650+ Computer Architecture Solved MCQs


The virtual memory basically stores the next segment of data to be executed on the                     

A. secondary storage
B. disks
C. ram
D. rom
Answer» A. secondary storage
Explanation: none.

The associatively mapped virtual memory makes use of                 

A. tlb
B. page table
C. frame table
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. tlb
Explanation: tlb stands for translation look-aside buffer.

The main reason for the discontinuation of semi conductor based storage devices for providing large storage space is                     

A. lack of sufficient resources
B. high cost per bit value
C. lack of speed of operation
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. high cost per bit value
Explanation: in the case of semi conductor based memory technology, we get speed but the increase in the integration of various devices the cost is high.

The digital information is stored on the hard disk by                           

A. applying a suitable electric pulse
B. applying a suitable magnetic field
C. applying a suitable nuclear field
D. by using optic waves
Answer» A. applying a suitable electric pulse
Explanation: the digital data is sorted on the magnetized discs by magnetizing the areas.

For the synchronization of the read head, we make use of a                 

A. framing bit
B. synchronization bit
C. clock
D. dirty bit
Answer» C. clock
Explanation: the clock makes it easy to distinguish between different values red by a head.

One of the most widely used schemes of encoding used is                     

A. nrz-polar
B. rz-polar
C. manchester
D. block encoding
Answer» C. manchester
Explanation: the manchester encoding used is also called as phase encoding and it is used to encode both clock and data.

The drawback of Manchester encoding is                     

A. the cost of the encoding scheme
B. the speed of encoding the data
C. the latency offered
D. the low bit storage density provided
Answer» D. the low bit storage density provided
Explanation: the space required to represent each bit must be large enough to accommodate two changes in magnetization.

The read/write heads must be near to disk surfaces for better storage.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: by maintaining the heads near to the surface greater bit densities can be achieved.

           pushes the heads away from the surface as they rotate at their standard rates.

A. magnetic tension
B. electric force
C. air pressure
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. air pressure
Explanation: due to the speed of rotation of the discs air pressure develops in the hard disk.

The air pressure can be countered by putting               in the head-disc surface arrangement.

A. air filter
B. spring mechanism
C. coolant
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. spring mechanism
Explanation: the spring mechanism

The method of placing the heads and the discs in an air tight environment is also called as               

A. raid arrays
B. atp tech
C. winchester technology
D. fleming reduction
Answer» C. winchester technology
Explanation: the disks and the heads operate faster due to the absence of the dust particles.

A hard disk with 20 surfaces will have            heads.

A. 10
B. 5
C. 1
D. 20
Answer» D. 20
Explanation: each surface will have its own head to perform read/write operation.

The set of corresponding tracks on all surfaces of a stack of disks form a

A. cluster
B. cylinder
C. group
D. set
Answer» B. cylinder
Explanation: the data is stored in these sections called as cylinders.

The data can be accessed from the disk using                     

A. surface number
B. sector number
C. track number
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: none.

The read and write operations usually start at               of the sector.

A. center
B. middle
C. from the last used point
D. boundaries
Answer» D. boundaries
Explanation: the heads read and write data from the ends to the center.

To distinguish between two sectors we make use of                   

A. inter sector gap
B. splitting bit
C. numbering bit
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. inter sector gap
Explanation: this means that we leave a little gap between each sector to differentiate between them.

The            process divides the disk into sectors and tracks.

A. creation
B. initiation
C. formatting
D. modification
Answer» C. formatting
Explanation: the formatting process deletes the data present and does the creation of sectors and tracks.

The access time is composed of

A. seek time
B. rotational delay
C. latency
D. both seek time and rotational delay
Answer» D. both seek time and rotational delay
Explanation: the seek time refers to the time required to move the head to the required disk.

The disk drive is connected to the system by using the            

A. pci bus
B. scsi bus
C. hdmi
D. isa
Answer» B. scsi bus
Explanation: none.

                is used to deal with the difference in the transfer rates between the drive and the bus.

A. data repeaters
B. enhancers
C. data buffers
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. data buffers
Explanation: the buffers are added to store the data from the fast device and to send it to the slower device at its rate.

                is used to detect and correct the errors that may occur during data transfers.

A. ecc
B. crc
C. checksum
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. ecc
Explanation: ecc stands for error correcting code.

______ has been developed specifically for pipelined systems.

A. Utility software
B. Speed up utilities
C. Optimizing compilers
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. Optimizing compilers

The fetch and execution cycles are interleaved with the help of ________

A. Modification in processor architecture
B. Clock
C. Special unit
D. Control unit
Answer» B. Clock

Each stage in pipelining should be completed within ____ cycle.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» A. 1

To increase the speed of memory access in pipelining, we make use of _______

A. Special memory locations
B. Special purpose registers
C. Cache
D. Buffers
Answer» C. Cache

The situation wherein the data of operands are not available is called ______

A. Data hazard
B. Stock
C. Deadlock
D. Structural hazard
Answer» A. Data hazard

The time lost due to the branch instruction is often referred to as _____

A. Latency
B. Delay
C. Branch penalty
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. Branch penalty

The algorithm followed in most of the systems to perform out of order execution is ______

A. Tomasulo algorithm
B. Score carding
C. Reader-writer algorithm
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Tomasulo algorithm

The logic operations are implemented using _______ circuits.

A. Bridge
B. Logical
C. Combinatorial
D. Gate
Answer» C. Combinatorial

The carry generation function: ci + 1 = yici + xici + xiyi, is implemented in ____________

A. Half adders
B. Full adders
C. Ripple adders
D. Fast adders
Answer» B. Full adders

Which option is true regarding the carry in the ripple adders?

A. Are generated at the beginning only
B. Must travel through the configuration
C. Is generated at the end of each operation
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» B. Must travel through the configuration

In full adders the sum circuit is implemented using ________

A. And & or gates
B. NAND gate
Answer» C. XOR

The usual implementation of the carry circuit involves _________

A. And & or gates
Answer» B. XOR

The advantage of I/O mapped devices to memory mapped is ___________

A. The former offers faster transfer of data
B. The devices connected using I/O mapping have a bigger buffer space
C. The devices have to deal with fewer address lines
D. No advantage as such
Answer» C. The devices have to deal with fewer address lines

The system is notified of a read or write operation by ___________

A. Appending an extra bit of the address
B. Enabling the read or write bits of the devices
C. Raising an appropriate interrupt signal
D. Sending a special signal along the BUS
Answer» D. Sending a special signal along the BUS

To overcome the lag in the operating speeds of the I/O device and the processor we use ___________

A. Buffer spaces
B. Status flags
C. Interrupt signals
D. Exceptions
Answer» B. Status flags

The method which offers higher speeds of I/O transfers is ___________

A. Interrupts
B. Memory mapping
C. Program-controlled I/O
Answer» D. DMA

The instruction, Add #45, R1 does _______

A. Adds the value of 45 to the address of R1 and stores 45 in that address
B. Adds 45 to the value of R1 and stores it in R1
C. Finds the memory location 45 and adds that content to that of R1
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» B. Adds 45 to the value of R1 and stores it in R1

In the case of, Zero-address instruction method the operands are stored in _____

A. Registers
B. Accumulators
C. Push down stack
D. Cache
Answer» C. Push down stack

The addressing mode which makes use of in-direction pointers is ______

A. Indirect addressing mode
B. Index addressing mode
C. Relative addressing mode
D. Offset addressing mode
Answer» A. Indirect addressing mode

The addressing mode/s, which uses the PC instead of a general purpose register is ______

A. Indexed with offset
B. Relative
C. direct
D. both Indexed with offset and direct
Answer» B. Relative

_____ addressing mode is most suitable to change the normal sequence of execution of instructions.

A. Relative
B. Indirect
C. Index with Offset
D. Immediate
Answer» A. Relative

The reason for the implementation of the cache memory is ________

A. To increase the internal memory of the system
B. The difference in speeds of operation of the processor and memory
C. To reduce the memory access and cycle time
D. All of the mentioned
Answer» B. The difference in speeds of operation of the processor and memory

The effectiveness of the cache memory is based on the property of ________

A. Locality of reference
B. Memory localisation
C. Memory size
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Locality of reference

The spatial aspect of the locality of reference means ________

A. That the recently executed instruction is executed again next
B. That the recently executed won’t be executed again
C. That the instruction executed will be executed at a later time
D. That the instruction in close proximity of the instruction executed will be executed in future
Answer» D. That the instruction in close proximity of the instruction executed will be executed in future

The correspondence between the main memory blocks and those in the cache is given by _________

A. Hash function
B. Mapping function
C. Locale function
D. Assign function
Answer» B. Mapping function

The copy-back protocol is used ________

A. To copy the contents of the memory onto the cache
B. To update the contents of the memory from the cache
C. To remove the contents of the cache and push it on to the memory
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» B. To update the contents of the memory from the cache

The address space is 22 bits the memory is 32 bit word addressable what is the memory size

A. 16MB
B. 512KB
C. 4MB
D. 1GB
Answer» A. 16MB

In which cycle the memory is read and the contents of memory at the address containedin the PC register are loaded into in to IR.

A. Execution Cycle
B. Memory Cycle
C. Fetch Cycle
D. Decode Cycle
Answer» C. Fetch Cycle

The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is

A. Operation code
B. Address
C. Locator
D. Flip-Flop
Answer» A. Operation code

A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution

A. assembler
B. linking loader
C. cross compiler
D. load and go
Answer» B. linking loader

Which parameter of computer determines its power to do various operations on data items

A. Instruction set
B. Memory size
C. Assembly language
D. Application language
Answer» A. Instruction set

The multiplier is stored in

A. PC Register
B. Shift Register
C. Cache
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Shift Register

Which methods of representation of numbers occupies large amount of memory than others?

A. sign-magnitude
B. 1’s compliment
C. 2’s compliment
D. Both a and b
Answer» A. sign-magnitude

The register used to store the flags is called as

A. Flag register
B. Status register
C. Test register
D. log register
Answer» B. Status register

__________is used to implement virtual memory organization.

A. Page table
B. Frame table
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. MMU

_________ method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt.

A. Vectored-interrupting
B. Daisy chain
C. Priority
D. Polling
Answer» B. Daisy chain
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