Chapter: Unit 7

Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or more persons is________.

A. Planning.
B. organizing.
C. Communication.
D. Staffing.
Answer» C. Communication.

Communication is a _______.

A. one-way process.
B. two-way process.
C. three-way process.
D. four-way process.
Answer» B. two-way process.

The person who sends a message is known as________.

A. Sender.
B. Receiver.
C. Messenger.
D. Communicator.
Answer» A. Sender.

_______ deals with appointing of people and placing them in job.

A. hrm
B. recruitment
C. staffing
D. placement
Answer» C. staffing

The act of translating the message into words, pictures, symbols, signs or some other form is known as _________.

A. Sender.
B. Receiver.
C. Encoding.
D. decoding.
Answer» C. Encoding.

The person who receives the message is called _________.

A. sender.
B. receiver.
C. encoding.
D. decoding.
Answer» B. receiver.

Converting symbols, signs or pictures into meaning is known as _______.

A. Sender.
B. receiver.
C. encoding.
D. decoding.
Answer» D. decoding.

communication that flow from superior to subordinates is________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. informal communication.
Answer» A. downward communication.

Informal communication is commonly known as ________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. Grapevine.
Answer» D. Grapevine.

Communication of policies, procedures and programmes is example of_________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. informal communication.
Answer» A. downward communication.

Reports, suggestions, appeals, grievances, etc is example of_________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. informal communication.
Answer» B. upward communication.

Inter-depoartmental committee meeting is an example of__________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. informal communication.
Answer» C. horizontal communication.

Rumours and gossips are_________.

A. downward communication.
B. upward communication.
C. horizontal communication.
D. informal communication.
Answer» D. informal communication.

Exchange of messages through spoken words is_________.

A. oral communication.
B. written communication.
C. gestural communication.
D. sideward communication.
Answer» A. oral communication.

Lectures, group discussions, interviews, social gathering are example of _____.

A. oral communication
B. written communication.
C. gestural communication.
D. sideward communication.
Answer» A. oral communication

Letters, circulars, memos, bulletin, manuals, reports are example of________.

A. oral communication.
B. written communication.
C. gestural communication.
D. sideward communication.
Answer» B. written communication.

The problems in communication channels is known as______.

A. organizational barriers.
B. mechanical barriers.
C. personal barriers.
D. semantic barriers.
Answer» B. mechanical barriers.

The integration of objectives and activities of an organization is________.

A. control.
B. co-ordination.
C. Planning.
D. organizing.
Answer» B. co-ordination.

Co-ordination between the activities of various departments and individuals working within the organization is known as _________.

A. vertical co-ordination.
B. external co-ordination.
C. internal co-ordination.
D. horizontal co-ordination.
Answer» C. internal co-ordination.

Scalar chain means ________.

A. hierarchy levels.
B. chain of command.
C. delegation of authority.
D. span of control.
Answer» A. hierarchy levels.

The oldest type of organization__________.

A. functional organization.
B. line organization.
C. matrix organization.
D. committee organization.
Answer» B. line organization.

The organization which was devised by FW Taylor was ________.

A. functional organization.
B. matrix organisation.
C. committee organization
D. line and staff organization.
Answer» A. functional organization.
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