Chapter: Unit 4

Decision taken by committee formed by the top management for specific purpose is ____.

A. group decision.
B. organisational decision.
C. personal decision.
D. operative decision.
Answer» A. group decision.

Crisis decision is also known as ____.

A. group decision.
B. major decision.
C. minor decision.
D. spot decision.
Answer» D. spot decision.

A decision taken to meet unexpected situations is known as ____.

A. economic decision.
B. crisis decision.
C. non-economic decision.
D. problem decision.
Answer» B. crisis decision.

The authority flows from top to bottom through the structure of an organization is ____.

A. The acceptance of authority theory.
B. The formal authority theory.
C. The competence theory.
D. The organisaiton theory.
Answer» B. The formal authority theory.

Which theory is also called traditional authority theory?

A. The acceptance of authority theory.
B. The formal authority theory.
C. The competence theory.
D. The organisaiton theory.
Answer» B. The formal authority theory.

If the subordinates do not accept the command of their superior, then the superior cannot be said to have any authority over them is given in.

A. The acceptance of authority theory.
B. The formal authority theory.
C. The competence theory.
D. The organisaiton theory.
Answer» A. The acceptance of authority theory.

The type of authority is invested with the persons by virtue of the office held by them is ____.

A. The acceptance of authority theory.
B. The formal authority theory.
C. The competence theory.
D. The organisaiton theory.
Answer» C. The competence theory.

The process whereby a manger shares his work and authority with his subordinates is________.

A. Decentralisaiton
B. Responsibility.
C. Delegation.
D. decision making.
Answer» C. Delegation.
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  • Unit 4 multiple choice questions and answers,
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