C. controlling
D. none of these
Answer» C. controlling

Planning reduces....... Activities

A. New
B. Old
C. overlapping
D. none of these
Answer» C. overlapping

Taking the review of the market is called as....... In forecasting

A. Delphi technique
B. focus Group study
C. test marketing
D. none of these
Answer» C. test marketing

From test marketing results idea of people ...... about the product can understood

A. Interest
B. strategy
C. planning
D. none of these
Answer» A. Interest

In quantitative techniques of of demand forecasting seasonal variations are dependent upon........

A. Price
B. organisation
C. season
D. none of these
Answer» C. season

A chronological sequence of steps to be undertaken to enforce a policy and to attain an objective is known as ___________.

A. objective.
B. strategies.
C. procedures.
D. rules.
Answer» C. procedures.

A statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms for a definite period of time in the future is known as ____________.

A. objective.
B. strategies.
C. procedures.
D. budgets.
Answer» D. budgets.

The process of establishing a time sequence for the work is known as __________.

A. objective.
B. schedules.
C. procedures.
D. budgets.
Answer» B. schedules.

A rigid plan, no scope for discretion __________.

A. rule.
B. schedules.
C. procedures.
D. budgets.
Answer» A. rule.

Specifying the manner of executing policy is known as ________________.

A. objective.
B. schedules.
C. procedures.
D. budgets.
Answer» C. procedures.

Goal or target to be achieved is known as ____________.

A. objective.
B. schedules.
C. procedures.
D. budgets.
Answer» A. objective.
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  • Unit 2 multiple choice questions and answers,
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